教科EEC版四下-Unit3 What's the Matter -Class 2Textbook p.21-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:801ea).zip


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    • 教科EEC2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit3 Whats the Matter _Class 2 Textbook p.21_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:801ea)
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=Whats wrong? cold adj.冷的 n.感冒 I have a cold. Whats the matter? I have a fever. Whats the matter with them? She has a toothache. Whats the matter? She has a headache. Whats the matter? She has a fever. Whats the matter? Whats the matter? I have a toothache. have a fever have a stomachache have a cold have a toothache have a headache HealthHealth problemsproblems Whats the matter (with )? I have a He/She has a Whats the matter with her? Ken: Hi, Kate. Whats the matter? You look sick. Kate: Yes, I am. I have a fever. Ken: Gee! Thats too bad. LiLi: Take care, Kate. Kate: Thanks. Explanation Ken: Hi, Kate. Whats the matter? You look sick. Kate: Yes, I am. I have a fever. Ken: Gee! Thats too bad. LiLi: Take care, Kate. Kate: Thanks. 1.Whats the matter ? I have a fever. 4. Whats the matter with Lili ? She has a cold. ( with 谁就问谁)谁就问谁) 问问病病症症的的几几种种句句子子 2. Whats the matter with you? I have a fever. 3. Whats the matter, Lili ? I have a cold. (有逗号的,那个人就是自己)(有逗号的,那个人就是自己) 5. Whats the matter with her / him /it? She / He/ It has a cold. ( with 宾格宾格,回答变主格回答变主格) Ken: Hi, Kate. Whats the matter? You look sick. Kate: Yes, I am. I have a fever. Ken: Gee! Thats too bad. LiLi: Take care, Kate. Kate: Thanks. 翻译 ( have) Translation (汉译英)汉译英) Lets chant. 1. Write the words and phrases. 2. Interview a sick person (your friend etc)and give advice, write down the conversation. Unit 3 Whats the matter? 第二课时教案第二课时教案 一、教材分析:一、教材分析: 本单元的标题为 Whats the matter? 主要学习如何表述身体的 种种不适以及给出恰当的建议。同时,教材通过练习让学生学习新 单词和短语,并能用所学的新单词和短语去说,从而达到学以致用 的效果。 二、学情分析二、学情分析: 四年级的学生已经有了一定的英语语言基础与英语学习的能力。 他们积累了一定的词汇,基本能听懂课堂对话用语,能用简单的话 语和动作来表达自己的观点,有一定的小组合作学习的经验,也有 一定的生活积累。但该阶段学生的心理具有过渡性、动荡性与社会 性等特征,逐步出现两极分化,认知热情时高时低。为了促进学生有 效学习,在教学设计中设置了语言情境,并引进小组竞争机制,能 更好地激发他们的学习兴趣,提高课堂效率。该年龄段的学生思维 活跃,分析判断能力有所提高,但形象思维仍占重要地位,因此采 取多媒体教学。另外,学生的记忆力与模仿能力虽强,但知识的拓 展与创造性仍很薄弱,因此开展了小组合作探究活动。分层次的作 业设计,可满足各层次水平学生的需求。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 : 1.知识目标: a.词汇及短语:人体部位名称,如 arm, ear ,head 等; 身体疾病名称, 如 cold, fever, headache, stomachache, toothache 等以及其相关词语。 b.句型::Whats the matter? I have a cold./ She has a . 2.能力目标: a.能掌握询问疾病与表示身体不适的话语。 b.能口头与他人对话健康问题并给出合理建议。 3.情感态度目标: 通过询问病情与提供合理建议,培养关心他人、助人为乐的美德。 四、教学重难点:四、教学重难点: 本单元的话题是 Health,功能是谈论健康问题与提出建议。根据 学生的认知发展规律,制定了本课的教学重难点: 1. 教学重点: (1)掌握表达身体感觉、向对方提建议、同意或反对对方的意见。 (2)重点词汇:matter, fever, headache, sick, stomachache, bad, wrong, take care (3)重点句型: Whats the matter? I have a . She / He has a . 2.教学难点: 学会关心身边的人,能用贴切的形容词表述自己的感觉。 五、教学准备:五、教学准备: (1)课前准备实物、相关图片、电脑课件。 (2)课前准备一些服装或其他物品等。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 【Lead in】 1、Greetings T:Good morning, boys and girls! 2、Free talk T:Everyone is from Zhang Jiakou, yes? What is the weather like in winter in Zhang Jiakou? S:Its very cold. T:Yes, Its very cold. Its always snows. What can you do in winter? S:I can skate. T:Oh, you can skate. I like winter. But sometimes, I dont like winter. Because its too cold. Sometimes, I have a cold. Like this (阿嚏)。 Read after me “have a cold”. 设计说明:通过 free talk, 创设了和谐轻松的课堂氛围,让学生融入 英语课堂,同时唤起学生对已学知识汇的复习。 【Presentation】 1. Oh, I have a cold. (阿嚏). Do you want to try? Ok. If you want to ask me whats wrong, you can ask me: Whats the matter? Today, we are going to learn Unit 3 Whats the matter ? 板书课题,讲授 Whats the matter? 2. When we feel cold,we should put on a coatWhen we feel sick,we should go and see a doctor加重音量,放慢语速,讲授 单词 sick. The doctor always says:“Whats the matter? ”When someone feels sick,we should take care of him 3. T:When I am a student, I have a dreamI want to be a doctor,a good doctorNow,my dream comes true展示教学挂图,戴上 医生的帽子 There are many patientsThey are waiting for meLets learn (1)Look! This is a thermo-meterIf I have a feverit will tell meBut I dont have a feverOK,let me begin my job (2)Look for a student, ask him “Whats the matter? Let me see” (wait a minute) Its too highOh,you have a fever(用大型 温度计,讲授 have a fever) (3)Now,No2 Whats the matter? I dont have a fever,I have a headache讲授 have a headache(教师痛状) (4)讲授 have a stomachache, 讲授 have a toothache 4. Play a game: I say you do. I do you say. 5. 创设真实情境,进行 Role play 设计说明:借助多媒体上的图片,边介绍边跟读单词,短语。图片与单 词短语结合,能使学生初步感知和快速理解单词和短语。在使用 role play 进行巩固,并激发学习兴趣。 【Production】 1. Our friend Kate looks sick. Now lets listen to the tape and answer the questions. Ken: Hi, Kate. Whats the matter? You look sick. Kate: Yes, I am. I have a fever. Ken: Gee. Thats too bad. LiLi: Take care, Kate. Kate: Thanks. Whats the matter with Kate? 2. Listen and follow. 3. Translation. 4. Role play. 【Practice】 1. Role play:One act as a doctor, the others act as patients 2. Do the exercises. 3. Lets chant. 设计说明:学生两人对话操练巩固了本课的目标语言,为下面看病会 话扫除了语言障碍。边说边用身体语言表演来操练新句型,能在情景 中进行较真实的交际。 【summary and homework】 1. Revise the words and phrases. 2. Interview a sick person (your friend etc) and give advice, write down the conversation. 设计说明:布置的作业可满足不同层次学生的需要,可以巩固本节 课内容与培养学生关心他人的品质。 7、板书设计板书设计 Unit3 Whats the matter? Whats the matter? = Whats wrong (with you ) ? I have/She has/ He has a cold. fever. headache. stomachache. toothache. 8、教学反思教学反思 本课主要学习关于生病方面的词组,如:have a cold,have a fever, have a headache, have a toothache,have a stomachache 等,因 这些短语比较抽象,学起来较困难,所以我采用借助肢体语言来展 现这些词组,比较直观生动较易掌握,让孩子们对这些词组有了初 步的印象。然后采用开火车、分小组比赛的形式进一步巩固。为了 激发学生的学习兴趣,我还采用了情景表演等多种活动形式,让孩 子们分角色扮演医生和病人用本课的重点短语进行表演,孩子们表 演的很开心,完全融入到了角色之中,既巩固了本课重点短语,又 充分展示了孩子们的表演天分,一举两得。 同时我发现,多媒体的应用对培养学生学习英语的兴趣很有帮 助。有趣,生动的图片很能吸引学生的眼球,兴趣是学生最好的老 师,在学生有兴趣的条件下,学习任何东西的成功率都会高一些, 本节课我发现连平时上课很不专心的同学都能够跟着老师来说和读。 在以后的教学过程中,我要多尝试用多媒体来上课,相信定会达到 事半功倍的效果。 这堂课出现的不足是: 1、学生分组练习时,确实每个学生都有了练习的机会,但是老 师能关注到的,能在全班学生面前表演的也只能是个别小组。所以 在以后的教学中,在面向全体的同时更多地关注后进生,使平时学 习有困难的学生能够基本掌握新内容。 2、在运用语言的过程中,让学生除了在创设的情境中运用语言 外,还要努力培养学生有意识地在生活中运用语言。另外,每节课 前要安排学生表现的机会。这样学生课下才会多运用英语。 英语学习的最终目的是交际,实践是至关重要的。本课教学过 程中创造了一个使用英语进行交往的活动环境,让学生在学习中学 会生活,在生活中学会学习。通过体验、实践、讨论、合作、参与、 探究等活动方式,提高学生的听、说、读、写的能力。 总之我认为成功的课需要多动脑,勤钻研。而这需要长期的积 累。所以在今后教学中应多研究教材,研究学生,争取在短期内取 得更大的进步。
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