教科版(广州)五下Module 7 Let's look back-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)--(编号:d48b7).zip


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版本: 教科2011课标版三年级起点 Topic: Module 2 Our Wonderful Plans (Revision) 年级:五 年 级(下 册) LOE复习课例 做事前制定计划是非常重 要的! Our Wonderful Plans LOE高效复习课模式课例研讨 Module 2 Revision Plan LOE复习课例 Revision be going to/ will 将来时 Please use the future tense They are careless(粗心). What are they going to do in summer holiday? Can you find their mistakes(错误)(错误) ? see a film watch a football match fly a kite do some reading LOE复习课例 Revision I will going to see a film with my parents. I am going to watch a football match with my friends July 17th . I will doing some reading in Guangzhou Library with my friends. will / am going to on do I be going to fly a kite in Tianhe Park on this summer holiday. am o n Flag Word 标志词标志词 一般将来时常与一般将来时常与表示将来的时间状语连用表示将来的时间状语连用 in on LOE复习课例 tomorrow tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon tomorrow evening this afternoon this Friday this weekend this season this year next morning next weekend next Monday next spring next year June 16th June 17th 2018 2019 Revision do some reading do my homework listen to music cook a meal play the guitar watch TV paint the picture do housework 词语积累:词语积累: Read the activities play the piano have a party go fishing play football ride a bike go swimming go mountain climbing go running play on the beach 词语积累:词语积累: Read the activities fly a kite go camping What are you going to do this weekend? Example : What will you do on July 1st ? I am going to visit the museum this weekend. I will have a party on July 1st. speaking activity What am I going to do? Maybe you are going to / will see a film on October 1st. important dates : June 28th and 29th July 1st from July 24th to July 29th September 1st October 1st December 7th Guess go travelling in Beijing go to work have a meeting my sons birthday have a test have a party Please discuss in groups and ask some questions about my plan. LOE复习课例 Practice Team work 小组合作小组合作 Do you have any questions about this party ? plan What will you do at the party? have a party What When is the party? When will you have the party? When What time will the party begin? What time shall we go? What time Where will you have the party ? Where shall we meet? Where Who will come to the party? Who 1.Listen and choose T or F. 听录音判断对错。听录音判断对错。 ( )1. Lily is going to have a party for her friends. ( ) 2.The party is on July 1st. ( ) 3. She is going to do many interesting things at the party. ( ) 4.The party will be at the library. ( ) 5.If you can come to the party, please arrive at 2:00. F T T F F students classroom before Do you have any plans for summer holiday? Im going to have a party for my students on July 1st at my classroom. I hope that all the students and some teachers will come to the party. We will do many interesting things at the party, play games, sing and dance. The party will begin at 2:00 p.m. , please arrive at school before it and you can take some food to the school . Im sure you will have a good time on this special day . I will prepare(准备) many presents. If you are the lucky(运气好的) one, you can get abig present. party my plan July 1st. At our classroom. At 2:00 p.m. All my students and some teachers. Play games, sing and dance. I want to invite your music teacher to come to the party. LOE复习课例 Practice What is she going to do? Will Miss Zhang come to the party? Dear Lily, Thanks for you to invite me. Id like to come to the party. I think its a special party for the students. But I will go to Yangjiang on July 1st and 2nd. I am going to drive my car with my family early in the morning on July 1st. We will play on the beach and go swimming in the afternoon. Then we will have an easy dinner ,because we plan to enjoy many delicious seafood at about 12:00 p.m. . If the weather is fine, we are going to go camping under the stars by the sea. We will go back home on July 2nd after lunch. So I cant go to your party. I wish all your students will love your party. Ms Zhang Here are some tips for you! 阅读小技巧。阅读小技巧。 Go over the exercises first. (首先浏览一遍题目,了解大概意思。) Read and check your answers. (阅读并进行检查) Read and underline the key words or sentences to finish the exercises. (阅读时找出关键词或关键句并完成练习。 ) LOE复习课例 Development Dear Lily, Thanks for you to invite me. Id like to come to the party. I think its a special party for the students. But I will go to Yangjiang on July 1st and 2nd. I am going to drive my car with my family early in the morning on July 1st. We will play on the beach and go swimming in the afternoon. Then we will have an easy dinner ,because we plan to enjoy many delicious seafood at about 12:00 p.m . If the weather is fine, we are going to go camping under the stars by the sea. We will go back home on July 2nd after lunch. So I cant go to your party. I wish all your students will love your party. Ms Zhang Read and choose the answers. ( ) 1. Where is she going to on July 1st? A. Panyu Zoo B. Tianhe Park C. Yangjiang C ( ) 2. Who will go with her together? A. Her students B. Her family C.Ms Yang B ( ) 3. How will she get there? A. By bus B. By underground C. By car C ( ) 4. What time will she eat the seafood? A. At 6:00 p.m. B.At 12:00 p.m. C.At 9:00 a.m. B ( ) 5. What is she going to do in the afternoon of July 1st? A. Go swimming and play on the beach B.Go shopping C. Eat the seafood. A plan July 1st and 2nd. I am going to drive my car with my family early in the morning on July 1st. we plan to enjoy many delicious seafood at about 12:00 p.m . LOE复习课例 Summary I will go to Yangjiang on July 1st and 2nd. I am going to drive my car with my family early in the morning on July 1st. How to write it? When What July 1st in the morning drive to Yangjiang in the afternoon play on the beach go swimming in the eveninghave an easy dinner enjoy the seafood go camping July 2nd go back home Writing Activity Request (任务要求):(任务要求): 1、Youd better write your detailed(详细的)(详细的) plan. 2、After school, you can invite your friend to play with you. LOE复习课例 Development make a plan for one thing 一件事的计划一件事的计划 make a plan for a few days 几日活动计划几日活动计划 My wonderful plan _ is coming. I am going to _ _ In the morning/ On the first day , I will_ _ In the afternoon/ On the second day, I _ _ I am going to _ _ I will _ _ _ My wonderful plan what where plan what time when how who Lets share our plans. Question: What is he / she going to do? keep a good habit make a plan make an invitation Homework: 1、Review Module 2 2、Please invite your friend to play together. 3、Share your passage with your classmates (分享文章)分享文章) .(选选) 小学英语小学英语“LOE”复习课教学设计模版复习课教学设计模版 Team 备课小组备课小组 Grade 5 Date 日期日期 Designer 设计者设计者 研究主题研究主题 方向方向 LOE 复习课模式研究复习课模式研究 Module /Topic 模块及话题模块及话题 Module 2 Unit 单元单元 Unit3 & Unit4 Title 题目题目 Our Wonderful Plans (Revision) Period 课时课时 6th Type of lesson 课型课型 Revision Teaching Contents Analysis 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本单元内容围绕谈论 plan 复习有关将来时句型,核心句型为:be going to/ will 。为了帮助学生能在已 学知识的基础上,巩固知识,综合运用句型 be going to/ will ,我创设了主题为 Our Wonderful Plans 的情境 主线,基于将来时语法知识点上,重整了本单元的学习内容,自编了老师六一节活动计划的听力文本和音乐老 师写的一封六一活动计划信件阅读文本,让学生复习相关词汇及句型,在听力中准确获取信息,在口语表达中 完善语言交际性,在阅读中掌握写作的技巧,在写作中提升语言的综合运用能力。 Teaching Objects Analysis 教学对象分析教学对象分析 五年级学生为小学高年级阶段,他们已掌握了一些有关 go camping/have a picnic/活动词组,也积累了不少 生活经验,为本模块的主题“Our Wonderful Plans”的理解和学习奠定了深厚的基础。为了让孩子能在特定的 教学情境中运用已经掌握的知识,教师通过创设学生都比较感兴趣的话题和场景 make a plan,并巧妙在其中安 排不同难易程度的教学活动,说听读写,层层铺垫,环环递进,逐步提高学生的综合运用能力。结合本班 学生的现有知识水平和 11 岁孩子学习特点,我在教学中选取了适合“差、中、好”学生不同难度的教学活动, 让学生能真正发挥主体作用,给学生们自由发挥的空间,在不同的学习任务和小组合作中完成知识到能力的转 化。 小学英语小学英语“LOE”复习课教学设计模版复习课教学设计模版 Objectives : 教学目标教学目标 1、Language knowledge 语言知识:语言知识: 复习 Module 2 的词汇、语法及句型; 能综合运用一般将来时 be going to/will 制定自己的活动计划。 2、Language skill 语言技能:语言技能:能在情境中正确运用短语和句型; 能通过听力、阅读获取信息完成练习。 3、Affect 情感态度:情感态度:1)在多元的学生互动中提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性。 2)能明白制定计划的重要性,合理计划自己的生活和出行。 4、Learning Strategies 学习策略学习策略: 1) 通过听说写的操练,提升学生的语言综合运用能力; 2) 通过有效的教学活动,提高学生的参与度和学习效果。 3)在思维导图的帮助下进行写作构思。 5、文化意识: 结合学生实际生活,引导学生合理计划生活。 Language Focus 教学重点教学重点 Language difficult point 教学难点教学难点 (重)1、在活动中运用 Module2 的四会单词及常用短语; 2、一般将来时 be going to/ will 的运用; (难)3、运用本模块的知识及一般将来时写出一份详细的活动计划; Teaching Aids/Media and Resource 教学资源与媒教学资源与媒 体体 电脑、投影仪,自制课件 Preview Learning 1.The students have reviewed the words of U3 and U4. 2.The students have learned the dialogues of U3 and U4. Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤教学活动及具体的操作步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies and purpose 策略与设计意图策略与设计意图 四大教四大教 学环节学环节 小学英语小学英语“LOE”复习课教学设计模版复习课教学设计模版 I. Revision (7mins) Show the teaching line. T:Children, summer holiday is coming . Do you have any plans for your holiday? T:OK, you have some plans. It is very important to make a plan before you are going to do something. So today we will review Module 2 Our Wonderful Plans.(情境创 设) Activity 1: Listen and try to find the mistakes. T: Some boys are talking about their plans . But they are careless. There are some mistakes in the sentences. Lets listen , what are they going to do? Can you find the mistakes in the sentences? (同桌讨论学生个人说学生总结句型注 意的地方教师边呈现相关词汇边让学生读) Activity 2. Practise the sentences. T:What are you going to do this weekend? Im going to . What will you do on July 1st ? I will (教师先和 2 名学生示范学生同桌互动) Ss know the teaching aims. Activity 1:The students listen and find the mistakes in pairs.(同桌活动同桌活动) Activity 2、Ss practise the sentence in pairs.(同桌同桌 活动活动) (LOE Stage1 Revision复习复习 环节环节) 复习热身,激发学生已有的知 识点课标 2011更加明确地 区分了英语课程的工具性与人 文性。 “语言既是交流的工具, 也是思维的工具。 ”在课堂的开 始环节为了充分调动学生的积 极性,能让学生在思考中学习。 Activity 1:通过找出帮助学 生抓住句型的容易出错的地方, 为后面的整堂课将来的运用做 好铺垫。 Activity 2:学生操练相关的 句型,为后面的语言输出做好 准备。 图片激趣, 创设情境, 复习词汇 及短语, 滚动知识 II. Presentation &Practice (22mins) Activity3. Guessing Activity T: Let Ss read some dates on the calendar . Then guess: What is Lily going to do? Activity 4: Ask some questions about the plan T:Im going to have a party on July 1st. Do you Activity3:Ss read the dates first. (全班活动全班活动) Guess in group, what is Lily going to do? (小组活动小组活动) Activity 4: Ss try to ask some (LOE Stage2 Practice训练训练 环节环节) 主要目的:听说促写,提升综 合能力 Activity 3:对孩子进行文 化的教育渗透,让孩子养成良 好的生活习惯。善于制定行动 小学英语小学英语“LOE”复习课教学设计模版复习课教学设计模版 have any questions about the party? Please discuss in group .(Brain storming) (学生小组讨论学生小组讨论个体汇报个体汇报读出读出 PPT 中的中的 问句问句) (板书思维导图简单部分板书思维导图简单部分) Activity 5: Listening Activity Listen to a passage and choose T or F. Activity 6: Reading Activity Read and choose the right answers. T: I want to invite your music teacher to come to the party. Will she come to the party? Lets read the letter from Ms Zhang. questions about teachers plan. (小组活动小组活动) Then read all the sentences.(全班活动全班活动) Activity 5:Ss listen and do the exercise .(个体活动个体活动) Activity 6: Ss read the passage and choose the right answers. (个人活动个人活动) 计划,让孩子受益终生。 Activity4: 为了给学生创设更多的 学用机会,采用小组合作学习的方式 更能提高课堂的实效性,激励学生积 极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 Activity5: 训练学生的听力,培养 他们听的技能。 合理运用教材的资 源,将学习活动与测查反馈相连接, 并注意体现练习的层次性。 Activity 6:培养学生阅读的技 能,在范文中能得到有用的信息,为 写作做准备。 归类点拨, 提炼核心, 集中操练, 技能训练, 有效巩固, 分层递进。 III. Summary and Development (10mins) Activity7: Sum-up How to write the plan?(在开始的思维导图基 础上,呈现阅读文本中的相应句型,让学生知道 how to write it.) Ss sum up how to write a plan with the help of the teacher. Activity8: Writing Activity Let Ss write a detailed plan. Activity 7: 在教师的引导 下小结本课知识点及写作的 纲要。 Activity8: Write a plan Ss try to write a detailed plan.(个人活动个人活动) (LOE Stage3 Summary &Development小结与拓展环小结与拓展环 节节) 主要目的:将知识内化,转变 成能力 Activity 8&9:由阅读的范文为基 础,引导学生如何制定计划,学生在 思维导图的引导下把所学知识加以应 用,做到从生活中走向课堂,又由课 堂走到生活中去,在参与中掌握知识, 生成能力,从而真正实现了从知识到 能力的转化。 知识积累, 整合训练, 提升拓展, 有效输出, 自主展示。 IV. Homework (1min) Homework 1.Revision Module 2 2.Please invite your friend to play together. 3.Share your passage with your classmates (分享文章) Homework 能利用课后作业,借助作业让学生 学习用英语完成现实生活的任务。 作业布置, 课外延伸 小学英语小学英语“LOE”复习课教学设计模版复习课教学设计模版 Designing on the board 板书板书 Module 2 Our Wonderful Plans LOE 复习课复习课 模式模式 1、 核心概念核心概念 “Line (主线主线) + Openness (开放性)开放性)+ Efficiency (效率)效率) ” ,在一条主线的串联的教学环节、教学活动中,体现以生为本,突出,在一条主线的串联的教学环节、教学活动中,体现以生为本,突出 学生的主体地位,还学生的自主参与课堂,在多元的合作下提高语言的积累、运用,训练、提升四大语言技能(听说读写)学生的主体地位,还学生的自主参与课堂,在多元的合作下提高语言的积累、运用,训练、提升四大语言技能(听说读写) 2、 LOE 复习课模式复习课模式 小学英语小学英语“LOE”复习课教学设计模版复习课教学设计模版 课题Module 2 Our Wonderful Plans (Revision) 教学环节教学活动教学目的 RevisionActivity1: Listen and try to find the mistakes Activity2: Practise the sentences Activity3: Guessing Activity 复习热身,激发学生已有的知识点。 Presentation & Practice Activity 4: Ask some questions about the plan Activity 5: Listening Activity Activity 6: Reading Activity 听说促写,提升综合能力。 Summary & Development Activity 7: Sum up Activity 8: Writing Activity Sharing 将知识内化,转变成能力。 HomeworkHomework借助作业让学生学习用英语完成现实生活的任务。 教学主线暑假要来临了,老师要准备办个 party,先让学生小组讨论关于这个 party 有没有一些问题?听力训练:让学生带着问题,听老师的六一 计划,并完成相应的练习口语训练:老师想邀请音乐老师参加 party,请学生合作完成一封邀请信阅读训练:音乐老师来不来?请学 生阅读并完成相关任务写作训练:在思维导图的引领下,制定自己一次活动的详细计划 教学反思 本节课围绕“LOE”复习课模式开展课例的研究,重点围绕“LOE”进行教学设计。 1、 L:主要是结合复习的 Module 2 的相关内容,如将来时句型,活动词组等,精心设计了“老师的“暑假 party”活动计划邀请朋友参加 活动”这条教学主线,创设学生生活中的场景来复习、巩固和运用,通过老师的实例,引导学生一些生活和学习的习惯。 2、O:在围绕主线下,为了提升学生的“听、说、写”的能力,分别在四大环节中精心设计了不同的教学活动。为了体现复习课堂学生的主体 地位,回归学生的发言权和高密度的参与者,教学活动有学生个人的活动,小组合作的活动等不同形式开展。尤其四人小组的活动是在课堂 教学中长期采用的,4 人小组分 1、2、3、4 号学生,大致是按成绩高低排序,在小组活动时,先让他们在组内充分的交流,4 人都发表不同 的意见,互相纠错,最终形成本小组汇报。为了能让不同层次的学生在小组中发挥作用,老师会按照问题的难以适时选定好回答的选手。或 是让他们自主选择回答问题的同学,成绩好的答对了只能加 1 分,答错了要扣分;成绩差的答对了加 2 分,答错了不扣分,在这种竞争的机 制下,每个小组都会合作,互相帮助,共同完成任务,能有效调动学生的参与积极性。 在学生学习策略方面的指导,有多角度互动性,有师生,有生生,有多维度的合作学习,全体学习大组展示学习四人小组合 作学习同桌互助交流学习个人学习,先让学生能在不同范围的团队里不断获取、积累本节课的相关的学习内容,再到个人独立完成相 小学英语小学英语“LOE”复习课教学设计模版复习课教学设计模版 关的任务,很好的维护不同学生学习英语的自信心。 3、E:本节课中设计的教学活动是有意识培养学生的“听力、口语表达、写作”的三大技能。我们采用的教学活动和教学方式是教学生学英语, 创设贴切孩子生活经历的情景, 。孩子的英语学习一定是要建立在模拟真实的情境中学习、运用,这样孩子在以后的生活中才会运用曾经学过 的语言。 结合金字塔学习理论,在复习课中主要是发挥学生的主动性,同时也为了保护孩子的自信心,课堂的活动多数采用同桌小组合作方式 交流学习。教师给各种学生创造机会,把所学知识加以应用,做到从生活中走向课堂,又由课堂走到生活中去,在参与中掌握知识,生成能 力,从而真正实现了从知识到能力的转化。 4、反思本节课,我从学生听课的状况、活动的参与、学生的最后输出反馈中发现还有一些需要更完善: 1)学生自主学习目标、任务很明确,教师要更加关注这形成性的过程,及时给于不同的小组一定的指导和帮助; 2)本节课中没有更好地体现知识的系统性的归纳,没有让学生归纳出本节课重难点。 Summer holiday is coming. Do you have any plans for summer holiday? classroom students and some teachers play games sing and dance have a party take some food I will prepare(准备) many presents.If you are the lucky(运气好的) one, you can get abig present. LOE 高效复习课例研讨 Module 2 Our Wonderful Plans 前置性作业: the future time(将来时时间):_ _ activities(活动词组):_ _ be going to/ will (造句):_ _ 1、Listen to the passage and choose T or F. ( ) Lily is going to have a party for her friends. ( ) The party is on July 1st. ( ) She is going to do many interesting things on the party. ( ) The party will be at the library. ( ) If you can come to the party, please arrive at 2:00. 2、Read the letter and choose the right answer. Dear Lily, Thanks for you to invite me. Id like to come to the party. I think its a special party for the students. But I will go to Yangjiang on July 1st and 2nd. I am going to drive my car with my family early in the morning on July 1st. We will play on the beach and go swimming in the afternoon. Then we will have an easy dinner ,because we plan to enjoy many delicious seafood at about 12:00 p.m. . If the weather is fine, we are going to go camping under the stars by the sea. We will go back home on July 2nd after lunch. So I cant go to your party. I wish all your students wi
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