教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 5 Would you like to go with us -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:10baf).zip


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    • Tutu的声音4.m4a
    • Tutu的声音5.m4a
    • Tutu的录音1.m4a
    • Tutu的录音2.m4a
    • Tutu的录音3.m4a
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    • 介绍增城的短片.flv
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    • 教案10baf.doc--点击预览
    • 自编歌曲配乐.mp3
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义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册五年级下册 Module 3 Invitations Period 2 Would you like to come to tea? Do you want to play with me? Come to tea! Play with me! We can sit and watch TV. Would you like to sing a song? Do you want to sing along? Sing a song, Sing along! We can sing the whole day long. Shall we, shall we go shopping? Do you want to go fishing? Go shopping! Go fishing! We can sing and go swimming. Lets sing. Im bored. I have nothing to do. play football see a filmfly a kite go shopping do some reading go mountain climbing ride a bike go camping A:Im going to.Would you likeShall we. Do you want to.? B: Yes, Id love to. That sounds great. Id love to, but Im busy. Lets talk. That sounds great! play football see a filmfly a kite go shopping do some reading go mountain climbing ride a bike go camping A:Im going to.Would you likeShall we. Do you want to.? B: Yes, Id love to. That sounds great. Id love to, but Im busy. Lets talk. Lets learn: A:What time should we go? Lets learn the word: B:Lets meet at the school gate at 10 a.m. gate Janet,Ben and Jiamin are talking about their weekend plan. What are they going to do? Who will go with Janet? go to grandmas birthday party go on a picnic Lets watch and match: go to grandmas birthday party go on a picnic Lets watch and match: 点击喇叭按钮链接 课文的录音,让学 生先听觉感知语篇 并完成连线练习。 1. ( ) Ben has nothing to do this Saturday. 2. ( ) Janet and her cousin plan to have a picnic. 3. ( ) Jiamin doesnt want to have a picnic with Janet. 4. ( ) The three children plan to meet at the school gate. 5. ( ) August 14th is Jiamins grandpas birthday. T Decide true (T) or false (F). T F F F Lets read after the tape: 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 Hey, guys. What are you doing this Saturday? Nothing. Why? My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic. Would you like to go with us? A picnic? That sounds great! Lets read follow the tape: 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 学习新单词 gate和cool Lets meet at the school gate at 9am. We can all go to the park together. What time should we go? Cool. The picnic is this Saturday, August 14th, right? 点击新单词进入单 词学习页面。 如果想节省时间, 也可以跳过单词学 习页面,直接通过 phonics教授单词。 Lets read follow the tape: 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 学习新单词 problem Oh dear. Im sorry but I am going to my grandmas birthday party that day. No problem. Maybe next time. 点击新单词进入单 词学习页面。 如果想节省时间, 也可以跳过单词学 习页面,直接通过 phonics教授单词。 Lets recite: Hey, guys. What are you doing this Saturday? Nothing. Why? My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic. Would you like to go with us? A picnic? That sounds great! Lets recite: Lets meet at the school gate at 9am. We can all go to the park together. What time should we go? Cool. The picnic is this Saturday, August 14th, right? Lets recite: Oh dear. Im sorry but I am going to my grandmas birthday party that day. No problem. Maybe next time. Sum - up the dialogue Ben has to do on Saturday . Janet and her cousin plan to . She wants Ben and Jiamin to go together . They plan to meet at at 9 a.m.But Jiamin cant go with them , because he is going to that that day . nothing go for a picnic the school gate his grandmas birthday party A: What are you going to do.? B: I am going to.Would you like to.? A: . What time.? B: Lets meet at. A: OK,see you. B:. (play basketall fly a kite go climbing play football go camping go swimming watch a football match go shopping ride a bike see a film play on the beach ) Lets make a new dialogue.(根据关键词同桌编一个对话根据关键词同桌编一个对话 ) Message Dear _ Would you like to _ with me? Lets meet at _ at_ on_. Yours,_ Lets recite:请邀请你的同学参加周末的活动请邀请你的同学参加周末的活动 Lihao ride a bike school8:30 Sunday Miss Chen A: What are you going to do this Saturday/.? =What are you doing this Saturday? B: Im going to. I will. I plan to. Would you like to .? Shall we.? Do you want to.? 接受:接受:That sounds great. /Id love to./OK./Good idea. Invitation邀请用语 婉转拒绝:婉转拒绝: Id love to, but Im busy. Im sorry but I am going to 1、熟记本课单词词组, 熟读本课对话。 2、仿照课文编写一段邀请和应邀的对话。 3、在留言板上写上你的回复。 Module3 Invitations Period 2 Would you like to go with us? 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析: 本课时是本模块的第二课时,情境对话课。教学内容选自五年级下册 Module3 Invitations 的第五单元 Would you like to go with us?中的 Lets talk 对话 部分。本课将以 What are you going to do this Saturday?为引线设计了一系列情境 对话,从邀请无聊的 Tutu 来增城玩,到 Janet 邀请 Jiamin and Ben 去野餐,再 到邀请自己的朋友同学参加自己的周末活动,让学生在情景中感知、理解到初 步运用,实践内化的过程,重点是让学生进一步谈论自己的 plan 和邀请语: Would you like to.? Do you want to? Shall we? 懂得应邀和拒绝别人邀请的 简单礼貌回答 Yes, Id love to./ That sounds great. / Im sorry, I am going to./Id like to,but Im busy. 通过旧句型 What time/ When/ where.?约定时间和地点, 对学生渗透的守时和守信教育,为下课时的邀请文化素养的渗透做准备。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析: 通过 Module2 Plan 以及 Module3 Invitations 第一课时的学习,学生已经能 正确运用一般将来时来描述自己或他人某天的计划,并掌握了邀请语:Would you like to .? Do you want to.? Shall we.?的运用。因此对 Lets talk 部分的对话 的理解与上口不难,但要真正准确地运用于实际情景中还需要加强操练,在巩 固和发展新知识、完成学习任务的过程中要鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,在实践 运用中增进学习兴趣,逐步提高学生听、说、读、写的技能。 三、教学目标三、教学目标: (一一) 语言知识目标语言知识目标 1、词汇:nothing, gate, cool, Oh dear! problem, No problem, sound 2、句型:What are you going to do.? What are you doing.?Would you like to.? Shall we.? Do you want to.?以及回答。 3、语法:继续学习掌握并运用一般将来时。 (二)语言技能目标(二)语言技能目标 1、流利地朗读并理解对话。 2、能根据提示词复述对话。 3、学会有礼貌地邀请别人做事情及如何应答。 (三)情感态度目标(三)情感态度目标 1、通过完成各项学习任务的活动,培养合作意识。 2、通过学习对话,树立礼貌意识,让学生学会礼貌待人,养成守时守信美德。 (四)学习策略目标(四)学习策略目标 1、通过运用课件、游戏、歌曲、小组活动等呈现课文并操练巩固,使学生积极 运用所学的知识进行表达和交流,发挥小组协助和自主学习的积极性。 2、以旧引新,通过以前所学的知识,引出新知识,并在真实情景中充分操练, 扩大知识面,注意知识的不断滚轴,拓展和积累。 3、巧妙地利用设疑,鼓励学生主动思考表达,积极参与实践,大胆说英语。 (五)(五)文化知识目标文化知识目标 1、通过邀请用语的学习,学会如何礼貌待人,以及了解西方国家的一些礼貌用 语和邀请文化,如 Yes, Id love to 等。 2、培养守时守信的美德。 五、教学重点和难点:五、教学重点和难点: 1、教学重点:能理解并熟读课文内容,以及能根据课文创编对话,最后能 Make an invitation in English。 2、教学难点:正确运用活动的动词短语进行邀请情景的语言对话的交际和展示, 做到学以致用。 六、教学内容:六、教学内容: 教材教材 P26-27 对话部分对话部分 Unit5 Would you like to go with us? Janet: Hey, guys. What are you doing this Saturday? Ben: Nothing. Why? Janet: My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic. Would you like to go with us? Jiamin: A picnic? That sounds great! Ben: What time should we go? Janet: Lets meet at the school gate at 9:00 am. We can all go to the park together. Ben: Cool. The picnic is this Saturday, August 14th , right? Jiamin: Oh dear! Im sorry but I am going to my grandmas birthday party that day. Janet: No problem. Maybe next time. 七、教学策略:七、教学策略: 1、以旧带新。先复习旧知识,从而带出新内容。 2、在课文的学习中,根据本课的重难点在教学过程中设计相关的任务,结合歌 曲、游戏、写作等活动帮助学生熟练掌握邀请用语,并使学生能在实际情景中 正确运用,从而提高学生运用语言的能力和减少学生对所学知识的遗忘率。 八、教学媒体八、教学媒体: 课件,金太阳课文视频等 九、教学过程九、教学过程 Procedures: 教学过程教学过程 Teachers activities 教学活动教学活动 Childrens activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Purpose 设计意图设计意图 Warm up and review 1. Sing a song. 2. Free talk 3.Play a game. 1.Sing a song. 2.Free talk. 3. Play a game. 通过歌曲和游戏进入新课 的学习,创设一个愉快的 气氛的同时,复习学过的 邀请语和动词短语,激发 学生参与活动的兴趣。 Presentation and Practice 4. Free talk. 5.Watch a video. 6.Invite Tutu to come to Zengcheng. 7.Learn the dialogue. 7-1 Look and guess: 7-2 Watch and answer. 7-3 Lets read. 7-4 Lets recite. 7-5 Lets retell. 4.Free talk:通过谈话 引出无聊的 Tutu.(学习单词 nothing) 5. Watch a video about Zengcheng. 6.Invite Tutu to come to Zengcheng in different ways.(学习 单词:sound, cool, gate) 7.Learn the dialogue. 7-1 学生根据图片回 发挥增城主人翁的精神, 通过师生、生生的交流进 一步巩固将来时和邀请语 的用法,将知识联系生活, 学以致用。并在约定时间 地点时渗透守时和守信教 育。 给出课文背景,导入课文。 并通过 Jiamin 不能参加引 起学生的好奇心,带着问 题去学习课文并找到答案。 答问题(预测): What are they going to do? Who will go with Janet? 7-2 学生带着问题观 看课文视频, 回答问 题,最后让学生找出 Jiamin 不能参加的原 因,模仿 Jiamin 的 语气朗读:Oh dear!Im sorry but I am going to my grandmas birthday party that day.(学习单 词:Oh dear! No problem.) 7-3/4/5 学生先小组 内朗读课文,再全班 齐读,到根据关键词 复述课文。 检测学生对文本的理解, 培养学生的阅读能力。 进一步检测学生的细节理 解。 熟读对话,理解对话,流 利朗读对话,复述对话内 容。 Development8.Sum up. 9.Make a new dialogue. 10.Lets write. 8.Sum up.(根据板书 引导学生总结本节课 学习的内容) 9.Make a new dialogue according to the key words. 10.Write a message to invite friends. 活用黑板功能 提供机会让学生进一步内 化课文知识。 (学生根据上一节课 写的周末计划,邀请 同学参加。 Homework 1、熟记本课单词和词组, 熟读本课对话。 2、仿照课文编写一段邀请和应邀的对话。 3、在留言板上写上你的回复。 十、板书设计十、板书设计 Would you like to go with us ? A: What are you going to do.? B: Im going to./I will./I plan to. Would you like to.? Yes, Id love to. A: Do you want to.? B: That sounds great. Thats great. Shall we.? Cool. Good idea. No problem. Id like to, but Im busy. Im sorry, I am going to. A: What time should we go? B: Lets meet at the school gate at 9:00am. 5B M3 Invitations (Period 2)
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教科版(广州)五下Module Invitations_Unit Would you like to go with us _Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:10baf 教科版
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