教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 5 Would you like to go with us -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:b01af).zip


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义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册五年级下册 Module 3 Invitations Period 1 本课时学习内容与目标:本课时学习内容与目标: 1、对话:能理解和流利朗读,在有提示的情况下能复述;对话:能理解和流利朗读,在有提示的情况下能复述; 2、词条:能用于对话框架中进行邀请和回应。、词条:能用于对话框架中进行邀请和回应。 Chant: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday is the middle day. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Every day is a happy day. Free talk: 1.What day is it today? Its 2.Whats the date today? Its 3. What are you doing this weekend? Free talk 巩固所学巩固所学 句型,引入本课的句型,引入本课的 话题:话题: What are you doing this Sunday?与学生交与学生交 流流,引出话题。引出话题。 What are you doing this weekend? =What are you going to do this weekend? Lets talk: 询问学生询问学生What are you doing this weekend,并并跟学跟学 生简单解释口语中生简单解释口语中 可以用进行时表示可以用进行时表示 将来。将来。 I am flying a kite. I am _. Lets learn: nothing: 没有事情没有事情 引导学生反问老师引导学生反问老师 What are you doing this weekend? 老师出示自己周末的安老师出示自己周末的安 排,目的是帮助学生理排,目的是帮助学生理 解和学习解和学习nothing这个这个 新单词。新单词。 On Saturday Im taking my child to Yuexiu Park. On Sunday Im doing nothing in the morning or in the afternoon. But in the evening, Im meeting some friends from Beijing. M onday Tu esday Wed nesday Thur sday Frid ay Sat urday Sun day 12345 6789101112 1 3 141516171819 2 0 212223242526 2 7 282930 Morning: Afternoon: Evening: Janet,Ben and Jiamin are talking about their weekend plan. What are they going to do? Lets listen. 从谈论师生的周末 计划转入课文学习 。 go to grandmas birthday party go on a picnic Lets listen and match: 点击喇叭按钮链接 课文的录音,让学 生先听觉感知语篇 并完成连线练习。 1. Janet and _ plan to go on a picnic. 2. Janet, her cousin and Jiamin will meet at _ (where?) at _(when?) 3. Whats the date this Saturday? Its August 14th. 4. Whats the date of Jiamins grandmas birthday? Its August 14th, too. 5. Is Jiamin going on a picnic with Janet? No, he isnt. 6.What is Jiamin going to do? He is going to his grandmas birthday party. Listen again, fill in the blanks and answer the questions: her cousin the school gate 9 a.m. 有必要的话可以 让学生先看问题 ,然后带着问题 再去听对话。 Lets read after the tape: 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 Hey, guys. What are you doing this Saturday? Nothing. Why? My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic. Would you like to go with us? A picnic? That sounds great! Lets read follow the tape: 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 学习新单词 gate和cool Lets meet at the school gate at 9am. We can all go to the park together. What time should we go? Cool. The picnic is this Saturday, August 14th, right? 点击新单词进入单 词学习页面。 如果想节省时间, 也可以跳过单词学 习页面,直接通过 phonics教授单词。 Lets read follow the tape: 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 学习新单词 problem Oh dear. Im sorry but I am going to my grandmas birthday party that day. No problem. Maybe next time. 点击新单词进入单 词学习页面。 如果想节省时间, 也可以跳过单词学 习页面,直接通过 phonics教授单词。 Lets learn the word: sound:听起来:听起来 Your idea sounds great. oh dear:天啊天啊 Lets learn the word: gate That is our school gate. Lets learn the word: Lets learn: No problem! 没关系!没问题!没关系!没问题! Lets recite: Hey, guys. What are you doing this Saturday? Nothing. Why? My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic. Would you like to go with us? A picnic? That sounds great! Lets recite: Lets meet at the school gate at 9am. We can all go to the park together. What time should we go? Cool. The picnic is this Saturday, August 14th, right? Lets recite: Oh dear. Im sorry but I am going to my grandmas birthday party that day. No problem. Maybe next time. see a film Lets learn the word 老师可通过What are these people doing?引出see a film cinema 老师可通过where do people see a film?引出cinema match watch a football matchwatch a basketball match Lets learn the word Sports Centre Lets learn the word: supermarket Lets learn the word: Lets play. 这里可增加一个操练单词的活动,如老师 说活动,学生迅速说地点;老师说地点, 学生迅速说活动。 see a film - cinema go shopping - supermaket watch a football match - sports centre 情景导入,用 词条进行对话 练习,巩固句 型的应用。 2019 is a happy year. Janet invites her friends to have fun with her. Lets talk: My cousin and I plan to _ this _. Would you like to go with us? Lets meet at the school gate at _. We can go to _ together. Cool.The _ is this _, _, right? Yes, thats right. That sounds great. What time should we go? have a party Friday 10 am Jiamins house partyFridaySeptember 16th 操练接受邀请 的句型。 10 am Lets talk in pairs: My cousin and I plan to _ this _. Would you like to go with us? Lets meet at the school gate at _. We can go to _ together. Cool.The activity is this _, _, right? Yes, thats right. That sounds great. What time should we go? 同位操练,巩 固句型的运用 ,同时学习词 条里面新单词 。 Lets talk: My cousin and I plan to _ this _,_. Would you like to go with us? No problem. Maybe next time. Im sorry but I am going to _ that day. do my homework have a party FridaySeptember 16th do my homework 操练婉转拒绝 邀请的句型。 My cousin and I plan to _ this _,_. Would you like to go with us? Im sorry but I am going to _ that day. No problem. Maybe next time. play football do some readingdo my homework do housework Lets talk in pairs: 同位操练,巩 固句型的运用 。 1、熟记本课单词词组, 熟读本课对话。 2.、看图和词条,仿照课文编写一段邀请 和应邀的对话。 Module 3 Invitations Unit 5 Would you like to go with us? 一、一、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本模块的主题是 Invitations,是学生比较感兴趣的话题,本课是第二课时听 说课,学生在第一课时回顾了日期,学习了关于邀请的活动和地点词条,对进 行邀请有了初步的了解,懂得用邀请句型 Would you like to.?及其肯定和否定 回答 Id like/love to./I am sorry,(but)和确定活动时间和地点的句型 What time should we go?及其回答 Lets meet atat.a.m./p.m.。本课主要处理 Unit11 Lets talk 内容,通过进一步呈现,在情境中理解,反复操练以上句型 和活动地点词条,直至最后的中心任务,学生能够用目标语言顺利地表达出来, 获得高效的输出。 二、二、教学对象分析教学对象分析 在性格方面:五年级的学生,他们已经具有拼读符合发音规则的单词的能力, 具 备一定的口头表达能力。他们活泼好动,善于模仿,积极参与课堂活动和小组合作 学习。在知识储备方面:在三年级下册 Unit1,2 学习了 Lets的句型来表达一起做 某事。在这学期 Unit11 第一课时,学习了关于邀请的活动和地点以及句型 Would you like.?这对学生掌握本课重点非常有帮助。通过本课的学习,学生将能综合地运 用关于职业话题的新旧知识进行对话交际,进行自主表达。 三、三、教学目标教学目标 (一)(一) 语言能力目标语言能力目标 1.语言能力目标 (1)能用以下句型进行邀请和做出相应回答: Would you like to .? -Id like/love to -I am sorry,(but) (2)确定活动时间和地点的句型 What time should we go? Lets meet atat.a.m./p.m. 2.语用目标 (1)能听懂 Unit 5 课文对话,并完成相关任务。 (2)能在创设的情景中灵活运用语言知识,能用英语邀请别人并对别人的邀请作出 应答以及确定会面地点和时间。 (二) 情感态度目标情感态度目标 (1)通过多种教学方式提高学生的英语学习兴趣,养成认真聆听、大胆参与、积极运 用英语的好习惯。 (2)培养学生热爱生活,增加学生对各种社会活动的了解和大方主动地向别人提出 邀请,丰富自己的生活和培养开放积极的人格。 四、四、教学重、难点教学重、难点 (一)(一) 教学重点教学重点 句型的理解及其运用,能流利地朗读课文,并尝试背诵课文。 (二)教学难点(二)教学难点 句型 Would you like to.? Id like/love to/I am sorry,(but)的理解与运用, 灵活运用本节课的语言知识邀请别人并对别人的邀请作出应答。 五、五、教学理念及策略教学理念及策略 1本课将以“任务”为中心,以“情景”贯穿课堂,以“活动”丰富课堂,并且以“爸爸 去哪儿的人物”为情景人物主线,巩固活动和日期等的有关单词以及相关职业的职能, 学习课文 Lets talk。结合 IIO 的教学模式,让学生在语言输入中体验语言,在活动 中内化语言,在语言输出中运用语言进行简单交际。培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 2采用韵诗、游戏、小组合作竞赛等各种方式,结合具体情境进行教学,提高学 生的学习兴趣。 六、六、教学媒体教学媒体 多媒体课件、视频、教学图片、研学案 七、七、教学过程教学过程 (一)(一)Preparation & Revision 1:L e t s c h a n t C o m e t o t e a 【 设 计 意 图: 以 韵 诗 入 学, 活 跃 课 堂 气 氛, 回 顾 本 课 重 点 邀 请 句 型 W o u l d y o u l i k e t o . ? 和 L e t s. ., 为 本 课 做 准 备。 】 2.W o r k i n g r o u p a n d p l a y c a r d s 3.Set a scene:Miss Li has two tickets for Hainan tour and she wants to give them to her students. 4.Games-sharp eyes 【 设 计 意 图: 引 出 情 景 M i s s L i 在 超 市 砸 金 蛋 活 动 赢 得 两 张 海 南 游 的 票, 但 是 由 于 没 有 时 间 去 所 以 想 要 把 门 票 送 给 两 位 学 生,学 生 通 过 闯 关 竞 争 赢 取 票, 其 中 本 次 海 南 游 包 括 很 多 行 程 和 多 动, 通 过 s h a r p e y e s 来 呈 现, 同 时 快 速 复 习 本 课 的 活 动 类 的 词 条】 5.Pair work. (1)Would you like to .? -Id like/love to -I am sorry,(but) (2)What time should we go? - Lets meet atat. (二)(二)Input and internalization. 1. Talk about the picture. How many people are there in the picture? There are What do they talk about? What is Janet/Ben/Jiamin doing this Saturday? She /he plans to . Would jiamin/Ben like to go with Janet? 【 设 计 意 图:进 入 课 文 前, 针 对 课 文 的 图 片 进 行 提 问, 培 养 了 学 生 看 图 猜 测 文 章 内 容 的 阅 读 技 巧】 2.Listen & Write T or F 3: Read and fill in the blanks and answer the questions 【设计意图:培养学生快速阅读获取信息的阅读技巧,加深对于语篇的理解,提高阅 读的能力。 】 4:Read the dialogue (1)Listen ,imitate,read after the video. (2)Read in groups. (3)Recite the dialogue. 【设计意图:通过跟读,模仿录音,让学生关注课文的语音语调,养成朗读的好习惯。 由全班读再到小组读,增加语言输入的重现率,根据板书表格复述课文,让学生能够 更好地在操练中内化语言。 】 (三)(三) Output Invitation card 活动内容:如果你成功赢得两张票,你想要邀请组内那位同学一起去旅行或者一起在 那里进行一项什么活动?运用所学句型进行邀请和确定定点时间,并把邀请卡送给想 要邀请一起去的同学。 (1) 小组内进行邀请 A:Would you like to go to Hainan?Would you like to.? B:Yes,Id like to. B:What time should we go? A:Lets meet at the.at.a.m./p.m. B:I am sure we will have a good time. (2)show time.小组进行展示。 【设计意图:创设真实的情境中进行交际,学生运用本课的中心语言进行对话,能够 向别人作出邀请和回应别人的邀请以及约定会面地点和时间。 】 (四)(四)Summary & Assessment 【设计意图:通过板书引导学生回忆和整理本节课的内容,并及时对自己的课堂表现 进行评价。 】 八、八、作业布置作业布置 1、熟记本课单词词组, 熟读本课对话,试背课文 2.抄写 U5 单词一行(A 本) 九、九、板书设计板书设计 Module 3 Invitations Unit 5 Would you like to go with us? Would you like to .? -Id like/love to -I am sorry,(but) What time should we go? Lets meet atat.a.m./p.m. Unit 5 Would you like to go with us? 学校学校 班别班别 姓名姓名 一、一、 【课前回忆课前回忆】 1:收集有关地点场所的单词 cinema 2:收集有关活动的短语,词条 See a film 二、二、 【研学目标研学目标】 1. 我能讨论图片,猜测文章内容【 Task 1】 2. 我能够快速阅读文章,判断信息对错【 Task 2】 3. 我能阅读文章,完成填空和回答问题【 Task 3】 4. 朗读文章对话【 Task 4】 5. 我能用句型和同伴对话交流,对对方进行邀请,并制作邀请卡【 Task 5】 三、 【学习线路图学习线路图】 四、研学过程:四、研学过程: 【 Task 1】Talk about the picture.讨论图片,猜测文章内容 1.How many people are there in the picture? There are 2.What do they talk about? 3.What is Janet/Ben/Jiamin doing this Saturday? She /he plans to . 4.Would jiamin/Ben like to go with Janet? 【 Task 2】Listen & Write T or F. 我能够快速阅读文章,判断信息对错。 Tips(提示):在文章中把关键词画出来进行对比,你会完成得更好哦! ( ) 1. Janet has nothing to do this Saturday. ( ) 2. Janet and her cousin plan to have a picnic. ( ) 3. They will meet at the school gate at 10a.m. ( ) 4. August 14th is Saturday. ( ) 5. August 15th is Jiamins grandmas birthday party 【 Task 3】Read and fill in the blanks and answer the questions 仔细阅读文章,完成下面填空和回答问题。 【 Task 4】:Read the dialogue 朗读文章对话 (1)Listen ,imitate,read after the video. (2)Read in groups. (3)Recite the dialogue. 【 Task 5】:Make the invitation card.我能用句型和同伴对话交流,对对方进行邀 请,并制作邀请卡。 Invitation card 活动内容:如果你成功赢得两张票,你想要邀请组内那位同学一起去旅行或者一 1. Janet and _ plan to go on a picnic. 2. Janet, her cousin and Jiamin will meet at _ (where?) at _(when?) 3. Whats the date of Jiamins grandmas birthday? 4. Is Jiamin going on a picnic with Janet? 5.What is Jiamin going to do? 起在那里进行一项什么活动?运用所学句型进行邀请和确定定点时间,并把邀请卡送 给想要邀请一起去的同学。 (1) 小组内进行邀请 A:Would you like to go to Hainan?Would you like to.? B:Yes,Id like to. B:What time should we go? A:Lets meet at the.at.a.m./p.m. B:I am sure we will have a good time. (2) show time.小组进行展示。 五:课堂学习评价 Assessment: I can go steps forward. 学习任务 自我评价 Great! 3 Good! 2 Ok! 1 Listen and match. Read and finish the table. Talk about your future job and tell the reasons in the Job Recruitment. Total: I can go steps forward
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