教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 3 We are going to have an English test-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:40ee6).zip


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Lets play :Say out the dates Lets play Whats the date? January 5th the 5th of January 学生抢答,说出日 期。(T: Whats the date?) 引导学生关注日期 表达的两种形式及 序数词的拼写。板 书fifth。 Lets play November 9th the 9th of November 学生抢答,说出日 期。(T: Whats the date?) 引导学生关注日期 表达的两种形式及 序数词的拼写。板 书ninth。 Whats the date? Lets play March 21st the 21st of March 学生抢答,说出日 期。(T: Whats the date?) 引导学生关注日期 表达的两种形式及 序数词的拼写。板 书eighth。 Whats the date? Lets play February 23rd the 23rd of February 学生抢答,说出日 期。(T: Whats the date?) 引导学生关注日期 表达的两种形式及 序数词的拼写。板 书third。 Whats the date? School life is very fun! We have a lot of interesting activities this term. Lets look at the plans of our school. June 2ndJuly 25thJune 11th May 9thApril 12th March 21st We are going to have a birthday party on June 11th. June 11th We are going to visit the museum on March 21st. March 21st 通过对话形式巩 固日期、计划的 表达,学习短语 go to the school open day。(分 角色问答) 还可以变换问句 : Are they going to the museum? 再用一句话进行 描述。 Is there anything else important? We are going to have a sports meeting on April 12th. April 12th We are going to go to the school open day on May 9th. May 9th 通过对话形式巩 固日期、计划的 表达,学习短语 go to the school open day。(分 角色问答) 还可以变换问句 : Are they going to the museum? 再用一句话进行 描述。 Is there anything else important? We are going to see a film on _. June 2nd June 2nd We are going to visit a farm on _. July 25th July 25th We are going to _ on _. Dont forget. 引导学生看图并 用自己的话描述 Ben和Janet的计 划。 Lets see Ben and Janets plan Its very important. Dont forget. have an English test 引导学生看图并 用自己的话描述 Ben和Janet的计 划。 Lets see Ben and Janets plan Its very important. Dont forget. * T or F ( )1. Its July 1st today. ( )2. Ben and Janet are going to see a film on June 2nd. ( )3. It isnt Mikes birthday tomorrow. ( )4. There is nothing important this month. ( )5. The English test is on June 11th. Lets do. F T T F F 根据课文内容判 断正误。 Lets learn. 学生自己先尝试 读课文对话,再 模仿录音朗读对 话,并进行分角 色朗读、分组朗 读等。 Janet: Whats the date, Ben? Ben: The first of June. Why? Janet: We are going to see a film tomorrow evening. Dont forget. Ben: Isnt that Mikes birthday? We are all going to his home for a party tomorrow. Janet: No. Mikes birthday party is on June 11th. Ben: Is there anything else important this month? Janet: Yes. We are going to have an English test on June 24th. Dont forget. Lets say. 抽空训练。 Janet: Whats the date, Ben? Ben: The first of June. Why? Janet: We are going to see a film tomorrow evening. Dont forget. Ben: Isnt that Mikes birthday? We are all going to his home for a party tomorrow. Janet: No. Mikes birthday party is on June 11th. Ben: Is there anything else important this month? Janet: Yes. We are going to have an English test on June 24th. Dont forget. 1. 读、记新单词、短语并抄2次。 2. 听读U3课文,并尝试复述课文。 3、阅读绘本Were going on a bear hunt 。 1. o HomeworkHomework: Class:_ Name:_ No:_ 一一T or F ( )1. Its July 1st today. ( )2. Ben and Janet are going to see a film on June 2nd. ( )3. It isnt Mikes birthday tomorrow. ( )4. There is nothing important this month. ( )5. The English test is on June 11th. 二Fill in the blanks. Janet: Whats the 1_, Ben? Ben: The first of June. Why? Janet: We are going to see a film 2_evening. Dont 3_. Ben: Isnt that Mikes birthday? We are all going to his home for a 4_ tomorrow. Janet: No. Mikes birthday party is on June 11th. Ben: Is there anything else important this month? Janet: Yes. We are going to have an English 5_ on June 24th. Dont forget. 1 UnitUnit 3 3 WeWe areare goinggoing toto havehave anan EnglishEnglish testtest 教学设计教学设计 LetsLets talktalk 第二课时第二课时 SchoolSchool 学校学校DateDate 日期日期DesignerDesigner 设计者设计者 UnitUnit 单元单元 ModuleModule 2 2PartPartLetsLets talktalk TopicTopic 课题课题 Unitnit 3 3 WeWe areare goinggoing toto havehave anan EnglishEnglish testtest PeriodPeriod 课时课时 2 2 TypeType ofof lessonlesson 课课 型型 新授课新授课 学生分析:学生分析: 五年级学生有一定的英语基础,课堂上积极主动发言,有较强的表现需求,对于贴近生活的学习内容更加感兴趣。五年级学生有一定的英语基础,课堂上积极主动发言,有较强的表现需求,对于贴近生活的学习内容更加感兴趣。 但同时容易开小差,因此需要设计多样化的活动让学生不觉得枯燥,积极参与学习活动。但同时容易开小差,因此需要设计多样化的活动让学生不觉得枯燥,积极参与学习活动。 MainMain PointPoint AnalysisAnalysis 教材分析:教材分析: 本单元的话题是谈论计划,学生对这些贴近生活的学习内容会有强烈的兴趣。谈论计划的问题,可以与学生的生活本单元的话题是谈论计划,学生对这些贴近生活的学习内容会有强烈的兴趣。谈论计划的问题,可以与学生的生活 实际联系起来。本课的单词、短语较多,但五年级的学生经过两年多的英语学习,已经积累了一定的语音基础,对单词实际联系起来。本课的单词、短语较多,但五年级的学生经过两年多的英语学习,已经积累了一定的语音基础,对单词 的学习和记忆掌握了一定的规律。本课时是的学习和记忆掌握了一定的规律。本课时是 UnitUnit 3 3 的第二课时的第二课时, ,在之前的学习里,学生已经学习了在之前的学习里,学生已经学习了 1515 页下面的表格,页下面的表格, 包括包括 date,month,plandate,month,plan,WhatsWhats thethe datedate ? ?和日期的顺读、逆读等。本节课的教学重点是和日期的顺读、逆读等。本节课的教学重点是 1414 页的页的 LetsLets talktalk 的内容的内容 和和 1515 页上面的页上面的 4 4 幅图。幅图。 ObjectivesObjectives: 教学目标教学目标 1 1LanguageLanguage knowledgeknowledge 语言知识:语言知识: 能理解、听、说、读以下单词、短语和句型:能理解、听、说、读以下单词、短语和句型: 单词:单词:meetingmeeting ,forget,open,forget,open day,day, important,important, museum,farm,testmuseum,farm,test 短语:短语:havehave a a sportssports meeting,meeting, gogo toto thethe schoolschool openopen day,day, visitvisit thethe museum,museum, visitvisit a a farmfarm 句型:句型:WeWe areare goinggoing toto . onon . . . 2 2LanguageLanguage skillskill 语言技能:语言技能: 能理解课文并流利朗读能理解课文并流利朗读 3 3AffectAffect 情感态度:在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作,大胆地进行口语交际。情感态度:在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作,大胆地进行口语交际。 4 4LearningLearning StrategiesStrategies 学习策略:积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。学习策略:积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 TeachingTeaching Aids/MediaAids/Media andand ResourceResource 教学资源与媒体教学资源与媒体 金太阳金太阳 VCDVCD、课件、一体机。、课件、一体机。 LanguageLanguage difficultdifficult pointpoint 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1. IsntIsnt thatthat MikesMikes birthday?birthday?的理解的理解 2.IsIs therethere anythinganything elseelse importantimportant thisthis month?month?的理解的理解 2 TeachingTeaching ProceduresProcedures 教学过程教学过程 TeachingTeaching activitiesactivities & & StepsSteps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤教学活动及具体的操作步骤 LearningLearning activitiesactivities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies/PurposeStrategies/Purpose 策略与设计意图策略与设计意图 I.I. WarmingWarming up&up& RevisionRevision 1.1. SingSing a a song:monthssong:months LetsLets play:sayplay:say outout thethe datesdates 1.1.唱歌唱歌 2.2.快速说出日期快速说出日期 1.1.调动气氛,复习月份调动气氛,复习月份 2.2.复习句型:复习句型:WhatsWhats thethe date?date?及及 日期说法日期说法 II.II. PresentationPresentation & & PracticePractice 1.1. LookLook andand listen.listen. T:OurT:Our schoolschool lifelife isis veryvery funfun ,we,we havehave a a lotlot ofof interestinginteresting activitiesactivities thisthis term.term. DoDo youyou wantwant toto joinjoin them?them? ListenListen carefullycarefully ! ! 2.2. AskAsk andand answer:answer: saysay outout thethe activitiesactivities oror thethe datesdates 用用 WhenWhen areare wewe goinggoing toto ? 和和 WhatWhat areare wewe goinggoing toto dodo onon ? 引引 出出 单词、短语、单词、短语、句型的学习句型的学习 3.3.用不同方式操练短语与句型用不同方式操练短语与句型 a.a. visitvisit thethe museummuseum b.b. havehave a a sportssports meetingmeeting c.c. gogo toto thethe schoolschool openopen dayday d.d. visitvisit a a farmfarm 4.4. 整体认读单词、短语整体认读单词、短语 5.5.通过图片练习通过图片练习 bebe goinggoing toto on.on. 6.6.通过上面的情景引入课文学习通过上面的情景引入课文学习 TalkTalk aboutabout thethe picturepicture ofof thethe texttext 7.7. ReadRead thethe texttext withwith youryour partnerpartner 8.Watch8.Watch thethe videovideo 9.Do9.Do thethe T T oror F F 10.Explain10.Explain thethe difficultdifficult pointspoints 1.1.认真听,记忆相应活动与日期认真听,记忆相应活动与日期 2.2.学生回忆出相应的活动或日期学生回忆出相应的活动或日期 初步感知单词、短语、句子初步感知单词、短语、句子 3.3.全班读,小组读,个别读等方式操练全班读,小组读,个别读等方式操练 4.4.再一次认读单词、短语再一次认读单词、短语 5.5.看图把句子补充完整,全班一起操练看图把句子补充完整,全班一起操练 6.6.读课文图片,感知课文读课文图片,感知课文 7.7.翻开书本翻开书本 1414 页,同桌合作自学课文页,同桌合作自学课文 8.8.听课文朗读,感知课文听课文朗读,感知课文 9.9.判断正误判断正误, , 理解课文内容理解课文内容 10.10.难点学习难点学习 11.11. 通过不同方式朗读流利朗读课文通过不同方式朗读流利朗读课文 1.1.通过图片,教师语篇输入学通过图片,教师语篇输入学 校的计划,学生记忆相应活动校的计划,学生记忆相应活动 与日期与日期 2.2.检查学生预习情况及反馈上检查学生预习情况及反馈上 一步骤的效果一步骤的效果 3.3.用不同方式操练单词、短语、用不同方式操练单词、短语、 句子句子 4.4.整体认读单词、短语整体认读单词、短语, ,再一次再一次 巩固短语巩固短语 5.5.操练句型操练句型 6.6.运用已有知识,为学习课文铺垫运用已有知识,为学习课文铺垫 7.7.同桌一起自学课文,提出疑同桌一起自学课文,提出疑 问问 8.8.听课文,理解大意听课文,理解大意 9.9.尝试找出问题的答案尝试找出问题的答案 10.10.教师教师 解释难点解释难点 3 11.Read11.Read thethe texttext byby differentdifferent waysways 11.11. 进一步熟悉课文进一步熟悉课文 III.III. DevelopmentDevelopment 1 1、FillFill inin thethe blanksblanks andand readread thethe texttext withwith thethe helphelp ofof somesome wordswords 2 2、合作读课文。、合作读课文。 1 1、完成填空、完成填空 2 2、合作读课文、合作读课文 进一步理解课文进一步理解课文 IV.IV. ConclusionConclusion & & HomeworkHomework 1.1.读、记新单词、短语并抄读、记新单词、短语并抄 2 2 次。次。 2.2. 听读听读 U3U3 课文,并尝试复述课文。课文,并尝试复述课文。 3 3、阅读绘本阅读绘本WereWere goinggoing onon a a bearbear hunthunt拓展课外阅读,激发学生学习拓展课外阅读,激发学生学习 英语的兴趣和阅读兴趣。英语的兴趣和阅读兴趣。 4 DesigningDesigning onon thethe boardboard 板书板书 【堂上练习纸堂上练习纸】 一一T or F ( )1. Its July 1st today. ( )2. Ben and Janet are going to see a film on June 2nd. ( )3. It isnt Mikes birthday tomorrow. ( )4. There is nothing important this month. ( )5. The English test is on June 11th. UnitUnit 3 3 WeWe areare goinggoing toto havehave anan EnglishEnglish testtest 单词单词 WeWe areare goinggoing toto _on_on + +日期日期. . visitvisit thethe museummuseum havehave a a sportssports meetingmeeting gogo toto thethe schoolschool openopen dayday visitvisit a a farmfarm 5 二Fill in the blanks. Janet: Whats the 1_, Ben? Ben: The first of June. Why? Janet: We are going to see a film 2_evening. Dont 3_. Ben: Isnt that Mikes birthday? We are all going to his home for a 4_ tomorrow. Janet: No. Mikes birthday party is on June 11th. Ben: Is there anything else important this month? Janet: Yes. We are going to have an English 5_ on June 24th. Dont forget. 【教材副本教材副本】
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