教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 7 We will go by train-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:e0f73).zip


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    • My travel plan (思维导图:制作暑假旅游计划).docx--点击预览
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    • 调查与汇报.docx--点击预览
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My Travel Plan Read the travel brochures, then make your own travel plan.(阅读旅游手册,设计自己的暑假旅游计划,并出来展 示。 ) Summer holiday is coming, I will go travelling. I will. 广州市增城区小学英语五年级专题研讨课 (异地教学) Module 4 Travel Unit 7 We will go by train (2nd period) 网络多媒体环境下小学英语拓展阅读教学模式研究 增城区小学英语五年级(下)教学研讨 Module 4 Travel Unit 7 We will go by train (2nd period) Lets sing. The wheels on the bus go round and roundThe wheels on the bus go round and round Transportations bike underground plane foot car bus taxi ship train Ben will go travelling on his holiday. Ben will go travelling on his holiday. He will go toHe will go there by He willonHe will Task1 Retell travel Our happy trip May Day holiday is coming. (5.1) 1 1 1 1 May Day Travel Agency (旅行社) Ask for travel informations (咨询询旅游信息) Poster for Travelling (旅游海报报) The best May Day Choice Where? Hainan Island Hangzhou Hong Kong Guangzhou Beijing London, England New York, America Australia Task2: Survey and report Read the poster and ask your partner about their travel plans.(读海报上的图片,用所学的句子问你1-3个组员的旅游计划,并完成表格。) May Day holiday is coming. May Day Holiday is coming. _ will travel to _. She / He will go on _. She / He will go there_. She / He will go there _. She / He will _. She / He will stay there for _. She / He will have a great time in _. name Where will you go? How will you go? Who will go with you? What will you do ? When will you go? How long will you stay ? Hainan Island by ship go swimming, take photos have a picnic, May1st-3rdA:Where will you travel on holiday? B:I will travel to A:When will you go there? B:I will go there on A:Who will go with you? B: A:What will you do there? B:I will A: How will you go there? B:I will go by A: How long will you stay there? B:I will stay there for name Where will you go? How will you go? Who will go with you? What will you do ? When will you go? How long will you stay ? Kelly Hainan Island on May 1st go swimming by ship for 3 days Survey Where? How? When? Who? What? How long ? Hainan Island by ship go swimming May1st-3rd Hangzhou by bus take photos 4.30-5.3 Hong Kong by train go shopping May1st-2nd Guangzhou by underground see colourful flowers 5.1(9:00-18:00) Beijing, by train climb the Great Wall 4.30-5.3 London, England by plane visit the Big Ben 4.30-5.7 New York, America by plane see a film 4.30-5.10 Australia by plane watch a show May-June Report According to your survey, please tell us your group members travel plans.(根据你的调查结果,请汇报你调查的旅游计划) May Day holiday is coming. Kelly will travel to Hainan Island. She will go on May 1st. She will go there with Ms Guo. She will go there by ship. She will go swimming in Hainan Island. She will stay there for 3 days. She will have a great time in Hainan Island. name Where will you go? How will you go? Who will go with you? What will you do ? When will you go? How long will you stay ? Kelly Hainan Island on May 1st go swimming by ship for 3 days May Day holiday is coming. _ will go to _. She / He will go on _. She / He will go there_. She / He will go there _. She / He will _. She / He will stay there for _. She / He will have a great time in _. name Where will you go? How will you go? Who will go with you? What will you do ? When will you go? How long will you stay ? summer holiday Read more and make your travel plan. Task 3 Travel Brochure Read the travel brochures and choose the date, place,waysto make your own travel plans. Then show. Hurray! Summer holiday is coming. This is my travel plan for summer holiday. I will travel to I will I will Lets show Be polite and stay safety when you go travelling. 安全第一,文明出行 ! On time. 守时时。 Keep quiet in the hotel. 在酒店保持安静,别别大声喧哗哗。 Dont litter everywhere. 不乱扔垃圾。 Dont believe the strangers. 不要相信陌生人。 Homework(二选一) 1.Make an travel plan to go abroad.(网络查找外 国的著名景点,制作自己的出国旅游计划,然后 进行分享。) 2.Write an invitation letter to tell your travel plan. Invite one of your friends to go travelling with you. ( 写一封邀请信给你的朋友,告诉他们 你的旅游计划,并邀请他们和你一起去。) Summer Holiday 制作:广州市增城区荔江小学 魏雪玲 2018 年 4 月 15 日 Hurray! Summer holiday is coming.Here are some travel brochures(旅游手册)(旅游手册)for you to know more about the cities. Reading tips:(阅读提示)(阅读提示) 1.Read the information about the place.读旅游地方的描述信息读旅游地方的描述信息. 2.Choose the place,the way to go ,the things to do(先在日历上勾出旅游先在日历上勾出旅游 的日期,再选择喜欢去的地方、交通方式、的日期,再选择喜欢去的地方、交通方式、 做的活动,在前面打钩,然后在便利贴上写做的活动,在前面打钩,然后在便利贴上写 出自己的旅游计划,最后贴在小组的出自己的旅游计划,最后贴在小组的 Poster 上面。上面。) 3.Try to be the winner. 比一比,比一比, 最快写完的学生可以获得老师的奖励。最快写完的学生可以获得老师的奖励。 Writing tips:(写作提示)写作提示) Summer holiday is coming. I plan to go travelling. I will.I will. I will.I will.I will.I will. Tips:Where?How?When?What to do? Who? How long?旅游计划只旅游计划只 要交代清楚这几个要素就行了。要交代清楚这几个要素就行了。 Hainan Island Hong Kong The ways to go there: By ship By train By plane By bike . Things to do: go for a picnic camp under the stars go mountain climbing swim in the pool play on the beach visit a farm see the lovely deer . The ways to go there: By ship By train By plane By bike . Things to do: go to the Disleyland go to the Ocean Park go shopping visit the Robot show eat delicious food . Hangzhou Shanghai Things to do: go boating on Xizi Lake go shopping take photos enjoy the music fountain in the evening(音乐喷泉音乐喷泉) . The ways to go there: By ship By train By plane By bike . Things to do: go shopping in Nangjing Road take a walk with friends by Huangpu River go sightseeing on a ship buy beautiful clothes . The ways to go there: By high-speed train(高铁)高铁) By train By plane By bike . New York London Things to do: go to the Wall street (华尔街)华尔街) visit the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)(自由女神像) visit the White House (白宫)白宫) visit the Yellowstone Park(黄(黄 石公园)石公园) go swimming in Hawaii(夏威夷)(夏威夷) . Things to do: visit the Big Ben(大本钟)(大本钟) take a ride on London Eye(坐(坐伦敦眼伦敦眼摩天轮观光)摩天轮观光) go sightseeing on Times River(泰晤士河上观光泰晤士河上观光) . The ways to go there: By high-speed train(高铁)高铁) By train By plane By bike . The ways to go there: By train By plane By bike . Beijing Paitan The ways to go there: By train By plane By bike . Things to do: go mountain climbing enjoy the fresh air ride a bike swim in the pool . Things to do: take photos in Tananmen climb the Great Wall(长城长城) visit the museum enjoy delicious food in Wangfujing Street visit Summer Palace(颐和园颐和园) . The ways to go there: By high-speed train(高铁)高铁) By train By plane By bike . Guangzhou Xiaolou Things to do: take photos visit Guangzhou Tower(塔塔) visit Guangdong museum eat delicious dimsun see animals in Guangzhou Zoo . Things to do: go mountain climbing ride a bike on Greenway(绿道绿道) visit the He Xiangu Temple(何仙姑庙何仙姑庙) enjoy beautiful flowers . The ways to go there: By train By car By bike . The ways to go there: By train By car By bike . 1 增城区增城区 2017 学年第二学期小学英语五年级单元教学研讨活动学年第二学期小学英语五年级单元教学研讨活动 Team 备课小组备课小组 增城区荔江小学增城区荔江小学 Teacher 执教执教 魏雪玲魏雪玲Date 2018 年年 4 月月 18 日日 Module /Topic 模块及话题模块及话题 Module 4 Travel Unit 7 We will go by train Title 题目题目 We will go by train Period 课时课时 2 Type of lesson 课型课型 巩固课巩固课 Objectives: 学习目标学习目标 1.Language knowledge 语言知识:语言知识: 能理解掌握“四会”单词以及短语:island, London, New York, America, Hong Kong 能正确运用一般将来时态句子“be going to+V 原形, will+V 原形”进行交际和描述自己的旅游计划。 2.Language skill 语言技能:语言技能: 学生能在完成每一项学习任务中,培养运用英语的综合能力; 学生能在交际与阅读中,训练英语思维能力。 学生能通过倾听和汇报,提高英语听说能力。 3.Affect 情感态度:情感态度: 学会倾听与分享,提高运用英语的自信心; 懂得分工合作,懂得尊重与欣赏,培养团队精神; 懂得安全第一,文明出行。 4.Learning Strategies 学习策略:学习策略: 通过调查与汇报,阅读与写作,掌握获取信息的能力:听与读; 通过小组合作共同完成学习任务,发展综合运用英语的能力。 5.Culture Awareness 文化意识:文化意识: 通过小组合作制定和分享旅游计划,感受国内外景点文化的不同,并懂得理解与尊重。 2 Difficulties Analysis 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1.Language1.Language focusfocus 教学重点:教学重点: 正确运用 where, how, who, what, when, how long 询问旅游计划并懂得如何进行回答和描述自己的旅游计划。 根据思维导图描述他人或者自己的旅游计划 2.Language2.Language difficultdifficult pointpoint 教学难点:教学难点: 能正确运用将来时进行提问。 根据思维导图描述他人或者自己的旅游计划 TeachingAids/ Media 主要教主要教 学媒体学媒体 PowerPoint, worksheet, travel brochures, word cards TeachingResou rce 教学资源教学资源 金太阳软件、思维导图 Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activity & Steps of the activity 教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤。 Learning strategies 学生学习策略。 Purpose 设计意图 ProceduresTeachers activitiesLearners activitiesPurposes 一、Warm -up 1Greetings. 2Sing a songThe wheels on the bus go round and round. 3Use a mind map to review the ways to go travelling. 1Greetings. 2Sing the songThe wheels on the bus go round and round by acting. 3Say the words of transportation. 1.激活旧知识,为学新知识准 备。 2.吸引学生注意力,提高学生 学习兴趣。 3引导学生思考,发散思维。 3 二、 Presentation and Practice Task 1: Retell Use a mind map to retell Bens travel plan and let the children know what is the main point when talking about travel. Task 2: Survey and report 1.Lead in: Set up a context of May Day and learn some new words. 2.Guide the children to make a survey about the May Day holiday. 3.Encourage the children to report their classmates travel plan. According to the mind map to retell Bens travel plan for his holiday. 1.Ask and answer about the travel plan on May Day. 2.Report to share the plans of May Day. 运用思维导图进行复述课文, 为下一步的思维导图的运用 铺垫。 结合生活实际,创设情境, 增加学生运用英语的体验, 让学生在情境中学习和运用 英语。 二、Developme nt Task 3: Read more about travelling and make your own travel plan then share. 1.Guide the children to read the travel brochures. 2. Guide the children to write their own travel plan for summer holiday, then encourage them to share with their classmates. 3.Check their travel plans. 1.Read the travel brochures. 2.Write their own travel plans for summer holiday. 3.Show their travel plans. 创设暑假情景,拓展阅读, 分享阅读信息,交流信息差 异,互相学习,拓宽学习视 野,丰富学习资源。 4 四、SummaryInvolve the children to say how to make a travel plan. Say out the key points of making a travel plan according to the board- writing . 回顾已学知识,再次强化制 定旅游计划的要素。 五、 Homework( 可 以二选一) 1.Make an travel plan to go abroad.(网络查找外国的著名景点,制作自己的出国旅 游计划,然后进行分享。 ) 2.Write an invitation letter to tell your travel plan. Invite one of your friends to go travelling with you. ( 写一封邀请信给你的朋友,告诉他们你的旅游计划,并邀请 他们和你一起去。 ) 分层布置作业,优生鼓励完 成两样,允许学习仍有困难 的学生选择一样完成。 Designing on the board: 板书板书 Unit 7 We will go by train New words island London New York America How longwhenwhatwhohowwhere Train 教学现场板书 Worksheet 1:Lets make a survey.(调查调查) 一、一、Read the poster and ask your partner about their travel plans.(读海报上的图片,读海报上的图片, 用所学的句子问用所学的句子问 1-3 个组员的旅游计划,个组员的旅游计划, 并完成表格。然后汇报调查结果并完成表格。然后汇报调查结果) May Day holiday is coming. NameWhere will you go? How will you go? Who will go with you? What will you do? When will you go? How long to stay ? May Day holiday is coming. xxx will go to. He will/ She will. He will/ She will. He will/ She will. He will/ She will. He will/ She will. He will/ She will. (Tips for you) 1.Place(地方)地方) Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Paitan(派潭派潭), Xiaolou(小楼小楼), Xintang(新塘)(新塘) ,Zengcheng Museum, Zengcheng Childrens Park, Wanda Plaza, Zhaoqing(肇肇 庆庆) Hainan Island,Zengcheng Library. 2.Activities(活动)(活动) go travelling, go swimming, ride a bike fly a kite, go fishing, go camping, go on a picnic, take a walk by the lake, play outdoors,go mountain climbing, visit a farm, take photos, go shopping, eat delicious food, climb the Great Wall
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