教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 6 See you at the party-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:70b74).zip


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1 第第 4 4 课时课时 Welcome to my party 精读课精读课 研学案研学案 班别:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_ 【研学目标研学目标】 1.我能完成课前研学。【课前研学】 2.我能听懂课文录音,完成判断题,整体感知课文。【Task 1】 3.我能细读课文,根据课文内容,完成思维导图。【Task 2】 4.我能综合所学,根据提示,邀请外国朋友参加番禺一日游。【Task 3】 【研学路线研学路线】 【研学过程研学过程】 课前研学课前研学 Answer the questions. 1.How to ask your friends to your birthday party? _ 2. Who will you invite to your birthday party? _ 3. What do Chinese people eat or do in their birthday party? What about Western people? In China, _ 1. 课前研学。 2. 听课文录音, 判断正误。 3.细读课文, 完成思维导图。 4. 邀请外国朋友 参加番禺一日游。 2 In Western countries, _ 4. If you have a day trip in Panyu, where will you go? _ 课中探究课中探究 【Task 1】Listen and tick or cross.(听课文录音,完成判断对错练习。 ) ( ) (1) Janet will have a birthday party. ( ) (2) Ann knows about the party. ( ) (3) The birthday party is on Saturday. ( ) (4) Everyone should arrive at 2:00 p.m. ( ) (5) If Janet can come, she should call Xiaoling. 【Task 2】I can read and choose .(我能细读课文,完成思维导图。) A. Xiaoling B. next Saturday, November 21st C. arrive at 1:30 p.m. D. Anns birthday party E. Janet F. at the school meeting room Dear(1)_, Id like to invite you to(2)_ Time: (3) _ begin at 2:00 p.m. (4) _. Place:(5) _ Yours, (6) _ 3 【Task 3】I can talk and show.( 我能综合所学,根据提示,邀请外国朋 友参加番禺一日游。) Word bank: Places: Baomo Garden, Chimelong Safari Park, Sunflower Garden, Dafu Hill, Childrens Park, Panyu Museum Activities: watch the animals, feed the animals, feed the fish, ride a bike, have a picnic, go for a walk, play games Dear _, Welcome to Panyu! Panyu is very beautiful. Id like to invite you to _. Time: this Sunday, March 31st Place: meet at _ Activities:_ Wishes and hopes:_ Yours, _ 4 【学习评价学习评价】 学习任务学习任务 自我评价自我评价小组评价小组评价 我能完成课前研学。 【Task 1】我能听课文录音,判断正误,整体感知课文。 【Task 2】我能细读课文,完成思维导图。 【Task 3】我能综合所学,根据提示,邀请外国朋友参 加番禺一日游。 义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册五年级下册 Module 3 Invitations 第第4课时课时 精读课精读课 * Ms Zhous birthday * * What do you want to know about my party? Where When What to to What do you want to know about my party? Who More details. * Whose birthday is it? * Ann It is Anns birthday. How does she feel? Why do you think it is Anns birthday? * Who will go to the party? Where will they have the party? * ( )(1) Janet will have a birthday party. ( )(2)Ann knows about the party. ( )(3)The birthday party is on a Saturday. ( )(4)Everyone should arrive at 2 p.m. ( )(5)If Janet can come, she should call Xiaoling. Task 1 Listen and tick or cross. x Ann x doesnt know 1:30 p.m.x * * So Ann does not know about the party. Ann * Why do her friends know the party? Who writes the invitation? Dear(1)_, Id like to invite you to (2)_. Time: (3)_ begin at 2:00 p.m. (4)_ Place: (5)_ Yours, (6)_ Task 2 Read and choose the right answers . A. Xiaoling B. next Saturday,November 21st. C. arrive at 1:30 p.m. D. Anns birthday party E. Janet F. at the school meeting room E B C F A D * 1.Read after the tape. * Dear Janet, Id like to invite you/ to Anns birthday party. We hope that /all her friends and classmates/ will come together/ and have fun /on this special day. It is a surprise party, so please do not tell Ann. She will love it. The party will be at the school meeting room, next Saturday, November 21st. It will begin at 2:00 p.m., but please arrive at 1:30 p.m. If you are coming, please call me/ on 4442- 2211. See you at the party. Y ours, Xiaoling * all her friends and classmates will come together on this special day We hope that We hope that/ all her friends and classmates / will come together / and have fun / on this special day. and have fun * The party at the school meeting room next Saturday November 21st will be The party will at the shool meeting room, next Saturday, November 21st. * 2.Read in groups. * 3. Who will read better? P32 * Dear Janet, Id like to invite you to Anns _ . We hope that all her _can come together and have fun on this _ day. It is a _ party, so please do not _ Ann. She will love it. The party will be at the _, next _, _. It will begin at _, but please arrive at _. If you are coming, please _ me on 4442- 2211. See you at the party. Yours, Xiaoling birthday party friends and classmates special surprisetell school meeting room Saturday November 21st2:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. call * Tell the differences between Chinese and Western birthday party. * In China In Western countries red eggs long noodles lucky money birthday cakebirthday presents* What can they do in the party? * Dear Janet, Id like to invite you to Anns birthday party. Time: next Saturday, November 21st. begin at 2:00 p.m. arrive at 1:30 p.m. Place: at school meeting room Activities:_ Yours, Xiaoling ? * * Mr Li * Task 3 Talk and show. Mr Li will invite his foreign friends to visit our school and Panyu. * Panyu Museum Baomo GardenChildrens Park Chimelong Safari Park Dafu Hill Sunflower Garden Task 3 Talk and show. Baomo Garden Chimelong Safari ParkSunflower Garden Task 3 Talk and show. feed the fish Dafu Hill ride a bike feed the anmials watch flowers We can. Dear _, Welcome to Panyu! Panyu is very beautiful. Id like to invite you to _. Time:this Sunday, March 31st. Place:meet at_. Activities:_ Wishes and hopes:_ _, . Word bank: Places:Baomo Garden, Chimelong Safari Park, Sunflower Garden, Dafu Hill, Activities:Childrens Park , Panyu Museum watch the animals, feed the animals, feed the fish, ride a bike, have a picnic, go for a walk, play games Task 3 Talk and show. * * 1.继续完善邀请函,继续完善邀请函,与父与父 母分享所学。母分享所学。 2.熟熟课 本本课课课、词组、词组, 熟熟 读本课课文读本课课文。 * * Share happiness with your friends. 1 义务教育教科书英语五年级下册(三年级起点) Module 3 第第 4 4 课时课时 Welcome to my party 精读课精读课 教学设计教学设计 1、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课时是广州版小学英语五年级下册 Module 3 Invitations 的第四课时,子 话题为 Welcome to my party,课型定位为精读课。在本模块的前三个课时中, 学生学习了 invitation, invite, would, nothing, sound, gate, a.m., cool,problem, and begin 等核心词汇,能用 Would you like.?Do you want? Shall we? 等邀请 用语向别人发出邀请, 学会了礼貌地表示接受邀请或拒绝邀请。本课的教学内 容主要是 Unit 6 Lets read,课文以邀请函形式呈现,以 Xiaoling 邀请 Janet 参 加 Ann 的生日派对,并打算给 Ann 一个惊喜为情境。以 Welcome to my party 为题,引导学生通过读图预测、略读、精读等阅读方法理解课文内容,并通过解 构文本,在思维导图的帮助下,让学生学会用规范的语言范式和核心语言,帮 助校长邀请他的外国朋友参观番禺的一些有名景点。 2 2、教学对象分析教学对象分析 五年级的学生已具备一定的英语学习能力,对英语学习保持一定的兴趣。 经过四年的英语学习,他们积累了一定的词汇量,同时也掌握了一定的阅读微 技能,能从听说读写中提取有效信息,学生对本模块话题有一定的语言基础。 学生在二年级下册 Unit 4,四年级下册 Activities 及本学期 Module 2 Plans 学习 了与本课时话题相关的活动类词组;在四年级下册 Daily Routine 学习了星期的 表达,在本学期 Module 2 Plans 学习了日期的表达;在二年级下册 Unit 3 已经 接触了一般将来时,在本学期 Module 2 Plans 重点学习了一般将来时,这些都 为本节课的学习打下了扎实的基础。同时,学生在“研学小组”竞争机制下, 学生已经形成了良好的小组合作学习习惯。 3 3、教学目标教学目标 (一)语言能力目标(一)语言能力目标 1.知识与技能目标 2 (1)能听说读写本课新单词:special, surprise (2)能正确理解并流利朗读课文。 (3)能借助关键词复述课文。 (4)能正确理解和运用下列句型: Id like to We hope See you at the party. (5)能根据提示,完成邀请函。 2.语用目标 能综合所学篇章的语言范式和核心语言,参照邀请函的形式,邀请别人参 加活动。 (2)学习能力目标学习能力目标 1.通过完成阅读任务,培养学生快速寻找关键词的能力。 2.通过课文学习,掌握邀请函的要素。 (三)思维品质目标(三)思维品质目标 1.能通过看图预测培养学生逻辑推理能力。 2.能通过让学生提出活动建议,培养学生的创新性思维。 ( (四)文化品格目标四)文化品格目标 1.了解中西方生日派对,学会尊重文化差异。 2.培养学生热爱番禺,做番禺的代言人。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 (一)教学重点(一)教学重点 掌握邀请函的要素,能根据提示,完成邀请函。 (2)教学难点教学难点 3 1.正确理解新单词:special, surprise 2.掌握邀请函的要素。 五、教学理念及策略五、教学理念及策略 本节课遵循番禺区研学后教的教学理念,依据我区小学英语 IIO 的课堂教 学模式,让学生在情景语言输入中体验语言,在活动中内化语言,在任务中运 用语言,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,以自主、小组合作学习为主要的学习 方法,建构高效课堂为目标。本课时通过写 Invitation 为主线,基于学生核心 素养,层层开展各项活动,培养学生核心素养的四个维度:语言能力,学习能 力,思维品质和文化品格。 (一)在语言能力方面。教师通过情境创设,理解新单词:special,surprise,设 计听说读写各项活动,让学生理解和正确朗读课文。 (二)在学习能力方面。让学生通过课文学习,梳理出邀请函的思维导图,了 解并掌握邀请函的要素,并通过关键词进行课文复述。 (三)在思维品质方面,培养学生的多元思维。一方面发展学生的低阶思维, 在课文教学中,让学生通过完成各项任务,对课文进行理解、记忆及运用。另 一方面发展学生的创新性思维,在阅读课文前,先让学生读图预测;在课文学 习中,让学生给 Ann 提出活动建议;在学习完课文后,让学生争当文明小使者 对外国朋友发出番禺一日游邀请,完成邀请函。 (四)在文化品格方面。让学生了解中西方生日的不同,争当文明小使者,通 过邀请外国朋友参观番禺一日游,培养学生爱我番禺,爱我家乡的品格。 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 多媒体课件、研学案、图片。 七、教学过程七、教学过程 I. Preparation Free talk.学习单词:special 4 【设计意图:通过 free talk、激活学生已有知识,营造轻松的学习氛围,创 设教师生日派对情境,在情境中学习新单词 special,为学习课文做铺垫 。】 II. Input 1. Setting a situation. Ann has a special day. 2.Look and predict.并学习单词:surprise 教师提出 Whose birthday is it? Where will the party have?等几个问题,让学 生根据课文的图进行预测。 【设计意图:展示课文的情境图,让学生进行读图预测,捕抓图给予的信 息,进行课文学习前的猜想,发展学生的思维能力。】 3.Listen and tick or cross. 学生通过听课文录音,完成判断题,初步整体感知课文。 【设计意图:通过听课文录音,完成听力任务,让学生整体感知课文,学 会听关键信息。】 4. Read and choose the right answers. 让学生阅读邀请函,以思维导图的形式,进行信息梳理。 【设计意图:通过细节阅读,培养学生在阅读中提取关键信息。通过阅读, 提取邀请函中的重要信息,为后面输出提供脚手架。 】 III. Internalization 1. Listen and imitate. 学生第二次听课文录音,模仿语音语调。 2. Practice the long sentences. 教师把长句分成若干份,并打乱顺序,让学生进行排序,组成课文原来的 句子。 3. Read in groups. 【设计意图:设计两次课文朗读:第一次跟读课文录音,模仿语音语调, 潜移默化地让学生养成良好的朗读习惯;第二次小组朗读,并进行男女学生朗 读比赛,从模仿到合作,增加语言输入的“重现率”,体现学生习得语言的过 程。学习长句的划分,并多次朗读课文,加深课文的理解及记忆,完成文本的 解构任务。】 4. Read and retell. 5 以小组的形式复述课文。 【设计意图:通过关键词复述课文,检测学生对课文的学习情况。】 5. Tell the differences between Chinese and Western birthday party. 【设计意图:谈论中西方生日派对的不同,让学生学会尊重文化差异。】 IV. Output Talk and show. Help Mr Li invite his foreign friends to visit our school and Panyu. 让学生先在小组内讨论打算带校长的外国朋友去番禺哪些有名的景点,综 合所学,完成邀请函,并在班里展示。 【设计意图:创设情境:校长将要邀请他的外国朋友参观学校和番禺一些 有名的景点,让学生帮助校长帮助校长完成邀请,争当文明小使者。】 V. Assessment 1. Sum up what we have learned today. 2. Assessment. 八、作业布置八、作业布置 1.完善邀请函,与父母分享今天所学。 2.熟记本课的单词、词组,熟读本课课文。 九、教学流程图九、教学流程图 6 ProcedureProcedure ActivityActivity PurposePurpose 十、板书设计十、板书设计
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