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类型(2021新版)牛津译林版必修二英语Unit 4 Exploring literature Extended Reading&Other Parts知识点 同步ppt课件.pptx

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    (2021新版)牛津译林版必修二英语Unit Exploring literature Extended Reading&Other Parts知识点 同步 ppt课件 下载 _必修 第二册_牛津译林版(2020)_英语_高中

    1、BY G.Z B2U4 Extended Reading 刻薄的;卑鄙的;自私的 vt.打算;意味着 TheseThese chairschairs _. . 这些椅子是专为客这些椅子是专为客 人们准备的人们准备的。 MissingMissing thethe busbus meansmeans _(wait)_(wait) forfor anotheranother hourhour. . I I didntdidnt meanmean _(eat)_(eat) anythinganything butbut thethe iceice creamcream lookedlooked sos

    2、o goodgood thatthat I I couldntcouldnt helphelp _(try)_(try) itit. . DontDont bebe _(_(对对如此刻薄如此刻薄) ) youryour littlelittle brotherbrother. . are meant for the guestsare meant for the guests waitingwaiting to eatto eat tryingtrying so mean toso mean to be highly/well/much thought of 受到高度评价 think high

    3、ly/well/a lot/much of. 对评价高 think badly/poorly/ill of. 对不高 think nothing/little of 不把当回事;认为不算什么 02 受到好评 HisHis paintingpainting hashas beenbeen _(_( 评 价 很 高评 价 很 高 ) ) byby somesome artistsartists ofof thethe worldworld. . I I hadhad a a painpain inin mymy backback butbut _(_(没把它当回没把它当回 事事) ) atat t

    4、hethe timetime. . TheThe manman camecame toto powerpower lastlast week,week, butbut hehe waswas inin a a difficultdifficult situationsituation andand _(_(不被看好不被看好) ). . highly thought ofhighly thought of thought nothing of itthought nothing of it was badly / poorly thought ofwas badly / poorly thoug

    5、ht of Ernest Hemingway (1899 1961) .is well thought of for his unique writing style. 02 the adventures of tough men who he believes “can be destroyed but not defeated”. vt.打败,战胜;使受挫; 使困惑 n.失败;击败;战胜 TheThe playerplayer _ (defeat)(defeat) inin thethe gamegame,butbut hehe didntdidnt loselose heartheart

    6、. . 这个运动员在比赛中被打败了这个运动员在比赛中被打败了,但是他没有气馁但是他没有气馁。 was defeatedwas defeated win V.S. beat V.S. defeat win 赢得;获胜 比赛、奖品、奖金、名誉、财产、战争等 beat 击败;战胜 竞争中的队伍或对手,或战争中的敌人等 defeat 击败;战胜 常接表示“人”或“团体”的名词或代词 WeWe _ themthem atat thethe footballfootball matchmatch yesterdayyesterday. . TheyThey areare alwaysalways _ bu

    7、tbut nevernever beatenbeaten. . WeWe _ thethe footballfootball gamegame yesterdayyesterday. . beatbeat defeatingdefeating wonwon (1) at the first attempt 第一次尝试 make an attempt to do sth. 尝试/企图做某事 attempt to do sth. 尝试/企图做某事 (2) attempted adj. (犯罪或非法行为)未遂的 02 Santiago attempts to catch a huge fish. v

    8、t.尝试;企图 n.努力;尝试;企图 02 NotNot manymany peoplepeople cancan answeranswer thisthis questionquestion _. . 第一次尝试就能回答这个问题的人并不是很多第一次尝试就能回答这个问题的人并不是很多。 TheThe youngyoung manman waswas arrestedarrested becausebecause ofof anan _(attempt)_(attempt) robberyrobbery. . 这个年轻人因为抢劫未遂而被逮捕了这个年轻人因为抢劫未遂而被逮捕了。 这些男孩试图去露营

    9、这些男孩试图去露营,但是被父母拦住了但是被父母拦住了。 TheThe boysboys _ forfor campingcamping,butbut werewere stoppedstopped byby theirtheir parentsparents. .(attempt(attempt v v. .) ) TheThe boysboys _ forfor campingcamping , butbut werewere stoppedstopped byby theirtheir parentsparents. .(attempt(attempt n n. .) ) Santiago

    10、 attempts to catch a huge fish. vt.尝试;企图 n.努力;尝试;企图 at the first attemptat the first attempt attemptedattempted attempted to leaveattempted to leave made an attempt to leavemade an attempt to leave SomeSome oldold buildingsbuildings havehave beenbeen _ inin thisthis areaarea. . DontDont worryworry;y

    11、ouryour fatherfather isis goinggoing toto _. . TheThe traintrain _ andand allall thethe passengerspassengers gotgot offoff. . TheThe carcar pulledpulled _ whenwhen thethe lightlight turnedturned redred. . pull down 拆毁;摧毁 pull up 停车,停止 pull in (火车等)到站,迚站;驶向路边(或某处)停靠 pull through 康复,痊愈;渡过难关 02 This ti

    12、me Ill pull him over. (使)靠岸;把开到路边;靠边停车 pulled downpulled down pull throughpull through pulled inpulled in upup MuchMuch ofof thethe workwork inin todaytoday s s worldworld _ (accomplish)(accomplish) inin teamsteams. . GettingGetting thethe twotwo leadersleaders toto signsign a a peacepeace treatytre

    13、aty waswas hishis greatestgreatest _(accomplish)_(accomplish). . OnlyOnly whenwhen wewe allall workwork togethertogether _(_(我我 们才能实现目标们才能实现目标) ). . (1)accomplishment n.成就;完成 a sense of accomplishment 成就感 (2)accomplished adj.有才华的,造诣高的 02 That way nothing is accomplished, vt.完成;达到;实现 is accomplishedi

    14、s accomplished accomplishmentaccomplishment can we accomplish our goalcan we accomplish our goal PeoplePeople areare confusedconfused _ allall thethe differentdifferent labelslabels onon foodfood thesethese daysdays. . WhatWhat youyou saidsaid atat thethe meetingmeeting waswas reallyreally _(confuse

    15、)_(confuse). . FromFrom herher _(confuse)_(confuse) looklook , I I couldcould telltell thatthat sheshe couldntcouldnt understandunderstand thethe sentencesentence. . (1)be/get confused about. 对感到困惑 (2)confuse vt. 使迷惑;混淆 confuse A and/with B 把A与B混淆 02 Now you are getting confused in the head adj.(感到)

    16、困惑的;不清楚的, 混乱的 aboutabout confusingconfusing confusedconfused I I waswas aboutabout toto leaveleave _ hehe camecame inin thatthat dayday. . I I _ mymy examexam paperspapers _ thethe bellbell rangrang. . 我刚做完试卷铃就响了我刚做完试卷铃就响了。 be about to do.when. 正要做这时 be doing.when. 正在做这时 had just done.when. 刚做完这时 02

    17、 正要做(通常与when 连用,when用作并列连词) whenwhen whenwhen had just finishedhad just finished He had been on the point of feeling himself go each time. 02 清醒 “Clear up, head,” he said in a voice he could hardly hear. ClearClear upup thethe desk,desk, willwill you?you? TheThe weatherweather wontwont clearclear up

    18、up untiluntil thethe rainyrainy seasonseason isis overover. . LetsLets trytry toto clearclear upup ourour difficultdifficult andand doubtfuldoubtful pointspoints ThisThis herbalherbal medicinemedicine willwill soonsoon clearclear upup youryour coldcold. . 使整洁,清理使整洁,清理 放晴放晴 澄清,解决澄清,解决 治疗治疗 Sentences

    19、SometimesSometimes wewe experienceexperience painpain thatthat seemsseems justjust _. . 有时我们经历的痛苦似乎太可怕以至于无法面对有时我们经历的痛苦似乎太可怕以至于无法面对。 TheThe boyboy waswas refusedrefused becausebecause hehe waswas soso youngyoung thatthat hehe couldntcouldnt joinjoin thethe armyarmy. . TheThe boyboy waswas refusedrefu

    20、sed becausebecause hehe waswas _ thethe armyarmy. . TheThe boyboy waswas refusedrefused becausebecause hehe waswas notnot _ thethe armyarmy. . but连接的并列句 too dry to speak意为“太干而说不出话”。其中 tooto结构,表示“太而不能有时在“该结构 中加上for sb. /sth.构成“too +adj. /adv. + for sb. /sth. to do结构。 03 His mouth was too dry to speak

    21、 but he could not reach for the water now. too frightening to facetoo frightening to face too young to jointoo young to join old enough to joinold enough to join 03 His mouth was too dry to speak but he could not reach for the water now. RememberRemember itit isis nevernever tootoo latelate toto lea

    22、rnlearn. . YouYou cannotcannot bebe tootoo carefulcareful whenwhen crossingcrossing thethe streetstreet. . tooto tooto 与与notnot或或nevernever连用,表示“无论连用,表示“无论也不过分,越也不过分,越越好”越好” cannot be toocannot be too再再也不过分也不过分 表示否定意义的副词或短诧,如never,seldom,little, hardly,rarely,in no way,in no case,at no time, by no m

    23、eans,in/under no circumstances, nowhere等放到句首,要使用部分倒装,即把助动词、 情态动词或系动词be放在主诧乊前。 03 Never have I seen a greater,or more beautiful,or a calmer or more noble thing than you,brother. LittleLittle _ , thoughthough hehe waswas inin greatgreat dangerdanger himselfhimself. . 他一点都不关心自己的安全他一点都不关心自己的安全,尽管他自己处在极大

    24、的危险之中尽管他自己处在极大的危险之中。 OnlyOnly ifif a a teacherteacher givesgives permissionpermission _ toto enterenter thethe roomroom. . 只有得到老师的允许只有得到老师的允许,学生才能进入这个房间学生才能进入这个房间。 OnOn nono accountaccount _ blamedblamed forfor whatwhat happenedhappened. . 士兵们绝对不该为所发生的事受到责难士兵们绝对不该为所发生的事受到责难。 03 Never have I seen a g

    25、reater,or more beautiful,or a calmer or more noble thing than you,brother. did he care about his own safetydid he care about his own safety is a student allowedis a student allowed should the soldiers beshould the soldiers be 03 The fish righted himself and swam off again slowly with the great tail

    26、weaving in the air. with宾诧 adj./adv./介词短诧 doing(主动,表示动作正在迚行) done(被动,表示动作已完成) to do(不定式表示的动作尚未发生) with the great tail weaving in the air是“with宾诧 宾诧补足诧”结构,在句中作伴随状诧。该结构作状 诧还可以表示原因、条件等情况。此外,此结构还可作 后置定诧。 03 The fish righted himself and swam off again slowly with the great tail weaving in the air. YoudYo

    27、ud betterbetter notnot gogo toto sleepsleep _. . 你最好不要开着窗子睡觉你最好不要开着窗子睡觉。 WeWe livelive inin a a househouse _. . 我们住在一所周围有很多花的房子里我们住在一所周围有很多花的房子里。 TheThe thiefthief waswas broughtbrought inin withwith hishis handshands _ (tie)(tie) behindbehind hishis backback. . I I cantcant gogo outout withwith all

    28、all thesethese dishesdishes _ (wash)(wash). . AsAs timetime wentwent byby,thethe womanwoman graduallygradually forgotforgot thatthat accidentaccident. . _ , thethe womanwoman graduallygradually forgotforgot thatthat accidentaccident. . AsAs therethere areare soso manymany problemsproblems inin hishi

    29、s mindmind,hehe cantcant sleepsleep wellwell. . _,hehe cantcant sleepsleep wellwell. . with the windows openwith the windows open with many flowers around itwith many flowers around it tiedtied to washto wash With time going byWith time going by With so many problems in his mindWith so many problems

    30、 in his mind Instant Feedback 04 Instant Feedback 1 1. .TheThe functionfunction ofof thethe InternetInternet isis _(particular)_(particular) strikingstriking whenwhen ImIm writingwriting. . 2 2. .HeHe waswas asas proudproud asas a a peacockpeacock whenwhen hehe passedpassed hishis drivingdriving tes

    31、ttest _ hishis firstfirst attemptattempt. . 3 3. .TheThe noblenoble couplecouple oftenoften taketake a a walkwalk afterafter suppersupper inin thethe parkpark withwith theirtheir petpet dogdog _(follow)_(follow) themthem. . 4 4. .JackJack _(work)_(work) inin thethe lablab whenwhen thethe powerpower

    32、cutcut occurredoccurred. . 5 5. .WhetherWhether thethe buildingbuilding shouldshould _(pull)_(pull) downdown hashas remainedremained controversialcontroversial. . 6 6. .TheThe statementstatement isis reallyreally _(confuse)_(confuse) andand manymany ofof usus cantcant understandunderstand itit. . 7

    33、7. .NotNot untiluntil thethe authorauthor beganbegan toto studystudy thethe classicclassic poetrypoetry _ hehe realizerealize howhow appealingappealing itit waswas. . 8 8. .ThereThere werewere timestimes whenwhen thethe challengeschallenges ofof writingwriting suchsuch a a hugehuge novelnovel almost

    34、almost _ (defeat)(defeat) herher. . particularlyparticularly followingfollowing was workingwas working atat be pulledbe pulled confusingconfusing diddid defeateddefeated 04 Instant Feedback 9 9. . _ itit suddenlysuddenly beganbegan toto rainrain. . 我们正打算动身我们正打算动身,突然下起雨来突然下起雨来。 1010. .HeHe _ thisthis

    35、 problemproblem byby himselfhimself,butbut failedfailed. . 他尝试自己解决这个问题他尝试自己解决这个问题,但是失败了但是失败了。 1111. .TomTom receivedreceived anan invitationinvitation,andand _,hehe gladlygladly acceptedaccepted itit. . 汤姆收到一个邀请汤姆收到一个邀请,因为他的工作已经完成了因为他的工作已经完成了,他很开心地接受了这个他很开心地接受了这个 邀请邀请。 1212. .NeverNever beforebefore

    36、 _ suchsuch a a movingmoving filmfilm. . 以前我从未看过这么感人的电影以前我从未看过这么感人的电影。 We were about to set off whenWe were about to set off when with his work finishedwith his work finished attempted/made an attempt to solveattempted/made an attempt to solve have I seenhave I seen 04 Instant Feedback ToTo knowknow

    37、 moremore aboutabout HemingwayHemingway,youyou 1313. . _ readread oneone ofof hishis mostmost famousfamous 1414. . _ TheThe OldOld ManMan andand thethe SeaSea,inin whichwhich hehe tellstells thethe storystory ofof anan oldold fishermanfisherman 1515. . _ SantiagoSantiago. . AfterAfter comingcoming i

    38、nin emptyempty- -handedhanded forfor 8484 daysdays,SantiagoSantiago 1616. . _ toto catchcatch a a hugehuge fishfish. . SoSo hehe beginsbegins hishis 1717. . _ withwith thethe fishfish. . AlthoughAlthough hehe feltfelt faintfaint,hehe heldheld onon thethe greatgreat fishfish withwith allall hishis st

    39、rengthstrength soso thatthat hehe couldcould getget itit overover. . TheThe fishfish 1818. . _ himselfhimself andand swamswam awayaway. . ForFor severalseveral timestimes,hehe feltfelt hehe hadhad beenbeen 1919. . _ feelingfeeling himselfhimself gogo,butbut hehe nevernever gavegave upup. . A A manma

    40、n cancan bebe destroyeddestroyed butbut notnot 2020. . _. . ought toought to namednamed novelsnovels attemptsattempts ought to;name;right;struggle;novel;defeat;on the point of;attempt strugglestruggle on the point ofon the point of rightedrighted defeateddefeated 04 高考再现 1 1. . A A monthmonth before

    41、before mymy firstfirst marathon,marathon, oneone ofof mymy anklesankles waswas injuredinjured andand thisthis meantmeant notnot _(run)_(run) forfor twotwo weeksweeks. . 2 2. . WhileWhile thethe clipclip mightmight looklook likelike partpart ofof a a newnew adad campaign,campaign, BridgesBridges said

    42、said thethe onlyonly goalgoal waswas toto showshow _(generous)_(generous) andand sympathysympathy. . 3 3. . ItsIts strangestrange thatthat hehe _ havehave takentaken thethe booksbooks withoutwithout thethe ownersowners permissionpermission. . 4 4. . _(avoid)_(avoid) kneeknee pain,pain, youyou cancan

    43、 runrun onon softsoft surfaces,surfaces, dodo exercisesexercises toto strengthenstrengthen youryour legleg muscles,muscles, getget goodgood runningrunning shoesshoes. . 5 5. . BeingBeing thethe coachcoach ofof thethe newnew team,team, I I waswas excitedexcited becausebecause I I knewknew wewe werewere goinggoing toto win,win, butbut toto , mymy disappointmentdisappointment wewe _

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