教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 6 See you at the party-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:5008c).zip


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Module3 Invitations (storytime第二课时)第二课时) Letssing! Wouldyouliketoplaywithme? PUBG who invites T o whom Activit y time Plac e D o e s Xiaoling ask for a reply(回复)? Xiaoling Janet Annsbirthday party At1:30p.m. NextSaturday School meetingroomYes,shedoes. unit 6 OnlineCommunication Invitation DearMsWangandMsWangsstudents, Iwouldliketoinviteyoutotheonlinecommunication activityonApril12ththisFridayinyourEnglishclass.I plantotalkaboutmycountry.Ifyoudliketojoin(参加 ),pleasewritemeback. PS.Thevideowillhelpyouknowsomethingaboutmy country. Yours, Kelly Online Communication online communication online communication Who invites T o whom Activi ty Time Place Does Kelly ask for a reply (回复回复)? Kelly Kelly Who invites T o whom Activi ty Time Place Does Kelly ask for a reply (回复回复)? Kelly Ms Wang and Ms Wangs students MsWangandMsWangs student, Who invites T o whom Activ ity Time Plac e Does Kelly ask for a reply (回回复复)? Kelly Online communication activity onlinecommunicationactivity Ms Wang and Ms Wangs students Who invites T o whom Activ ity Time Plac e Does Kelly ask for a reply (回回复复)? Kelly Online communication activity April 12th, this Friday Ms Wang and Ms Wangs students 12th,thisFriday April Who invites T o whom Activ ity Time Plac e Does Kelly ask for a reply (回回复复)? Kelly Online communication activity April 12th, this Friday In your classroom Ms Wang and Ms Wangs students inyourEnglish class. Who invites T o whom Activ ity Time Plac e Does Kelly ask for a reply (回回复复)? Kelly Online communication activity April 12th, this Friday In your classroom Yes,she does. Ms Wang and Ms Wangs students Ifyoud Liketojoin(参加),pleasecallme back. Who invites T o whom Activ ity Time Plac e Does Kelly ask for a reply (回回复复)? Kelly Ms Wang and Ms Wangs students Online communication activity April 12th, this Friday In your classroom Yes,she does. video Whatdoyouwanttoknowfrom thevideo?(你想从影片中了解什么信息) Trytorememberthenamesof them. Letsenjoythevideo! ThefullnameoftheUKistheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritain.Ilive inLondon.Londonisthecapitalcity(首都)ofEngland.Itsusuallycool insummer,anditisquitecoldinwinter.Inautumnandwinter,itrains more.ButinEngland,theweatherchangesquickly,sopeopleshould bringanumbrellawiththemeveryday. TherearemanyinterestingplacesinLondon.TheTowerBridge,the LondonEye,thehugeclocktowerBigBenandBuckinghamPalace.The QueenoftheUKlivesatBuckinghamPalace.TheBritishMuseumisalso agoodplacetovisit,youcanlearnalotfromthingsinthismuseum.If youwanttobuysomegiftsforyourfamily,youcangotothemarketsin NottingHill(诺丁山).Tovisittheseinterestingplacesisquiteeasy, becauseyoucantravelbytheoldestundergroundintheworld,oryou canalsotravelonthefamousdouble-deckerbuses. TheBritishpeopleenjoyrelaxinglife.Havingafternoonteaisquite popularinEngland.Teaisenjoyedwithsmallcookiesaswell.People therealsoloveallkindsofpies.Especiallythestargazypie(仰望星空派) . TheUKisagoodplacetovisit.Isntit? ThefullnameoftheUKistheUnited KingdomofGreatBritain.IliveinLondon. LondonisthecapitalcityofEngland.Its usuallycoolinsummer,anditisquitecoldin winter.Inautumnandwinter,itrainsmore. ButinEngland,theweatherchangesquickly,so peopleshouldbringanumbrellawiththem everyday. ( ) 1. Whats the capital city of the UK? A. New York. B . London. C. Tokyo. Londonisthecapitalcityof England. B ThefullnameoftheUKistheUnitedKingdom ofGreatBritain.IliveinLondon.Londonisthe capitalcityofEngland.Itsusuallycoolin summer,anditisquitecoldinwinter.Inautumn andwinter,itrainsmore.ButinEngland,the weatherchangesquickly,sopeopleshouldbring anumbrellawiththemeveryday. ( ) 2. Whats the weather like in winter in London? A. Its cool.B. Its cold. C. Its cold and it rains more. itisquitecoldinwinter.Inautumn andwinter,itrainsmore. C TherearemanyinterestingplacesinLondon.The TowerBridge,theLondonEye,thehugeclock towerBigBenandBuckinghamPalace.TheQueen oftheUKlivesatBuckinghamPalace.TheBritish Museumisalsoagoodplacetovisit,youcanlearn alotfromthingsinthismuseum.Ifyouwantto buysomegiftsforyourfamily,youcangotothe marketsinNottingHill(诺丁山).Tovisitthese interestingplacesisquiteeasy,becauseyoucan travelbytheoldestundergroundintheworld,or youcanalsotravelonthefamousdouble-decker buses. ( ) 3. Where does the Queen of the UK live at? A. Buckingham Palace. B. Notting Hill. C. The Tower Bridge. TheQueen oftheUKlivesatBuckinghamPalace. A TherearemanyinterestingplacesinLondon.The TowerBridge,theLondonEye,thehugeclock towerBigBenandBuckinghamPalace.TheQueen oftheUKlivesatBuckinghamPalace.TheBritish Museumisalsoagoodplacetovisit.Itopens everyday,youcanlearnalotfromthingsinthis museum.Ifyouwanttobuysomegiftsforyour family,youcangotothemarketsinNottingHill. Tovisittheseinterestingplacesisquiteeasy, becauseyoucantravelbytheoldestunderground intheworld,oryoucanalsotravelonthefamous double-deckerbuses. ( ) 4. How do people usually travel in London? A. By underground. B. By double-decker bus. C. Both A and B. intheworld,oryoucanalsotravelonthefamousdouble-deckerbuses. youcantravelbytheoldestunderground C TheBritishpeopleenjoyrelaxinglife.Having afternoonteaisquitepopularinEngland.Teais enjoyedwithsmallcookiesaswell.People therealsoloveallkindsofpies.Especiallythe stargazypie(仰望星空派). TheUKisagoodplacetovisit ( ) 5. What do people in England usually have for afternoon tea? A. The stargazy pie.B. Tea with cookies. C. Fish enjoyedwithsmallcookiesaswell. Teais B ( B ) 1. Whats the capital of the UK? A. New York.B. London. C. Tokyo. ( C ) 2. Whats the weather like in winter in London? A. Its cool.B. Its cold. C. Its cold and it rains more. ( A ) 3. Where does the Queen of the UK live at? A. Buckingham Palace.B. Notting Hill. C. The Tower Bridge. ( C ) 4. How do people usually travel in London? A. Underground.B . D o u b l e - decker bus. C. Both A and B. ( B ) 5. What do people in England usually have for afternoon tea? A. The stargazy pie.B. Tea with cookies. C. Fish 请将正确答案的字母写到题前的括号内。请将正确答案的字母写到题前的括号内。 Discuss with your classmate, the put them to the right place. Its cool in summer. the Tower Bridge the Big Ben tea with cookies all kinds of pies Its cold in winter. the London Eye the British Museum underground double-decker bus Buckingham Palace It rains more in autumn and winter. weath er foodsplaces Transport ation(交通)(交通) What else do you know about the UK? Guangzhou Do you know some facts about Guangzhou? Here are the names of some famous places in Guangzhou. Baiyun Mountain Canton Tower Yuexiu Park The Chen Clan Academy Nanyue King Museum Shamian Island Sun Yat- sen Memorial Hall Guangdong Science Centre ThisvideowilltalkaboutGuangzhou inEnglish. 请回复请回复Kelly的邀请函,并介绍我们居住的城市。的邀请函,并介绍我们居住的城市。 Dear Kelly, Im happy to received your invitation. I would like to talk with you and your friends. Im going to talk about the things in . _ _ _ _ I hope we can have a good time at the online activity. see you then! yours, _ Lovingyourcountryisa matterofcourse. 热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。 Try to learn more about China, and youll see how lovely she is! 当你尝试去多了解我们的国家,你会发现她是多么可爱!当你尝试去多了解我们的国家,你会发现她是多么可爱! Weather in this city Places to visit Transportation( 交通交通) Foods people like Im going to talk about Guilin at the online activity. Its cool and dry in autumn. Sun and Moon Twin Towers Elephant trunk Hill Li River and the elegant hills bus, ferry, bike Guilin rice noodles, spicy food my reply to Kelly DearKelly, Iwouldliketotalkwithyouandyourfriends.Imgoing totalkaboutthingsinGuilin.Autumn is the best time to visit Guilin, its cool. You can visit the Li River and the elegant hills, twin towers and the Elephant trank Hill. you can travel in Guilin by bus or ferry. Guilin rice noodles taste good, you should try it some day! Ihopewecanhaveagoodtimeattheonlineactivity.see youthen! Yours, Carol homework 1. Make a vedio about the city you are going to talk about. 2. Write an invitation about this online activity and invite your friends to join( 参加参加). Online Communication Invitation Dear Ms Wang and Ms Wangs students, I would like to invite you to the online communication activity on April 12th this Friday in your English class. I plan to talk about my country. If youd like to join(参加),please write me back. PS. The video will help you know something about my country. Yours, Kelly 在活动开始前,在活动开始前,Kelly 先向大家简单介绍她的国家。请同学们阅先向大家简单介绍她的国家。请同学们阅 读文段,完成选择题。读文段,完成选择题。 The full name of the UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain. London is the capital(首都) city of England. Its usually cool in summer, and it is quite cold in winter. In autumn and winter, it rains more. But in England, the weather changes quickly, so people should bring an umbrella with them every day. There are many interesting places in London. The Tower Bridge, the London Eye, the huge clock tower Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. The Queen of the UK lives at Buckingham Palace. The British Museum is also a good place to visit. You can learn a lot from things in this museum. If you want to buy some gifts for your family, you can go to the markets in Notting Hill(诺丁山). To visit these interesting places is quite easy, because you can travel by the oldest underground in the world, or you can also travel on the famous double-decker buses. The British people enjoy a relaxing life. Having afternoon tea is quite popular in England. Tea is enjoyed with small cookies as well. People there also love all kinds of pies. Especially the stargazy pie(仰望 星空派). The UK is a good place to visit. Isnt it? 一、请同学们阅读文段,完成选择题。一、请同学们阅读文段,完成选择题。 ( ) 1. Whats the capital city of the UK? A. New York.B. London.C. Tokyo. ( ) 2. Whats the weather like in winter in London? A. Its cool.B. Its cold.C. Its cold and it rains more. ( ) 3. Where does the Queen of the UK live at? A. Buckingham Palace.B. Notting Hill.C. The Tower Bridge. ( ) 4. How do people usually travel in London? A. By underground.B. By double-decker bus.C. Both A and B. ( ) 5. What do people in England usually have for afternoon tea? A. The stargazy pie.B. Tea with cookies.C. Fish 二、请再次阅读文章,与同桌二、请再次阅读文章,与同桌口头讨论口头讨论,给以下短语或句子分类。,给以下短语或句子分类。 facts about the UK weatherfoodsplaces Transportation(交通) Its cool in summer. the Tower Bridge the Big Ben tea with cookies all kinds of pies Its cold in winter. the London Eye the British Museum underground double-decker bus Buckingham Palace It rains more in autumn and winter. 三、请回复三、请回复 Kelly 的邀请函,并介绍我们居住的城市。的邀请函,并介绍我们居住的城市。 Dear Kelly, Im happy to receive(收到) your invitation. I would like to talk with you at the online activity. Im going to talk about the things in_. _ _ _ _ I hope we can have a good time at the online activity. See you then! Yours, _ Here are the names of some famous places in Guangzhou. Baiyun MountainCanton TowerYuexiu Park The Chen Clan Academy Nanyue King MuseumShamian IslandSun Yat-sen Memorial HallGuangdong Science Centre 1 教科版义务教育教科版义务教育英语英语五年级下册五年级下册 Module 3 Invitations(Storytime 第二课时)第二课时) 主题阅读拓展课教学设计主题阅读拓展课教学设计 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本节教学内容是第三单元是 storytime 的第二课时,属于本单元的主题拓展阅读课。 第三单元的主要知识是关于邀请的句型和邀请函的写法。本节拓展课综合了第 1,2,3,4 模块的部分内容,重点在于如何写一封内容较充实的邀请函回信。本节课设计的情境 是孩子们收到一封来自英国小朋友关于在线文化交流活动的邀请函。孩子们阅读之后 再做出相应的回复。孩子们在五年级上册和五年级下册的一二模块都学习了一些关于 英国天气的介绍。结合第四模块的旅游主题,在这节课中孩子们将会学习一篇介绍英 国的文章,并能用类似的文章结构描述自己所居住的城市。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 本节课的授课对象是五年级学生,他们已经具备一定的词汇量和语言表达能力。 在五年级上册最后一个模块和五年级上册的 1、2 模块中,孩子们已经学习了天气还 有关于邀请的一些知识,为本课的学习打下了基础。但是对于篇幅较长的文章,孩子 们还需要更多的练习,学会如何有效的从文章中提取有用信息,并能迁移到类似的主 题内容中。 2 三、教学目标分析三、教学目标分析 (一) 语言知识目标 1语言知识目标 三会掌握以下单词或短语:online, communication, the Big Ben, The London Eye, Buckingham Palace, The Tower Bridge, double-decker bus. (二) 语言能力目标 1. 能读懂较长文段,有效获取关键信息。 2. 能用较简洁的语言复述文段大意。 3. 能用重点语句描述自己喜欢的城市。 (三)思维品质目标 1. 能根据简短的信息猜测文段有可能涉及的方面。 2. 能对所学知识进行分析和归纳,提高归纳总结能力 (四)学习策略目标 1. 运用歌曲等方式,复习不易创设情境的句型。 2. 运用多种教学方式,听觉视觉多维度教学手段辅助教学。 3. 积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 (五)文化意识目标 3 了解英国的一些知识,同时通过学习更加了解自己的祖国,培养爱国爱家情怀。 四、教学重点与难点四、教学重点与难点 (一)教学重点 1. 关于邀请的几个重要元素。 2. 提取长文的关键信息并能够用适当的语言转述。 (二)教学难点)教学难点 1. 提取长文的关键信息并能够用适当的语言转述。 2. 如何用简短的语言描述关键信息。 五、教学策略五、教学策略 本课创设了在线交流的情境。围绕着一封邀请函, ,为了让学生有效率的完成阅读, 教师设计了选择,归纳,划线等教学任务。孩子们在完成任务的过程中不断深化对重 点内容的印象,为最终输出打下基础。 六、教学资源六、教学资源 课件、视频片段、worksheet 4 七、教学过程七、教学过程 (一) Pre-reading 1. Sing a song about invitation. 【设计意图设计意图】:贴近学生生活,通过游戏和歌曲复习第三模块的单词和重点问答:贴近学生生活,通过游戏和歌曲复习第三模块的单词和重点问答 句型。句型。 2. Review unit 6 and talk about it. 3. Read an invitation and talk about the details. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过了解邀请函的细节,强化邀请函的组成部分,为长文篇阅读:通过了解邀请函的细节,强化邀请函的组成部分,为长文篇阅读 创设情境。创设情境。 4. Ask some questions about the video and watch the video about the UK. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过提问,激起学生对相关内容的预设和猜测。:通过提问,激起学生对相关内容的预设和猜测。 5. Learn some new words. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过文字和图片的配对,减轻孩子对未知地名的学习难度,初:通过文字和图片的配对,减轻孩子对未知地名的学习难度,初 步对文章进行了解。步对文章进行了解。 (二) While-reading 1. Read and answer: 【设计意图设计意图】:通过阅读,让学生关键信息,整体理解文篇。:通过阅读,让学生关键信息,整体理解文篇。 5 2.Read the text again, discuss and put the sentences or phrases to the right place. 【设计意图设计意图】:在交流中更好的了解长文信息,通过归类对文章的重点内容进行:在交流中更好的了解长文信息,通过归类对文章的重点内容进行 梳理。梳理。 3. Summary the facts about the UK , use simple sentences to describe a place. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过归纳,帮助学生用已学过的句型简单描述一个城市。:通过归纳,帮助学生用已学过的句型简单描述一个城市。 (三) Post-reading 1. Talk about Guangzhou and enjoy a video about Guangzhou. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过视频,补充关于广州知识的英文表达。:通过视频,补充关于广州知识的英文表达。 2. Write a replay back to Kelly. 【设计意图设计意图】:运用本课所学的知识介绍广州,回复别人的邀请。:运用本课所学的知识介绍广州,回复别人的邀请。 3. Introduce other city to Kelly. (机动) 【设计意图设计意图】:能运用英语真实的表达自己的想法。:能运用英语真实的表达自己的想法。 (四) Homework 1. Make a video about the city you are going to talk about. 2. Write an invitation about this online activity and invite your friends to join(参加). 八、板书设计八、板书设计 6
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教科版(广州)五下Module Invitations_Unit See you at the party_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_公开课_(编号:5008c 教科版 广州
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