教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 12 I know a short cut-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:811a1).zip


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五年级下册 Module 6 Directions Unit 12 I know a short cut 研学案研学案 第二课时第二课时 Discover a short cut( (听说课听说课) ) 【研学目标研学目标】 1. 我能读。 【Task 1】 2. 我能读懂短文并能回答问题。 【Task 2】 3. 我能谈谈并写写。 【Task 3】 4. 我能做。 【Task 4】 【学习线路图学习线路图】 【研学过程研学过程】 【Task1】I can read. Go straight ahead Take the first right Walk through the park Take the second left In front of the house Turn right Turn right out of the house 【Task2】I can read and answer. Watch the video and answer the questions in group (1) Where were John and Joan going? (2) How long do they need to get there usually? (3) What does “short cut” mean in Chinese? (4) How did they get to the cinema? (5) Why was John happy? 【Task3】 1. Talk about how to get to school with your 5 friends. 2. Write down who goes to school with John in different days. (1) John goes to school with on Monday. (2) John goes to school with on Tuesday. (3) John goes to school with on Wednesday. (4) John goes to school with on Thursday. (5) John goes to school with on Friday. Turn out the house, go straight ahead, take the left. Go straight ahead. the main street at the crossing, walk the park and out of the front gate. 【Task4】活 P52 EX5 A short cut to school Mike is a schoolboy. Everyday he leaves home for school at 7:45 in the morning and walks to school. He turns left out of his home, then he takes the second right at the tracffic lights. There he usually meets his friend Jim. They walk together. After ten minutes, they get to the sports centre. They walk around the sports centre to the other side. Their school is opposite the sports centre, Usually they get to school at 8:10. Sometimes when they are late, Jack and Jim will go into the sports centre and walk through it. That is a short cut to their school. Mikes mother has a car, and she has time to drive Mike to school. But Mike prefers to walk. “walking is good exercise,” he says, “and I enjoy walking to school with my friend Jim.” 1. What time does Mike leave home for school? 2. How does Mike go to school? 3. Where does Mike usually meet his friend Jim? 4. How much time does Mike need to walk to his school? 5. Why doesnt Mikes mother drive him to school? 6. Why does Mike prefer to walk to school? 【学习评价学习评价】请给涂颜色。 义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册五年级下册 Module 6 Directions Turn left for the school. Turn right for the bank. Straight on for the pool, You have the map to thank. Turn left for the car, Turn right for the camp. Straight on for the park, You have the map to thank. Lets chant: SCHOOL BANK hare tortoise (创设龟兔赛跑的情境,看谁最快 到达目的地,他们都盘算着。 The Hare: Ill be the winner.Turn right/left out of the, go straight ahead, take the first/second/thirdright/left. Thats easy. The Tortoise: Ill the winner. Crossed the main street, turned right/left into the , walked through the and out of the gate.我们都为他 们加油:Hare, Hare, go go go. Tortoise, Tortoise, go go go.最后龟胜 出。The Hare: Why? The Tortoise: Ha, ha, I know a short cut. ) Ill be the winner. 为hare加油,hare, hare, go go go.究竟她走 什么路线?听听 cinema park gate gate house 学生听线路1,画出线路。 house The hare usually turns left out of the house. Then she , goes straight ahead and . takes the first right takes the second left 学习第二种表达。 take the first right A: Can you tell me the way to the library, please? B: Go straight ahead, take the second right, the library is on the left. 运动第二种指路的表达进行操练。 A: Can you tell me the way to the shoe shop, please? B: Go straight ahead, _, the _ is on the _. take the third left shoe shopright A: Can you tell me the way to the park, please? B: Go straight ahead, _, the _ is on the _. take the first right parkleft A: Can you tell me the way to the _, please? B: Go straight ahead, _, the _ is on the _. house The hare usually turns _ out of the house. Then she takes the _ _, goes _ _ and takes the _ _. left first right straight ahead second left Ill be the winner. 为tortoise加油, tortoise, tortoise, go go go.究竟她走什么路线 ?听听 cinema park front gate gate house house The tortoise crossed the main street and turned left into the park. She walked through the park and out of the front gate. Suddenly She was in front of the tree! 学生讨论说说第二条路线。 学习walk though. cross 跨过跨过 She crossed the main street. walk through 步行通过,穿过步行通过,穿过 She walked through the park. ? I know a short cut. 1.Where are John and Joan? 2.Where are they going? They are standing in front of their house. They are going to. John Joan (生活中,只要多发现 ,多讲方法,就会提高 效率,赢得时间。我们 身边就有例子。) They are going to the cinema to see a film. The film starts in ten minutes. But they need fifteen minutes to get there. How to get to the cinema?need 需要需要 Look, listen and find out the short cut. house They _ and _. They _ and out of the front gate. Suddenly they were in front of the cinema! crossed the main street turned left into the park walked through the park suddenly 突然突然 1.Where were John and Joan going? 2. How long do they need to get there usually? 3. What does “short cut” mean in Chinese? 4. How did they get to the cinema? 5. Why was John happy? They were going to the cinema. They usually need 15 minutes to get there. 近路。近路。 They crossed the main street and turned left into the park. They walked through the park and out of the front gate. Because they got to the cinema on time. 看金太阳,再阅读课文。 组内解决问题。学习on time。 on time 及时;按时及时;按时 Lets try. 1. 我们每天应该按时交作业。我们每天应该按时交作业。 2. 如果你不能按时到达,应该预先告诉你的朋友。如果你不能按时到达,应该预先告诉你的朋友。 We should hand in our homework on time every day. If you cant get there on time, you should tell your friends. I cant believe it. believe 及时;按时及时;按时 Lets try. 1. 这猪能飞,我不敢相信。这猪能飞,我不敢相信。 2. 龟赢了,我不敢相信。龟赢了,我不敢相信。 The pig can fly, I cant believe it. The tortoise is the winner, I cant believe it . Read after the tape. 1. How to get to the restaurant? 2. What is the short cut to the restaurant? Turn right out of the house. Take the first left. Then take the second right. And then take the first right. The restaurant is on your left. Turn right out of the house. Go straight ahead, walked through the park. You can see the restaurant in front of you. John and Joan were standing and John looked at his . “Well be late, the film starts in , but we need to get there,” John said to Joan and he started to quickly. “Dont worry. We have time,” Joan said, “I know a .” To get to the , John usually out of their house. Then he , goes and . But today Joan took him a different way. They crossed the main and turned into the park. They the park and out of the front gate. Suddenly they were . John looked at his . “ I cant _ it. We are _. Youre really great, Joan!” 近路近路 John and Joan were standing _ their house and John looked at his _. “Well be late, the film starts in _, but we need _ to get there,” John said to Joan and he started to _. “Dont worry. We have time,” Joan said, “I know a _.” To get to the cinema, John usually _ out of their house. The he _, goes straight ahead and _. But today Joan took him a _. They crossed the _ and turned _ into the park. They _ the park and out of the front gate. Suddenly they were _ the cinema. John looked at his watch. “ I cant _ it. We are _. Youre really great, Joan!” in front of watch ten minutes 15 minutes walk quickly short cut takes the first right turns left takes the second left different way main street leftwalked through in front of believeon time park Bens Jiamins Mikes Toms Davids Johns supermarket hospital market school bus station police station post office TV station bank cinema bookstore shop shop 1. John goes to school with on Monday. 2. John goes to school with on Tuesday. 3. John goes to school with on Wednesday. 4. John goes to school with on Thursday. 5. John goes to school with on Friday. Turn out the house, go straight ahead, take the left. Go straight ahead. the main street at the crossing, walk the park and out of the front gate. 1.熟读课文并尝试背课文。 2.写你去学校或一个你常去的地方的捷径。 五年级下册 Module 6 Directions Unit 12 I know a short cut 教学设计教学设计 第二课时第二课时 Discover a short cut( (听说课听说课) ) 一、一、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课是 Unit12 的第二课时,定为听说课。主要讲述 John and Joan 去电影 院的路。选择走了一条捷径,结果能准时到达。 学生已有第一课时的基础,对部分指路用语已掌握,本课主要学习常规路线 的完整表达。捷径的表达。日常用语的合理使用。所以本课的侧重点我会放在对 课文的理解与流利朗读,对指路用语流利、得体的表达上。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 五年级学生有自主的思维和行为方式,他们比较喜欢自主和有思维挑战性的 学习;他们善于利用自己的想象力学习和使用语言。已经基本养成了较好的学习 习惯,乐于和同学分享自己的学习经验和方法。 学生在第一课时,对部分指路用语已掌握,故本课学习难度不大。所以本课 将让学生在更多的模拟场景下进行交际,培养综合、得体运用语言的能力。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)语言知识目标 1四会掌握单词 short cut, were, stand, watch, late, suddenly, believe, on time, did, how long 2能在真实的情景中运用以下句型: (1) Well be late. (2) Dont worry (3) I know a short cut (4) I cant believe it. (5) We are on time. (4) Turn right/left out of the,go straight ahead , take the first/second/thirdright/left. Theis on the right/left. (5) Cross the main street. Turn left/right into the Walk through the and out of the gate. (二)语言技能目标 1能正确流利地运用指路用语于交际中。 2能正确流利地朗读课文对话。 (三)学习策略目标 1能积极与组员合作,积极运用语言进行交流,形成良好的交际策略。 2能在听读中捕捉关键信息。 (四)情感态度目标 1懂得在生活、做事中多发现,讲方法,就可以提高效率,赢得时间。 2能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 重点:1正确流利地运用问路、指路用语于交际中。 2正确流地利朗读课文。 难点:1两种不同指路用语的灵活运用及捷径的表达。 五、教学策略五、教学策略 1.情景教学法,让学生在语境中学习,体验语言。 2.活动(任务)教学法,根据不同阶段任务,提供语言材料,分层推进教学。 3.合作学习法,让学生在 pair work, group work 中互相学习,形成学习策略。 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 ,研学案,图片,路线图等 七、教学过程七、教学过程 (一)(一)Preparation 1. Chant 2. Game 【设计意图:激发学生的兴趣和热情设计意图:激发学生的兴趣和热情, , 复习与本课相关的指路用语,为接下复习与本课相关的指路用语,为接下 来的学习作铺垫。来的学习作铺垫。 】 (二)(二)Input & Internalization 1st Round(即常规路线的学习)(即常规路线的学习) 1. Listen and draw the hares way. 2. Talk about the way. 呈现句型:turn right/left out of the, go straight ahead, take the first/second/thirdright/left. 3. Practise the way. 【设计意图:设计意图:创设情景,创设情景,AkiAki 正在看一场龟免赛跑的电影正在看一场龟免赛跑的电影,Aki:Aki: Hare,Hare, hare,hare, gogo gogo go.go. 让同学听听画出让同学听听画出 harehare 的路线来引出常规路线的学习。设计不同的情的路线来引出常规路线的学习。设计不同的情 境谈论路线境谈论路线, , 进行语言知识、技能的训练进行语言知识、技能的训练, ,为学生提供丰富的语言交际机会。为学生提供丰富的语言交际机会。 】 (三)(三)Input & Internalization 2nd Round(即捷径的学习)(即捷径的学习) 1. Listen and draw the tortoises way. 2. Talk about the short cut. 呈现句型:crossed the main street, turned right/left into the , walked through the and out of the gate. 学习 cross, suddenly 3. Practise the short cut. 【设计意图:设计意图:AkiAki 又给又给 tortoisetortoise 加油,引出捷径的学习,通过设计不同的情加油,引出捷径的学习,通过设计不同的情 境操练新知。境操练新知。 】 4. 宣讲标题。 【设计意图:电影结局:龟赢了,设计意图:电影结局:龟赢了,TheThe hare:hare: Why?Why? I I cantcant believebelieve it.it. Aki:Aki: Ha,Ha, ha,ha, I I knowknow a a shortshort cut.cut. 宣讲标题,学习宣讲标题,学习 shortshort cut】cut】 (四)(四)Input & Internalization 3rd Round(即课文的学习)(即课文的学习) Learn the passage. 1. Talk about the pictures. 【设计意图:利用课文情境插图,介绍我们的朋友设计意图:利用课文情境插图,介绍我们的朋友 JohnJohn 和和 JoanJoan 想要准时去想要准时去 到电影院,带出第一段教学内容,到电影院,带出第一段教学内容,学习学习 stand,stand, late,late, needneed】 2. Listen to the passage and find out the short cut. 【设计意图:承接以上情境,设计意图:承接以上情境,T:T: HowHow toto getget toto thethe cinemacinema quickly?quickly? S:S: I I knowknow a a shortshort cut.cut. 给学生带着目的听录音,学生的注意力集中于听捷径的关给学生带着目的听录音,学生的注意力集中于听捷径的关 键部分,培养学生有选择地捕捉重要信息的能力键部分,培养学生有选择地捕捉重要信息的能力。学习。学习 suddenly】suddenly】 3. Watch the video and answer the questions in group. 【设计意图:设计意图:通过设计研学问题。鼓励学生在组内交流答案,合作学习任务,通过设计研学问题。鼓励学生在组内交流答案,合作学习任务, 完成课后问题。答案中学习完成课后问题。答案中学习 onon time,time, believe,believe, howhow longlong】 4. Read after the tape. 【设计意图:通过整体朗读,感受文本,进一步掌握课文内容的上下联系,设计意图:通过整体朗读,感受文本,进一步掌握课文内容的上下联系, 整体性与系统性。整体性与系统性。 】 (五)(五)Output 1. Try to recite the passage with some key words. 【设计意图:通知分层推进学习,学生已经很好地理解课文,背诵课文有了设计意图:通知分层推进学习,学生已经很好地理解课文,背诵课文有了 很好的支撑。再采用填空式背诵法,很好的支撑。再采用填空式背诵法,以图助背以图助背,帮助中下层次学生降低背诵的难,帮助中下层次学生降低背诵的难 度。度。学习学习 watchwatch】 2. Talk about the ways and write down the names. 【设计意图:听路线,判断每条路线是谁常走的路。让学生进一步巩固知识设计意图:听路线,判断每条路线是谁常走的路。让学生进一步巩固知识 点点】 (六)(六)Homework 1.熟读课文并尝试背诵课文。 2. 活动手册P52, Ex5。 八、板书八、板书 Unit 12 I know a short cut
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