教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 5 Would you like to go with us -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:8045a).zip


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Worksheet Task 1 Listen and match ( ) ) ( ) ) ( ) ) ( ) ) ( ) ) ( ) ) Task 2 My plan I am _. I have a wonderful plan for my coming days. First I am going to _. Then I_. And then _. Next I plan to _. After that I _. At last _. I am sure I will have a good time this summer holiday. Task 3 Make a survey Task 4 Make a report My classmates have wonderful plans for this summer holiday. Li Hua plans to go swimming. _ plans to _. _ plans to _. _. _. I am sure they will have a good time this summer holiday. 义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册五年级下册 Module 3 Invitations Period 2 本课时目标:本课时目标: 1、在提示下复述课文对话。在提示下复述课文对话。 2、能用、能用be going to 或或plan to 向别人介绍自己的计划。并把向别人介绍自己的计划。并把 自己的计划写下来。自己的计划写下来。 3、能与别人交流,了解他人的计划。、能与别人交流,了解他人的计划。 Would you like to come to tea? Do you want to play with me? Come to tea. Play with me. Lets play games and watch TV. Lets chant: Lets recite: Hey, guys. What are you doing this Saturday? Nothing. Why? My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic. Would you like to go with us? A picnic? That sounds great! 背诵对话,复 习上一节课的 内容。 Lets recite: Lets meet at the school gate at 9am. We can all go to the park together. What time should we go? Cool. The picnic is this Saturday, August 14th, right? Lets recite: Oh dear. Im sorry but I am going to my grandmas birthday party that day. No problem. Maybe next time. Sharp eyes! play music play chessgo swimmingsing a song play footballplay cardsplay tennisfly a kite watch a football match go hikinghave a picnicplay outdoors 游戏活动游戏活动 1:复习:复习 动词短语动词短语 。这些短。这些短 语可用于语可用于 后面的邀后面的邀 请练习做请练习做 铺垫。铺垫。 Sharp eyes! play music play chessgo swimmingsing a song play footballplay cardsplay tennisfly a kite watch a football match go hikinghave a picnicplay outdoors Lets say : go to the city library go to my friends birthday party see a movie play football go shopping with my mother go to the beach with my parents go campingvisit the museumgo skiing 活动活动2: 复习动词复习动词 短语。同短语。同 样为后面样为后面 的邀请做的邀请做 准备。准备。 A:_ plan to _ tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to go with _? B: That sounds great. What time should we go? A: Lets meet _. A:_ plan to _ tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to go with _? B: Im sorry but Im _ tomorrow. A: No problem. Maybe next time. go swimming Lets talk in pairs: We/I go swimming us /me at the school gate at 2 p.m. go swimming going shopping with my mum We/I us /me 这是邀请的框架和例子 Jiamin has a wonderful plan for his coming days. Lets look and say: go to the city library go to my friends birthday party see a movie play football go shopping with my mother go to the beach with my parents 情景导入,首 先看图,复习 巩固词组,为 听力做铺垫。 ( )( )( ) ( )( )( ) E A FC D A B Jiamin has a wonderful plan for his coming days. Lets listen and match: 听课文录音, 完成图与时间 的搭配。 I am going to see a movie tomorrow afternoon. I am going to the city library next Monday. I am going shopping with my mother next Sunday. I plan to go to my friends birthday party on the second of April. I plan to go to the beach with my parents on the first of May. I plan to play football on the fourth of June. Lets write: My plan I am Jiamin. I have a wonderful plan for my coming days. I am going to see a movie tomorrow afternoon. First 大声朗读听力 录音内容,同 时培养学生的 写作能力,教 会学生适当用 连词将各部分 内容连接起来 ,文章看起来 更连贯。 I am going to the city library next Monday. I am going shopping with my mother next Sunday. I plan to go to my friends birthday party on the second of April. I plan to go to the beach with my parents on the first of May. I plan to play football on the fourth of June. Lets write: My plan I am Jiamin. I have a wonderful plan for my coming days. I am going to see a movie tomorrow afternoon. First Then I am going to the city Library next Monday. I am going shopping with my mother next Sunday. I plan to go to my friends birthday party on the second of April. I plan to go to the beach with my parents on the first of May. I plan to play football on the fourth of June. Lets write: My plan I am Jiamin. I have a wonderful plan for my coming days. I am going to see a movie tomorrow afternoon. First Then I am going to the city Library next Monday.And then I am going shopping with my mother next Sunday. I plan to go to my friends birthday party on the second of April. I plan to go to the beach with my parents on the first of May. I plan to play football on the fourth of June. Lets write: My plan I am Jiamin. I have a wonderful plan for my coming days. I am going to see a movie tomorrow afternoon. First Then I am going to the city Library next Monday.And then I am going shopping with my mother next Sunday.Next I plan to go to my friends birthday party on the second of April. I plan to go to the beach with my parents on the first of May. I plan to play football on the fourth of June. Lets write: My plan I am Jiamin. I have a wonderful plan for my coming days. I am going to see a movie tomorrow afternoon. First Then I am going to the city Library next Monday.And then I am going shopping with my mother next Sunday.Next I plan to go to my friends birthday party on the second of April.After that I plan to go to the beach with my parents on the first of May. I plan to play football on the fourth of June. Lets write: My plan I am Jiamin. I have a wonderful plan for my coming days. I am going to see a movie tomorrow afternoon. First Then I am going to the city Library next Monday.And then I am going shopping with my mother next Sunday.Next I plan to go to my friends birthday party on the second of April.After that I plan to go to the beach with my parents on the first of May. At last I plan to play football on the fourth of June. Lets write: My plan I am Jiamin. I have a wonderful plan for my coming days. I am going to see a movie tomorrow afternoon. First Then I am going to the city Library next Monday.And then I am going shopping with my mother next Sunday.Next I plan to go to my friends birthday party on the second of April.After that I plan to go to the beach with my parents on the first of May. At last I plan to play football on the fourth of June. I am sure I will have a good time on my coming days. Lets write: My plan I am _. I have a wonderful plan for my coming days. First I am going to _ _ . Then I _. And then _. Next I plan to _. After that I _. At last _. I am sure I will have a good time this summer holiday. Jiamin will be fun on his plan. What about you? Write your plans for this summer holiday. 仿照Jiamin的 计划,堂上编 写自己的计划 。课文第四题 作铺垫。 教师可以课前 印作文练习纸 给学生完成。 Lets ask and write: Share your plans with your classmates. A: What are you going to do this summer holiday,_? B: I am going to _. = I plan to _. 将写好的计划 与同学交流, 完成表格。 Lets tell: My classmates have wonderful plans for this summer holiday. Li Hua plans to go swimming. _ plans to _. _ plans to _. _. _. I am sure they will have a good time this summer holiday. 完成表格后, 将表格内容向 全班同学进行 复述,教师可 以挑选优生作 示范。 广 州 市 小 英 中 心 组 1、熟记本课单词、熟记本课单词,词组和重点句型。词组和重点句型。 2、写写自己的计划,并用、写写自己的计划,并用微视频微视频向你的向你的 老师、家人说说你的计划。老师、家人说说你的计划。 作业2,微视频 可以锻炼学生 的胆量、培养 学习兴趣,提 高英语口头表 达能力。 教科版五下教科版五下WouldWould youyou likelike toto gogo withwith us?us?第二课时教第二课时教 案案 教学内容教学内容:Fun with language 部分内容 教材分析教材分析: 本节课是教科版五年级下册 Unit 5 Would you like to go with us?的第二课时,教材内容与生活密 切相关,旨在让学生了解并逐渐掌握邀请用语和用一般将来时表达计划。本课前已经学过的句型有: What are you going to do? I am going to / will/ plan to另外,学生也学过很多与活动有关的动词短语, 如:fly kites, go shopping, do some reading 等,但学生缺乏交际语境,因此可能会影响到他们的语 言表达,从而影响到他们的情感态度,使学生缺乏表达欲望。因此,在完成任务前,复习大量的动 词短语,为学生用英语表达相关的内容奠定了基础。 学情分析学情分析: 本课的教学对象是学过两年英语的五年级学生,此段学生天真活泼,好奇心强,有很强的模仿 能力,逻辑思维能力和求知欲望。有一定的英语词汇积累,但还不牢固,需要多提醒才能想起。学 生是学习的主体,在教学中,教师要为学生创设生动、活泼、和谐的英语学习氛围,让学生积极主 动参与学习,敢于展示自己,成为学习的主人。 教学目标教学目标: 1、能在提示下复述课文对话。 2、能运用邀请用语 Would you like go ?及回答 Yes, Id love to. / I am sorry but I am 3、能与别人交流,了解他人的计划。 4、能用 be going to 或 plan to 向别人介绍自己的计划,并把自己的计划写下来。 重点、难点重点、难点: 1、 能用 be going to 或 plan to 介绍并记录自己的计划。 2、 运用邀请用语 Would you like to ? Yes, Id love to. / I am sorry but I am 于交际中。 情感、策略、文化意识目标:情感、策略、文化意识目标: 1、 通过本课学习懂得合理安排时间。 2、 鼓励学生合作并大胆发言和表达,培养他们的交际意识。 教学方法教学方法:情景教学法、pair-work 、group-work 、多媒体辅助教学 教学工具教学工具:PPT 、worksheet 教学过程教学过程: 一、Pre task 1.Free talk 2.Lets chant “Come to tea” (设计意图:这是任务型教学的第一环节“热身运动” ,通过打节拍的说唱复习句型 Would you like to ?, Do you want to ? 同时调动课堂气氛,能激发学生学习的兴趣。 ) 3.Lets recite (设计意图:根据提示背诵课文对话,复习上一节内容,为下面的对话交际做铺垫。) 4.Play a game : Sharp eyes 让学生快速说出闪过的动词短语。 (设计意图:通过游戏集中学生的注意力和调动学习的积极性,并为后面的邀请练习做铺垫。 ) 5.归纳引出表达自己计划的句型:I am going to / I will / I plan to (板书句型) 二、While task 1.Lets say a.设计情境 T:Summer holiday is coming. I know you plan to do many things. b.看图片说出自己的计划 Eg: I am going to see a movie this summer holiday. I plan to go swimming with my father. (设计意图:复习计划操练计划句型,为后面的邀请练习做准备。) 2. Lets talk in pairs 两人小组进行邀请对话操练。 a. 出示邀请对话的框架和例子。 b. Work in pairs c. Show time: 请学生对话表演,老师进行点评。 (设计意图:发展学生运用语言的能力和交际能力) 三、Post task Task 1: Listen and match (worksheet) a.情景导入,引出 Jiamin 的假期计划 b.看图说出 Jiamin 的计划 (设计意图:熟悉图意为下一步听力做准备。 ) c.听录音,完成图与时间的搭配 (设计意图:让学生在完成此任务中理解一般将来时与时间的关系,培养学生听的能力。 ) d. Check the answer Task 2: Lets write (worksheet) a. 学生大声朗读听力录音内容 b. 尝试把听力录音内容连成一段话 (设计意图:培养学生的写作能力,教会学生适当使用连词将各部分内容连接起来,使文章看起 来更连贯。 ) Eg: First Then And then Next After that At last c.仿照 Jiamin 的计划,编写自己的暑期计划。 d.请个别学生读出自己的计划,老师及时纠正。 Task 3: Lets ask and report (worksheet) a. Make a survey and fill in the form in groups. 将写好的计划与同学交流、完成表格。 NameThings they plan to do Eg: A: What are you going to do this summer holiday, xxx? B: I am going to / will / plan to b. Make a report 每小组推荐一名同学起来汇报调查结果,表扬说得好的同学。 (设计意图:发展学生的交际能力,学会与人分享,进一步提高说的能力。 ) 四、Summary a. What do we learn this lesson? b. Assessment (设计意图:帮助学生总结归纳本节所学,老师进行总体评价,提出建议。) 五、Homework 1、 背诵课文对话和单词。 2、 写写自己这个周末的计划,并用微视频向你的老师、家人说说你的计划。 (设计意图:通过微视频可以锻炼学生的胆量,培养学习兴趣,提高英语口头表达能力和训练学生 语言的实际运用能力。 )
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