科普版三年级下册英语-Lesson 4 Where is my doll -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:00302).zip


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课题: Lesson 4 where is my doll ? 教学内容: Let is talk 教学目标: 1、能听懂,会说,会认,会拼读本课单词并知道词意 2、掌握本课主题句型:where is 和答语:“on your bed” “in the box” 教学重点: 单词的记忆 教学难点: 本课主题句型的灵活运用 教学方法: 实物图片导入法 教具准备: 一只盒子,一个洋娃娃 教学过程: 一复习: 复习单词复习已学过的含 i 短音I的单词,教师举 ship,pig,chick 等单词卡片,让学生拼读并 说出中文 二三分钟自由对话: 三导入新课: A学习生词; (1)出示 doll,box, bed 和 with 等几个单词,让学生拼读 (2)教师逐个讲解词义 (3)教师逐个领读,读几遍后让学生先说英文再说中文 (4)先集体说,再指名说 B导入对话: 先将洋娃娃放放盒子里,将盒子放在讲台上,把教师的椅子放在讲台边充当床,开始先听 两遍录音,然后充当伊芙,路路和汤姆进行角色表演,老师表演两遍后,让学生再听几遍 录音。 四操练: 放录音,让学生听录音并逐句跟说几遍,然后让学生看关键词复述,再将学生分成左右两 部分进行对话,然后交换角色练习,练习几遍后在各竖排或同桌间进行对话,最后请若干 对同学站起来对话。 五作业: 练习册 4 题 第二课时 教学内容: Let is talk、Let is chant、 Lets read 和 Lets learn 教学目标: 通过本节课的学习,进一步熟悉句型和表地点的:“It is in the box”, “It is on the bed”等句 子 教学重点: 表地点的介词短语的应用。 教学难点: 本课句型的灵活运用 教学方法: 简笔画导入法 教具准备: 动物图片 教学过程: 一 复习检查: 1复习单词 2复习对话:教师说中文,学生说英文,尽量做到快速,熟练 二 导入新课: 1提供两幅画,一幅是猫先生说找不到狐狸小姐,鸭先生问她是下是与狗先生在一起,另 一幅是猪先生指稍远处,狐狸小姐和青蛙先生在一起 2先听两遍录音,然后教师进得表演,充当猫先生手中拿狐狸图片说“I cant find Miss Fox, where is she ?”再充当鸭先生指手中狗先生图片说“Is she with Mr Dog”,猫回答 “No”说完第一幅再说第二幅,教师表演两遍后,再让学生听几遍录音,黑板上写关键词: Fox, where/with/No/there,Frog 三 操练: 放录音,学生听过两遍后,逐句跟说,再让学生根据关键词试着复述几遍,然后先全班复 述,再分成左右两部分对话,再在各排间和同座同学间进行操练,最后叫若干对同学站起 来进行对话。 四 学习 Lets chant: 先看图学习 log(圆木) ,然后放录音,听两遍后教师句领读,让学生跟读,最后连起来说, 直到熟练为止。 五导入 Lets read: 先复习 20 个辅音字母和 4 个字母组合在单词中的读音,再复习 5 个元音字母在闭元节中的 读音,着重复习 O 的短音。然后让学生拼读中的 8 个单词,着重复习字母组合的读音 六、操练拼读: A让学生拼读下列单词 hot rod sob job boss cop dock dot frog god hog log B让学生拼读要求掌握的重点词 dog fox frog not box on 这些词要求熟练掌握 七导入 Lets learn 并操练: A用实物学习和复习 Lets learn 中的单词 (1)老师出示实物,边指边读 pen 等单词读几遍后,教师发指令,学生举或指实物 (2)教师领读单词 (3)学习一些表地点的介词短语,出示卡片如“在书桌上” , “在书包里” , “在盒子里” , “在椅子上”等,先举一个说一个,然后教师领读,最后教师举一个说一个,然后教师领 读,最后教师举卡片学生说,先集体说,再个别说 B导入本课主题句型并操练 (1)出示挂图,教师自问自答“where is my doll” “It is in the desk”等,几遍后,教师领 说,学生跟说 (2)教师指图问,学生回答 (3)教师指图,学生左右两部分间进行问答 (4)学生根据自己的实物,如:文具盒里放尺子,书包上放书等同桌间进行 (5)学生熟练后,由学生自己设置情景,进行表演,除了问物品外,也可以问人。 五作业: 练习册中一、二、六题 教学反思: Where is my car? chair desk in 在在里面里面 on 在在上面上面 under 在在下面下面 Letsplayagame. Guessinggame:Whereistheball? Its_thebox. 每组选一位同学猜猜球在哪儿 on under in Where is my? Pair work! On the desk. In the desk. Under the desk. On the chair. Its _the _. Where is the monkey? in box Its _ the_. Where is the monkey? under box Its _ the _. Where is the monkey? on desk Its _ the _. Where is the monkey? under desk Where is the pencil? Its _the _. under chair Its _ the _. Where is the monkey? on chair Its _ the _. Where is the monkey? under chair Where is the pencil ? Its _the _. in pencilbox Where is the ruler? Its _the _.under chair Where is the book? Its _the _. in bag Where is the? Its in/on/under the 尺子在哪?尺子在哪? 它在椅子下面。它在椅子下面。 询问物品的方位: 句型结构 : 答语: Whereisthe.? Itsin/on/under. 把你的脚放在椅子下面。把你的脚放在椅子下面。 把你的手放在椅子上面。把你的手放在椅子上面。 把你的胳膊放在桌子里面。把你的胳膊放在桌子里面。 把你的手放在桌子下面。把你的手放在桌子下面。 Where is my car? Listenandanswer 1、Where is Zhang pengs pencil-box ? Its( ) his desk. 2、Where is Zhang pengs pencil ? Its ( )his book. Listenandanswer 1、Where is Zhang pengs pencil box ? Its( ) his desk. Its( in )his desk. 2、Where is Zhang pengs pencil ? Its ( )his book. Its (under) his book. 我们一起回家吧!我们一起回家吧! 好的!好的! 我的文具盒在哪?我的文具盒在哪? 看!它在你的桌子里。看!它在你的桌子里。 噢,是噢,是 的!的! 还有你的铅笔!还有你的铅笔! 它在你的书下面!它在你的书下面! 我真笨!我真笨! 谢谢你!谢谢你! ( )(1)Where is the pen? A. Its on the desk. ( )(2)Where is the bag? B. Its in the pencil case. ( )(3)Where is the dog? C. Its under the chair. Look at the picture and match the sentences. 小田 www.iloveppt.org Where is my car? 小田 www.iloveppt.org Where, where, where is my pencil? Maybe, maybe, maybe its in your desk. No, no, no, it isnt. Where, where, where is my ruler? Maybe, maybe, maybe its on your chair. Yes, yes, yes, it is. 点此播放朗读视点此播放朗读视 频频 点此播放讲课视点此播放讲课视 频频 d-o-g, dog / b-o-x, box / o-r-a-n-g-e, orange / b-o-d-y, body / 闭音节:以一个或几个辅音字母闭音节:以一个或几个辅音字母 (r 除外)结尾而中间只有一个元除外)结尾而中间只有一个元 音字母的音节,称为闭音节。在音字母的音节,称为闭音节。在 重读的闭音节中元音字母读作短重读的闭音节中元音字母读作短 元音,因此字母元音,因此字母Oo的闭音节单词的闭音节单词 中的发音为中的发音为/。 g o no nose orange body dog box 点此播放动画视点此播放动画视 频频 Oo, Oo, /,a dog, A dog in the box. Oo, Oo, /,a doll, A doll on the box. Oo, Oo, /,an orange, An orange under the box. 点此播放听力视点此播放听力视 频频 bag bed pig dog box orange body fog hophot lot mop not cot cob cock god ox pot .Fill.Fill inin thethe blanksblanks accordingaccording toto thethe pictures.pictures. d_gd_g _range_range b_dyb_dy d_lld_ll . Put the following words in the correct group. (hand, red, cat, box, leg, big, six, doll) (1)bag, dad, panda, _,_ (2)pen, ten, seven, _,_ (3)milk, pig, gift, _,_ (4)orange, dog, body, _,_ 点此播放听力视点此播放听力视 频频 dog box orange body (1)Listen to and repeat “Lets spell”. (2)请学生查阅含有字母请学生查阅含有字母Oo,并发音为,并发音为/的的 单词,也可以查阅含有单词,也可以查阅含有Aa, Ee, Ii的单词,的单词, 分类并记录下来。分类并记录下来。 点此播放教学视点此播放教学视 频频 Where is my car? boat cap ball car map 小田 www.iloveppt.org boat小船小船 小田 www.iloveppt.org ball球球 小田 www.iloveppt.org car小汽车小汽车 小田 www.iloveppt.org map地图地图 小田 www.iloveppt.org cap帽子帽子 小田 www.iloveppt.org boat cap ball car map 小田 www.iloveppt.org Missing game toy carcap box desk chair ball 椅子椅子chair 桌子桌子desk 帽子帽子cap 球球ball 盒子盒子box 玩具玩具toy 小汽车小汽车car Row,row, row a boat. Bounce, bounce, bounce a ball. Drive, drive, drive a car. Put, put, put on a cap. Read, read, read a map. boat ball car cap map row a boat bounce a ball drive a car put on a cap read a map 小田 www.iloveppt.org Where is my car? 小田 www.iloveppt.org Where is my cap? Is it in your bag? No, it isnt. Is it in your toy box? Yes, it is. 小田 www.iloveppt.org Where is my ruler? Is it in the desk? No, it isnt. Is it under the book? Yes, it is. 小田 www.iloveppt.org Where is my boat? Is it in your toy box? No, it isnt. Is it ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 小田 www.iloveppt.org Where is the ball? Its _ the box.on Is it on the box? 小田 www.iloveppt.org Where is the ball? Its the box.under Is it under the box? Yes,it is./No,it isnt. 小田 www.iloveppt.org 一般疑问句:Isitinyourbag? 肯定回答:Yes,itis.(是的) 否定回答:No,itisnt.(不是) 你的你的 on under (它在你的包里吗? ) desk Game: Hide and seek(捉迷藏) Rules(规则): 找一个孩子上台,闭上眼睛,老师把玩具藏起来,台上 的孩子睁开眼睛,问台下学生:Is it in/ on/ under/ the? 大家回 答Yes, it is.或者No, it isnt.帮助台上孩子找到玩具! A:Mum,where is my cap? B:Is it in your bag? A:No,it isnt. B:Is it in your toy box? A:Yes,it is.Thanks, Mum. Bye! B:Bye! Have a good time. 小田 www.iloveppt.org ? Mike: I am a boy. I have many toys . Mike: I have a ball, a toy boat, a toy plane, a toy car . Oh! Where is my car ? ( 玩具)玩具) and 小田 www.iloveppt.org Mike: No. desk Chen Jie: On your desk ? 小田 www.iloveppt.org Mike: No. toy box Wu Yifan: In the toy box ? 小田 www.iloveppt.org Mike: Oh, yeah! Thanks,Chen Jie. Goodbye. Chen Jie: Look! Its under the chair . 是,是的是,是的 Chen Jie: See you. 小田 www.iloveppt.org Mike 回家后又找不到他的回家后又找不到他的toy car 了了 Mike:_, Where is my _ ? Mom: _ your _ ? Mike: No! Mom: _ the_? Mike: No! Mom: Look! Its _ the _ . Mike: Oh,yeah! Thanks, _ . Mom car On desk Intoy box underchair Mom 小田 www.iloveppt.org 选择其中一个物品,同桌进行表演。选择其中一个物品,同桌进行表演。 Mike :Mom,:Mom, wherewhere is is mymy _ ? ? Mom:_:_ youryour deskdesk ? ? Mike :NoNo . . Mom:_:_ thethe toytoy boxbox ? ? Mike:No:No . . Mom:Look:Look! ! ItsIts _ thethe chair.chair. Mike:Yeah:Yeah , , thankthank youyou , , mommom . . on in under under on on in under 小田 www.iloveppt.org Where is my car? 小田 www.iloveppt.org 1.Whereistheboat? 2.Whereisthecap? 3.Whereistheruler? 4.Whereistheball? Where is the toy car? Is it on your desk? Where is the toy car? No, its on your chair! 选择其中一个物品,同桌进行表演。选择其中一个物品,同桌进行表演。 Mike :Mom,:Mom, wherewhere is is mymy _ ? ? Mom:Is:Is it it _ youryour deskdesk ? ? Mike :NoNo ,it ,it isnt.isnt. Mom:Is:Is it it _ youryour chairchair ? ? Mike:No,it:No,it isntisnt . . Mom:Look:Look , , itsits _ youryour toytoy box.box. Mike:Yeah:Yeah , , thankthank youyou , , mommom . . on in under under on on in under Its Itsin. Whereis? Itsin. 小小 结结 本课主要的学习重点是:本课主要的学习重点是: on under .学习难点是学会如何运用和理解:学习难点是学会如何运用和理解: Whereis_? Itsin/on/underthebox. Isitin/on/underthedesk? Yes,itis. No,itsnot. UnitUnit 4 4 WhereWhere isis mymy dolldoll 第一课时第一课时 TeachingTeaching topic:topic: LetsLets talktalk TeachingTeaching materialmaterial analysis:(analysis:(教材分析教材分析) ) 1)The students can listen,say,read and write the new words correctly: bed ,see, she , with, doll. 2)The students can master the forms:Where is ? Is it on your bed? GoalGoal request:(request:(教学目的教学目的) ) The students can master the patterns: The students can master the forms: Where is ? Is it on your bed? KeyKey difficulty:(difficulty:(重点难点重点难点) ) How to read and write the words: bed ,see, she , with, doll: where , my, doll, bed, box, with. Teaching times:(教学时间)1 TeachingTeaching methodsmethods :(:(教学方法教学方法) )three doubts three searches TeachingTeaching aidaid study:(study:(教学工具教学工具) )cards, tape TeachingTeaching process:(process:(教学过程教学过程) ) StepStep 1 1:设疑自探设疑自探 (5(5 minutes)minutes) 1.Warmer1.Warmer T: Good afternoon. Ss: Good afternoon. T: Glad to see you. Ss: Not bad. T: Now class begins .Now lets learn Unit Four. 2.Write the new words on the blackboard. bed ,see, she , with, doll T: Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly. Listen to the tape carefully then answer my question. T:Can you tell me the meaning of the text? Ss:Sorry,we do not know T:Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four,OK? Ss:OK StepStep 2 2 解疑合探解疑合探 (15(15 minutes)minutes) 1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. 2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. 3.The teacher read the text. Then let Ss read after the teacher. 4.The boys play Tom, the girls play Eve,I play Lulu. Then let the Ss read the dialogue by themselves,after that choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out . 5.Ask and answer: T: Please look at me and ask a student to answer my questions. Where is my pen? S1:Its on the pencil-box. T: Where is my pencil-box? S2:Its in the bag. T: Look at the picture and answer my question.Where is Luly? S3:She is with Kate. Then let the Ss make a dialogue in three. Then choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out. StepStep 3 3 质疑再探 (10(10 minutes)minutes) Can you tell me something about the text? S1:What is the meaning of the sentence“I cant find it.”? S2:What is the difference between“in” and “on”? StepStep 4 4 运用拓展(运用拓展(1010 minutesminutes) 1.练习. where doll bed box with 和 床 哪里 玩具娃娃 盒子 2.单项选择题. 1)Miss Fox is _Mr Frog. A. in B. on C. with 2)The apple s are _the box. A.no B. in C. at BbBb writingwriting design:design:(板书设计)(板书设计) Unit 4 Where is my doll? bed ,see, she , with, doll Where is my doll? Is it on your bed? No, it isnt.
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