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义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册五年级下册 Moduleodule 2 Planslans Unit 3 Making plans. Period 1词汇课词汇课 Say Say 播放不了 Lets watch and sing. Say month son Say month January February March April May sixth June seventh July eighth August ninth September tenth October eleventh November twelfth December ordinal numbers (序数词序数词) first second third fourth fifth 基数词 序数词_缩写词_ 表示个数的词 表示顺序的词 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 基数词 序数词_ 表示个数的词 表示顺序的词 one two three five eight nine twelve first s_c_nd th_ _d f_fth _ _ghth n_nth twelfth 基数词 序数词_ 缩写词_ 表示个数的词 表示顺序的词 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeent h eighteenth nineteenth 13th 14th 15 th 16th 17th 18th 19th 序数词序数词 缩写词缩写词 twentieth 20th twenty-first 21st twenty-second 22nd twenty-third 23rd twenty-fourth 24th twenty-fifth 25th twenty-sixth 26th twenty-seventh 27th twenty-eighth 28th twenty-ninth 29th thirtieth 30th important = im + por + tant forget = for + get 读法读法 写法写法 June the first June 1st 读法读法 写法写法 June the second June 2nd 读法读法 写法写法 June the fourth June 4th 读法读法 写法写法 June the fifth June 5th June the second June 2nd 读法读法写法写法 June the first June 1st June the fourth June 4th June the fifth June 5th July the second July 2nd 读法读法写法写法 June the first June 1st September the third September 3rd 日期顺读法日期顺读法:月月 + the + 日(序数词)日(序数词) plant flowers go camping fly a kite go swimming go hikinggo skating have a picnic visit a f_ _m have a sports m_ _ting have a t_st go to the school _pen day visit a mu_ _um June 3rd March 4th January 15thMay 3rd July 20th September 5thAugust 2nd April 8th February 10thOctober 1stNovember 30th December 11th June 21st May 23rdMarch 9thAugust 26th We are going to have a very busy week Janet : Whats the date? Miss Zhang: Its June 3th .Why? Janet : Great, theres only one week to go before the holiday. Miss Zhang: But it is going have two tests. One on Monday, June 5th. One on Tuesday, the 6th. Janet: Oh, yes, the English and math tests. Im not going to go camping this weekend. Im going to study for those tests. Is there anything else important? Miss Zhang: On Wednesday, June 7th ,we are going to have a school open day . On Thursday, June 8th , we are going to have a sports meeting. On July 9th, we are going to visit the museum. Janet: Super. What are you going to do at the weekend? Miss Zhang: I am going to visit a farm on Saturday, June 10th. Janet: Wow, such a busy week ! visit a farm have a sports meeting have a test visit the museum go to the school open day have a test have a test have a test go to the school open day visit the museum visit a farm have a sports meeting o Always make a plan before you do everything. 1. 做月历卡,标出计划,重要事项不少于4个。 2. 根据月历卡,说计划。 o HomeworkHomework: 义务教育教科书英语五年级下册(三年级起点) Module 2 plans 第一课时第一课时 U3 Making plans 词汇课教学设计词汇课教学设计 一、教学教学内容分析: 本节课是五年级下册 Module 2 Unit 3 的第一课时,子课题为 making plans,课型为词汇课。 Module 2 的话题是 Plans,本课主要围绕学生谈论计划,说月历上的计划,进行词汇及句子 的学习,教学内容为序数词,P15 词条,日期的顺读表达法,并初次呈现一般将来时等。本 课的重点是序数词,P15 词条, 难点是日期的顺读表达法,一般将来时的呈现。课堂一开始 以复习旧知识,free talk 引入,用真实情境引入新句型,全课贯穿运用 Whats the date? We are going to.等句型问答交流,意在让学生通过旧知识滚动新知识,灵活运用一般将来时句 式来谈论计划,能根据月历及上面的笔记,将这个月的重要事项做口头提醒,并能简单谈论 自己的计划。 二、教学对象分析 五年级的学生在英语学习方面已经有了一定的语言基础和学习能力,并在四年级时学习过 数字单词,星期单词、月份单词,这一课要求孩子们在复习旧知识的基础上学习新知识,做 到以旧带新。当然序数词、日期的表达法等对孩子们来说,是个难点。这一课还要求孩子们 对一般将来时有初步的认识,在课堂中贯穿一般将来时,让孩子们对一般将来时有初步的感 知。在这个模块里主要帮助学生感知并深化语法知识的运用,同时引导学生进行发散性思维 并发挥他们的想象力,给学生以最大的自由发挥空间,让学生更好地掌握这一模块的知识点。 三、教学目标 (一)语言能力目标(一)语言能力目标 1、知识与技能目标 (1)学生能掌握本课的四会词汇: plan, test, date, forget, month, important, museum, meeting, open day , farm,second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth 短语:have a test, visit the museum, have a sports meeting, go to the school open day, visit a farm (2)语法和语音: 一般将来时的表达方式, 能熟练朗读新单词、短语。 (3)句型 : Whats the date?-Its . ; We are going to. 2、语用目标: 能询问、回答日期; 能用 be going to.简单口头叙说计划。 3、语言技能目标: 熟练运用序数词表达日期,能根据笔记说计划、重要事项。 (二)学习能力与思维品质目标(二)学习能力与思维品质目标 能通过观察、总结本课重点语法知识点,发展归纳能力,逻辑思维及记忆能力。 (三)文化品格目标(三)文化品格目标 乐于分享自己的计划;学会标示重要事项,学会管理自己的学习、生活。 四、教学重、难点 (一)教学重点:(一)教学重点:本课的词汇,序数词,词条。 (二)教学难点:(二)教学难点:日期的顺读表达,序数词,一般将来时的初步接触。 五、教学理念及策略 (一)结合“IIO 英语课堂教学模式,让学生在语言输入中体验语言,在活动中内化 语言,在语言输出中运用语言进行简单交际,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 ”运用活 动和情景教学,让学生体验、内化并运用语言。 (二)充分利用歌曲、视频、游戏等手段,寓教于乐,优化课堂教学。创设学生感兴 趣的话题,以引起学生的兴趣,让学生乐学、好学。 (三)注重评价,评价学生落到实处,以提高学生参与课堂活动的积极性。 六、教学媒体 PPT 课件 七、教学过程 I. Preparation 1Free talk.: T: These are the activities we did in June of the last year. And June of this year is coming, we will have many activities,we will play, we will dance, so lets make plans for June. 2Warming up : Month song . . 【设计意图:通过 free talk,song, 让学生尽快进入上课状态的同时巧妙地进入今天的主 题,每节课滚动复习已学单词,让学生反复温故而知新, 并为学习新内容做铺垫。 】 II. Input-Internalization (Round 1: Present the new words of ordinal number) Input 1 Learn the new words. T: January, February, they are months.学(month)Oh, can you tell me How many months are there in a year? What are they ? 2. Find differences . 3. The special words. T: And the special words are : first , second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth 4. Learn 13-30. 5. 引 important, forget , dates, Whats the date today? Its. T:Just now, we talk about month, actually every month we have so many important things to do , but I always forget. 【设计意图:创设情境,呈现序数词,呈现日期,加大输入量,为孩子们掌握难点序数词、 日期做充分引入工作。 】 Internalization 1. Read dates. 2. Use the month calender ask and answer : Whats the date ? Its . 3. Show up 【设计意图:通过各种训练方式,内化序数词、日期句型、日期顺读法。 】 III. Input-Internalization (Round 2: Present and teach the phrases ,sentences) Input 1. Learn the new phrases. T: Look at my calendar again. Oh, we have so many plans , maybe we will play outdoors, maybe we will eat delicious food. I cant wait. Now ,please watch carefully, and tell me what are our plans. 2. Learn the new sentences. T: Yes, You have sharp eyes.we are going to .next month 【设计意图:通过让学生寻找、发现的方式引新短语。 】 Internalization 1. Read the phrases. 2. Play a game. 3. Read a passage and fill in the forms. 4. Sum up the plan for the second week of June . The plan for the second week of June is .-引 dont forget. 【设计意图:让学生在游戏中掌握短语,了解一般将来时,并重构文本,为后面的输出做铺 垫。 】 IV. Output 1. Remind me the plans. 2. Make your plans, talk your plan for next month. 【设计意图:创设真实情境,帮助学生输出语言,反复训练主要句型,提高综合运用语言的 能力,并为下一课时课文的学习做好铺垫。 】 3. Always make a plan before you do everything.(深化教育) V. Summary and Assessment 1. Teacher guides the pupils to sum up the phrases and sentences. 2. Assessment 自我评价自我评价小组评价小组评价 学习任务学习任务 达到程度(请填涂)达到程度(请填涂) 本节课未明白本节课未明白 还可加强的地方还可加强的地方 小组学习表现小组学习表现 1.1.我能问答我能问答 【Task【Task 1】1】 2.2.我能找计划我能找计划【Task【Task 2】2】 3.3.我能提醒我能提醒 【Task【Task 3】3】 4.4.我能做计划。我能做计划。【Task【Task 4】4】 八、教学流程图 九、板书设计 Module 2 Plans Unit 3 Making plans month plan important A: Whats the date today? second third fifth eighth ninth B: Its. visit the museum A: We are going to. Dont forget. go to the school open day B: OK. have a sports meeting visit a farm have a test 十、作业布置 1. 做月历卡,标出计划,重要事项标不少于 4 个。 2. 根据月历卡,说计划。 Preparation Input& Internalization(1) Input& Internalization(2) Output Assessment Free talk &Song PPT Findand read Look and learn PPT Find and learn PPT Look and read 月历 Ask andanswer PPTFindand learnPPTRead andlearn GameReadand learn文本Findand learn PPTMakedialogue(示范) PPT深化教育 小组Make dialogue 板书Sum up Assessment Homework 热身激趣 引出新知 创设情境 学习新知 感知理解语言 深化应用 感知理解语言 加强语音训练 创设情境 感知语言 对话输出 运用语言 Procedure Activity Purpose
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教科版(广州)五下Module Plans_Unit We are going to have an English test_Lets talk_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:1035a 教科版
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