冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 3 Writing Home-Unit 3 Review-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:d0509).zip


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A Trip to Beijing Unit 3 How Do You Want to Go? Sing ,sing, sing the song, When you take a trip. Plane or train, bus or car, You can even take a ship. A plane is fast, a train is quick, But walking is so slow. There are many ways to get around, And many ways to go. Fly, fly, in the big blue sky. Chug,chug,a train goes by. Clippitty clop, a horse is slow. There are many ways to go, go, go! Fill in the blanks. _ _ _ 1. _ _ _ 2. _ _ _ 3. _ _ _ 4. i s slowerthan i s i s i s than than thanfaster slower faster How do they want to go? Why? How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing? Its about three hundred kilometres. Who does LiMing want to invite? Danny and Jenny. A travelling we will go, A travelling we will go. Hey ho, hey ho, A travelling we will go. What will we see? What will we see? Hey ho, hey ho, Here is what youll see. Beijing well see, Beijing well see. Hey ho, hey ho, Beijing well see. TravellingTravelling SongSong We pack our bags, To the airport we will go. Hey ho, hey ho, To the airport we will go. We want to visit China, To China we will go. Hey ho, hey ho, To China we will go. Across the sea we will go, Across the sea we go. Hey ho, hey ho, Across the sea we go. A plan of the trip Monday, Feb 1st We leave Shijiazhuang and arrive in Beijing. Tuesda y, Feb 2nd We go to Tiananmen Square. Wednes day, Feb 3rd We go to the Palace Museum. Thursda y, Feb 4th We go shopping. Friday, Feb 5th We leave Beijing and arrive in Shijiazhuang. Questions: a. When do they leave for Beijing? b. What do they want to do on Tuesday? C. Do they go to the Great Wall on Wednesday? d. When do they go shopping? Fill in the blanks. LiMing: I love to go on trips. I want to go to Beijing. Jenny: Is it very far? LiMing: Its not . Its only two hundred seventy-eight kilometres Shijiazhuang _ Beijing. Jenny: Whats the of China? LiMing: Its Beijing. Its great. Jenny: Lets go to Beijng. Ok? LiMing: Ok. It has many hotels and restaurants there. We can live in a hotel and eat in a . far from to capitalcity restaurant Lets make a survey! Questions Name Whe re do you want to go? How do you want to go? Who do you want to invite? Wha t do you want to do? HomeworkHomework Talk about your trip with your friends and make a travel plan . 教学设计 1 一、教材分析一、教材分析 1学习内容分析学习内容分析 本课是复习 Li Ming 和他的朋友到北京旅行的内容,以人物的活动为主线,围绕最常用、 最基本的英语词汇、句型、交际会话等逐步展开。会话内容和句型均十分贴近学生的实际, 可创设真实的语言情景,最大限度的来调动学生的积极性,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,为进 一步学习打下基础。 2学生分析学生分析 教学对象为五年级学生,学生已学习了本单元的单词和句型,有了一些相关的知识储备, 很乐于丰富自己的英语词汇,而且喜欢表演,乐于展示自我。本课通过一些任务活动,使其 掌握所学,并灵活运用。 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 本单元重点词汇 about, train, airplane, faster, slower, leave 和句型 How far is it? How do you want to go? When do you leave/arrive? 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: a学生能正确地听、说、读、写本单元重点单词。 b. 能熟练运用所学句型谈论关于旅行的话题。 情感态度目标:情感态度目标: 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,引导学生在学习过程中体验成功,感受快乐,树立自信心。 学习策略目标:学习策略目标: 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 文化意识目标:文化意识目标: 通过情景会话、短剧表演等了解我国和世界上主要国家的名胜及重要标志物,培养学生 的跨文化意识。 三、教学重、难点:三、教学重、难点:本单元重点词汇和 How far is it? Its aboutkilometers.运用。 四、教学准备:多媒体课件四、教学准备:多媒体课件 五、教学过程:五、教学过程: 时间时间步骤步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计思路设计思路 2minsClass Opening 1. Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? T: Im very well, thanks. Hows the weather today? Send greeting S: Hello, Miss Pan S: Im fine, thanks. And you? S: Its sunny today. 课前师生进行简 单会话,既可以拉近 师生间的距离,又可 以培养学生在真实语 言情景中进行自由交 际的能力,使学生快 速融入到英语学习中。 教学设计 2 2. Sing a song T: This class well review the unit 3 “A trip to Beijing!” T: First lets sing a song, ok? Sing a song and do the actions. “How do you want to go?” S: OK! 师生共同演唱, 并做动作,缓解了学 生的紧张情绪,为下 一步的学习营造了一 个轻松、愉快的环境, 并为下面的提问做铺 垫。 3minsRevision1. Ask some questions. T: You can sing very well. I want to ask some questions. What vehicles do you hear in the song? T: Is a bus faster than a train? What is faster than a train? T: Which is faster? Which is slower? Answer the questions: S: a plane/train/bus/ca r/ship/ride a horse/walking S:No. S1: A plane is faster than a train. 由学生自己比较 交通工具的快慢,发 挥学生的主观能动性, 复习了交通工具单词 及 is faster than is slower than 的用法。 2minsRevision2. Practice T: Great! Youre wonderful! Now lets practice. Fill in the blanks. Fill in the blanks and say the sentences. 设计填空练习巩固 了所学内容。 3minsRevision3. Look and listen. T: Now children, as we all know, Li Ming and his mother want to go on a trip to Beijing. Do you know how far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing? T:Oh, its very far! How do they want to go? Why? Listen carefully! (观看李明和他妈妈的对话观看李明和他妈妈的对话) T: How does LiMing want to go? Why? T: How does his mother want to go?Why? T: Finally how do they want S1: Its about three hundred kilometres.(two hundred seventy- eight kilometers.) Look at the slide and answer the questions. 课件呈现问题, 复习本单元重点句型, 通过视频再现课文中 的对话,使学生一目 了然,并用英语回答 教师的问题,加深对 课文中重点句型的理 解,并且调动了学生 进行交流的积极性, 更提高了学生的口语 表达能力。 教学设计 3 to go? Why? 3minsRevision4. Sing another song. T: Youre all right. LiMing and his mother want to go by train. Do you remember who does LiMing want to invite? T: They will travel to Beijing. Now lets sing “Travelling Song”. Sing another song and do the actions. S: Danny and Jenny. 由李明将要去北京引 入歌曲 A Travelling we will go,师生共 同边唱边做动作,活 跃课堂气氛,并引出 学生讨论关于北京的 话题。 2minsRevision5. Talk about Beijing. T: Well done. Beijing we will see. Beijing is a big city. What do you know about Beijing? T: How old is the Palace Museum? What colour is it? (教师在学生回答时和学生(教师在学生回答时和学生 可以就某一图片进行对话)可以就某一图片进行对话) Look at the pictures and talk about Beijing. Such as: S1: Beijing is the capital city of China. S2: Tiananmen Square in Beijing. 讨论关于北京的话题, 复习本单元 L17 内 容,使学生在轻松愉 快的活动中灵活掌握 所学知识。 教学设计 4 2minsRevisionT: The Olympic Games have been held in Beijing.What else do you know about Beijing? T: How long is the Great Wall? S3:It has the Great Wall. S4: It has Beihai Park. S5:Its about five thousand kilometers. What else do you know about Beijing? 作为对书中内容的拓 展,从而拓展了学生 的视野,丰富了学生 的知识面。 5mins Practice 6. Look at the plan of the trip. Ask some questions. T: Good job. Beijing is so great. So they want to go to Beijing. Before they set out, they make a plan of their trip. T: When do they leave Shijiazhuang? When do they arrive in Beijing? What do they want to do in Beijing? Lets talk about it with your partner. Discuss and answer the questions. (课件呈现问题,课件呈现问题, 学生在讨论时看学生在讨论时看 课件课件) 4mins Practice Practice: Read and do the exercises. A. Fill in the blanks. B. Stand for the right answer. Sit for the wrong answer. T: Very good. Now Lets have a chant. “ The leave arrive chant” Read and fill in the blanks. Do a chant.(Do the actions.) 通过设计练习, 巩固所学语言,检查 学生对 plan 的理解, 培养学生的合作能力。 9minsConsolid ation and extension T: Do you want to go on a trip? Where do you want to go? How do you want to go? Whom do you want to invite? You can discuss in your group. Answer the questions Make a survey in groups. Ask and answer. Fill in the blanks. 学生在任务的驱 动下进行小组合作, 运用所学的知识互相 交流,使课堂教学得 到了很好的发展、延 伸,并培养了学生综 合运用语言的能力。 教学设计 5 T:Ready? Who wants to talk ? T: (一组学生展示后问其他一组学生展示后问其他 学生学生) Where does XX want to go? How can XX go there? T:Well done. Are you ready for your trip? 小组以对话形式小组以对话形式 展示。展示。 英语课程标准中 指出:新课程倡导任 务型的教学模式,让 学生在教师的指导下, 通过感知、体验、实 践、参与和合作等方 式,达到教学目标, 感受成功,此活动是 一种真实调查,主要 目的是沟通真实信息, 是任务型的教学活动, 能给学生带来交流上 的成就感,学生乐于 接受。 2mins Class Closing T: Today you did a good job. Trips are fun. I like to go on a trip. This is my plan of the trip. National Day is coming. Lets go on a trip, ok? After class please talk about your trip with your friends and make a travel plan. Have a good trip. Good- bye!(以歌曲以歌曲“Look, look, look!”结束课堂。结束课堂。) 作业的设计是对 所学知识的巩固和拓 展,在学生下课的同 时播放歌曲,在轻松 愉悦的氛围中结束课 堂。 六、教学反思:六、教学反思: 本单元是一个按照事情发展叙述的小故事,连续性较强,因此我按照 LiMing and his mother want to go on a trip to Beijing. How do they want to go? Who do they want to invite? When do they leave? 这一主线复习本单元内容,并穿插了两首英文歌曲辅助教学,首先在导入环 节里利用歌曲 How do you want to go?不仅营造了课堂气氛,还引出交通工具单词并比较快慢 复习 faster than 和 slower than, 让学生结合日常生活实际比出各种交通工具的快慢,培养学 生自主意识。由 LiMing 4 人将去北京旅行引入歌曲 Travelling Song ,从而引出 Beijing,不 仅复习书上关于北京的话题,并且用 What else do you know about Beijing? 拓展本节课内容, 让孩子们大胆谈论关于北京的名胜古迹及小吃,开阔了学生的眼界,最后引出 Beijing is great!为后面李明的计划作了铺垫。下一个环节是根据计划讨论,检查学生对 plan 了解, 为后面的调查作准备。本课的点睛之笔是最后的调查,学生们在此环节中积极参与,热烈交 流,团结合作。汇报调查结果时很积极,并将调查结果编成对话,语句表达完整,达到了本 节课的教学目标,这体现了任务型的教学模式,为学生布置明确的任务,通过相互合作完成 任务,引导学生养成大胆开口,与人交流的良好习惯,培养了学生综合运用语言的能力。因 教学设计 1 本节课出现旅行计划,所以为了拓展学生思维,布置了让学生制定旅行计划的作业,将英语 学习由课内延伸到课外。
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