教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 7 We will go by train-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:c0e1a).zip


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教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 1 Unit 7 We will go by train (学生导学案学生导学案) Class_Name_Mark _ After this lesson, you can learn: 1. Words and Phrases:by, train, leave, exciting, valley, island 2. Sentences: Where are you going(will) on your holiday? What are you going to(will) do? How are you going to(will) get there? When/What time are you going to(will) leave? I am going to./I will. Are you going.?-Yes, I am./ No , I am not. 3. Dialogue 1. Complete the mind map and share with your partners. Task1 Lets talk Guide 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 2 Language points Where are you going(will) on your holiday? What are you going to(will) do? How are you going to(will) get there? When/What time are you going to(will) leave? I am going to/I will Are you going?-Yes, I am./ No , I am not. 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 3 1. Lets learn the text. I.Listen to the dialogue. II.Read the dialogue for 3 times suggested. III.Underline the key sentences and the new words. IV. Answer the questions. (1) Who will go travlling? _ (2) Where will Ben go ? _ (3) How will Ben go ? _ (4) When will he leave? _ (5) When will he come back home? _ (6) What will he do in Shenzhen? _ V. Read the dialogue to your partner. 2.Lets learn the new words (1) Watch and read after Micro video. Task2 Lets learn 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 4 (2) Spell and remember the words. by train leave exciting valley island (can cant ) 3. Learn the difficult points. 1. 将来时用将来时用 be going to 和和 will 谈论计划谈论计划 英文导语:When we talk about plans, we use simple future tense with the structures like “be going to do sth”and “will do sth”. 2. 疑问词疑问词 英文导语:In English, there are some questions words. We use “who”to ask about people, we use “when”to ask about time, we use “where”to ask about places, we use “what”to ask about things and we use “how”to ask about transpotation. be going to do sth will do sth Who谁谁When什么时间什么时间Where 什么地点什么地点 What做什么做什么How交通方式交通方式 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 5 3. 交通方式交通方式 英文导语:We often talk about transportation with the structure of “by .”, for instances, by bus/taxi/car/plane. But when talking about walking, we use “on foot”. Sometimes we use the “take”structure. 4. exciting&excited 英文导语:Exciting means “something makes or lets you feel excited” and the subject is something. And excited means “somebody is in a state of excitement”, the subject is generally human. 1. Read the sentences. A: Do you have any plans for the holiday? B: Yes. I will go travelling with my family. We are going to Shenzhen. C: How will you go there? B: We will go by train. We will leave on October 2nd. I cant wait. A: Its very exciting. What will you do in Shenzhen? Task3 Lets play 一般用一般用“by+交通工具交通工具”来表示交通方式。如:来表示交通方式。如:by bus/taxi/car/plane 等。等。 步行一般用步行一般用“on foot”. “take +冠词冠词+交通工具交通工具”也可表示交通方式。也可表示交通方式。 如:如:I take the bus to the school. exciting 表示“令人激动的,令人兴奋的”,主语是物或事。而 excited 表示 “兴奋的,处于激动状态的”,主语一般为人。 例:This match is so exciting. She is excited about the match. 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 6 B: Well.we are going to visit Window of the world, of course. And I want to go to Happy Valley, too. A: When will you come back home? B: We will come back home on October4th. 2. Use these sentences to describe other peoples travel plans. A: Where are you going on your holiday? B: I am going to . A: How will you get there? B: I will go . 一、课堂练习设计:一、课堂练习设计: I. Fill in the blanks. (检测单词或词组的拼写(检测单词或词组的拼写,即时反馈),即时反馈) 1._2._ 3._ 4._ II. Choose the right answers.(检测重点难点)(检测重点难点) 1._2._ III. Fill in the blanks.(检测课文内容)(检测课文内容) Janet: Do you have any p_ for the holiday? Ben: Yes. I will go t_ with my family. We are going to Shenzhen. 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 7 Xiaoling: H_ will you go there? Ben: We will go by train. We will leave on October 2nd. I cant w_. Janet: Its very exciting. What will you do in Shenzhen? Ben: Well. we are going to v_ Window of the world, of course. And I want to go to Happy Valley, too. Janet: W_ will you come back home? 二、二、Check the answers. I can get_(score: 4/5) Unit7 We will go by train Self- Assessment(自我评价、反思整节课的表现)(自我评价、反思整节课的表现) 一、一、Today I have learned: 3 new words: 1. _ 2._ 3._ _ 2 new sentences: 1)_ 2)_ 1 question:_ 二、(二、(自我评价自我评价综合得分综合得分) Task4Lets check 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 8 I can get_(score: 3/4/5) 1 自主学习自主学习导学案设计导学案设计 五五年级下册年级下册 Module4 Travel Unit7 We will go by train Sing a song引出课题,播放导语。引出课题,播放导语。 【导语导语】 同学们,通过这一课的学习,你将学会以下语言知识和技能: 1. 能听、说、读、写:by, train, leave, exciting, valley, island, taxi, London, New York, America, Hongkong, American, Australian. 2. 能用下列句型进行对话: Where are you going(will) on your holiday? What are you going to(will) do? How are you going to(will) get there? When/What time are you going to(will) leave?及以上句型的答句 I am going to/I will Are you going? -Yes, I am./ No, I am not. 3. 能理解课文,并流利朗读课文。 Task: (任务驱动任务驱动) Today our task is how to talk about travel plans. Youll do the following tasks. (出示任务(出示任务卡)卡) 【Task 1】Lets talk. Question(问题导向问题导向) Weve learned something about travel before. How to make a travel plan, we can do following the mind map(出示)(出示),for example: Who will travel with you? I will travel with my parents. 2 Complete the mind map. Language points Where are you going(will) on your holiday? What are you going to(will) do? How are you going to(will) get there? When/What time are you going to(will) leave? I am going to./I will. Are you going. ? - Yes, I am./ No, I am not. Self-learning report In this task, how many stars you can get? I can get_stars(score: 3/4/5) 设计意图设计意图:该任务用于唤醒学生对于主题/话题的经验,通过引导学生开展前置 性学习,了解主题/话题的背景性知识。让学生在课堂上自主、讨论完成。 【Task2】Lets learn. 3 1. Lets learn the text P38 Unit 7 We will go by train Question: Who are in the picture? What are they talking about? I.Listen to the dialogue.Underline the key sentences and the new words. II. Before we learn the dailogue,well think about these questions. 出示六个问题,生读一次。出示六个问题,生读一次。 III. Read the dialogue for 3 times suggested. 1.The first time: read after the video,think about the questions. 2.The sceond time: read after the group leader,find the answer. 3.The third time:read the dialogue by yourself, talk about the answer in group.自由读课文,小组讨论答案。自由读课文,小组讨论答案。 IV. Answer the questions. 回答问题回答问题 (1)Who will go travlling? _ (2)Where will Ben go ? _ 4 (3)How will Ben go ? _ (4)When will he leave? _ (5)When will he come back home? _ (6)What will he do in Shenzhen? _ 参考答案:参考答案: (1) Ben will go travelling. (2) Ben will go to Shenzhen. (3) Ben will go by train. (4) Ben will leave on October 2nd. (5) Ben will come back home on October 4th. (6) Ben will go to visit the Window of the World and Happy Valley. V. Read the dialogue to your partners. (1). Read the dialogue in group 小组读课文。 (2). Two group to read the dialogue 请两个小组读课文。 (3). Read the dialogue hole class. 全班读课文。 设计意图设计意图:该任务通过让学生多遍听读课文,让学生在课文所提供的语境中整 体感知语言,设计活动和教学时,我根据实际教学主题,明确听读的次数以及 后续活动,如同伴互读、小组串读、分角色共读等。 Question: Can you remember the new words? 2. Lets learn the new words 5 I. Watch the video and learn the words. New words: by, train, leave, exciting, valley, island,taxi, London, New York, America, Hongkong, American, Australian. II. Spell the words in pairs. 小组里拼读单词。小组里拼读单词。 III. 检测单词,贴黑板。检测单词,贴黑板。 IV. 全班齐读一次。全班齐读一次。 3. Lets learn the difficult points.(观看微课)观看微课) (1)将来时用将来时用 be going to 和和 will 谈论计划谈论计划 英文导语:When we talk about plans, we use simple future tense with the structures like “be going to do sth” and “will do sth”. (2)疑问词)疑问词 英文导语:In English, there are some questions words. We use “who” to ask about people, we use “when”to ask about time, we use “where” to ask about places, we use “what” to ask about things and we use “how” to ask about transpotation. (3)交通方式)交通方式 英文导语:We often talk about transportation with the structure of “by .”, for instances, by bus/taxi/car/plane. But when talking about walking, we use “on foot”. Sometimes we use the “take”structure. (4)exciting B. Where) would you like to travel, Jiamin? By plane or by bus? B: I like to go by car. 2. A: _(A. Do; B. Are) you have any plans for your summer holiday, Sally? B: Yes. Im going to Shenzhen with my family. A: _(A. What; B. Where) are you going to do there? B: I plan to visit the Window of the World and the Happy Valley. 答案:答案:1. A 2. A, A III. Fill in the blanks.(检测课文内容)(检测课文内容) Janet: Do you have any p_ for the holiday? Ben: Yes. I will go t_ with my family. We are going to Shenzhen. Xiaoling: H_ will you go there? Ben: We will go by train. We will leave on October 2nd. I cant w_. Janet: Its very exciting. What will you do in Shenzhen? Ben: Well. we are going to v_ Window of the world, of course. And I want to go to Happy Valley, too. Janet: W_ will you come back home? Ben: We will come back home on October4th. 答案:答案:plans, travelling, How, wait, visit, When Self-learning report In this task, how many stars you can get? I can get_stars(score: 3/4/5) 9 Question: What do you learn? Do you have any questions? Self- Assessment(自我评价、反思整节课的表现)(自我评价、反思整节课的表现) Today I have learned: 3 new words: 1. _ 2._ 3._ _ 2 new sentences: 1. _ 2. _ 1 question: _ 设计意图设计意图:该活动是即时反馈练习,引导学生检查自主学习的效果,帮助教师 了解学生自主学习和预设互动探究环节的教学。 Homework: 1.读课文三次,读背单词重点句。 2.A 本抄写 unit7 单词。 3.(选做题)谈谈自己的假期计划。 用上:Where-?(去哪里) What-? (准备做什么) How-?(怎样去) When-?(什么时候去) 板书设计:板书设计: 10 Unit7 We will go by train 导语导语 Where are you going(will) on your holiday? Task 1 Lets talk What are you going to(will) do? Task 2 Lets learn How are you going to(will) get there? Task 3 Lets play When/What time are you going to(will) leave? Task 4 Lets check I am going to/I will Self- Assessment Are you going? -Yes, I am./ No, I am not.
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