教科版(广州)五下Module 1 Seasons-Unit 2 It's the middle of winter-Did you know& Self-assessment-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:303e0).zip


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1 五年级下册五年级下册 Unit 4 Regs Travel plan (worksheet) Name:_ 1. Please listen and tick()what they will do in Hainan. ( )visit the museum ( )go shopping, swim in the pool, or play on the beach ( )travel in Hainan ( )have a sports meeting ( )go for a picnic ( )visit a farm ( )see a film ( )see all the lovely deer ( )go mountain climbing ( )camp under the stars 2. Please read the text in 1 minute, and answer. ( )When will they travel in Hainan? AFrom Nov23rd to Nov 27th B. From Nov 23rd to Nov 28th 3. Please read the text again silently and match: 2 4. Lets retell : 5. Lets make a travel plan in Guangzhou for Reg: (You can choose Version A or Version B ) Version A : Of course, Reg! Here is our travel plan for you. On Nov 23rd, we will go to the Tianhe Park in the morning. On the 24th, we will _all day. Nov 25th is a free day. We can _.On the 26th we are going to_ in _. Then we will _ the next day. Im sure you will have a good time in Guangzhou. Version B : Of course, Reg! Here is our travel plan for you. On Nov 23rd, we will get up early in the morning. On the 24th, we will _all day. Nov 25th is a _ day. We _.On the 26th _. Then _ _. ModulModule 2 Planse 2 Plans 广州教科版五年级下册广州教科版五年级下册 He likes eating. swimming making plans RegRegRegRegRegRegRegReg in Guangzhou in Guangzhou in Guangzhou in Guangzhou If a holiday is coming, What will Reg do? He will go traveling. For me, For me, I like to take photos I like to take photos therethere all day.all day. Hainan Unit4 Unit4 RegsRegs Travel plan Travel plan Where will he go? What can peopleWhat can people do in Hainando in Hainan ? ? Lets guess. I think, people willI think, people will _ in Hainan._ in Hainan. Lets listen. 1. Please listen and tick()what will they do in Hainan. ( )visit the museum ( )go shopping, swim in the pool, or play on the beach ( )travel in Hainan ( )have a sports meeting ( )go for a picnic ( )visit a farm ( )see a film ( )see all the lovely deer ( )go mountain climbing ( )camp under the stars Lets read. 2. Please read the text in 1 minute, and answer. ( ) When will they travel in Hainan? A. From Nov23rd to Nov 27th B. From Nov 23rd to Nov 28th A A 3. Whats the meaning of “ the next day”? Lets match. Nov 23rd Nov 24th Nov 25th Nov 26th Nov 27th We will go mountain climbing all day. We are going to visit a farm, and camp under the stars that evening. We will fly there early in the morning, and go for a picnic in the afternoon. is a free day. We can go shopping, swim in the pool or play on the beach. We are going to fly back home at noon. Lets read. Lets read. How to judge?stars: _ 1. Read it fluently. (流畅度) 2. Read it correctly. (正确度) 3. Separate it into patterns. (按意群划分) Lets read Nov 23rd We will.early in the morning, and in the afternoon. We will.all day. free. We can go., in the or We are going to Im sure we will. Nov 24th Nov 25th Nov 26th Nov 27th We will.at noon. Lets retell I really had a good time in Hainan. To make a plan before traveling is very important. Now, Reg is in Guangzhou go shopping eat dimsum go boating the Pearl River climb the mountain visit the zoo A Travel plan in Guangzhou Lets share Reg Of course, Reg. Here is our travel plan for you. We will Hello, guys. Can you make a travel plan for me? Thank you. I cant wait to travel in Guangzhou now. Thank you! Homework. 1.Listen to the tape, and read the Unit4; 2.Share your travel plan with your parents. Let plans light up our lives. Its a beautiful place with Its a beautiful place with sunshine.sunshine. The wind blows under the The wind blows under the blue sky.blue sky. You can see the sunrise early You can see the sunrise early in the morning.in the morning. You can even see the You can even see the rainbow.rainbow. Its famous for this stone.Its famous for this stone. Many people like to pray Many people like to pray there for good luck. there for good luck. 1 ModuleModule 2 2 PlansPlans Unit4Unit4 RegRegs s TravelTravel PlanPlan(篇章阅读课)(篇章阅读课) 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本课是五年级下册 Module 2 Plans 的第 4 个课时“语篇阅读课” ,本课将以 “如何为 Reg 制定一个最佳旅游计划”为话题,以天府路小学 IDO 阅读教学模 式为教学框架,结合上一个课时“Ben 忘记为考试做准备,结果考砸的情境” , 渗透“凡事预则立”的文化情感教育,引导学生做事前应该有一个计划的习惯。 结合 Unit4 的篇章学习以及学生的实际情况,通过小组活动进行语言知识 点听、说、读、写的训练,最后学生能根据时间轴复述文本,并发挥主人翁的 精神,通过仿写为 Reg 设计一份 “广州 5 日游”的计划。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 华阳小学的五年级学生乐学、善思、喜分享、爱表现,他们喜欢旅游、见 识广阔。加上在本次“模块整合教学”前三个课时里,他们已熟练掌握了序数 词以及日期的顺读和逆读法(May the fifth,the fifth of May); 熟练掌握 be going to do = will do 的一般将来时句型,及日常生活的一些动词短语(课本 P14-P17),能结合具体日期描述自己或他人某一天的计划。因此,本节课将围 绕“如何为 Reg 制定一个最佳旅游计划”这个话题情境,引导学生通过自主、 合作、探究的学习方式,完成一系列的综合语言任务。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1. 语言知识:语言知识: 1)单词: travel, mountain, climb, beach, deer, at noon. 2)短语:(动词词组)go mountain climbing,have a good time (时间状语)at noon 3)句型:We will/ are going to . for .days. / On , we will/ are going to. 4)功能意念:I cant wait to . 以及 Im sure we will. 2. 语言技能:语言技能: 1)能在情境中理解、正确运用短语和句型。 2)能正确理解文本内容,熟练地上口,并在时间轴的提示下复述。 3)能因地制宜,仿写“广州 5 天游”的计划。 3. 语言情感与文化品格语言情感与文化品格: 能明白“凡事预则立”的道理,合理计划自己的生活、旅游出行。 4. 学习策略学习策略: 1)能有效地进行小组合作,乐于与他人交流; 2)能巧妙运用多种记忆策略学习单词、文本。 2 3)能通过时间轴有条理地复述文本,并仿写“广州 5 天游”的计划。 四、教学重点四、教学重点 1. 对这个“5 天海南游”计划的理解; 2. 对篇章的熟悉和朗读。 五、教学难点五、教学难点 1. 能用一般将来时口头复述这“5 天海南游”的主要活动安排; 2. 仿写“广州 5 日游” 。 六、教学内容六、教学内容 注:来自五年级下册课本 P20-P21. 七、教学策略七、教学策略 1. 以生为本,注重学生的主体学习地位; 2. 用活板书,充分发挥“活动黑板”的作用; 3. 注重引导学生在情境创设下进行语用学习; 4. 借力“时间轴”,侧重培养学生的思辨和表达能力; 5. 运用以旧带新、Phonics 拼读法等方式,训练学生有技巧地记忆单词。 八、教学媒体八、教学媒体 教学课件,学习学案,视频,篇章 MP3。 3 九、教学过程:九、教学过程: 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 1. Free talk. 师生互动,回顾 U3 所学, 引出人物 Reg 以及他准 备要去旅游这个情境,揭 示今天所学的话题。 回顾 U3 所学和 Reg 的性格特点,在情 境中进行发散式提 问,进入话题学习。 衔接课时, 图片展示, 发散思维, 引出话题。 Pre-reading 2. Lets guess. 发挥学生主体学习地位, 复习各种动词短语的旧知, 并引导进行 will 与 be going to 的句型转换 猜 What will people do in Hainan? 以小组形式,从信 封里挑出适合海南 的活动短语,小组 讨论将合适的活动 呈现给大家。 以生为本,让黑 板“活”起来; 激活旧知,适当 渗透时间状语, 如 all day 为文本 学习做铺垫。 3. Lets listen. 播放听力,引导学生关注 文章整体大意。 倾听,整体了解主 旨 选出听到的活动。 整体感知文本, 了解文章大意。 4. Lets read and judge. 一分钟快速阅读,判断出 海南五日游是哪五天,并 猜测这五天的活动安排。 速读,关注日期起 始 判断海南五日游的 具体日期;并猜测 这五天的活动安排。 5. Lets match 出示 5 天时间和活动,引 导学生默读,配对 随文解决生词、时间状语。 查读,配对;检验 之前的猜测是否正 确; 学习生词、时间状 语 多种方式检测, 多样品读文本, 培养阅读技巧, 活用黑板功能。 While-reading 6. Lets read aloud. 看视频,小组读,让学生 熟读文章,读好文章。 整体感知文本后, 有评价目标地朗读 划分意群; 大声朗读, 4 文本;养成静心倾 听和过程性评价的 习惯。 熟悉文章; 学会评价 7. Lets retell. 以时间轴的方式重现文本, 引导学生进行复述。 在时间轴,图片和 关键句的帮助下, 复述文本。 图文互助, 还原文本; 培养复述能力。 Post-reading 8. Lets write. 引导学生借助时间轴,仿 写 5 天的广州游,并进行 分享。 选择适合自己的文 本框架(A/B 篇), 为 Reg 设计一份 “广州 5 日游”的 计划。 发挥广州主人翁 的精神,将知识 联系生活,学以 致用。 HomeworkShare your travel plan to parents. 延续性作业, 检测学习成果。 九、板书设计九、板书设计 5 十、家庭作业的设计十、家庭作业的设计 完成仿写A Travel Plan in Guangzhou ,并分享这个计划给父母听。
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