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    关 键  词:
    中西文化比较与交流 西南 大学 1257 中西文化 比较 交流 21 在线 作业 答案

    1、西南大学培训与继续教育学院 课程代码:1257学年学季:20211 单项选择题单项选择题 1 1、WhatWhat areare thethe formsforms ofof speakingspeaking andand writingwriting ofof a a language?language? 1.intangible forms; 2.tangible and perceptible forms; 3.untouchable forms; 4.natural forms; 2 2、WhatWhat isis notnot includedincluded inin thethe

    2、 fivefive essentialessential elementselements formingforming objectsobjects inin ancientancient ChineseChinese culture?culture? 1.metal; 2.water; 3.ice; 4.wood; 3 3、WhatWhat isis thethe relationrelation betweenbetween languagelanguage andand culture?culture? 1.Language is opposite to culture; 2.tLan

    3、guage is parallel to culture; 3.Language and culture are independent of each other; 4.Language is a product of culture; 4 4、WhatWhat isis notnot thethe contributioncontribution ofof HuxleyHuxleys s EvolutionEvolution andand Ethics?Ethics? 1.F. to defend the theory of evolution of Darwin; 2.to combat

    4、 the cosmic process; 3.to be obedient to natural selection; 4.to project human values to the evolutionary process; 5 5、WhatWhat isis thethe relationrelation betweenbetween languagelanguage andand perspectives?perspectives? 1.A. Language reflects and embodies perspectives; 2.Language has no relevance

    5、 to perspective; 3.Language is occasionally relevant to perspective; 4.Language is independent of perspective; 6 6、WhatWhat isis notnot thethe functionfunction ofof languagelanguage whenwhen wewe useuse language?language? 1.to name attitudes; 2.to understand values; 3.to create misunderstandings. 4.

    6、to name perceptions; 7 7、WhatWhat doesdoes ChineseChinese mannermanner ofof familyfamily educationeducation emphasize?emphasize? 1.It emphasizes the relationships with others and a concern for the feelings of others; 2.It emphasizes the independence of action; 3.It emphasizes objects; 4.It emphasize

    7、s information; 8 8、WhatWhat wouldwould ChineseChinese traditionallytraditionally notnot emphasizeemphasize inin socialsocial life?life? 1.C. to be harmonious with people; 2.the interrelations among events, objects and people; 3.to be interdependent; 4.to be independent and be oneself; 9 9、HowHow can

    8、can wewe definedefine categorization?categorization? 1.B. Categorization is an emotional process allowing us to relate to unfamiliar objects in an appropriate manner. 2.Categorization is an emotional process preventing us from relating to unfamiliar objects in an appropriate manner. 3.Categorization

    9、 is a cognitive process preventing us from relating to unfamiliar objects in an appropriate manner. 4.Categorization is a cognitive process allowing us to relate to unfamiliar objects in an appropriate manner. 1010、WhatWhat isis notnot thethe focusfocus ofof thethe principleprinciple ofof relationsh

    10、ipsrelationships ifif wewe wantwant toto understandunderstand categorization?categorization? 1.It focuses on change; 2.It focuses on stability; 3.It focuses on mutual influences of objects; 4.It focuses on holism; 1111、WhatWhat isis NotNot thethe reflectionreflection ofof culture?culture? 1.the word

    11、s of the language; 2.the imagination of the language; 3.the expressions of the language; 4.the sounds of the language; 1212、WhatWhat isis notnot thethe functionfunction ofof thethe languagelanguage ofof a a community?community? 1.D. to carry out particular products associated with their group and ac

    12、tivities; 2.to describe the particular practices; 3.to erase the particular practices of a group; 4.to carry out particular practices; 1313、WhatWhat isis NotNot a a productproduct ofof culture?culture? 1.art 2.architecture 3.literature 4.hair 1414、WhatWhat isis atomisticatomistic vision?vision? 1.At

    13、omistic vision analyzes objects and things through synthesizing and assembling.; 2.Atomistic vision is inclined to be independent of discreteness; 3.Atomistic vision is inclusive. 4.Atomistic vision is apt to polarize the opposing forces and ignore the middle way; 1515、WhichWhich isis notnot thethe

    14、qualityquality sharedshared byby bothboth timetime andand money?money? 1.E. to be budgeted; 2.to be wasted; 3.to be unmeasurable; 4.to be spent; 1616、HowHow wouldwould ChineseChinese arrangearrange laborlabor inin a a traditionaltraditional dinnerdinner table?table? 1.Body movement and the steps in

    15、the actual process of eating will be divided; 2.Eye contact and the action of the mouth will be divided; 3.Eye contact and the process of eating will be divided; 4.Hand movement and the action of the mouth will be divided; 1717、WhatWhat doesdoes context-dependencecontext-dependence mean?mean? 1.to e

    16、mphasize the importance of the relations between different contexts; 2.to focus the importance of the context or background of the object, person or issue in question; 3.to free analysis from considering the importance of the context or background of an issue; 4.to ignore the importance of the conte

    17、xt or background of the object, person or issue in question; 1818、WhichWhich ofof thethe followingfollowing isis notnot includedincluded inin ancientancient GreekGreek peoplepeoples s perceptionsperceptions towardstowards human?human? 1.as part of the collective whole; 2.as units in control of their

    18、 own destinies; 3.as units separate from others within the society; 4.as distinctive properties; 1919、WhatWhat wouldwould bebe thethe properproper wayway ifif youyou sitsit atat a a WesternWestern dinnerdinner table?table? 1.to eat food directly; 2.to talk loudly at the dinner table. 3.to use chopst

    19、icks other than the fork and knife; 4.to chop food into small pieces before eating; 2020、WhatWhat problemproblem maymay someonesomeone involvinginvolving interculturalintercultural friendshipfriendship encounter?encounter? 1.language barrier 2.feeling difficult to understand gestures of each other 3

    20、.listening problem 4.feeling difficult to appreciate the dress of each other 多项选择题多项选择题 2121、WhichWhich areare thethe pairspairs ofof themesthemes sharingsharing affinitiesaffinities inin ChineseChinese andand WesternWestern cultures?cultures? 1.玉帝 Vs. Zeus in Greek myth; 2.“混沌”传说 Vs. the chaos of t

    21、he cosmos; 3.女娲造人 Vs. the creation of Adam and Eve by God; 4.关公 Vs. Ares in Greek myth; 2222、WhatWhat areare thethe principlesprinciples ofof analyticalanalytical reasoning?reasoning? 1.the principle of non-contradiction; 2.the principle of stability; 3.the principle of identity; 4.the principle of

    22、change; 2323、WhatWhat areare thethe fourfour principlesprinciples ofof Confucianism?Confucianism? 1.yi (faithfulness) 2.li (propriety) 3.zhi (wisdom) 4.ren (humanism) 2424、WhatWhat effectseffects wouldwould peoplepeoples s exposureexposure toto urbanization,urbanization, education,education, massmas

    23、s mediamedia andand otherother modernmodern socialsocial conditionsconditions havehave inin dailydaily life?life? 1.effects on a persons openness to new experience; 2.effects on a persons independence from traditional authority; 3.effects on a persons belief in science and medicine; 4.effects on a p

    24、ersons educational and occupational ambition; 2525、WhatWhat particularparticular historicallyhistorically determineddetermined culturalcultural andand politicalpolitical conditionsconditions ofof a a countrycountry wouldwould havehave directdirect effectseffects onon theirtheir inhabitantsinhabitant

    25、s psychologicalpsychological functioning?functioning? 1.higher education; 2.occupational self-direction; 3.the movies watched; 4.the role of father and mother; 2626、WhyWhy shouldshould wewe understandunderstand culturalcultural affinities?affinities? 1.to provides the reader with new perspectives to

    26、 perceive multicultural issues; 2.to appreciate the essence of human creativity; 3.to appreciate the richness of human imagination; 4.to create differences and problems; 2727、WhatWhat areare thethe sourcessources ofof intuitiveintuitive thinkingthinking inin ChineseChinese culture?culture? 1.Buddhis

    27、m; 2.Chinese philosophy; 3.Physics; 4.Mathematics; 2828、WhatWhat wouldwould bebe thethe effectseffects ofof classclass locationlocation ofof people?people? 1.the sets of experiences; 2.the sets of interests; 3.how an individual interprets the meanings of experience and interest; 4.the sets of dreams

    28、; 2929、WhatWhat areare thethe relationsrelations betweenbetween modernmodern socialsocial structurestructure andand thethe continuitycontinuity ofof historicalhistorical cultureculture withwith humanhuman behavior?behavior? 1.They have influence on both human behavior and the psychological character

    29、istics of people. 2.They have little influence on human behavior. 3.They exert relatively independent influence on human behavior. 4.They have no influence on human behavior. 3030、WhatWhat areare thethe factorsfactors mediatemediate thethe influenceinfluence ofof culturalcultural individualism?indiv

    30、idualism? 1.Values; 2.Personal Orientation; 3.Perceptions; 4.Self-construals; 3131、WhoWho areare thethe threethree leadersleaders ofof thethe ReformReform MovementMovement inin 1898?1898? 1.Liang Qichao; 2.Tan Sitong; 3.Lu Xun; 4.Kang Youwei; 3232、WhatWhat areare thethe featuresfeatures ofof eticeti

    31、c approach?approach? 1.Etic approach studies behavior from a position outside the system. 2.Etic approach studies the structure created by the analyst. 3.Etic approach studies the criteria from the understandings of the insider. 4.Etic approach studies the criteria as absolute or universal. 3333、Wha

    32、tWhat areare thethe valuesvalues ofof culturalcultural affinity?affinity? 1.to uncover the commonality of concepts; 2.to provide a ground for mutual respect of different cultures; 3.to uncover the overlaps of forms and meanings of expressions.; 4.to provide cultural and textual encounters; 3434、What

    33、What areare thethe differencesdifferences betweenbetween ConfucianismConfucianism andand NorthNorth AmericanAmerican values?values? 1.Informal Intermediaries vs. Contractual Intermediaries 2.Long-term, Asymmetrical Reciprocity vs. Short-term, Symmetrical or Contractual Reciprocity 3.Particularistic

    34、vs. Universalistic Relationships 4.Ingroup/ Outgroup Distinction 3535、WhatWhat areare thethe featuresfeatures ofof culture?culture? 1.denotative 2.normative 3.imaginative 4.stylistic 3636、WhoWho areare thethe contributorscontributors toto thethe intellectualintellectual traditiontradition ofof Weste

    35、rnWestern wayway ofof logicallogical thinking?thinking? 1.Francis Bacon; 2.George Washington; 3.Aristotle; 4.John S. Mill; 3737、WhoWho areare thethe defendersdefenders ofof ChineseChinese cultureculture duringduring thethe MayMay FourthFourth MovementMovement inin 1919?1919? 1.Gu Hongming, 2.Liang S

    36、huming; 3.Hu Shi; 4.Wang Guowei; 3838、FromFrom wherewhere wouldwould peoplepeople derivederive theirtheir understandingsunderstandings ofof individualism?individualism? 1.the social differentiation; 2.the economic development; 3.the ways of studying abroad; 4.the patterns of leisure; 3939、WhatWhat a

    37、reare thethe featuresfeatures ofof emicemic approach?approach? 1.Emic approach studies behavior from within the system. 2.Emic approach discovers the structure within. 3.Emic approach studies behavior outside the system. 4.Emic approach studies the criteria relative to internal characteristics. 4040

    38、、WhatWhat areare thethe purposespurposes ofof holisticholistic vision?vision? 1.to abstract the whole; 2.to accept contradictions; 3.to synthesize the instances. 4.to seek for the middle way; 判断题判断题 4141、SpeakersSpeakers ofof GermanGerman areare oftenoften describeddescribed andand judgedjudged asas

    39、 “veryvery politepolite” byby AnglophoneAnglophone speakers.speakers. 1.A. 2.B. 4242、YanYan FuFu attemptedattempted toto undermineundermine HuxleyHuxleys s nature/nature/ societysociety oror cosmos/cosmos/ ethicsethics dichotomydichotomy byby introducingintroducing thethe ChineseChinese conceptsconc

    40、epts ofof “xingxing” (nature,(nature, endowment)endowment) andand “qunqun” (group).(group). 1.A. 2.B. 4343、ForFor ancientancient Greeks,Greeks, objectsobjects belongedbelonged toto thethe samesame categorycategory ifif theythey werewere describabledescribable byby thethe samesame attributes.attribut

    41、es. 1.A. 2.B. 4444、TheThe openingopening discoursediscourse occuroccur atat thethe endend ofof thethe discoursediscourse inin a a particularparticular culturalcultural context.context. 1.A. 2.B. 4545、CategorizationCategorization focusesfocuses onon isolatedisolated objects,objects, andand itit means

    42、means toto observeobserve andand studystudy anan objectobject inin anan isolatedisolated way.way. 1.A. 2.B. 4646、InIn Confucianism,Confucianism, thethe ethicalethical conceptconcept “qunqun” carriedcarried anan implicitimplicit moralmoral connotation.connotation. 1.A. 2.B. 4747、InIn traditionaltradi

    43、tional ChineseChinese thinking,thinking, timetime andand moneymoney cancan bebe consideredconsidered asas oneone categorycategory asas timetime waswas comparedcompared toto lifelife andand moremore preciousprecious thanthan money.money. 1.A. 2.B. 4848、YanYan FuFu introducedintroduced DarwinismDarwin

    44、ism justjust whenwhen ChinaChina waswas shockedshocked byby humiliation,humiliation, anxietyanxiety andand fearfear afterafter thethe China-JapaneseChina-Japanese WarWar ofof 1894-1895.1894-1895. 1.A. 2.B. 4949、SpeechSpeech actsacts andand speechspeech actact sequencessequences inin requests,request

    45、s, complaintscomplaints andand apologiesapologies areare thethe samesame inin characteristics.characteristics. 1.A. 2.B. 5050、InIn makingmaking apologies,apologies, GermansGermans tendtend toto bebe moremore verbose,verbose, selectingselecting moremore self-directedself-directed strategies.strategie

    46、s. 1.A. 2.B. 5151、YanYan FuFus s translationtranslation work,work, HeavenlyHeavenly EvolutionEvolution (1849)(1849) ofof HuxleyHuxleys s EvolutionEvolution andand EthicsEthics (1894)(1894) isis a a negativenegative exampleexample ofof interculturalintercultural rhetoricalrhetorical event.event. 1.A.

    47、 2.B. 5252、DiscourseDiscourse strategiesstrategies areare “conflictingconflicting movesmoves” withwith whichwhich surroundsurround thethe centralcentral movesmoves oror “headhead actsacts” ofof theirtheir topics.topics. 1.A. 2.B. 5353、GermansGermans speakspeak inin a a moremore implicitimplicit way,

    48、way, whereaswhereas EnglishEnglish inin a a moremore explicitexplicit way.way. 1.A. 2.B. 5454、InIn role-playrole-play interactionsinteractions withwith nativenative EnglishEnglish speakers,speakers, GermanGerman learnerslearners ofof EnglishEnglish oftenoften failfail toto understand,understand, rec

    49、iprocate,reciprocate, sustain,sustain, letlet alonealone initiateinitiate phaticphatic movesmoves suchsuch asas remarksremarks oror How-are-Yours.How-are-Yours. 1.A. 2.B. 5555、ChineseChinese socialsocial lifelife waswas independentindependent andand emphasizesemphasizes thethe strugglestruggle betwe

    50、enbetween humanhuman andand nature.nature. 1.A. 2.B. 5656、InIn Confucianism,Confucianism, thethe ethicalethical conceptconcept “qunqun” carriedcarried anan implicitimplicit moralmoral connotationconnotation asas thethe groupinggrouping ofof peoplepeople dependeddepended onon peoplepeoples s possessi

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