教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 5 Would you like to go with us -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:31307).zip


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1 小学英语五年级下册小学英语五年级下册 Module3Module3 InvitationInvitation UnitUnit 5 5 WouldWould youyou likelike toto gogo withwith us?us? (Lets(Lets talk)talk) 授课老师:授课老师: ModuleModule /Topic/Topic 模块及模块及 话题话题 ModuleModule 3 3 InvitationInvitation UnitUnit 单元单元 5 TitleTitle 题目题目 LetsLets talktalk PeriodPeriod 课时课时 1st1st TypeType ofof lessonlesson 课型课型 新授课新授课 教材教材 分析分析 本课为小学英语五年级下册 Module3,Unit5 第一课时, “Lets read” 。 主要学习话题为 Janet 向朋友们发出野餐邀请。邀请话题从本册 Unit5 开始正 式学习,语法方面是“一般将来时”的学习,句型主要是“plan to.”和 “be going to.” ,而该语法知识从本册 Unit3 开始正式学习,因此学生也 有了一定的语法知识积累和语法运用经验。另外,Unit5 需要学生“四会”掌 握的词汇短,容易上口,适当用旧词引新词及反复操练即可, “match”的读 音可以由旧词“watch”引出;“gate”的读音可以用“自然拼读法”引出; “Hey, guy,cool”等词可以在课文学习中引出。因此学生在本课中主要完成的 任务,将会是:1.在教师的引导下,熟练使用邀请用语 Would you like to go with us? That sounds great.;2.熟练运用句型 What time should we go?/Where should we meet?约定时间、地点. 由于“Lets talk”的小图部分与课文内容相似,所以本课会想用小图进 行情景操练,再学习课文;在此话题下如时间充裕,将在课堂上拓展一个写邀 请信环节,作为写作技能培养的补充。 学生情况学生情况 分析分析 本课的教学对象为五年级学生。五年级学生,既有中年级孩子活泼好动的 心理特征,又具备了高年级孩子自主好学、追求新知良好的学习态度和习惯, 并具备了一定的语言知识和交际能力。他们表现欲望强,富有想象力和创造力, 有一定的合作意识和对新知的探索能力。对于这一年龄阶段的学生,既有一定 程度的教师引领,又有开放性、自由度高的课堂形式,更能吸引他们的参与, 激发他们的学习热情。 在本课之前,学生已经在本册 Unit3Unit4 中掌握了“一般将来时”谈 论计划的技巧。因此学生应该会期待在本课中运用知识完成任务的机会。 教学教学 目标目标 一、语言知识目标 1.能听、说、读以下词汇和短语: 词汇:invitation,nothing, plan, would, sound, gate, cool, problem, film, match, centre, supermarket 词组:plan to, see a film, watch a football match, have a party, no problem, go on a picnic 2 2.能理解和流利朗读课文,能力好的同学能背诵课文。 二、语言技能目标 1.能在情景下进行邀请交际对话。 三、学习策略目标 1.能在老师的指导下,利用自然拼读法掌握有发音规律的单词。 2.能积极的参与课堂游戏、活动、学习。 3.在老师创设的情景下,理解课文,对所学内容有完整的认知。 4.能运用所学内容进行情境交际。 四、情感态度目标 学生通过学习邀请用语,懂得礼貌交际,让他们感受英语的实用性。 教学重、教学重、 难点难点 1.重点:在教师的引导下,使用交际用语。 2.难点:熟练运用交际用语和“一般将来时”来完成课堂交际和习作任务 教学媒体教学媒体 和和 资源资源 1、金太阳(课文教学视频) 2、自制教学软件(PPT) 3、拓展练习中的邀请卡。 教学教学 策略策略 1.利用教师的感染力(动作、表情、语言)吸引学生。 2.设计逐层递进的活动,让学生在活动中开拓思维,提高学习能力。 学习学习 策略策略 1.能在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。 2.培养语言交际运用能力。 3.能对所学内容主动掌握和复习。 本设计本设计 特色特色 1.注重师生和谐关系的建立。 2.注重学生学习策略的培养。 3.注重学生自主学习和主动交往意识的培养。 教学教学 过程过程 Teaching activity & Steps of the activity 教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤 (明确教学的每一个活动的设计,写 清楚活动的具体操作步骤。 ) Teaching & Learning strategies 教学策略 (每一个教学活 动,所有学生或 部分学生的主要 学习行为/任务的 具体描述。 ) Purpose 设计意图 (从为达成目标、 解决难点或形成 技能等方面做具 体的描述。 ) (一) Warm up 1. Lets chant. 通过一首小诗复习星期的单词 2.自由交谈。 T: What day is it today? What is the date today? Whats the weather like today? What are you going to do today? What will you do this weekend? 引出谈论本 1. 用小诗带动学 生复习有关星期 的单词,并且自 然引出自由交谈 内容。 1.通过自由交谈帮 助学生了解本课 的话题。 3 周末活动,教师谈论自己的周末安排, 引出词组 plan to 和生词 nothing (二) Presenta- tion and Practice 1. 通过创设情境 Janet 邀请朋友和教师 一起去活动,引出小图的动词词组和 运用 plan to.句型,并且自然向学生发 出邀请 Would you like to go with us? 引导学生回答 That sounds great. (1)通过 Janet 发出邀请,将书本人 物先与教师联系起来。 T:On Sunday evening, I plan to have a piano lesson. But on Saturday I am free. But my friend Janet has many plans! She invites Ms Yao and her friends to have fun with her. Lets see where we shall go. 通过展示各个地点引出生词和短语通过展示各个地点引出生词和短语 (学习生词学习生词 film,centre, match, supermarket) ,教师再自然地邀请学生 “Would you like to go with us? (2)当学生接受邀请后,呈现图片, 再引出约定地点、时间的句型。 T: Where should we meet? Lets meet at the school gate. (教生词 gate),并且顺便教短语 No problem. (3)在学习了上述句型后及时操练。 通过运用书本小图,引导学生用邀请、 约定用语进行对话。 2. 学习课文。 (1)承接上述话题,通过创设情境: Janet 与朋友们还要多做一件事,让学 生看图猜想,自然过渡到课文教学。 T:But Janet invites her cousin and her friends plan to go one more thing. Do you know what do they plan to do? Lets watch. (2)在听课文前,设置填空任务,让 学生带问题看课文视频。 T: Janet, her cousin and Ben will meet at_(where?) at_(when?) 1. 学生通过看图 说出相应单词、 词组。再让学生 读出看到的句子, 学习 plan to.句型 和动词词组,为 下面学习做准备。 1.(1)通过情景 教学,学生融于 Janet 与朋友们的 活动中去,从中 学习到地点和相 应活动,学生可 以感受如何正确 发出邀请和回答。 1.(2)学生在情 景中知道如何约 定地点。 1.(3)学生学习 了新句型后活学 活用。 2(1)通过呈现 课文图片,学生 进行合理猜想。 2.(2)学生带着 问题有目的地看 课文视频,学生 能集中精神关注 1 从词到句的学习, 既帮助学生掌握 了动词词组,口 头操练新句型, 并且,为课文学 习做好充分的准 备。 1.(1) 通过看图, 让学生猜测将要 进行的活动,使 单词和短语教学 自然而然地呈现 出来。培养学生 连贯说话的能力。 1.(2)和(3)通 过情景,学习课 文的主要句型, 先解难,为学生 下一步学习课文、 上口课文句子做 铺垫。 2.(1)通过情境 性教学自然引出 课文内容。 2(2)有学习任 务,提高学生有 意注意的学习意 4 (二) Presenta- tion and Practice (3)再设置四个问题,学生齐读问题, 然后再看课文一次,写下答案。投影 学生答案及时评讲。 Questions: 1. Whats the date this Saturday? 2. Whats the date of Jiamins grandmas birthday? 3. Is Jiamin going on a picnic with Janet? 4.What is Jiamin going to do? (4)通过学生跟读课文录音、教师领 读、大组分角色读、同桌分角色朗读 等多种形式让学生熟悉上口课文。 T: Janets plan sounds great. Please read after the tape. (5)看关键词句背诵课文,教师伴以 TPR 提示。 课文内容。 2(3)学生看视 频后写下问题答 案,锻炼学生用 书面形式正确回 答问题的能力。 2(4) 、 (5)学生 能有多次朗读上 口课文的机会, 并且通过看关键 词、句形式,学 生能够有意识地 注意识记本课重 点生词、短语。 识。 2.(3)是一个更 进一步的学习任 务,考查学生对 课文的细节理解 和提炼能力。通 过投影 学生答案及时评 讲,让学生提高 书面表达能力。 2(4) 、 (5)是学 习课文重要环节。 五年级的课文对 话句子较长,需 要多次机械操练。 多种形式的操练 能让学生学习起 来不觉枯燥。挖 空关键词、句能 提高学生的有意 注意。学生熟悉 了句型框架,能 提高他们的实际 交际能力。 (三) Developm ent 1.创设 Ben 即将举行生日派对,向 Janet 发出邀请的情景,教授简单的邀 请信写作。 T: Next month is Bens birthday. Ben wants to invite Janet to come to his birthday party. He wants to send an invitation card but he dont know how to write. He ask Ms Yao for help. Children, lets help him together, OK? 1) 简单介绍邀请信要素。 2)利用课本小图一作为蓝本,展开示 范 2.展示邀请信。 1.学生学习看图根 据短语写邀请信 的要素(日期、 地点、时间) 2.学生自己创作邀 请信,初步学习书 面邀请。 本活动目的在于 联系本课主题, 让学生不仅能口 头提出邀请,还 知道如何用书面 形式发出邀请, 拓展学生的写作 能力。 (四)1) 熟记本课单词词组, 熟读本课对话。 5 Homework 2) 看图和词条,仿照课文编写一段邀 请和应邀的对话。 板书板书 Unit 5 Would you like to go with us? 附件一: Worksheet for Unit 5 Would you like to go with us? Class: Name: No.: 一、看第一遍课文视频,填空. Janet, her cousin and Ben will meet at _ (where?) at_(when?) 二、看第二遍课文视频,回答问题。 1. Whats the date this Saturday? 2. Whats the date of Jiamins grandmas birthday? 3. Is Jiamin going on a picnic with Janet? 4.What is Jiamin going to do? 三、假设你要举行生日派对,请给你的朋友发一封邀请信。 Dear_, Im_. Im writing to _ you to my birthday party on _ , _. Please come to my home at _. Yours, plan to. nothing film match supermarket Would you like to go with us? That sounds great. Where should we meet? Lets meet at + 地点. What time should we meet? Lets meet at + 时间. Invitation 6 _ (Your name) 义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册五年级下册 Module 3 Invitations Period 1 本课时学习内容与目标:本课时学习内容与目标: 1、对话:能理解和流利朗读,在有提示的情况下能复述;对话:能理解和流利朗读,在有提示的情况下能复述; 2、词条:能用于对话框架中进行邀请和回应。、词条:能用于对话框架中进行邀请和回应。 Chant: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday is the middle day. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Every day is a happy day. Can you tell me? 1.What day is it today? 2.Whats the date today? 3. Whats the weather like today? 4. What are you going to do today? 5. What will you do this weekend? Free talk 巩固所学巩固所学 句型,引入本课的句型,引入本课的 话题:话题: What are you doing this Sunday?与学生交与学生交 流流,引出话题。引出话题。 Lets learn: = I do nothing 引导学生反问老师引导学生反问老师 What are you doing this weekend? 老师出示自己周末的安老师出示自己周末的安 排,目的是帮助学生理排,目的是帮助学生理 解和学习解和学习nothing这个这个 新单词。新单词。 On Sunday evening, I plan to have a piano lesson. But on Saturday I am free. MondayTuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 12345 6789101112 13141516171819 20212223242627 28293030 Morning: Afternoon: Evening: But my friend Janet has many plans! She invites Ms Yao and her friends to have fun with her. 情景导入,用 词条进行对话 练习,巩固句 型的应用。 老师可通过where do people see a film?引出cinema see a film 老师可通过What are these people doing?引出see a film Lets learn the word: sound:听起来:听起来 That sounds great. Lets a sports centre Lets learn the word: Lets watch a match watch a football matchwatch a basketball match Lets learn the word Lets supermarket Lets learn the word: Lets learn: gate Lets meet at our school gate. Lets learn the word: Lets learn: No problem! Ben: We plan to _ this _, _. Would you like to go with us? Janet: That sounds great. Where should we meet? Ben: Lets meet at_ . Lets talk in pairs: 同位操练,巩 固句型的运用 。 Janet: No problem. Jiamins house have a party Friday September 16th A: We plan to _ this _, _. Would you like to go with us? B: That sounds great. Where should we meet? A: Lets meet at . Lets talk in pairs: 同位操练,巩 固句型的运用 。 B: No problem. But Janet invites her cousin and her friends plan to go one more thing. Do you know what do they plan to do? Lets watch. 从谈论师生的周末 计划转入课文学习 。 Lets watch and fill in the blanks: 点击喇叭按钮链接 课文的录音,让学 生先听觉感知语篇 并完成连线练习。 Janet, her cousin and Ben will meet at _ (where?) at_(when?) the school gate 9:00 a.m 1. Whats the date this Saturday? Its August 14th. 2. Whats the date of Jiamins grandmas birthday? Its August 14th, too. 3. Is Jiamin going on a picnic with Janet? No, he isnt. 4.What is Jiamin going to do? He is going to his grandmas birthday party. Listen again, fill in the blanks and answer the questions: 有必要的话可以 让学生先看问题 ,然后带着问题 再去听对话。 What are you doing this weekend? =What are you going to do this weekend? Lets talk: 询问学生询问学生What are you doing this weekend,并并跟学跟学 生简单解释口语中生简单解释口语中 可以用进行时表示可以用进行时表示 将来。将来。 Lets have a role play: 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 Hey, guys. What are you doing this Saturday? Nothing. Why? My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic. Would you like to go with us? A picnic? That sounds great! Lets have a role play: 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 学习新单词 gate和cool Lets meet at the school gate at 9am. We can all go to the park together. What time should we go? Cool. The picnic is this Saturday, August 14th, right? 点击新单词进入单 词学习页面。 如果想节省时间, 也可以跳过单词学 习页面,直接通过 phonics教授单词。 Lets have a role play: 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 学习新单词 problem Oh dear. Im sorry but I am going to my grandmas birthday party that day. No problem. Maybe next time. 点击新单词进入单 词学习页面。 如果想节省时间, 也可以跳过单词学 习页面,直接通过 phonics教授单词。 Lets oh dear:天啊天啊 Lets learn the word: Lets recite: Hey, guys. What are you doing this Saturday? Nothing. Why? My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic. Would you like to go with us? A picnic? That sounds great! Lets recite: Lets meet at the school gate at 9am. We can all go to the park together. What time should we go? Cool. The picnic is this Saturday, August 14th, right? Lets recite: Oh dear. Im sorry but I am going to my grandmas birthday party that day. No problem. Maybe next time. Dear Janet, Im_. Im writing to invite you to my birthday party on _ , _. Please come to my home at_. Yours, Jiamin 7 p.m. Jiamin Friday April 16th 7 p.m Dear_, Im_. Im writing to _ you to my birthday party on _ , _. Please come to my home at _. Yours, _ (Your name) 广 州 市 小 英 中 心 组 1、熟记本课单词词组, 熟读本课对话。 2.、看图和词条,仿照课文编写一段邀请 和应邀的对话。 这里可增加一个操练单词的活动,如老师 说活动,学生迅速说地点;老师说地点, 学生迅速说活动。 see a film - cinema go shopping - supermaket watch a footmatch - sports centre Lets talk: My cousin and I plan to _ this _. Would you like to go with us? Lets meet at the school gate at _. We can go to _ together. Cool.The _ is this _, _, right? Yes, thats right. That sounds great. What time should we go? have a party Friday 10 a.mJiamins house partyFriday September 16th 操练接受邀请 的句型。 7 p.m. Lets talk in pairs: My cousin and I plan to _ this _. Would you like to go with us? Lets meet at the school gate at _. We can go to _ together. Cool.The _ is this _, _, right? Yes, thats right. That sounds great. What time should we go? 同位操练,巩 固句型的运用 ,同时学习词 条里面新单词 。 Lets talk: My cousin and I plan to _ this _,_. Would you like to go with us? No problem. Maybe next time. Im sorry but I am going to _ that day. do my homework have a party FridaySeptember 16th do my homework 操练婉转拒绝 邀请的句型。 My cousin and I plan to _ this _,_. Would you like to go with us? Im sorry but I am going to _ that day. No problem. Maybe next time. play football do some readingdo my homework do housework Lets talk in pairs: 同位操练,巩 固句型的运用 。
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