教科EEC版四下-Unit7 Where's the Post Office -Class 1 Textbook p.52-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:90014).zip


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    • 教科EEC2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_Unit7 Wheres the Post Office _Class 1 Textbook p.52_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:90014)
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GreetingGreeting Lets begin! Are you ready? 上课我们要 : 手放好 , 肩放平; 眼放直 , 脚放稳。 What happened to him? Hes lost.(迷路 ) Lets ask a policeman. p o l i c e m a n bookstore book b o s o k t o r e restaurant hungry r e s t a u r a nt hospital sick hos p i ta l supermarket post office Unit7 Wheres the Post Office? 玉宝墩小学 莘莉 C indy Whats the differences(不同点)? Its traditional.(传 统) Its colorful.(色彩绚丽) Its beautif ul. Its green. When (当) they are lost(迷路 ),they should say: Wheres the? Quick-action First one Wheres the bookstore ? Quick-action Wheres the restaurant? Quick-action Wheres the hospital ? Quick-action Wheres the supermarket ? Quick-action Wheres the post office? Attention Lets ask a policeman. Guess! Guess! Guess! Lets meaning(意思)? 让我们 =? Let us Guess! Guess! Guess! ask meaning 询询 问问 action Ken: Hi, Lili. Lili: Hi, Ken. Wheres the post office? Ken: Well, I dont know. Oh, theres a policeman. Lets ask him. Think ! Think! Think! 我不知道 I dont know. 那有一名警察。 Theres a policeman. Listen and read after the recorder. You can do it. Thank you! Bye -Bye! WhereWhere isis thethe postpost officeoffice ?教学反思教学反思 这节课是单词教学,教学内容是 5 个地方词。为了能让 学生把新词学得更好,掌握得更牢固,我从复习中先引用 大量的口语参与新课前的复习巩固,本节课涉及到地点问 句的学习,因此在复习时就很有意识的复习到五年级学过 的六个介词, in ,on , under ,near ,behind ,in front of 通过老师 的指令,学生边听边说边做动作加以巩固,让学生再次清 晰各方位介词的不同,从而为新课起到一个辅垫的作用。 教学新词时,我采用在句中学单词的方法,不是单一的 看图片而教,而是采用 guessing game 猜出其意思的方法 引入,如, Today I am not feeling well ,I have a bad cold ,( 作出咳嗽的样子)where shall I go ?学生明白意思后会 说去看医生,从而顺势教出新词 hospital . If you are not feeling well ,you must go to the hospital to see the doctor ,然后利用学过的 句型加以操练: A:Excuse me ,is there a hospital near here? B: Yes ,t here is . A:Where is the hospital ? B: Its near next to the school . A:Is it far from here ? B:No, its not far . A: Can I go on foot ? B: Sure . 通过大量的口语交际,学生从中学会了新词,这样不会 因单一的教而教。通过这样有趣的猜意思去学习新知,学 生的学习兴趣得到更进一步的提高。另外,为了让学生掌 握得更牢固,我还采用了音标教学法让学生有目的的去记 新词。 在操练中,我利用 pair work 的资料进行听力练习,首 先把里面的单词跟我读,然后让学生听我说句子,让学生 把所听到的单词写到相应的框中去,如 Here is museum ,the museum is in front of the libra ry . The bookstore is near the museum. The post off ice is behind the bookstore. -这样的听力练习, 激发了学生对听力的兴趣,培养了学生的听力能力。在完 成这项听力练习后,我又向学生提问了几个有关这节课的 重点句型,如: Where is the museum ? Where is the bookstore ? 这节单词教学的教学流程比较流畅,学生很积极的投入 到学习中,知识掌握也较牢固,但在学生交际方面仍欠缺, 应该多找机会让学生自主的操练,利用各式各样的句型让 学生发挥,从而让学生更全面的掌握知识是以后在教学中要 注意的一项环节。 WhereWhere isis thethe postpost officeoffice ? 说课稿说课稿 WheresWheres Wangwang?Wangwang?教学设计教学设计 【教材分析】 本节课是 EEC 小学英语教材三年级下册第七课第一课时。单元内 容为有关询问位置的交际用语。设计意图为能让学生听、说、读、 写有关方位的词,学习表达位置的方法,培养学生的观察能力及正 确表现物品位置状态的能力。这一课是学生先学习捉迷藏游戏之后, 围绕方位的话题进行交际并创造性地应用语言。 【学情分析】 理解位置的概念对于三年级的学生来说往往感到较难。因此,要 开展形式多样的活动,如:创设情境法、交际法、合作学习法等学 习方法,让学生在有趣的情景中围绕话题反复练习听和说。在对话 中、交际中让学生体会和熟悉位置概念。 【教学目标】 1.知识目标: 通过本节课学习,学生能够了解捉迷藏游戏的有关表达;听、说、 读、写、并熟练使用重点单词及短语:in, on, under, behind,next to 等。能够掌握并运用重点句型 Where is?及其答 语来针对人物或物品所在位置进行问答和描述。 2.技能目标: (1)从听、说、读、写四个方面运用方位的词,并熟练应用到生 活之中。 (2)培养学生正确的表现物品的位置状态的能力。 3.情感态度与价值观: 学生愿意用英语表达,并从学习中感受成功的喜悦。 【教学重难点】 了解捉迷藏游戏的有关表达; 掌握词汇 in, on, under, behind,next to 的听说读写并运用重点句型 Where is?及其答语 来针对人物或物品所在位置进行问答. 【教学策略及教学方法】 教学策略:我采用游戏引导法,情景法,直观法等教学方法.坚持以 Free Talk 为核心,以功能,结构为主线,以任务型活动安排本课教学. 教学方法:鼓励学生独立思考,勇于探究.通过让学生分角色表演 和情景对话对新知识进行巩固. 评价方法:以表扬激励为主,通过小组交流这个活动,培养学生探 究,合作精神. 【教学准备】 录音机和磁带; 自制图片;人物卡片; ;单词卡片等。 【教学过程】 一 Greetings. T: Good morning ,Boys and girls! Ss: Good morning, Ms Li! T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thanks. 二Revision Review numbers. 三. Lead-in & New lesson Step 1. Lead-in T:Lets play a game“Hide-n-Seek”. This is my pen, I will hide it. Close your eyes ,please. S: OK. T:You count from one to ten, please. S: OK. One, two, three, . Ready? T:Ready. Where is my pen? S1: S2: Step 2. Listen to the tape and try to repeat. T:You are so smart! Now were going to learn the new lesson. Fisrt listen and try to repeat. Step 3. Presentation T: Hide-n-Seek is a game that we usually play, it means hide and seek.(let the students read and practice one by one) T: Whats this? Ss: Its a room. T: Yes, this is my room. Come in, please.(point to the things and ask the students to say) There is a Ss: window/desk/bed/chair/computer/bag T: The computer is on the desk.(use hands to explainon) T: The bag is under the chair.(use hands to explainunder) T: The ball is in the box.(use hands to explainin) T: The chair is next to the desk.(use hands to explainnext to) T: The bag is behind the box.(use hands to explainbehind) The students read after the teacher and learn the new words by using their hands. T: Very good. Now we can express places, but how to ask? Ss: Where ? T: Yes .You are so clever! T: Whos this? Ss: Its Tutu. T: OK. Now wheres Tuto?(put Tuto in different places) Ss: Its on the bed/in the box/behind the door/next to the desk/under the chair.(practice this dialog for a while in order to master them well) Step 4. Read the dialog together. 四Practice 1. 看到我手中抽出的图片,迅速读出单词。 T:Look at my picture and read it quickly. Ss: in, on, under, behind,next to. 2. 给图片找到家,将图片贴在相应的单词后面。 T:I have some pictures, please stick them. 3. 游戏:让 4 个学生到前面和老师玩捉迷藏并练习以下句式: Ss:Lets play “Hide-n-Seek”. - OK. Ss: You count, please. - 1,2,3.Ready? Ss: Wheres xxx? - He/She is in/ on/ under/ behind/next to 每组一名同学,共 4 人,在前面背向全体学生闭上眼睛等待.老师 指定一人藏好后大家一起问 Wheres xxx? 4 个人分别进行猜测, 猜对者获胜。再选 4 人继续游戏. 五Sum-up 通过一系列的游戏活动,极大地调动了学生的学习热情, 使本来 很难的句子变得朗朗上口, 最后大家一起用手演示表示位置的词汇 进行总结. 【板书设计】 Lesson7 Wheres Wangwang?(I) Lets play “Hide-and-Seek”. Where is? He/She is in/ on/ under/ behind/next to
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