教科EEC版四下-Unit8 In the Bathroom-Class 1 Textbook p.60-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:00318).zip


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    • 教科EEC2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit8 In the Bathroom_Class 1 Textbook p.60_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:00318)
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Whats the matter with Betty? A. Betty likes the TV show, she is happy. Ken doesnt like it. B. Betty sees a big spider, she is scared. Ken and Dad help her. C. Betty doesnt like the TV show, she is angry. Ken and Dad help her. Whats the matter with Betty? A. Betty likes the TV show, she is happy. Ken doesnt like it. B. Betty sees a big spider, she is scared. Ken and Dad help her. C. Betty doesnt like the TV show, she is angry. Ken and Dad help her. Which room is Ken in? Which room is Ken in? 1. Which room is Ken in? living room living room 21 34 living room 21 34 living room 2 4 1 3 Where is Dad? Whats he doing? Which room is Ken in? Where is Dad? Whats he doing? Shes working on the farm. Theyre working in the office. Theyre working at the factory. What does Dad ask? What does Dad ask? What are you watching? What does Dad ask? What is Ken watching? What is Ken watching? Tom and Jerry. Its very funny. What is she shouting? Where is she? What is Betty shouting? Where is she? What is she shouting? Where is she? In the bathroom. bathroom 2 34 1 bathroom 21 34 Mom: _ Ken: _ _ Mom: _ Ken: _ Where are you, Ken? In the living room. Im watching TV. Is Dad with you? No. Hes working in his room. Dad: _ Ken: _ Betty: _ Ken: _ Betty: _ What are you watching? Tom and Jerry. Its very funny. Help! Help! A big spider! Where? In the bathroom. Mom: _ Ken: _ _ Mom: _ Ken: _ Where are you, Ken? In the living room. Im watching TV. Is Dad with you? No. Hes working in his room. Dad: _ Ken: _ Betty: _ Ken: _ Betty: _ What are you watching? Tom and Jerry. Its very funny. Help! Help! A big spider! Where? In the bathroom. When your family are busy or in trouble, what do you usually do? Family is our best harbor. We should love and help our family. Todays Homework Listen and read P60 and P61 picture 1. Copy these sentences: Where are you? Im in the living room. Im watching TV. Hes working in his room. Shes in the bathroom. Preview P61 picture2. Unit8In the Bathroom教学设计 (EEC 小学英语四年级下册 Unit8 第一课时) 一、教材分析 本课内容选自 EEC 小学英语教材四年级下册 Unit8 In the Bathroom 课文故事讲述了 Ken 的家人在家里发生的一段故事:爸爸妈妈都在忙着做事,Ken 和 Betty 在津津有味的看 动画片,然后 Betty 去卫生间,发现了一只大蜘蛛,吓得她大叫起来,后来在家人的帮助 下,拿走了蜘蛛。 二、学情分析 本课是 EEC 教材小学英语四年级下册第八单元第一课时, 教学内容是:学习房间名 称 living room 和正在做某事的相关表达。四年级的学生经过一年半的英语学习,已经具备 了一定的语言学习能力和学习方法,他们乐于学习新语言,对与自己生活相关的知识内容 非常感兴趣,学习过 room, watch TV,这些都为本课的学习打下了基础。 本课着重让学生理解故事内容。学习表达“正在发生的事情”是学生初次接触到的内 容,因此需要通过 PPT 图片、录音以及教师的肢体语言帮助学生准确理解,再通过操练、 应用等教学环节帮助学生掌握和运用。 三、教学目标 1. 技能目标:能够听懂理解故事内容; 能够模仿录音,有感情的朗读课文; 能够扮演故事中的人物表演部分对话 2. 知识目标:1)能够听懂会说人物所处的位置: Where? In the living room./ In his room./In the bathroom. 2)能够听懂会说正在发生的事: Im watching TV. Hes working in his room. 3)能够听懂会说: Its very funny, spider 3. 学习策略: 培养学生的预测、理解大意和细节,以及在语境中猜测词意、句意的学习策略。 4. 情感态度:学会关爱家人。 四、教学重难点 教学重点: 1、能够听懂会说人物所处的位置和正在发生的事。 2、词汇:funny, spider, living room, bathroom, work 3、句型:Where? In the living room./ In his room./In the bathroom. Im watching TV. Hes working in his room. 教学难点: 1、在本课时学习“正在发生的事”的句型时,教师应该让学生整体理解和练习整句输出, 不必去讲解语法细节,避免影响对故事的理解。 2、 “基于故事的学习”应该始终保持学生学习的兴趣和积极性,可以借助教师帮助、小组 合作、完成小任务等方式,使学生敢于张口,乐于张口。 教学流程 一、导入 1. 师生问候 2. 复习 过渡: Do you remember Ken and his friends? What do you know about their story? Lets look. (1) PPT 呈现 P45 第一幅图 We knew Kens friends gave him a surprise party on his birthday. And he got many presents. Does he like the robot from Jess? (2) PPT 呈现 P45 第二幅图 How about the cap? Does he like it? But, to be polite, he should? 引导学生回答 Send a thank-you card. (3) PPT 呈现 P53 第一幅图 So, he went to?引导学生说 To the post office. Can he find the way? Who helped him? (4) PPT 出示 P54 第四幅图 Then, he found the post office and sent the card. 【设计意图】依次呈现前几课有关 Ken 的图片,让学生谈论发生了什么。目的 是依托教材故事情节,引导学生由已知的故事情境自然进入到本节课的故事语 境,在复习旧知的基础上,开始新课的学习。 二、新授 过渡:But whats going on next? Wheres Ken now? What is he doing? Lets learn Unit 8 In the Bathroom. Lets have a look. (1) 讨论故事图片,交代故事背景,激发学生已有经验。 (三幅图同时呈现) T: Who are they? S: Kens dad, mom, Betty and Ken. T: Where are they? S: They are at home. T: What is Ken doing at home? S: Hes watching TV. 讨论:What do you usually do at home after school? S: (2) 看图,通过讨论,预测框架问题。 (三幅图同时呈现) 过渡:We know Ken is watching TV, but Betty isnt. Is she happy? Whats happening to Betty? Can you guess? Please talk with your partners and then tell me your ideas. (三幅图同时呈现) 讨论 Whats wrong with Betty? (3) 听框架问题,检测答案。 (听整篇故事) 过渡:I like your guesses, now lets listen and check your answers. (PPT 出示框架 问题) Whats wrong with Betty? A. Betty likes the TV show, she is happy. Ken doesnt like it. B. Betty sees a big spider, she is scared. Ken and dad help her. C. Betty doesnt like the TV show. She is angry. Ken and dad help her. 学习 spider 【设计意图】通过讨论、观察、初听录音,引导学生结合自己的已有经验,充 分理解对话产生的故事背景,明确人物的关系,以及故事对话的主题,从而实 现对故事框架的整体理解。落实“初听”的教学目标。 (4) 分图讲解,解决细节问题。 Picture 1 过渡:Look!Ken is watching TV at home. But which room is he in? Listen carefully, try to find it! Q1:Which room is he in? (listen) S: Hes in the living room. T: What is Ken dong? S: He is watching TV. T: So we can say Ken is watching TV in the living room.(板书) 帮助学生理解句意,通过举例学习 living room,并会运用。 过渡:In this picture, we can see mom, Betty and Ken, but where is Dad? Is Dad with Ken? (教师通过肢体语言帮助学生理解此句话的意思) Q2:Where is Dad? Whats he doing? (Listen) S: Hes working in his room. (板书) 帮助学生理解句意,通过举例学习 work,并会运用。 Picture 2 过渡:Now, dad is coming. He looks unhappy. Hes talking to Ken. What does he ask? Can you guess? Please talk with your partners. 讨论:What does he ask? (让学生先进行猜测) Q1: What does he ask? (listen) 对问题进行检测 帮助学生理解 What are you watching? Q2: What is Ken watching? (listen) 观看视频 Tom and Jerry. 学习、理解 funny,并会运用。 过渡:Betty sees a big spider, she is scared and she is shouting. Q3:What is she shouting? Where is Betty? (listen) 理解 Help! 并学习 Shes in the bathroom. (板书) 【设计意图】通过观察图片,引导学生围绕故事主题,逐图听音、讨论,在理 解关键词汇、短语的基础上,整体理解故事对话。借助多媒体、教师肢体语言、 图片(图示)等帮助学生有效理解关键词汇、短语。 三、练习 1. 复述课文,并进行听音模仿。 (个别学生逐句模仿) 过渡:Now, its your turn. Can you tell this story? Have a try. I can help you! Picture 1 Look, mom is in the kitchen. What does she say to Ken?(Mom: Where are you Ken?) How does Ken answer?(Ken: In the living room. Im watching TV.) Mom wants to know whether dad is with Ken. So, she asks? (Mom: Is Dad with you?) How does Ken answer? (Ken: No. Hes working in his room.) Picture 2 Now, Dad is coming. He asks Ken? (Dad: What are you watching?) Ken answers? (Ken: Tom and Jerry. Its very funny.) At this time, Betty is very scared. What is she shouting?( Betty: Help! Help! A big spider! ) Ken asks: (Ken: Where?) Betty says (Betty: In the bathroom.) 2. 全班整体进行听音跟读。 3. 表演课文(学生可自选表演一幅图或是两幅图) 【设计意图】在通过图片与学生一起回忆故事之后,让学生跟读课文,使学生 模仿录音中人物的语音语调,体验录音中人物的情感,教师及时对学生不准确 的语音进行纠音。在表演环节,设置了吸引学生参与的活动:“装饰你的起居 室” ,学生通过小组合作选择表演 1 到 2 页课文,学习程度更好的学生还可以试 着用一到两句话为故事加上结尾。即可以创造性表演出故事的结局,教师根据 表演效果给予不同的奖励,使每一个学生都积极参与并得到充分的鼓励。 四、德育情感渗透 过渡:From the story, we know when dad and mom are busy, Ken helps them to look after his sister. When Betty is scared and shouting in the bathroom. Dad, Ken and Robo help her to take the spider away. What a nice family! 讨论:When your family are busy or in trouble, what do you usually do? 过渡:Please remember. Family is our best harbor. We should love and help our family! 【设计意图】从实际生活出发,引发学生对生活中实际问题的思考,引导学生 更加关爱家人,体贴家人,达到从“文”到“情”的情感升华。 四、作业 1. Listen and read P60、P61 picture1 (听音跟读作业) 2. Copy the sentences: Where are you? Im in the living room. Im watching TV. Hes working in his room. Shes in the bathroom. (核心句型抄写作业) 2. Preview P61 Picture2(预习作业) 【设计意图】从听说读写的角度设计作业,体现了作业的多样性和实效性。同 时,引导学生带着好奇心预习下一课时的内容。 板书: Unit 8 In the Bathroom Tom and Jerry Ken is watching TV in the living room. very funny Dad is working in his room. Betty is in the bathroom. Betty 害怕表情 Help! spider Whats the matter with Betty? A. Betty likes the TV show, she is happy. Ken doesnt like it. B. Betty sees a big spider, she is scared. Ken and Dad help her. C. Betty doesnt like the TV show, she is angry. Ken and Dad help her. Whats the matter with Betty? A. Betty likes the TV show, she is happy. Ken doesnt like it. B. Betty sees a big spider, she is scared. Ken and Dad help her. C. Betty doesnt like the TV show, she is angry. Ken and Dad help her. Which room is Ken in? Which room is Ken in? 1. Which room is Ken in? living room living room 21 34 living room 21 34 living room 2 4 1 3 Where is Dad? Whats he doing? Which room is Ken in? Where is Dad? Whats he doing? Shes working on the farm. Theyre working in the office. Theyre working at the factory. What does Dad ask? What does Dad ask? What are you watching? What does Dad ask? What is Ken watching? What is Ken watching? Tom and Jerry. Its very funny. What is she shouting? Where is she? What is Betty shouting? Where is she? What is she shouting? Where is she? In the bathroom. bathroom 2 34 1 bathroom 21 34 Mom: _ Ken: _ _ Mom: _ Ken: _ Where are you, Ken? In the living room. Im watching TV. Is Dad with you? No. Hes working in his room. Dad: _ Ken: _ Betty: _ Ken: _ Betty: _ What are you watching? Tom and Jerry. Its very funny. Help! Help! A big spider! Where? In the bathroom. Mom: _ Ken: _ _ Mom: _ Ken: _ Where are you, Ken? In the living room. Im watching TV. Is Dad with you? No. Hes working in his room. Dad: _ Ken: _ Betty: _ Ken: _ Betty: _ What are you watching? Tom and Jerry. Its very funny. Help! Help! A big spider! Where? In the bathroom. When your family are busy or in trouble, what do you usually do? Family is our best harbor. We should love and help our family. Todays Homework Listen and read P60 and P61 picture 1. Copy these sentences: Where are you? Im in the living room. Im watching TV. Hes working in his room. Shes in the bathroom. Preview P61 picture2.
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