教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 7 We will go by train-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:62946).zip


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Module 4 Travel Period 3 Unit 7 We will go by train Lets enjoy. 1. I like travelling. 2. Where are you going for your holiday? By bike, by car, by bus, by train or by plane? 3. How will you get there? Do you like travelling? May Day holiday is coming. My friend Betty likes travelling, too. And we often email each other. May Day Please read Bettys e- mail. Look, this is Zengcheng. Please watch the video and match the places and the activities. Lets match. 1. Green Way 2.Beach 5. Huxin Island 4. Hexiangu Temple take a walk go swimming ride a bike see the Fairy Peach 3. Baishui Waterfall 6.Gualv Lake go boating go mountain climbing Baishui Waterfall白水寨 Lets learn. Huxin Island 湖心岛 Hexiangu Temple何仙姑家庙 Gualv Lake挂绿湖 Green Way绿道 Zengcheng Square增城广场 What can you see? Read the passage and discuss in groups, recommend(推 荐) some good places to Betty. Beautiful Zengcheng Zengcheng is a very beautiful city. There are so many good places to visit. Baishui Waterfall is the biggest waterfall in China. There are 9999 steps there. If you want to go mountain climbing, you can go to Baishui Waterfall. Huxin Island, there are green mountains and bamboos on both sides of the lake. You can go boating and have a picnic there. Hexiangu Temple is located in Xiaolou Town. You can see a peach tree named as Fairy Peach on the top of the temple. And you can also see a Fairy Cane,about a thousand years old, near the temple. If you want to ride a bike, you can ride a bike on the Green Way. If you want to go swimming and play with sand, you can go to the Beach. If you want to go shopping, you can go to Wanda Plaza, Easco Plaza or Gualv Plaza. If you want to eat lychees, go to Zengcheng, of course. Because it is a famous hometown for lychees. Welcome to Zengcheng! New words: 1. located lketd 位于 2. Fairy Peach(仙桃) 3. caneken藤 Recommend(推荐) some good places to Betty. e.g. If you go to Huxin Island, you will see many birds there. things to do time to leave place to go means of transportation Where A travel planA travel planA travel planA travel plan Make a Travel Plan WhatWhen How Before you travel, what do you want to know? My name is _. I plan to go to _with my family. We will leave _. We will go there _.We can _. And we will come back home _. It will be _. I cant wait. Betty Gualv Lake at 8:00 a.m.on May 2nd by bustake a walk and fly kites there at 3:00 p.m. on May 2ndexciting Betty likes the places you recommended very much. Read Bettys plan. May Day holiday is coming. Where will you go? How will you go there? What will you do there? When will you leave?When will you come back? Now please make a holiday plan with the given pictures and key words. A: Where are you going for ? B: I am going to. A: How will you go there? B: I will go there by. A: What will you do there? B: I will. A: When will you? B: I will . Please ask your group members about their holiday plans. And then fill in the form on your paper. For example: Group work: NameWhere?How?When?What? Betty Gualv Lakeby bus 8:00 a.m. May 2nd 3:00 p.m. May 2nd take a walk, fly kites Ask and write in groups. will go to _to _. will go to _to_. will go to _to_. Make a report like this: Make an invitation card. Dear _, May Day holiday is coming. I plan to go to _ with _. Would you like to come with us? We will leave on _. We will go there by _. We can _. Please tell me your answer soon. Look forward to seeing you. Yours, _ Invitation Card Dear _, May Day holiday is coming. I plan to go to _ with _. Would you like to come with us? We will leave on _. We will go there by _. We can _. Please tell me your answer soon. Look forward to seeing you. Yours, _ Lets show. Stick your invitation card on the blackboard before you send it to your friend(s). Make a meaningful holiday plan, and then you will have a meaningful holiday! 制定一个有意义义的假期计计划,那么你将会过过 个有意义义的假期。 Welcome to Zhengcheng! 1)熟读并背诵课文。 2)写一份组员游增城的计划报 告。 Homework : Welcome to Zhengcheng! “小学英语前置性作业” 课例研讨 1 小学英语前置性作业(五年级下学期)小学英语前置性作业(五年级下学期) Module 4 Unit 7 We will go by train Class:_ Name:_ 一、请写出你认识的增城旅游景点的英文名称和交通工具名称。一、请写出你认识的增城旅游景点的英文名称和交通工具名称。 Places:_ _ Transportations(交通工具): _ 二、二、Ask and write. How will your classmates spend(/spend/度过)度过) their May Day holiday? Ask them these questions. On your May Day holiday, where will you travel in Zhengcheng? How will you go there? When will you leave? When will you come back? What will you do there? Name (Where?) (How?) When?What? BettyGualv Lake By bus8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. May 2nd take a walk, fly kites 三、三、Make a dialogue. Using the new words and the sentence patterns in this module. (用本单用本单 元学过的新单词、新句型,仿照课文、改编或自编计划到增城景点旅游的对话元学过的新单词、新句型,仿照课文、改编或自编计划到增城景点旅游的对话) A: What are you going to do for your holidays? B: I am going to. A: How are you going there? B: I am going there by. A: What will you do in.? B: I will. 四、四、Share(分享分享) your travel plan of this May Day holiday with your classmates. 2 五年级下学期英语五年级下学期英语堂上堂上练习练习 Module 4 Unit 7 We will go by train 第三课时第三课时 一、一、Please match the places and the activities.请把下面的地方名称跟相应的活动连线。请把下面的地方名称跟相应的活动连线。 Green Way Beach Baishui Waterfall Huxin Island Hexiangu Temple Gualv Lake go mountain climbing go boating see the Fairy Peach ride a bike take a walk go swimming 二、二、May Day holiday is coming. Where will you go? How will you go there? What will you do there?When will you leave?When will you come back? Now please make a holiday plan with the given pictures and key words in groups. “五一五一”假期快到了,你会去哪里?你将会怎样去哪里?你将会在那里做些什么?你将会假期快到了,你会去哪里?你将会怎样去哪里?你将会在那里做些什么?你将会 在什么时候出发,什么时候回来?请写写你的假期计划:在什么时候出发,什么时候回来?请写写你的假期计划: 1.Baishui Waterfall 白水寨白水寨 (go mountain climbing) 2.Zengcheng Square 增城广场增城广场 (take a walk, fly a kite) 3.Green Way 绿道绿道(ride a bike ) 4. Hexiangu Temple 何仙姑何仙姑 家庙家庙(see the Magic Peach) 5.Huxin Island 湖心岛湖心岛(listen to the songs of birds) 6. Gualv Lake 挂绿湖(挂绿湖(take a walk, fly kites by the lake) My holiday plan My name is _. I plan to go to _ on May Day holiday. We will leave _. We will go there _.We can_. And we will come back home _. It will be _ . I cant wait. 三、三、Please write an invitation letter.请写一封邀请信。请写一封邀请信。 Dear _, May Day holiday is coming. I plan to go to _ with _. Would you like to come with us? We will leave on _. We will go there by _. We can _. Please tell me your answer soon. Look forward to seeing you. Yours, _ 1 广州教科版五年级下册英语广州教科版五年级下册英语 Module 4 Travel Unit 7 We will go by train 第三课时第三课时 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析:一、教学内容分析: 本课时的学习内容是五年级下册 Module 4 Travel 第三课时,课型为读写课, 教学内容 是 Unit 7 中 Fun with language 中的 Part 3 -5。学生在 Module 2 已经学习了一般将来时态 be going to 的运用,在本模块第一、第二课时已经学习了新单词、Lets talk、书本 P39 的词条 以及 Fun with language 中的 Part 1-2。本节课是学习深化运用一般将来时 will 的表达,让学 生通过做一系列任务学会灵活运用 Where are you going?-I am going toHow will you go there?-We will go by . What will you do in ?-We are going to. 等句型的目的。 本课时通过 travel 为话题,利用让“乡土文化”走进小学英语课堂地方课程系列丛书 走进增城中提供的资源,让学生在运用旅游用语的同时能够读懂并提取文本相关的信 息,并根据一般将来时和 who, where, how, when, what 所代表的信息来制定旅游计划和写邀 请信,以便提升学生听说读写综合语言能力。 二、学生情况分析:二、学生情况分析: 五年级学生经过四年多的英语学习,听说读写能力已具备一定基础,但开口说英语的能 力还是比较薄弱,有些学生不敢开口说英语, 有些学生不知道怎么说。基于学生的这种心 2 理,我试图利用本地区丰富的乡土文化资源,在英语课堂上适当引入贴近学生实际生活的乡 土文化(Local Real-life Culture)知识,通过小组合作学习模式,激发学生敢于开口表达自 己的热情,调动学生的学习积极性,重拾英语学习的信心。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: 根据新课程理念,在对教材和学生进行分析的基础上,我制定了以下教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: (1)语音:能正确流利地朗读文本。 (2)词汇:Baishui Waterfall,Hexiangu Temple,Huxin Island,Wanda Plaza,Fairy Peach (3)句型:熟练运用下列句型进行计划交流: Where/When/What will you .? We/ I will How will you go there?-We/I will go by car / bus /bike / motorbike / (4)语法:能正确使用一般将来时的特殊疑问句 Where/How/When/What will you ?We/I will. 2.思维品质目标:思维品质目标: (1)能用所学词汇与句型谈论旅游计划, 能听懂或读懂与课文难度相当的旅游文章。 (2)能在图片和文字的支持下通过小组合作学习,制定科学合理的旅游计划,以书面形 式呈现。 (3)能在图片和文字的支持下通过小组合作学习,写邀请卡,以书面形式呈现。 3 3. 文化品格目标:文化品格目标: 能够养成良好的学习和健康的生活习惯,科学合理地计划并安排自己的学习和生活。 四、教学理念及策略:四、教学理念及策略: 利用学生熟悉的本地区丰富的乡土文化资源,通过任务型教学 Task-based approach 让 学生以 Make a plan 和 Write an invitation letter 等具体真实的任务为学习动力,小组合作学习 完成任务的过程为学习过程,以展示任务成果的方式来体现教学的效果,提高学生参与课堂 的积极性,树立学习英语的自信心,从而提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 五、教学重、难点:五、教学重、难点: 1. 教学重点:教学重点: (1)熟练运用旅游用语: Where are you going?-I am going to. How will you go there? -We/I will go by train. What will you do?-We/I will When will you leave / come back home?-We/I will leave / come back. (2)文本的理解, 能根据老师提供的文本提炼 Who/ Where/How/When/What will you ?所表达的内容。 2教学难点:教学难点: 4 (1)开展对话交流,制定科学合理的旅游计划。 (2)根据制定的计划,写邀请信。 六、教学工具:六、教学工具:pictures、多媒体(金太阳)、多媒体(金太阳) 、PPT 七、教学过程:七、教学过程: Procedure( time) Teachers activitiesPupils activitiesPurpose 1. Leading in 1. Greetings. 2.Song. 3.Free talk: Do you like traveling? Where are you going for your holiday?. 1. Greetings. 2.Sing a song. 3.Free talk. To create a relaxed atmosphere, so that students learn in a pleasant environment. 2.Pre-task 4. Ask the pupils read my friend Bettys e-mail. 5.Lets watch the video. 1) Set up a situation to show the scenery spots of Zengcheng. 2) Ask questions. 3) Teach the new words. 6. Lets match. 4.Read my friend Bettys e- mail. 5.Watch the video. 1) Watch the video. 2) Answer questions. 3) Learn the new words. 6. Lets match. Set up a situation to show the scenery spots of Zengcheng. 7. Get the pupils read a passage. 8.Discuss in groups. 7. Read the passage. 8. Discuss in groups. 围绕教材和孩 子们身边的乡 土文化资源, 设计延伸文本 对教材进行延 5 3.While-task 9. Get several pupils to recommend some places to Betty. 9. Recommend some places to Betty. 伸,学生的推 荐包含了 Where,How, When,What 等要素。 4. Post -task 10. Make a holiday plan. 1) Read Bettys plan. 2) Make a holiday plan. 3) Share the plans. 11. Ask and write. 1) T: Ask your group members about their holiday plans. A:Where are you going on May Day holiday, ? B:I will/plan to A:How will you go there? B:I will A:What will you do there? B: I will A: When will? 2)Fill in the form. 12. Write an invitation letter: Write an invitation letter to a 10. Make a holiday plan. 1)Read Bettys plan. 2) Make a holiday plan. 3) Share the plans. 11. Ask and write. 1) Ask their group members about their holiday plans. A:Where are you going on May Day holiday, ? B:I will/plan to A:How will you go there? B:I will A:What will you do there? B: I will A: When will? 2)Fill in the form. 12. Write an invitation 顺接着 Betty “五一”假期 来增城的假期 计划,进行延 伸性练习,从 而进一步挖掘 并运用孩子们 身边的乡土资 源,延伸教材。 结合贴近学生 实际的乡土文 化(Local Real-life Culture)知识, 通过小组合作 学习模式,激 发学生敢于开 口表达自己的 热情,调动学 生的学习积极 性,增强学好 英语的自信心、 拓展学生学习 和运用英语的 渠道并激发学 6 friend. 13.Share writing. letter. Write an invitation letter to a friend. 13.Share writing. 生热爱家乡的 情感。 5. Sum up 14. Sum up How to make a travel plan. 14. Sum up How to make a travel plan. Homework 15. Homework 1)熟读并背诵 Unit 7 课文。 2)写一份组员游增城的计划报告。
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