教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 3 We are going to have an English test-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级优课-(编号:42e5a).zip


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Bens CalendarBens Calendar Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans 义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册 听听听说课说课说课 20182018 Ben is a schoolboy.Ben is a schoolboy. He is busy.He is busy. Sometimes he is forgetful.Sometimes he is forgetful. ( (健忘的健忘的) ) Bens NotebookBens Notebook BenBen的的记事本记事本 July 25th the 31st of May April 22nd December 21st the 18th of May the 9th of May the 4th of August April 12th visit the museum have a sports meeting visit a farm have a basketball match tell people no to smoke clean the park the school open day Help him to make a to do list 整理 July 25th the 31st of May April 22nd December 21st the 18th of May the 9th of May the 4th of August April 12th visit the museum have a sports meeting visit a farm have a basketball match the school open day clean the park go camping tell people no to smoke Ben is going to _ on Ben is going to _ on _._. June 1 Listen and tick.听对话,出Ben要做的事情。 Listen and fill. 听对话,完成表格,把编号写在空格里。 A . June 2nd C. June 24th B. June 11th ActivitiesDates see a film have an English test Mikes birthday party Ben is going to _ on the_ of _. A A B B C C Whats the date, Ben? The first of June. Why? We are going to see a film tomorrow evening. Dont forget. Isnt that Mikes birthday? We are all going to his home for a party tomorrow. No. Mikes birthday party is on June 11th. Is there anything else important this month? Yes. We are going to have an English test on June 24th. Dont forget. ReadingReading :Whats the date,Ben? :The .Why? :We are going to tomorrow evening. Dont forget. :Isnt that Mikes birthday? We are all going to his home for a party tomorrow. :No. Mikes birthday party is on . :Is there anything else important this month? :Yes. We are going to have an English test on . Dont forget. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 同桌分别抽取相同颜色的卡纸, 选择A或B卡纸进行对话。 A: We are going to _ and _ . Is there anything else important? B: Yes, we are going to _. Dont forget. Help Ben mark the calendar. 帮助 Ben 记录日程安排 A A In July, we are going to have an English test on July 16. And we are going to go camping on July 24th. B B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 What days are important this month? July 16th and July 24th. In July, we are going to have an English test on July 16. And we are going to go camping on July 24th. B B What are we going to do on July 16th? We are going to have an English test. In July, we are going to have an English test on July 16. And we are going to go camping on July 24th. B B test A: What days are important this month? B: _ and _. A:What are we going to do on _? B: We are going to _. A:What are we going to do on _? B: We are going to _. Dont forget. A: Is there anything else important ? B: No, thats all. 随意选择月历卡或短文,同桌进行对话。随意选择月历卡或短文,同桌进行对话。 A: What days are important this month? B: _ and _. A:What are we going to do on _? B: We are going to _. A:What are we going to do on _? B: We are going to _. Dont forget. A: Is there anything else important ? B: No, thats all. Show TimeShow Time Plans are important.Plans are important.Plans are important.Plans are important. Learn to plan. Learn to plan. Learn to plan. Learn to plan. 学会计划。学会计划。学会计划。学会计划。 HOMEWORKHOMEWORK 1. 1.Read Unit 3 .Read Unit 3 . 2. 2.Talk about the plans Talk about the plans of next month in pairs.of next month in pairs. 熟熟读读读读Unit3Unit3以及与伙伴以及与伙伴 谈论谈论谈论谈论 下个月的下个月的计计计计划。划。 1 义务教育教科书英语五年级下册(三年级起点) 第第 2 2 课时课时 Bens Calendar 听说课听说课 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本节课是五年级下册 Module 2 的第二课时,本模块的话题是 Plans, 本节 课的子话题是 Bens Calendar,课型为听说课,教学内容是 Unit 3 We are going to have an English test 的 Lets talk 及 Fun with language1&2 的内容。学生在第一 课时掌握了序数词以及日期顺读法的表达方式,初步运用 Whats the date? Its . We are going to .进行对话交流,以及能简单表达自己的计划。本课时将通过情 景创设,以 Ben 的记事本为情景主线设计学习任务,复习旧知,通过听力和复 述滚动新知,以及学习 Lets talk 的对话内容。在教学过程虫,通过有效的操练, 逐步完成学习,获得高效的输出。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 本课教学对象为五年级的学生,该班学生具备一定的英语学习能力,喜欢 参与课堂活动,能完成课堂任务。本次是异地教学,以此教师在课前布置了课 前学习任务,学生预习课文并尝试拼读新词。从语言知识储备方面说,该班学 生是农村孩子,知识会比较局限,以书本知识内容为主。从心理特征方面来说, 孩子在课堂上可能会出现畏难情绪,在表达方面还不够自信,需要教师的鼓励 以及帮助。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)(一) 语言能力目标语言能力目标 1.知识与技能目标 (1)词汇:important, forget (2)基本理解日期的逆读法,能听懂并正确逆读日期。 2 (3)进一步理解和运用以下句型。 Whats the date? Its What are you going to do? We are I am going to (4)能正确理解句型:Is there anything else important? (5)能正确理解和朗读课文。 2.语用目标 能就本课句型进行对话并记录日程表。 (二)(二) 学习能力目标学习能力目标 能在情景中完成 Lets talk 的相关任务 (三)(三) 思维品质目标思维品质目标 1.发展学生自我表达能力。 2.发展学生的思维能力。 (四)文化品格目标(四)文化品格目标 培养学生养成记录计划的良好习惯。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 (一)教学重点(一)教学重点 1.能理解并正确朗读 Unit 3 的课文。 2.能就 calendar 计划进行交流。 (二)教学难点(二)教学难点 1.能运用句型 Is there anything else important? 五、教学理念及策略五、教学理念及策略 3 1.结合番禺区“IIO 英语课堂教学模式”,让学生在语言输入中体验语言,在活动 中内化语言,在语言输出中运用语言进行知识的学习,培养学生的综合语言运 用能力。 2.在教学过程中,注重语言知识的滚动复习,使学生不断复习旧知与巩固新知。 3.运用多媒体创设情景,使学生在具体的语言环境中理解与运用语言。 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 PPT 课件,周计划表 七、教学过程七、教学过程 I. Preparation 1.Free talk. 2. T shows the topic and main character. 【设计意图:由于是异地教学,教师与学生进行互动沟通,拉近距离。出示本 课的学习内容,介绍主线人物,进入学习。 】 II. InputInternalization(Round 1) Input 1.T shows Bens note book. 2.Ps put the dates in orders and read them. Internalization 3.Ps listen and match. 4.Ps retell Bens calendar. 4 【设计意图:创设情景,帮助 Ben 整理 notebook,按顺序排好日期,培养学生 的观察能力和思维能力。通过听力并连线,整理 Ben 的计划安排,并让学生复 述,在任务中内化语言。 】 . InputInternalization(Round 2) Input 1.Ps listen and choose. 2.Ps listen and fill. Internalization 3.Ps follow the text and read in groups. 4.Ps read and retell in class 5.Ps practice in pairs. 【设计意图:第一次听,是初步理解课文,获取简单的信息。第二次听,帮助学 生更好地理解课文,训练学生提取信息的技能。接着通过小组合作读,以及复 述 对话,加深对课文的理解。最后学生通过有趣的教学环节,操练句型 We are going to .以及 Is there anything else important?内化语言。 】 . Output 1.T shows Bens calendar of July. 2.Ps mark the calendar in pairs and make dialogue. 3.Ps show the dialogue. 5 【设计意图: 创设情景,学生通过合作对话获取日程表的信息,进一步整合本 节课所学的知识。培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的策略。 】 .Assessment 1.Lets sum-up:整理归纳知识。 2.Lets do:引导学生学会做好日程计划。 【设计意图:引导学生再回忆和整体掌握本节课的内容,帮助梳理知识点。并 引导学生学会做好计划。 】 八、教学流程图八、教学流程图 6 九、板书设计九、板书设计 十、作业布置十、作业布置 1.熟读 Unit3. 2.与同学谈论下个月的计划。 Module 2 Plans Bens Calendar 听说课 important Whats the date? forget Its _ _. / _ of _ What are you going to do? We are/ I am going to Is there anything else important? Dont forget. 7 义务教育教科书英语五年级下册(三年级起点) 第第 2 课时课时 Bens Calendar 听说课听说课 研学案研学案 【研学目标研学目标】 1.我能用正确读出日期。 【Task1】 2.我能完成 Lets talk 的相关任务。【Task2】 3.我能合作完成小对话。 【Task3】 【学习路线图学习路线图】 8 【研学过程研学过程】 前置性作业: 1.”I write, I can” 写出课余活动的短语 _ _ _ _ 我的得分:_ 2.“I get ready, I can”-预习 Unit3 课文。 我的得分: _ 【Task1】任务一:任务一:Listen and match.听 Ben 的日程计划,连线。 10 phrases: 9-6 phrases: 5-3 phrases: 态度认真: 态度一般: 9 【Task2】任务二:任务二:完成 Lets talk 的相关练习。 活动 1: Listen and tick. 听对话,出 Ben 要做的事情。 ( ) ( ) ( ) Museum Mike 10 ( ) ( ) ( ) 活动 2. Listen and fill. 听对话,完成表格,把编号写在空格里。 A.June 2nd B. June 11th C. June 24th ActivitiesDates See a film have an English test Mikes birthday party 活动 3. 选择相同颜色的纸,同桌完成对话任务。 【Task3】任务三:任务三:同桌合作对话。同桌合作对话。 规则:1.一名同学选择月历卡,另一名同学选择小短文。 2.在对话过程中,持月历卡的同学做好简单的记录,可以用单词或者图 片。 课堂学习评价课堂学习评价 11 自我评价自我评价小组评价小组评价 学习任务学习任务达成程度(请打达成程度(请打 ) 本课还没掌握的知识本课还没掌握的知识 或疑问或疑问 小组合作表现得分小组合作表现得分 (请打(请打) 【Task1】我能用正确 读出日期。 【Task2】我能完成 Lets talk 的相关任务。 【Task3】我能合作完 成小对话。 我给自己打星: 优秀:5 颗 良好:3-4 颗 有待进步:1-2 颗
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