教科版三下Module 5 Relatives-Unit 9 Who is this cute baby -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-公开课-(编号:60631).zip


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Funny Families 学习线路图 1.读短文制作Lucy 和自己的家谱 2.读对话拼图片 3.观看微课仿写句子 4.制作家庭相册 This is my husband. He is tall and thin. This is my daughter. She is short and cute This is me. I am tall. This is a photo of my family. twins I am Lucy. My family is big and funny. Twins Family(双胞胎家庭) There are 3 pairs of twins(3对双胞胎)in my family . My father and my uncle are twins. My two aunts are twins. My sister and I are twins too. But we are different(不同的). Jack is tall and strong but my uncle Jim is short and thin. My father My aunt Mary is tall and pretty but my aunt Ming is short and heavy. My sister Lily is black but I am white. We are so funny. Make lucys family tree (请在方框里写出人物的名字) me mother grandfathergrandmother KateJackMayMingJim LilyLucy I am Lucy. My family is big and funny. There are 3 pairs of twins(3对双胞胎)in my family . My father and my uncle are twins. My two aunts are twins. My sister and I are twins too. But we are different(不同的). My father Jack is tall and strong but my uncle Jim is short and thin. My aunt Mary is tall and pretty but my aunt Ming is short and heavy. My sister Lily is black but I am white. We are so funny. Twins Family(双胞胎家庭) Make lucys family tree (请在方框里写出人物与lucy的关系) sister me aunt mother father uncle aunt grandfathergrandmother Lily KateJackMayMingJim Lucy Xingzhiquan Cai Zhuoyan Cai FumingXing Shuhua Jiang Baochu mother me husband daughter father Please talk about your family Tips: 你可以用以下的句子进行描述 There are . people in my family. My my . My father is .My mother is Ben Xiaoling They are talking about (谈论)Bens family Isthisaphotoofyourfamily? Yes,Ihaveafunnyfamily. Is the strong tall man your father? No, he is my grandfather. No, she is my grandmother. Is the pretty thin lady your mother? Hes my father. He is a short thin man. Whos the man beside your grandfather? Shes my mother. She is a heavy tall lady. Whos the handsome boy in yellow? Whos the lady beside your father? Its me. Haha. Make a photo of Bens family A组 B组 short thin pretty thin tall thin heavy tall in yellow strong tall short heavy short thin tall thin in blue Isthisaphotoofyourfamily? No, he is my grandfather. No, she is my grandmother. Is the pretty thin lady your mother? Hes my father. He is a short thin man. Whos the man beside your grandfather? Shes my mother. She is a heavy tall lady. Yes,Ihaveafunnyfamily. Whos the handsome boy in yellow? Isthisaphotoofyourfamily? Is the strong tall man your father? Whos the lady beside your father? Its me. Haha. A组 B组 short thin pretty thin tall thin heavy tall in yellow strong tall short heavy short thin tall thin in blue A photo of Bens family This is a funny family. 根据文章,判断下面句子对或是错。对的写T, 否则写F。 ( ) 1. There are five people in Eeps family. ( ) 2. Eeps father is strong and tall. ( ) 3.Eeps grandmother likes sleeping. ( ) 4.Eep has two brothers. ( ) 5.Eeps mother is young and pretty. ( ) 6. Eeps family is a happy family. F T F T eating a brother and a sister six T F Lets watch and write 1.There is a _ _ man in the _. Hes Eeps _. 2.There _ a _ _ woman in the photo. Shes Eeps _. 3.The boy in the photo is Eeps _. He is _ and _. 4.The _ _ girl is Eeps _. 5.There _. Shes _. Lets watch and write 1.There is a _ _ man in the _. Hes Eeps _. 2.There _ a _ _ woman in the photo. Shes Eeps _. 3.The boy in the photo is Eeps _. He is _ and _. 4.The _ _ girl is my _. 5.There _. Shes _. tall strong photo father is thinold grandmother Lets read and write 1.There is a _ _ man in the _. Hes Eeps _. 2.There _ a _ _ woman in the photo. Shes Eeps _. 3.The boy in the photo is Eeps _. He is _ and _. 4.The _ _ girl is my _. 5.There _. Shes _. tall strong photo father is thin old grandmother brother lovelyheavy cute short sister is a beautiful young lady in the photo Eeps mother There is a .in the photo. He/She is my.He/she likes Homework: Choose one of the famous peoples family to introduce. (利用积件式网络互 动学习平台提供的情景,选择自己最喜欢 的明星的家庭照进行描述。) Thank you! 1 义务教育教科书小学英语三年级下册 Unit 9 Unit 9 Who is this cute baby?读写课读写课 研学案 班级: 学号: 姓名: 一、研学目标一、研学目标 1能用适当的形容词描述家人的外貌; 2能制作 Lucy 和自己的家谱,并能用自己的家谱谈论自己的家庭情况; 3能根据对话内容拼出 Ben 的家庭合照,然后根据微课内容写句子; 4. 能制作自己家庭相册并谈论各家庭成员的情况。 二、学习线路图二、学习线路图 4.制作家庭相册 3、观看微课内容写句子 2、读对话拼图片 1、读短文制作 Lucy 和自己的家谱 三、研学过程三、研学过程 【Task 1】I can talk about my family Step1 listen and learn how to introduce the family(听并学习如何介绍自己 的家庭成员。 ) Step2 Talk about the family members(介绍你的家庭成员。 ) 2 【Task 2】I can read and do Step 1 Make Lucys family tree (小组里制作 Lucy 的家谱,把名字写在方框里) Step 1 Make Lucys family tree (制作 Lucy 的家谱,把人物关系写在方框里。) Step 2 Make your own family tree Step 3 Talk about your family by your family tree Tips: 你可以用以下的句子进行描述 There are . people in my family. My my . My father is. My mother is . Twins Family(双胞胎家庭) I am Lucy. My family is big and funny. There are 3 pairs of twins(3 对双胞胎)in my family. My father and my uncle are twins. My two aunts are twins. My sister and I are twins too. But we are different(不同的). My father Jack is tall and strong but my uncle Jim is short and thin. My aunt Mary is tall and pretty but my aunt Ming is short and heavy. My sister Lily is black but I am white. We are so funny. mother aunt grandfather grandmother Jim me LucyLily MaryMingJack mother May 3 【Task 3】I can read and do Lets make a photo of Bens family in groups (读短文后小组拼出 Ben 的家庭合照。) 【Task 4】I can watch and write Lets learn the micro lesson again and complete(学习并根据微课内容把句 子补充完整。 ) 1.There is a _ _ man in the _. Hes Eeps _. 2.There _ a _ _ woman in the photo. Shes Eeps _. 3.The boy in the photo is Eeps _. He is Is this a photo of your family? Yes, I have a funny family. Is the strong tall man your father? No, he is my grandfather. No, she is my grandmother. Is the pretty thin lady your mother? Hes my father. He is a short thin man. Whos the man beside your grandfather? Shes my mother. She is a heavy tall lady. Whos the handsome boy in yellow? Whos the lady beside your father? Its me. Haha. 4 _ and _. 4.The _ _ girl is my _. 5.There _. Shes _. 【Task 5】 Make your family album Tips: 你可以用上以下句型对图片进行描述 This a photo of my family. There is a in the He/She is my 四、学习评价与反思四、学习评价与反思 【Task 6】 I can judge myself. (自己评定本节课掌握知识点的情况,请给自己评定本节课掌握知识点的情况,请给涂色。涂色。 ) 学习目标任务标准结果 1 我能用适当的形 容词描述家人的外 貌。 【Task 1】3:描述 8 人以上 2:描述 6 人以上 1:描述 4 人以上 2.我制作自己的家 谱。 【Task 2】3:写对 6 个单词以上 2:写对 5 个单词以上 1:写对 4 个单词以上 3.我能阅读对话, 并制作 Ben 的家庭 合照 【Task 3】 3:贴对全部图片 2:贴对 4 人以上图片 1:只贴对 2 人图片 3.我能写出符合图 意的句子。 【Task 4】 3:写对 6 个句子 2:写对 4 个句子 1:写对 2 个句子 4.我能制作家庭相 册 【Task 5】3:描写 3 个人以上 2:描写 2 个人以上 1:描写 1 个人以上 5.总评 优秀:有 10-12 颗 良好:有 9-7 颗 及格:有 6-4 颗 5 要努力:有 0-3 颗 一、一、 教学内容分析教学内容分析 Family 是学生熟悉的学习话题。学生在三年级上学期已学习过家庭成员关 系和简单的外貌描写。二年级已学习过对人物衣着和个人能力描写的基本句型。 在本单元前三节课的基础上,学生基本能在口头上灵活运用 There is . He is.She is.来描述人物的基本情况。基于以上的分析,根据学生原有的学习基 础进行文本重构,把教学重点将放在语言的综合运用。本节课进行了三次文本 重构,其中短文和对话是基于文本重构,微课是拓展性文本重构。教师充分利 用重构的文本设计形式多样的输入输出活动训练学生阅读微技能。本节课尝试 借助信息技术力量,实现语言输入和输出的多样性和趣味性。例如微课的使用, 课前让学生利用微课自主学习完成一些简单的任务,课中再次利用微课加大语 言的输入量,帮助学生内化语言,课后在完成介绍自己家庭的任务时,学生还 可以根据自己的需要再次使用微课帮助自己完成家庭作业。利用信息技术优势 组织学生设计开展系列的阅读活动,旨在引导学生关注文本的语言形式,通过 一系列的活动让学生内化语言,更顺利地输出语言,达到提高学生综合运用语 言的能力。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 学生有两年半的英语学习基础,具有一定的阅读能力,能对一些简单事物 进行口头连贯描述,但未具备连贯写话的能力。老师根据学生的年龄特点、语 言学习基础和实际能力水平进行分析,通过两个重构的文本,设计一系列的读 写任务提高学生的阅读和写作能力。 三、教学思路三、教学思路 这是一节读写结合的课例。教师根据本单元的教学内容进行了三次文本重 构,其中短文和对话是基于文本重构,微课是拓展性文本重构。老师发挥信息 技术的优势,用雾化的方式把阅读技能浸入到阅读任务中,让学生通过完成阅 读任务,不知不觉中掌握阅读技能。在阅读中老师也让学生通过完成一系列写 的任务帮助学生内化语言和输出语言。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 1能熟记家庭成员和描述人物外貌的单词; 2. 能根据短文内容制作 Lucy 的家谱,并能借助自己的家谱介绍自己的家庭 情况; 3能根据对话内容拼出 Ben 的家庭合照; 4能自主学习微课,并根据微课的内容完成写作任务; 5. 能制作自己家庭相册并介绍自己的家庭。 五、课前准备五、课前准备 微课、多媒体课件 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Preparation 1. Free talk (设计意图设计意图:教师通过介绍自己的家庭情况,自然引出本节课要求学生制作家庭相册的 中心任务。通过师生对话,让学生复习家庭成员和描述人物外貌的单词。) Input and intake Passage: The Twins Family Step1 Learn the word: twins (设计意图:设计意图:呈现三组双胞胎图片并学习新词 twins,引出短文。短文的呈现采用 PPT 打 字功能,目的增加文本输入的趣味性,吸引学生的眼球,提高对文本输入关注度。) Step2 Read and make Lucys family tree Twins Family(双胞胎家庭) I am Lucy. My family is big and funny. There are 3 pairs of twins(3 对双胞胎)in my family. My father and my uncle are twins. My two aunts are twins. My sister and I are twins too. But we are different(不同的). My father Jack is tall and strong but my uncle Jim is short and thin. My aunt Mary is tall and pretty but my aunt Ming is short and heavy. My sister Lily is black but I am white. We are so funny. (设计意图:设计意图:快速阅读后,让学生据短文内容制作出 Lucy 的家谱,检查学生对短文内容 的理解能力。) Step3 Students make their own family trees (设计意图:设计意图:要求学生制作自己的家谱,既为下面谈论学生的家庭情况提供材料,又帮 助学生内化语言。) Step4 Students talk about their families by their family trees (设计意图:设计意图:参照短文内容并根据家谱介绍自己的家庭情况,能有效地帮助学生内化 和输出语言,同时为描述学生家庭相册中的家庭成员做准备。 ) Input and intake Dialogue: Bens funny family Make the photo of Bens family Whos the handsome boy in yellow? Is this a photo of your family? Yes, I have a funny family. Is the strong tall man your father? No, he is my grandfather. No, she is my grandmother. Is the pretty thin lady your mother? Hes my father. He is a short thin man. Whos the man beside your grandfather? Shes my mother. She is a heavy tall lady. Whos the lady beside your father? Its me. Haha. (设计意图:设计意图:此次文本输入的形式,用学生最新的 QQ 交际形式,让文本输入形式更 多样化,更能激发学生阅读的兴趣。同时让小组根据对话内容选取适当的人物图片拼出 Ben 的家庭合照,目的除了检查学生对对话内容的理解能力之外还让学生特别关注描述人物 的形容词的用法。) Input and intake I can learn and write Step1 检查课前利用微课程自主学习任务完成的情况。 Step2 Learn the micro lesson again and write(再次学习微课程,把句子补 充完整。 ) 1.There is a _ _ man in the _. Hes Eeps _. 2.There _ a _ _ woman in the photo. Shes Eeps _. 3.The boy in the photo is Eeps _. He is _ and _. 4.The _ _ girl is my _. 5.There _. Shes _. (设计意图:设计意图:利用微课形式呈现阅读文本的形式,更能激发学生阅读的兴趣。通过微课 的学习,让学生学会如何描述自己的家庭,同时通过写作练习让学生进一步内化语言,为 下面的整体写作做好语言的准备。) V Output Make the family album. The students can use the following structures. This is a photo of my family. There is a man/lady in the . He/She is my (设计意图:设计意图:以做家庭相册的方式让学生综合运用所学语言描述家庭成员,有效帮助 学生输出语言,提高综合语言运用能力。) Homework Choose one of famous peoples family to introduce. 【设计意图:利用积件式网络互动学习平台为学生提供情景,让学生选择 自己最喜欢的明星的家庭照进行写作,让学生再一次综合运用所学语言描述家 庭成员,从而实现提高综合语言运用能力的目的。 】 附件: 微课程设计脚本 T: Hello, boys and girls. So happy to see you again. Lets talk about our family. Let me show you a model. Guy: Is this a photo of your family? Eep: Yes, it is. Guy: Look at the photo. There is a tall man in it, who is he? Eep:He is my father. He is strong. He likes jumping. Guy:There is an old lady in the photo, who is she? Eep: She is my grandmother. She is thin and short. but she likes eating. Guy: What about the lovely boy and the cute girl? Eep: The heavy boy is my brother. He likes sleeping. The short girl is my sister, she is two. She likes playing with a dog. Guy:There is a pretty lady in it. Who is she? Eep: Shes my mother. Guy: Your mother? Oh, she is so young. Eep:Thank you. We have a funny family. Guy:They all look so happy. T: Now do you know how to talk about your family. 义务教育教科书小学英语三年级下册 Unit 9 Unit 9 Who is this cute baby?读写课读写课 评测练习评测练习 一、课前练习:一、课前练习: 根据微课内容,判断下面句子对或是错。对的写 T,否则写 F。 ( ) 1. There are five people in Eeps family. ( ) 2. Eeps father is strong and tall. ( ) 3.Eeps grandmother likes sleeping. ( ) 4.Eep has two brothers. ( ) 5.Eeps mother is young and pretty. ( ) 6. Eeps family is a happy family. 二、课中作业:二、课中作业: 【Task 1】I can talk about my family Step1 listen and learn how to introduce the family(听并学习如何介绍自己 的家庭成员。 ) Step2 Talk about the family members(介绍你的家庭成员。 ) 【Task 2】I can read and do Twins Family(双胞胎家庭) I am Lucy. My family is big and funny. There are 3 pairs of twins(3 对双胞胎)in my family. My father and my uncle are twins. My two aunts are twins. My sister and I are twins too. But we are different(不同的). My father Jack is tall and strong but my uncle Jim is short and thin. My aunt Mary is tall and pretty but my aunt Ming is short and heavy. My sister Lily is black but I am white. We are so funny. Step 1 Make Lucys family tree (小组里制作 Lucy 的家谱,把名字写在方框里) Step 1 Make Lucys family tree (制作 Lucy 的家谱,把人物关系写在方框里。) Step 2 Make your own family tree Step 3 Talk about your family by your family tree Tips: 你可以用以下的句子进行描述 There are . people in my family. My my . My father is. My mother is . 【Task 3】I can read and do Lets make a photo of Bens family in groups (读短文后小组拼出 Ben 的家庭合照。) grandfather grandmother Jim me LucyLily MaryMingJack mother May 【Task 4】I can watch and write Lets learn the micro lesson again and complete(学习并根据微课内容把句 子补充完整。 ) 1.There is a _ _ man in the _. Hes Eeps _. 2.There _ a _ _ woman in the photo. Shes Eeps _. 3.The boy in the photo is Eeps _. He is _ and _. Is this a photo of your family? Yes, I have a funny family. Is the strong tall man your father? No, he is my grandfather. No, she is my grandmother. Is the pretty thin lady your mother? Hes my father. He is a short thin man. Whos the man beside your grandfather? Shes my mother. She is a heavy tall lady. Whos the handsome boy in yellow? Whos the lady beside your father? Its me. Haha. 4.The _ _ girl is my _. 5.There _. Shes _. 【Task 5】 Make your family album Tips: 你可以用上以下句型对家庭进行描述 This a photo of my family. There is a in the He/She is my 三、课后练习:三、课后练习: Choose one of famous peoples family to introuduce. (进入“东城小学网络互动学习平台”角色游戏区选择你最喜欢的一位明 星家庭进行介绍。 )
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教科版三下Module Relatives_Unit Who is this cute baby _Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+素材)_公开课_(编号:60631 教科版三下
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本文标题:教科版三下Module 5 Relatives-Unit 9 Who is this cute baby -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-公开课-(编号:60631).zip
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