冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip -Lesson 20 Jenny Goes Home-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:600fe).zip


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冀教版冀教版 五年级下册五年级下册 have breakfast shop do your homework play the computer . What did you do yesterday? Listen to part 1 and answer 1. Did Jenny have fun in Beijing? 2. What is Jennys gift for her mother? nowpast Listen, read and answer 1. Did Mrs. Smith miss Jenny? 2. Is the Palace Museum beautiful? 3. What did Jenny do the fourth day? Tips:1.带着问题去听读。带着问题去听读。 2.听到答案先从文本中划出来再回答。听到答案先从文本中划出来再回答。 Read in roles. Pair work I go to the library on Sundays. I went to the cinema yesterday. Lets find the differences I see Danny every day. I saw Mr. Wood yesterday. Lets find the differences I eat an apple every day. I ate an orange yesterday. Lets find the differences 一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 (1)She _to the store on Sundays. She _ to the store yesterday.(go) (2)We _ homework every day. We _ homework last Monday.(do) goes went do did 2. Look and write.(用用go,do,have,play,see的正确形式填空)的正确形式填空) had went saw did played Yesterday was Monday.I had English class. After school, I rode my bike . Then I went to the park . I had fun. Talk and write Topic : What did you do last weekend? 提示词提示词: (1) play with my father, have fun (2) go to the zoo, see some giraffes (3) go to the library, read some books. Homework 1. Act out part 1 Jennys gift. 2. Write what you did yesterday . 一、教学分析一、教学分析 一)学生分析一)学生分析 授课对象为五年级学生,从年龄层次上来看,这个年龄学生学习外语有了一定的 基础,也是容易出现学习两级分化的时候,但如果能加之以正确的引导,学生自身的 优势会得以充分发挥。在教学过程中要注意他们的生理、心理特点,充分发挥其表现 欲、模仿力强等特点,重点激发学生的学习兴趣,培养良好的英语学习习惯。 二)教学内容分析二)教学内容分析 本单元主题是 Did you have a nice trip? 教授学生运用过去时态讲述自己的 旅行。本课语篇围绕“Jenny Goes Home”这一话题展开,詹妮回到自己的家中,向 妈妈讲述了这次旅行经历。她在讲述中运用了过去时态,学生需要掌握部分不规则动 词的过去式的变法和他们在句子中如何运用。 三)教学目标三)教学目标 知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、认读并书写不规则动词过去式 had, went, saw, ate did 并 能在语境中正确运用以上词汇。 2. 能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构: Did you miss me? Yes, I did. What did you do yesterday? I ate an orange. 3. 能熟练并准确的运用动词(have,go,see,eat,do)的过去式来描述过去自己做 过的事情。 4. 能辨别一般现在时和一般过去时的区别,并能在实际情境中灵活运用。 学习策略目标:学习策略目标: 1.寻读、朗读、默读等阅读策略相结合,发展阅读策略; 2. 增强小组合作意识,共同完成任务; 3. 通过观察,分析,发现一般现在时和一般过去时的区别。 情感态度目标情感态度目标: 1.通过歌谣等活动,使学生能体会到英语学习的乐趣。 2.通过小组活动,加强学生的合作意识。 3.培养学生爱国主义精神和合作意识,并对学生进行养成教育。 四)教学重点和难点四)教学重点和难点 重点:不规则动词过去式 had, went, saw, ate did 的读音及书写。 难点:在语境中准确使用不规则动词过去式 had, went, saw, ate did,运用过 去式句型 描述自己过去做过的事情。 二、教具准备二、教具准备 多媒体, had, went, saw, ate 的词汇卡片 三、教学过程三、教学过程 一)教学步骤一)教学步骤 StepStep 1 1 Class-openingClass-opening andand warming-upwarming-up(5 5 minutesminutes) 1.GreetingsGreetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Li. T: Lets say a chant, OK? 设计思路:师生互相问好,进行情感交流,将学生的注意力吸引到英语课堂上。 2. LetsLets chantchant What did you do? (S-T T-S)师生伴随鼓点节奏说 Chant: What did you do? I walked to school. What did you do? I called my friend, helped my parents, washed the clothes and watched TV. T: Good job! Sit down, please! (第一遍先由学生问,老师回答给学生以示范,第二遍采用老师问,学生做动作 回答的方式形成互动。) 设计思路:配乐歌谣热身,以歌谣的形式营造欢乐的课堂气氛。通过前一课动词 词组的练习为本节课不规则动词过去式的学习做铺垫。 3. InterviewInterview(利用加星进行(利用加星进行 SpeakingSpeaking 的评价)的评价) What did you do yesterday? T: I walked to the supermarket and I shopped yesterday. What did you do yesterday? S1: I walked to the park yesterday. What did you do yesterday? S2: I watched TV yesterday. What did you do yesterday? S3: (教师先示范 I _ yesterday. 从而引导学生自主问答。 ) 设计思路:以采访的形式激励学生自由问答,将课堂交给学生,促使他们运用所 学知识。 StepStep 2 2 NewNew conceptsconcepts 1.1. DemonstrateDemonstrate (1)(1) FirstFirst listenlisten toto part1part1 andand answer.answer. (利用加星进行(利用加星进行 ListeningListening 的评价)的评价) T: Jenny had a trip in Beijing. Jenny goes home now. Did Jenny have fun? What is Jennys gift for her mother? Now lets listen to part1 and answer the questions. The students listen to part1 and try to answer the questions. Did Jenny have fun in Beijing? What is Jennys gift for her mother? Ss: 预设学生回答 1.Yes, she did. 2. A scarf. T: You are right. Number one, Yes, she did. She had fun in Beijing. 教 师同时板书 did 和 had. Why do we use “did”and “had”? Ss: 预设学生回答:因为是过去发生的事情。 T: Very good. Now lets take a look. (呈现时间轴 PPT) Jenny had fun in Beijing in the past. Now Jenny and her mother are talking about her trip. 设计思路:设计难度较低的问题激发学生听的兴趣,同时通过回答提炼出 did 和 had 这两个不规则动词过去式。另外,时间轴的使用给孩子以直观的理解,孩子通过 观察时间线发现之所以用 had 而不用 have 是因为事情发生在过去的时间里。 (2)(2) SecondSecond listen,listen, readread andand answer.answer. (利用加星进行(利用加星进行 ListeningListening 的评价)的评价) 1. Did Mrs. Smith miss Jenny? 2. Is the Palace Museum beautiful? 3. What did Jenny do the fourth day? T: Lets listen to part1 again. Listen, read and answer the questions. (First, choose students from each team to read the questions. ) (Second, the students listen, read and underline the answers. ) (Third, choose students from each team to answer the questions. ) T: Yes. The fourth day, we went to Wangfujing. OK. Who can write the word “went ” on the blackboard? S1:went. T: Is he/she right? Ss: Yes. 设计思路:设计具有挑战性问题,请求学生帮助老师解决,提升学生解决问题的 能力。听读画出正确答案环节的设置,使学生掌握听的技能采用寻读及默读的方法获 取信息,体现了“授渔” 。 2.2. practicepractice(2minutes2minutes) (1)Read(1)Read andand match.match. (利用加星进行(利用加星进行 ReadingReading 的评价)的评价) 1.The first day, Jenny went to _. 2.The second day, Jenny went to _. 3.The third day, Jenny went to _. 4.The fourth day, Jenny went to _. A. the Palace Museum B. the Great Wall C. Tiananmen Square D. Wangfujing T: Here are four sentences. Please read and match. (学生快速默读文本,找出原文中能够解释上面问题的语句。) Ss: C A B D T: Lets check. Yes, you are right. 设计思路:通过默读的方式,寻读、默读等阅读策略相结合,发展阅读策略。 (2 2)PairPair workwork ReadRead thethe texttext inin roles.roles. T: I think China is great. Now lets read the text in roles. Pay more attention to the emotion. 学生分角色朗读课文。 T: I think China is great. Do you love China? Ss: Yes, I do. 设计思路:教师鼓励学生分角色朗读课文,学生分角色朗读,注意模仿各自角色 的语气和语调。通过两人小组合作,加强学生的合作意识,并适时渗透爱国主义教育, 培养爱国主义精神。 3.3. DemonstrateDemonstrate(5minutes5minutes) LookLook atat thethe picturespictures inin partpart 2 2 andand findfind thethe differences.differences. T: I have some pictures about Jenny. Please look and say. And try to find the differences. S1: I go to the library on Sundays. S2: I went to the cinema yesterday. S3: I see Danny every day. S4: I saw Mr. Wood yesterday. S5: I eat an apple every day. S6: I ate an orange yesterday. Ss:(预测学生回答) 每组里面第一句动词用的是原形,第二句是过去式。第一句 时间是 every day,第二句时间是 yesterday。 T: I think you did a good job. Lets take a look. (呈现过去式变化 ppt) 设计思路:教师引导学生读句子,分析对比,关注生成,学生尝试自己攻克生词 并发现不同。学生通过看图观察、分析、进一步感知一般现在时和一般过去时的区别, 培养学生自主学习能力。 4.4. PracticePractice (3minutes)(3minutes) ReadRead andand choosechoose T: Do you remember the past simple of these verbs? Read and choose. Please do them by yourselves. T: Please check in your group. T: Lets check. (ppt 呈现正确答案) (教师鼓励学生运用所总结的规律,形成有效的学习策略,实现自主学习。) 设计思路:通过小组合作评价,让学生之间互动学习。也能使老师退出课堂,扮 演“观察者” ,从而更好的培养学生自主学习能力。 5.consolidation5.consolidation(10minutes10minutes) T: Lets do some exercise. Please turn to page 59. 1. Read Part 1. Put the sentences in the correct order. 2. Look and write. (教师布置练习任务和要求,学生独自完成练习。 ) T: Lets check. (先由学生核对答案再 ppt 呈现正确答案) 设计思路:学生在这个过程中经历“语言输入语言理解语言输出”三个环节 的训练,提升学生“用英语做事情”的能力。 Step3Step3 ActivityActivity (8minutes)(8minutes) GroupGroup workwork TalkTalk andand write.write. (利用加星进行(利用加星进行 Speaking/WritingSpeaking/Writing 的评价)的评价) T: Here are two topics. You can choose the one you want to talk. And you can use the given words. T: Lets share your writing. 设计思路:教师结合生活实际给出两个话题,学生选择其一,一起讨论并在提示 词的支撑下完成写作。Topic 1 巧妙结合刚刚过去的父亲节,创设感恩父亲情境引出 话题,使学生结合图片和实际生活充分展开想象在猜一猜中练习如何描述过去发生的 事。Topic 2 围绕本课主线(What did you do?)进行,根据所给出的情境进行书写 训练,并展示作品,使学生在英语学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力。 Step4Step4 Class-ClosingClass-Closing (2minutes)(2minutes) 1. Summary (教师引导学生总结回忆 What we learned today. ) 设计思路:总结本课所学,进行巩固复习,检测不足。 2Homework 1.Act out part 1 Jennys gift. 2 .Write what you did last Saturday. (教师布置表演和小练笔作业。 ) 设计思路:开放式的分层作业,培养他们的综合语言运用能力,帮助不同程度的 学生都能在自己原有程度上有所提高和进步,尽力得到最多的收获。 二)板书设计二)板书设计 Lesson 20 Jenny Goes Home today/everyday yesterday What do you do? What did you do? do - did have - had go - went see .- saw I eat an apple every day. - I ate an orange yesterday. T1 T2 4 4、教学反思教学反思 本课是语篇教学内容中关于一般过去时态的教学,在目标达成度方面有两点反思: 1.在 Interview 环节老师做到了先示范说一件自己经常做,而孩子意想不到的事 情,给孩子以支撑。应当关注一个细节,就是当孩子出现错误时,不要急于给出正确 答案,而是要让学生在老师和同学的帮助下自己纠错改正,提升学生学习能力。 2.在 Practice 环节,应当关注生成。老师要应做到适时的退出课堂,加强小组 合作,提升学生参与度,使学生通过观察,分析,发现,同时在小组中评价学习,体 现学生的主体地位,最终实现自主学习。
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