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广州教科版五年级下册 6th period Bingo game:再研究下PPT怎么做 插入计时器,1.5mins 看能得到几个Bingo T: Can you give some advice for the childrens safety?拼读advice,黑板贴上主题:Advice for childrens safety. Try to get a bingo. Ready? Go! Lets look. Bingo game:再研究下PPT怎么做 插入计时器,1.5mins 看能得到几个Bingo T: Can you give some advice for the childrens safety?拼读advice,黑板贴上主题:Advice for childrens safety. Try to get a bingo. Ready? Go! Dangerous or safe? Bingo game:再研究下PPT怎么做 插入计时器,1.5mins 看能得到几个Bingo T: Can you give some advice for the childrens safety?拼读advice,黑板贴上主题:Advice for childrens safety. Try to get a bingo. Ready? Go! Dangerous or safe? Lets look. Bingo game:再研究下PPT怎么做 插入计时器,1.5mins 看能得到几个Bingo T: Can you give some advice for the childrens safety?拼读advice,黑板贴上主题:Advice for childrens safety. Try to get a bingo. Ready? Go! Dangerous or safe? Lets look. Bingo game:再研究下PPT怎么做 插入计时器,1.5mins 看能得到几个Bingo T: Can you give some advice for the childrens safety?拼读advice,黑板贴上主题:Advice for childrens safety. Try to get a bingo. Ready? Go! Dangerous or safe? Lets look. Bingo game:再研究下PPT怎么做 插入计时器,1.5mins 看能得到几个Bingo T: Can you give some advice for the childrens safety?拼读advice,黑板贴上主题:Advice for childrens safety. Try to get a bingo. Ready? Go! Dangerous or safe? Lets look. Lets review. Bingo game:再研究下PPT怎么做 插入计时器,1.5mins 看能得到几个Bingo T: Can you give some advice for the childrens safety?拼读advice,黑板贴上主题:Advice for childrens safety. Try to get a bingo. Ready? Go! Do/Dont You should/can/must(not) You may/will. ? ? 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 Lets guess. What may happen? T: Here is a boy. He is not very careful. Look, what may happen? 请1名学生回答。30s Lets watch. T: Lets watch and think about some advice for him. 40s Lets talk. Whats your advice for him? Dont walk on the road. Its dangerous. You should walk on the pavement. T: What do you want to say? 各请1名学生回答。 超链接学习pavement,拼读。 Patient,拼读。黑板贴单词。 1.5mins Lets watch. mentpave Whats your advice for him? Lets talk. Dont walk on the road. Its dangerous. You should walk on the pavement. Dont run so quickly. Be patient. Wait for the next green man. T: What do you want to say? 各请1名学生回答。 超链接学习pavement,拼读。 Patient,拼读。黑板贴单词。 1.5mins Whats your advice for him? How many pieces of advice? Lets read fast. T: You know some rules about road safety. Here, a text of advice about road safety. Please read fast. See how many pieces of advice?黑板画3 条分支。 插入计时器:30s Whats the advice? Lets read for details. T: What is the advice. Read in a group of 4, and underline the advice. 各请3个大组回答,并由其中一个 组员把分支内容贴在黑板上。 小组回答时,T贴句型: To stay safe on the road, we must follow some rules. Here is my advice about Pleasewhen you do sth Its not safe to do sth. Youd better (not) do sth. It will be safe if you 插入计时器:4mins Lets read for details. T: What is the advice. Read in a group of 4, and underline the advice. 各请3个大组回答,并由其中一个 组员把分支内容贴在黑板上。 小组回答时,T贴句型: To stay safe on the road, we must follow some rules. Here is my advice about Pleasewhen you do sth Its not safe to do sth. Youd better (not) do sth. It will be safe if you 插入计时器:4mins whyhowwhere Find some beautiful sentences. Lets read for details. T: What is the advice. Read in a group of 4, and underline the advice. 各请3个大组回答,并由其中一个 组员把分支内容贴在黑板上。 小组回答时,T贴句型: To stay safe on the road, we must follow some rules. Here is my advice about Pleasewhen you do sth Its not safe to do sth. Youd better (not) do sth. It will be safe if you 插入计时器:4mins It is safe. to do sth. When you you should/must/can Ifyou should/must/can Lets read and talk. T: On the road, we should be careful. In other places, we should be careful, too. Safety at home, in the zoo, public safety, which one do you want to read first? 1min 超链接进去读 Lets read and talk. T: On the road, we should be careful. In other places, we should be careful, too. Safety at home, in the zoo, public safety, which one do you want to read first? 1min 超链接进去读 Which one do you want to read? A C B Lets read and talk. T: On the road, we should be careful. In other places, we should be careful, too. Safety at home, in the zoo, public safety, which one do you want to read first? 1min 超链接进去读 1. Read, write down your advice on the mind map. whatwhyhowwhere A B C Lets read and talk. T: On the road, we should be careful. In other places, we should be careful, too. Safety at home, in the zoo, public safety, which one do you want to read first? 1min 超链接进去读 2. Share your advice in your group. First, Second, Third, Fourth We should be careful. Safety first, dont forget. Remember, your safety is very important. Safety is very important. To stay safe on/in_, we must follow some rules. Here is my/our advice./Let me talk about my advice. Lets write. Lets make a poster and ask more children to stay safe. T: I think you are good at giving advice. We should be careful and stay safe anywhere anytime. Lets make a poster and give the advice for childrens safety. 1. Choose your topic. 2. Think about your advice. 3. Use the beautiful sentences. Thank you! Hope you all will be safe and well Lets read and talk. Sa am, I a am going out f for 3 da ays s. Re eme embe er: 1. You s shouldnt pla ay whe en you do your home ework. 2. Dont eaeat too much ice e creaeam, you ma ay ge et s sick. 3. Its s OK to wa atch TV or pla ay compute er ga ameses, but you s shouldnt pla ay f for a a long time e! 4. Its s not safesafe to ope en the e door f for s stra ange ers s if f you a are e a alone e! 5. You s should lis ste en to your da ad a and be e good. I will be e ba ack s soon. Love e you! Mum 请一个女同学读。 Read like a mum. 2mins Mum has some advice for Sam. Can you use these to give your advice? Discuss it 2 by 2. 1min 请2名同学回答。 1.5mins Lets read and talk. 随机点学生读,1个学 生1个sign。 1.5mins Can you think about more signs in the zoo? Use the sentences to talk in your group. 1min 请1个小组回答。 1.5mins Lets read and talk. Advice on Childrens Safety 教学反思 本课时是一节阅读拓展课。基于“以学定教单元整体教学模式” ,在话题感受、词句训练和情境对话等新授课之后,进行阅读拓展。 在这节阅读拓展课中,学生阅读什么?拓展什么? 1、阅读 road safety rules 主文本,在文本中了解 road safety 更多 的内容。在阅读过程中,学习用思维导图,获取文本的关键信息 (What is the advice? Where should we be careful? Why? How)通过阅 读,学习句式,丰富有关 safety 的表达。同时,学习建议的完整框 架,为后面的提建议环节做铺垫。 2、阅读非连续性文本。在主文本的精读后,略读三种非连续性 文本:notes(有关 safety at home),signs(有关 safety in the zoo), news(safety at school) 开拓视野,了解在不同地方 how to stay safe。 使用思维导图整理阅读后的感想,整理思维。 通过提供更丰富的文本信息,和一些开放性的问题激活学生思 维,展开讨论。创建非连续性文本,与生活经验联系,开阔视野, 也为学生提供了思考、发散思维的空间。思维导图整理思维,锻炼 了学生的思维逻辑性与语言表达能力,提高综合语言运用能力。 做得比较好的有: 1、资源丰富,调动学生思考与表达。在本节课中,有动态图片, 有视频资源,有多样的阅读资源,这些都积极调动学生学习的欲望 与思考,激发学生思维。 2、学生参与度比较高。个人回答的次数、集体回答的次数、小 组合作展示的情况较好,互动形式较多,覆盖面较广。 3、目标达成较高。在学习后,大部分学生能够用连贯的、完整 的篇章表达安全建议。同时,掌握用思维导图提取信息、整理思维 情况较好。在思维导图的整理下,能够有条理地表达建议。 存在的不足有: 1、提取阅读信息的引导。在主文本阅读时,老师通过 what、where、why、how 的问题,引导学生获取信息,并板书思维 导图,以做示例。学生仿照这个例子,阅读第二、第三个建议,获 取 what、where、why、how 的信息。语言提示上,可以重点强调这 几个疑问词,要学生更有意识、有目的地提取信息。 2、泛读文本的处理关注层层递进。泛读文本时,由于时间关系, 老师提供文本让学生自己选读,写出建议。这个做法过于着急要学 生落到写的层次,容易给学生过重的负担感。老师在询问学生喜欢 读哪个部分后,可以先请学生读一读其中一个部分,通过对话的形 式,让学生谈谈阅读后的感想及建议。经过交流,再让学生用思维 导图组织语言,过渡才显更自然,学生做起来也会心里有数。 3、素材的选取。在图片、视频的选择中,以正面的为指引,尽 量不用过激、过恐怖的素材,造成不安。 4、课堂结束时的总结。虽然时间已到,但切忌简单地说留作作 业就结束课堂。可以对话交流,让学生回顾本节课的重点,谈谈他 们的所思所感,调动情绪,再结束课堂。 5、学生展示时,注意引导学生的站位,及时捕捉学生语言的生 成,通过表扬展示小组,鼓励其他孩子使用新句型,使用完整的语 篇,促进目标达成。 没有一节课堂是完美的,总会存在遗憾。最重要的是,从每节 课堂中经过思考,不断改进,不断完善,为学生的学更好地服务。 Part 1 Advice on Road Safety There are many busy roads in a big place like Guangzhou. To stay safe on the road, we must follow some rules. Here is my advice on road safety. First, it is safe to walk on the pavement. Cars and buses run fast in the street. You may get hurt if you walk on the road. Second, when you cross the road, you should wait at a safety crossing. You must look to the left and then to the right when you cross the road. If the road is clear, you can go. Third, you should always follow the traffic lights. If you cross the road when the traffic light is red, it will be very dangerous. Be patient and wait for the next green man. Safety is very important to all of us. Safety first, dont forget! 改编新编小学英语拓展读与写五年级第二学期 51 页 1. How many pieces of advice in the text? 2. Read again and try to fill in the blanks. Part 2 Choose A or B or C, read together. A B C What do you think? Whats your advice? Why do you give the advice? How to do it by following the advice? Talk in your group and write down words on the mind map. 广州教科版五年级下册广州教科版五年级下册 Module 5 safety Advice on Childrens safety 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本单元的话题是安全,贴近学生的生活。Unit9 有 4 个场景,是规劝 Ben 在 家注意安全的情境对话。Unit10 是一篇有关儿童日常生活安全建议的文本,主 要是校园和交通安全。Safety 话题的功能句型是祈使句,及表达规劝的句型。 句式较单一,Do/Dont.should/shouldnt.在单元话题的拓展部分,通过改编、 创编不同场所安全建议的阅读文本,使阅读方式多样化,让学生体验真实阅读, 丰富话题语言,拓宽视野。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 五年级的学生,第一次接触“Safety”的话题。通过学校的安全教育,及学生 的生活经验,学生知道注意事项是什么,并且能用 Do/Dont.should/shouldnt 的句式说出在家、在校及过马路需要注意的安全事项。但是,组织思维,用完 整的语篇、多种句式表达出来还是有难度。本课通过改编、创编阅读内容,学 习构建思维导图,提取关键信息、组织表达,发展学生的语言和思维,培养阅 读策略。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 语言能力: 1、语用任务: (1)通过看图,学生能说出本单元表示规劝的句子。 (2)通过视频、文本,学生能理解主本文的内容,并在思维导图的辅助下, 提取文本的关键信息。 (3)通过 notes,news,signs,学生能理解、并说出生活中不同场所或活动时 的安全建议。 (4)通过思维导图的梳理、组织,学生能制作一幅海报,用完整的语篇建 议他人注意安全。 2、语言知识与技能 (1)学生能用多种句式规劝他人:It is safe to do sth. When you do sth., you should/must/can.If.you should/must/can. (2)学生能理解阅读文本,并用完整的语篇介绍自己的建议:To stay safe _, we must follow some rules. First,. Second,. Third,. Safety first, dont forget! 学习能力: 通过阅读不同形式的文本,培养学生提取阅读信息的学习能力。 思维品质: 通过阅读文本和思维导图,培养学生用完整的语篇表述安全建议的逻辑思 维。 文化品格 通过各种安全话题的阅读,学生能知道生活中处处要注意安全。 四、教学重点四、教学重点 1、能用多种句式规劝他人。 2、能运用思维导图,整理阅读信息。 3、能用完整的语篇介绍安全建议。 五、教学难点五、教学难点 1、能用完整的语篇介绍安全建议。 六、教学准备六、教学准备 PPT、阅读文本、视频、板书 七、教学过程:七、教学过程: 步骤教学内容教师活动学生活动教学意图 1.Lets lookDraw Ss attention to the pictures and judge. Look at the pictures and judge they are dangerous or safe. (whole- class work) 通过简单的 判断和图片 吸引学生的 兴趣。 Warming-up & revision 2.Lets review Guide Ss to talk about safety by using Do/Dont. .should/must/can (not). Give advice on safety: safety at home/school/on the road. (individual work) 复习巩固本 话题的词组 与句型,并 导入主题: Advice on childrens safety. Step 1 Pre-reading 1.Lets guess.What may happen to the boy? Look and guess. (individual work) 看图猜测, 激发相关的 知识储备。 2.Lets watch and talk. Play the video and ask Ss to think of some advice for the the boy. Watch the video and answer the question. (individual work) Learn the new words: pavement, patient. 视频导入阅 读文本的话 题,在视频 情境中,学 习与阅读文 本相关的新 词。 1.Read fast.How many pieces of advice does it talk about? Read fast and find out the answer. (individual work) 快速阅读, 了解阅读文 本的主要内 容:road safety 的建议。 2.Read for details. Whats the advice? Demonstrate by the first advice, guide Ss to find the information about “where”, “why”,“what”,“h ow”. Read again, find out the advice, and say. (group work) 细读建议, 通过引导抓 where, why, what, how, 在导图上补 充关键信息, 培养阅读策 略。 Step 2 While-reading 3. Learn the sentences. Can you find some beautiful sentences? Find and learn the sentences. (individual work) 学习主文本 的句式,为 之后的说、 读、写活动 做好铺垫。 3.Lets read and talk. Give some reading materials. Ask Ss to choose one, read and talk. Choose and read the materials, think about the advice and write down key words on the mind map. (individual work) Share advice on what they read by using the sentence structures. (group work) 多样化的阅 读材料,拓 宽视野,在 讨论活动中 练习丰富的 句式。 思维导图整 理建议,为 汇报提供内 容。 Step3 Post-reading 1.Lets write.Guide Ss to make a poster by introducing the steps. Try to make a poster. 练习完整篇 章的输出, 巩固语言, 培养逻辑思 维。 Homework 1.Make a poster. Design of the board writing 附:阅读文本 Advice on Road Safety There are many busy roads in a big place like Guangzhou. To stay safe on the road, we must follow some rules. Here is my advice on road safety. First, it is safe to walk on the pavement. Cars and buses run fast in the street. You may get hurt if you walk on the road. Second, when you cross the road, you should wait at a safety crossing. You must look to the left and then to the right when you cross the road. If the road is clear, you can go. Third, you should always follow the traffic lights. If you cross the road when the traffic light is red, it will be very dangerous. Be patient and wait for the next green man. Safety is very important to all of us. Safety first, dont forget! 改编新编小学英语拓展读与写五年级第二学期 51 页 Advice on Childrens Safety To stay safe on the road, we must follow some rules. First. Second. Third. Safety first, dont forget! It is safe to do sth. If you., you should/must/can When you., you should/must/can how whatwherewhyhow
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教科版(广州)五下Module Safety_Unit 10 How to stay safe_Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_公开课_(编号:80379 教科版
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