冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip -Unit 4 Review-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:7037b).zip


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冀教版小学英语第六册第四单元复习课教案冀教版小学英语第六册第四单元复习课教案 WelcomeWelcome toto thethe UnitUnit 4 4 一、一、 教学目标:教学目标: 1 1、知识技能、知识技能 (1 1) 掌握词汇:掌握词汇: ateate sawsaw wentwent walkedwalked talkedtalked likedliked playedplayed workedworked shoppedshopped jumpedjumped lookedlooked pointedpointed helpedhelped (2 2) 掌握句型:掌握句型:WhatWhat diddid youyou do?do? WhatWhat dodo youyou do?do? WhatWhat areare youyou dong?dong? 区分三种时态并能正确回答。区分三种时态并能正确回答。 2 2、情感态度:、情感态度: 培养学生乐于认知,敢于开口,积极参与,主动交流的意识,培养学生乐于认知,敢于开口,积极参与,主动交流的意识, 通过活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣。通过活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 二、二、 教学重点:复习本单元要求掌握的词汇和句型,并进行听教学重点:复习本单元要求掌握的词汇和句型,并进行听 说读写说读写 练习。练习。 三、三、 教学难点:教学难点: (1 1)动词过去式的正确理解和运用。)动词过去式的正确理解和运用。 (2)学生能听懂、会说并能熟练运用所学过去式描述自己的快)学生能听懂、会说并能熟练运用所学过去式描述自己的快 乐的一天。乐的一天。 四四 学情分析:今年,我担任五年级的英语教学,刚开;学情分析:今年,我担任五年级的英语教学,刚开;1 1、学、学 习兴趣不是很高,部分学生甚至有厌恶感,同时;习兴趣不是很高,部分学生甚至有厌恶感,同时;2 2、回家不会学习、回家不会学习 ,无正确的学习方法,不知如何看书;,无正确的学习方法,不知如何看书;3 3、部分学生学习的目的性不、部分学生学习的目的性不 是很强,导致学习习惯不好。是很强,导致学习习惯不好。 1 1、针对以上所存在的问题,改进课堂教学方式,让师生之间的课堂、针对以上所存在的问题,改进课堂教学方式,让师生之间的课堂 活动形式更加多样化,师生之间更加融洽;重新调整对学生的评价活动形式更加多样化,师生之间更加融洽;重新调整对学生的评价 模式,让他们更好发挥自身潜能,规范学习态度,严谨学习作风;模式,让他们更好发挥自身潜能,规范学习态度,严谨学习作风; 加强与学生家长的交流,更好发挥家校共建作用;与问题学生多谈加强与学生家长的交流,更好发挥家校共建作用;与问题学生多谈 心,多交流,帮助他们想办法,解决学习上存在的问题,让他们看心,多交流,帮助他们想办法,解决学习上存在的问题,让他们看 到努力之后的结果。到努力之后的结果。 2 2、学习英语的方式方法很多,在日常生活中,只要我们有心,、学习英语的方式方法很多,在日常生活中,只要我们有心, 处处可以学习英语。在校内,抓好课堂时间,给予学生充分的时间处处可以学习英语。在校内,抓好课堂时间,给予学生充分的时间 与空间,教给学生学习的方法,教学生独立、合作、创造性地解决与空间,教给学生学习的方法,教学生独立、合作、创造性地解决 问题。鼓励学生在校园里与同学之间、老师都尝试用英语进行交流问题。鼓励学生在校园里与同学之间、老师都尝试用英语进行交流 。回到家里,多看有关少儿英语节目,阅读有关书籍,并养成作笔。回到家里,多看有关少儿英语节目,阅读有关书籍,并养成作笔 记的习惯。鼓励学生将自己听到的或看到的自己认为有趣的内容记记的习惯。鼓励学生将自己听到的或看到的自己认为有趣的内容记 录下来,带到学校与同学共同交流学习。录下来,带到学校与同学共同交流学习。 3 3、在学习中,由于各种原因,经常会遇到各个学生学习进步程、在学习中,由于各种原因,经常会遇到各个学生学习进步程 度不同的情况,久而久之,便会出现优生与后进生的参差不齐的现度不同的情况,久而久之,便会出现优生与后进生的参差不齐的现 象。英语的学习更是如此,情况比较严重的往往是男生行列。针对象。英语的学习更是如此,情况比较严重的往往是男生行列。针对 这种情况,首先找出这类学生后进的原因,一方面鼓励他们认真努这种情况,首先找出这类学生后进的原因,一方面鼓励他们认真努 力学习,另一方面在课堂中经常性地让其发言,回答问题,纠正其力学习,另一方面在课堂中经常性地让其发言,回答问题,纠正其 不足。而且带动其他学生,采取一帮一的形式,互相帮助,互相学不足。而且带动其他学生,采取一帮一的形式,互相帮助,互相学 习,并进行有效的竞赛活动。小学英语打基础,培养兴趣的阶段,习,并进行有效的竞赛活动。小学英语打基础,培养兴趣的阶段, 更不能让任何一个学生产生厌学的情况,力求使每一个学生都能以更不能让任何一个学生产生厌学的情况,力求使每一个学生都能以 积极的态度面对英语的学习积极的态度面对英语的学习 五、教学过程:五、教学过程: Step1Step1 ClassClass OpeningOpening 1 1、GreetingGreeting 2 2、Review:Review: WhatWhat dodo youyou do?do? T:T: HowsHows thethe weatherweather today?today? HowHow dodo youyou feel?feel? WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo onon Sunday?Sunday? S:S: oneone byby oneone answeranswer T;T; Stop:Stop: WhatWhat doesdoes sheshe do?do? WhatWhat doesdoes hehe do?do? 3 3 Review:Review: WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? WhatWhat isis sheshe doing?doing? WhatWhat isis hehe doing?doing? 4 4 T:T: I I _ lastlast Sunday.Sunday. I I playedplayed gamesgames lastlast Sunday.Sunday. Step2Step2 ReviewReview thethe pastpast tensetense ofof VerbsVerbs 1 1 LetsLets playplay a a game.game. T:T: ThisThis isis a a circle.circle. ItIt cancan roll.roll. TheseThese areare somesome words.words. WhenWhen itit stopsstops “go”,“go”, youyou saysay “went”.“went”. AllAll ofof studentsstudents standstand upup andand saysay together.together. goeat ? is see? do ? goeat ? is see? do ? 2 2 FourFour studentsstudents makemake a a group.group. SummarizeSummarize thethe pastpast tensetense ofof VerbsVerbs 动动词词过过 去去式式 miss-missed walk-walked look-looked want-wanted help-helped watch-watched call-called wash-washed happen- happened jump-jumped play-played shop-shopped stop-stopped hurt-hurt let-let put-put read-read like-liked love-loved live-lived arrive-arrived do-did have-had go-went see-saw eat-ate are-were is/am-was buy-bought teach-taught 3 3 UseUse thesethese wordswords makemake a a dialogue.dialogue. Step3Step3 1.1. LookLook andand listen.listen. 2.2. ThinkThink about:about: WhatWhat diddid Danny/Jenny/LiDanny/Jenny/Li MingMing do?do? 3.3. AnswerAnswer andand talktalk aboutabout youryour lastlast Sunday.Sunday. 4.4. LookLook andand say.say. LookLook atat thethe picture.picture. TalkTalk aboutabout withwith thesethese words.words. FourFour studentsstudents makemake a a group.group. StepStep 4:4: LetsLets dodo somesome exerciseexercise 1 1 FirstFirst letslets readread thethe passagepassage andand thethe questions.questions. 2 2 PayPay attentionattention toto thethe pastpast tensetense ofof verbs.verbs. 3 3 WatchWatch thethe shortshort filmfilm andand thinkthink aboutabout thesethese questions.questions. 4 4 DoDo exercise.exercise. In spring, the mother pig took the little pig LuLu to the foot of the mountain. They planted some watermelon.When summer came, there were many big round watermelons in the field. One day, The mother pig said to the little pig:Lulu, go to the field to pick a watermelon back,ok? Lulu said happily:Ok! No problem.Then he ran to the watermelon field. When he got to the field, he was happy to find so many big green watermelons. He chose one of the biggest watermelon and picked it from the vine. Then he held it with his hands trying to lift is on his shoulder to carry it home.Wow!Its so heavy! Lulu tried several times, but he failed. And he was socked with sweat. He wiped his sweat off and decided to have a rest.Suddenly he saw the monkey Pipi. He was playing with a hoop. Lulu patted his head and said:Ive got it. He thought,the round hoop can roll, the watermelon round too,then it can roll too.He then put the big melon on the ground and rolled it forward quickly. At last he got home with the watermelon.The mother pig knew the story, she exclaimed:My child, youre really clever! 1. Write a title to the passage. 2. The sorting to the picture. Play with a hoopPick a watermelonso heavy 3.Answer the questions A. What did the mother pig do in sping? B. Who did Lulu see in the field? C. What did the mother do? Youre really clever planted some watermelon
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冀教版(三起)五下_Unit Did You Have Nice Trip _Unit Review_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_公开课_(编号:7037b 冀教版(三起)五下 review_ppt 课件 教案
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