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    (2021新版)牛津译林版必修二英语Unit Exploring literature 02 Reading知识点 同步 ppt课件 2019 牛津 译林版 下载 _必修 第二册_牛津译林版(2020)_英语_高中

    1、B2U4 Reading Language Points BY G.Z 01 Useful Expressions 02 Words 接受(工作);承担(责任) No doubt drawing on his own experiences, Cao Xueqin gives a detailed description . draw back 后退;撤回 draw out 提取(存款等) draw up 起草; (车辆)到达某处停下 draw ones attention to 把某人的注意力吸引到 draw a conclusion (from) (.中)得出结论 凭借,利用;接近,临近

    2、WithWith thethe finalfinal examinationexamination _(draw)_(draw) on,on, wewe werewere moremore nervousnervous. . InIn orderorder toto bebe a a goodgood writer,writer, youyou havehave toto drawdraw _ youryour imaginationimagination andand lifelife experienceexperience. . TheThe policepolice _ outside

    3、outside thethe househouse toto catchcatch thethe thiefthief. . drawingdrawing onon drewdrew upup Sentences What qualities do you think a great work of literature should have? 句中do you think为揑入语,其后a great work of literature should have用的是陈述句语序。 类似的词还有:do you think/expect/ suppose/ believe/say WhatWha

    4、t dodo youyou thinkthink I I cancan do?do? 你认为我能做什么你认为我能做什么? - -WhereWhere dodo youyou thinkthink _he_he _the_the computer?computer? - -Sorry,Sorry, I I dontdont knowknow. . A A. . / / , , boughtbought B B. . has,has, boughtbought C C. . did,did, buybuy D D. . does,does, buybuy What amazed the child

    5、 was not a new world,but the unnoticed music of the old. 本句为what 引导的名词性从句作主语。what除引导从句外,还在从 句中作成分,意为“所的(东西)”,在含义上等于“名词that”。 (2)名词性从句的引导词除了what以外,还有that,which,who, where,when,how等。that在名词性从句中丌作成分,一般丌可以 省略。 _ makesmakes himhim soso popularpopular isis hishis humoroushumorous stylestyle whenwhen hehe

    6、isis talkingtalking. . FacebookFacebook isis a a placeplace wherewhere youyou cancan shareshare _ inin youryour lifelife withwith friendsfriends. . 脸书是一个你可以和朋友分享生活中所发生的事情的地方脸书是一个你可以和朋友分享生活中所发生的事情的地方。 _ attractsattracts a a lotlot ofof studentsstudents whowho areare interestedinterested inin astronom

    7、yastronomy. . 太阳是如何运转的吸引了许多对天文学感兴趣的学生太阳是如何运转的吸引了许多对天文学感兴趣的学生 WhatWhat whatwhat isis goinggoing onon HowHow thethe sunsun worksworks Behind every book is a man, behind the man is the race, and behind the face are the natural and social environment. 由and连接的三个并列句,都是表语前置的完全倒装句式。 (1) Here/There/Now/Then/

    8、Out/In/Up/Down/Away/Off+ come/ go/rush. +主语(主语是名词,谓语是表示位置移动的动词) Here comes Michael now. Up climbed the boy when his mother came. (2)表示地点的介词短语+be/live/lie/stand. +主语(主语是名词) Under the table was lying a half-conscious young man. (3)表语前置需要完全倒装。 Gone are the days when women are looked down upon. (4) Ther

    9、e be/live/fly/lie/stand/remain. +主语(表示某地有某物) There is an adventurer in the room. Behind every book is a man, behind the man is the race, and behind the face are the natural and social environment. TheThe speakerspeaker satsat inin thethe frontfront ofof thethe lecturelecture hallhall. . InIn thethe

    10、frontfront ofof thethe lecturelecture hallhall _. . SomeSome picturepicture booksbooks areare herehere. . HereHere _. . _(_( 出席会议的有出席会议的有) ) areare thethe expertsexperts fromfrom homehome andand abroadabroad. . JohnJohn openedopened thethe doordoor. . _(_(站在那里站在那里) ) a a girlgirl hehe hadhad neverne

    11、ver seenseen beforebefore. . ProfessorProfessor ZhangZhang camecame intointo thethe hall,hall, andand _(_(然然 后进来后进来) ) hishis assistantassistant carryingcarrying a a pilepile ofof booksbooks. . 这个小男孩冲了出去这个小男孩冲了出去。 OutOut rushedrushed thethe boyboy. . satsat thethe speakerspeaker areare somesome pict

    12、urepicture booksbooks PresentPresent atat thethe meetingmeeting ThereThere stoodstood thenthen followedfollowed .he opens a door through which our imagination enters a new world,a world of love,beauty and heroism. 本句中through which our imagination enters a new world 为 “介词关系代词”引导的限制性定语从句,修饰先行词door。 “介

    13、词关系代词”既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限 制性定语从句,此时丌能用that代替which。 当先行词为“人”时,关系代词用whom;当先行词为“物”时, 关系代词用which。 TheThe reasonreason,_ whichwhich hehe waswas absentabsent fromfrom thethe meetingmeeting,wasntwasnt givengiven. . ChinaChina isis a a beautifulbeautiful countrycountry, _. . 中国是个美丽的国家中国是个美丽的国家,我们为之感到非常骄傲我们

    14、为之感到非常骄傲。 ThereThere areare sixtysixty studentsstudents inin ourour classclass, _. . 我们班有六十名学生我们班有六十名学生,其中二十名是女生其中二十名是女生。 forfor ofof whichwhich wewe areare greatlygreatly proudproud twentytwenty ofof whomwhom areare girlsgirls .he opens a door through which our imagination enters a new world,a worl

    15、d of love,beauty and heroism. IsIs thisthis thethe carcar _ youyou paidpaid a a highhigh price?price? ThisThis isis thethe cameracamera _ hehe oftenoften takestakes photosphotos. . ThisThis isis thethe herohero _ wewe areare proudproud. . TheThe colorlesscolorless gasgas _ wewe cannotcannot livelive

    16、 isis calledcalled oxygenoxygen. . ThisThis isis hishis grandmothergrandmother whomwhom hehe isis lookinglooking afterafter. . ThisThis isis hishis grandmothergrandmother afterafter whomwhom hehe isis lookinglooking. . TheThe newlynewly- -builtbuilt caf,caf, thethe wallswalls _ areare paintedpainted

    17、 lightlight greengreen. . 根据从句中谓语动词的搭配而定 forfor whichwhich withwith whichwhich 根据先行词的搭配而定 ofof whomwhom 根据从句中形容词的搭配而定 withoutwithout whichwhich 根据语境及从句意义选择 有些“动词+介词”短语,如look for, look after, call on等丌可拆开 ofof whichwhich 有时“介词+关系代词”前还会有名词、代词等 Instant Feedback Instant Feedback 1 1. .WeWe areare appeal

    18、ingappealing _ anyoneanyone whowho sawsaw thethe authorauthor toto contactcontact usus. . 2 2. .ThereThere isis nono doubtdoubt thatthat thethe consumersconsumers areare stillstill veryvery sensitivesensitive _ thethe classicclassic novelsnovels. . 3 3. .I I amam lookinglooking forfor mymy glassesgl

    19、asses,withoutwithout _ I I cantcant watchwatch TVTV clearlyclearly. . 4 4. .BeBe especiallyespecially carefulcareful ofof thethe descriptiondescription _ (contain)(contain) inin advertisementsadvertisements. . 5 5. . _(devote)_(devote) himselfhimself toto communitycommunity activitiesactivities,hehe

    20、 waswas praisedpraised byby thethe peoplepeople aroundaround. . 6 6. .A A _ (reflect)(reflect) isis anan imageimage thatthat youyou cancan seesee inin a a mirrormirror oror inin glassglass oror waterwater. . 7 7. .SheShe gavegave meme a a _ (determine)(determine) looklookthethe kindkind thatthat sai

    21、dsaid sheshe wouldwould notnot changechange herher mindmind. . 8 8. .HeHe didntdidnt appearappear toto attachattach anyany _(significant)_(significant) toto ourour questionsquestions. . t t o o t t o o whichwhich containedcontained DevotingDevoting reflectireflecti onon determineddetermined signific

    22、ancsignificanc e e Instant Feedback 9 9. .TheThe authorauthor _ moremore kindkind toto animalsanimals. . 作者向我们呼吁要对动物更加友好作者向我们呼吁要对动物更加友好。 1010. . _ hasnthasnt beenbeen decideddecided yetyet. . 我们应该选择什么时间我们应该选择什么时间,还没有决定还没有决定。 1111. .DontDont mentionmention thatthat sheshe hashas putput onon weightwei

    23、ght , forfor _. . 不要提她体重增加了不要提她体重增加了,因为她对此很敏感因为她对此很敏感。 1212. .HeHe thoughtthought ofof hishis mothersmothers hopehope andand _. . 他想到了妈妈的期望他想到了妈妈的期望,决定不撒谎决定不撒谎。 1313. .TheThe towntown _ I I willwill showshow youyou isis veryvery beautifulbeautiful. . 我将要带你参观的那个城镇非常漂亮我将要带你参观的那个城镇非常漂亮。 appealsappeals

    24、toto usus toto bebe WhatWhat timetime wewe shouldshould choosechoose sheshe isis veryvery sensitivesensitive toto itit determineddetermined notnot toto telltell a a lielie aroundaround whichwhich 高考再现 1 1. . HeHe lovesloves thethe studentsstudents andand isis devoteddevoted _ hishis workwork. . 2 2.

    25、 . TheThe bookbook turnsturns outout toto bebe oneone thatthat _(appeal)_(appeal) toto thethe worldworld forfor moremore thanthan 350350 yearsyears. . 3 3. . WriteWrite a a poempoem aboutabout howhow courage,courage, _(determine),_(determine), andand strengthstrength havehave helpedhelped youyou fac

    26、eface challengeschallenges inin youryour lifelife. . 4 4. . A A citycity isis thethe productproduct ofof thethe humanhuman handhand andand mind,mind, _ (reflect)(reflect) mansmans intelligenceintelligence andand creativitycreativity. . 5 5. . TheThe firstfirst stepstep inin _(awaken)_(awaken) senses

    27、senses isis toto stopstop predictingpredicting whatwhat wewe areare goinggoing toto seesee andand feelfeel beforebefore itit occursoccurs. . 6 6. . FewerFewer emissionsemissions andand cheapercheaper traveltravel soundsound prettypretty _(appeal)_(appeal). . toto isis appealedappealed determinationdetermination awakeningawakening appealingappealing reflectingreflecting THE END.

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