教科版三下Module 6 Pets-Unit 11 They're lovely.-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:90002).zip


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义务教育教科书(英语)三年级下册义务教育教科书(英语)三年级下册 fish rabbits Are there any in the shop? cats birds monkeys duckchicken Is there a in the shop ? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. A duck three ducks a dog three dogs 名词单数变复数名词单数变复数 a bird five birds 名词单数变复数名词单数变复数 a fish seven fish 名词单数变复数名词单数变复数 Q1. Are there _ in your shop? A. any catB. any cats Q2. There are _ in your shop. A. some ducksB. any ducks Q3. I have four _ . A. a chickenB. chickens Q4. There are some _ in the bottle . A. fishsB. fish Q5. _ any dogs here? A. There areB. Are there Choose the right word. 猜猜同桌的宠物店里有什么宠物,如猜错了请打猜猜同桌的宠物店里有什么宠物,如猜错了请打,猜对了,猜对了 请写出数量。请写出数量。 Use the following sentences: A: Are there s in your Shop? B: Yes, there are.No, there arent. A: How many s are there? B: There are . chickensducksbirdsfishmonkeyscatsrabbits In girls pet shop 4 46 63 3 There are , and in the shop. There arent any or in the shop. 4 42 2 In boys pet shop There are , and in the shop. There arent any or in the shop. chickensducksbirdsfishmonkeyscatsrabbits 2 25 56 62 24 4 Pets Shop 1、Are there any cats in the shop? 2、What does Janet want to buy? She wants to buy _ No,there arent. a duck. Listen and decide true (T) or false (F). ( ) 1. Ben and Janet are in the Pet Shop. ( ) 2. There arent any cats in the shop. ( ) 3.There are some ducks in the shop. ( ) 4. Janets cousin has a dog. ( ) 5. Xiaoling wants to buy a duck. F T T F F Story Time 1、Does Bobby have a pet? A. Yes,he does. B. No, he doesnt. 2、What does Bobby want? A. A turtle. B. A spider. 3、What does Tommy want? A. A turtle. B. A spider. Mary: Hello,Ann. Ann: Hello! Where are you going ? Mary: I am going to the toy shop. Ann: Go to the toy shop ? What do you want to buy? Mary: I want to buy a toy rabbit. Ann: Do you have many toys ? Mary: Yes, I do. I like toy animals. I have about toy animals. Ann: What are they ? Mary: They are ducks, cats, dogs, fish, frogs, horses, cows and so on. Ann: Thats great! Can I look at your toys? Mary: Of course! Come with me, please. 思考: Q1: Mary is going to the _ _. Q2: Mary has _ toy animals. Today is Sunday. It is a sunny(晴朗) day. Panda and his friends go to the park. They take some foods. They want to have a picnic. (野餐)Look, there are two cakes, four hamburgers(汉堡包), six apples and two bananas. Panda likes apples, monkey likes bananas, They are very happy. 思考: Q1: Today is _. Q2: Panda likes _. Q3: Monkey likes _, Peppy and her dad like shopping. Theyre in the supermarket now. Peppy;Daddy, can I sit in the trolley(手推车)? Daddy:Youre too big,Peppy! Peggy: OK. Daddy:But you can help me buy things(东西). Peppy:Oh, good! Daddy:Lets get 4 Tomatoes(西红柿),some fruit and two fish. What fruit do you like? Peppy:I like bananas and watermelons(西瓜).Ill find(找到)them(他们) all! . Peppy:One, two, three, four .Daddy! Look! Here you are! Daddy: Great! You are a good girl, Peggy! 思考: What do they buy? Good morning. Good morning. Are there any cats in your shop? Yes, there are. :OK. Here you are. Great! Let me buy one. Thank you. No, there arent. Are there any rabbits in your shop? Hello. Hi. Are there any _ in your shop? Yes, there are. :OK. Here you are. Great! Let me buy one. Thank you. No, there arent. Are there any _ in your shop? 选出选出你最喜爱的你最喜爱的商店商店 Homework 1、观看微课Theyre lovely,复习本课 知识点。 2、在小小签到朗读课文三次。 3、画出心中的宠物店,写出问题,拍照 上传。其他同学通过留言回答问题。 Thats all for today! Exercise of Unit 11 (A) 猜猜同桌的宠物店里有什么宠物,若没有用“”表示,有的话则写出数量。 A: Are there in your Shop? B: Yes, there are. No, there arent. A: How manys are there?B: There are . chickensducksbirdsfishmonkeyscatsrabbits Exercise of Unit 11 (B) 猜猜对桌同学的宠物店里有什么宠物,若没有用“”表示,有的话则写出数量。 A: Are there in your Shop? B:Yes, there are. No, there arent. A: How manys are there?B: There are . chickensducksbirdsfishmonkeyscatsrabbits 1 三年级英语下册三年级英语下册 Module 6 Pets U11 Theyre lovely Lets talk 本节课是广州市教科版英语三年级下册 Module 6 Pets U11 Theyre lovely 的第一课 时Lets talk ,主要的句型有:there be 的肯定句、一般疑问句以及回答。本课有 12 个新单词,词汇量较大。可以结合学生在一二年级已经学习的动物单词,以及在三年 级上册 Module 5 掌握的动物词汇,以语言运用为中心,使学生在语境中学习新知,又 在运用语言的过程中巩固新知、迁移新知。 【教学对象分析教学对象分析】 三年级的学生活泼好动,善于模仿,参与欲强,注意力很容易受外界的影响。他们 对感兴趣、有目的的活动会主动参与,而对不喜欢的活动则较难调动积极性。应着重 培养他们学习英语的兴趣,以及在实际场合初步运用知识的能力。老师尽可能创设情 境,让他们在活动中习得知识,掌握和巩固所学知识。由于本课生词量多,因此加强 学习兴趣的培养,将难点分散来处理就显得尤为重要。 【教学目标分析教学目标分析】 一、语言能力目标一、语言能力目标 1. 知识与技能目标 (1)语音:能流利朗读所学的单词和对话,语音清晰,语调自然。 (2)词汇:能认读本模块的所有单词; (3)句型:掌握以下句型并能运用到实际交际中: Are there any ? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. 2. 语用目标 (1)能在听、说、读、写的语言活动中运用本模块的单词和词组。 (2)知道所学名词的复数的变化。 (3)能用英语谈论关于宠物的话题。 ,并正确使用存在对物体进行描述和谈论。 二、学习能力目标二、学习能力目标 三、思维品质目标三、思维品质目标 1. 在有趣的学习活动中进一步培养学生的学习兴趣。 2. 通过各种积极的评价调动学生的积极性,培养大胆开口、勇于实践的学习习惯。 3. 善于发现总结,学会梳理学过的知识,掌握学习方法。 四、文化品格目标四、文化品格目标 培养学生爱护动物、热爱大自然的环保意识。 2 【教学重难点教学重难点】 1. 四会掌握本课所有的单词。 2. 在实际的场景中能熟练运用所学知识。 3. 名词复数的应用。 【教学策略教学策略】 1. 结合本单元的内容,创设带领学生参观宠物店这一情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,体 验真实的语言环境。 2. 认为语言的根本目的是交际,培养学生语言能力的最佳途径也是交际。本课以“言 语交际为中心” ,借助多媒体网络提供的多种资源,在网络教室人手一台平板的环境下 上课,以自主学习为突破口,使学生在有丰富语境和真实的交际情境中培养听说能力 和综合语言运用能力。 3. Activity-Based Learning 活动式学习的理论指导下,利用 UMU 互动学习平台,整合 多方资源,将课外和课内、教师与学生及与学生之间的资源进行了及时的共享与呈现, 有效开展自主、合作、探究学习。 【课前活动课前活动】 教师学生 1、在 UMU 互动学习平台建立“Theyre lovely”学习群。 2、在 UMU 平台上传三个微课让学生预习。 3、设置课中检测题。 4、上传拓展阅读和检测题。 (分层) 5、设置投票。 6、上传归纳本课主要语法的微课和练习。 微课四: Theyre lovely. 1、进入 UMU 互动学习平台, 加入学习 群。 2、观看三个微课,以翻转课堂的方式学 习本课单词与重点句型。 微课一:a、an、some 与 any 微课二:快速掌握 There be 句型 微课三:本课新单词 3、完成课前小测 【设计意图】通过课前一对一、可反复观看的微课学习掌握基础,每个学生都获得了 站在课堂同一起跑线上进行探索与交流的机会。在这一过程中,不同的人得到不同的 发展,从而使学生充满学习兴趣,可持续学习能力得到了呵护。 【教学过程教学过程】 一、一、Warming up(5 分钟)分钟) 1. Sing a song: My pet(教学 pet) 2. Lead in (教学 shop) 3 T: Cats, dogs are pets, theyre lovely. Today were going to learn Unit 11 Pets are lovely, I want to buy a pet. Lets go to the shop. 【设计意图】通过与本课相关歌曲导入课题,展示本节课的学习目标,活跃课堂气氛。 二、二、Presentation & Practice(15 分钟)分钟) 1. Word learning (微课学习效果检测及追学) (1)Guessing game T: There are many pets in the Pet Shop. Lets find them out. 【设计意图】通过声音,形状等猜出动物。通过快速反应,激活学生思维,让学生迅 速集中精神,快速进入学习状态。 (2)引导学生用 Are there ? 的句型猜,老师回答 Yes,there are. / No, there arent. 【设计意图】引导学生将单词放在句子、语篇中去反复运用,结合上下文记忆单词。 这样不但有利于对音形义的掌握,而且还可以熟悉词汇在句子中的语法成分和用法, 最终让学生能正确运用所学词汇组成句子或语篇进行交际。 2. Noun plural learning This is a cat There are two cats. This is a dog. There are three dogs. 【设计意图】复习名词单复数的变化形式。引导学生发现规律,让学生为本单元的后 续学习做好充分的知识准备。 3. Choose the right word.(UMU) 4、Pair work (1)Information gap:Complete the form in pairs. 同桌各自有不同的宠物店,互相用 Are there anys in the shop?提问并在表格上作记号。 (2)Check up. 学生用 There are some/There are any来介绍商店有的宠物。 【设计意图】Information gap 在交际语言教学和任务型语言学习中经常使用,学生缺少 完成任务或解决问题所需的信息,必须与同学进行交流以填补这些空白。 4. Dialogue learning (1)观看课文动画 T: Janet and Xiaoling are in the Pet Shop now. Whats in the shop? What are they doing? Listen carefully and then do the exercises. (2)根据课文内容判断句子正误, (UMU) (3)教师将问卷结果投影到大屏幕上,UMU 自动完成数据统计及分析。 4 (4)Read the dialogue:跟读、齐读,分角色读 三、三、Conclusion & Development(20 分钟)分钟) 1. Layered Reading T: Lets read more stories about pets. 必选:Story 1: I want a pet 选做(三选一):Reading1: Go shopping Reading2: Have a picnic Reading3: Peppa 【设计意图】分层阅读照顾到不同学习水平的学生,体现教学差异性。 2. 学生在 UMU 完成相应练习,系统自动评定完成情况,并统计分析每个学生的正确 率和每小题的正确率。教师针对错误率高的题再次讲解。 3. Sum-up (1)归纳今天所学单词与句型 (2)情感教育。 T: Pets are pretty and lovely. Animals are all our friends, we all love them. OK? 4. Make a dialogue 老师在全班创设四家商店(Toy Shop, Pet Shop, Stationery Shop,Fruit Shop) ,先作示范, 让学生在 Key points 的引导下进行自主对话。 【设计意图】以买卖对话的形式改变乏味枯燥的操练,实现了人人开口,个个会说的 教学目的。 五、五、Homework 1. UMU 投票选出你最喜爱的店铺。 2. 观看微课 Theyre lovely,复习本课知识点。 3. 画出心中的宠物店,写出问题,拍照上传。其他同学通过留言回答问题。 (学生可用讯飞语音输入将口述转化成文字,这样大大节省了在平板输入的时间,提 高效率。 )
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