(精)2019年秋人教版九年级全一册英语单元测试:Unit 5 What are the shirts made of(含练习+答案).zip


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Unit 5What are the shirts made of ? 满分:100 分,限时:60 分钟 .单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 1.(2018 陕西师范大学附中期中)Paper is made wood and newspapers are made paper. A.of;ofB.from;ofC.of;fromD.from;from 答案B本题考查 be made from 和 be made of 的区别。句意:纸是由木头制成的,报纸是由纸制成的。 be made from 表示从成品看不出原材料;be made of 表示从成品能够看出原材料,故答案为 B。 2.(独家原创试题)I made some paper cranes for you, Michael. Really?Its said that they are seen symbols of happiness and wishes. A.asB.forC.ofD.from 答案A根据本题语境可知,千纸鹤被看作是幸福和祝愿的象征,be seen as 意为“被看作;被视 为”,故答案为 A。 3.Look at the walls. They are with paintings. The owner of the room must love painting. A.washedB.hiddenC.repairedD.covered 答案D根据本题语境可知,墙被画覆盖了,根据 be covered with 的固定搭配可知答案为 D。 4.(2017 黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考)It takes me half an hour playing the piano. How about you? I usually spend 20 minutes it. A.practicing;onB.to practice;inC.to practice;on 答案C句意:我花半个小时练习弹钢琴。你呢?我通常花 20 分钟。根据 It takes sb. some time to do sth.以及 spend some time on sth.的句式结构可知答案为 C。 5.(2017 湖北黄冈中考)Nowadays lots of products from China are very popular in the world. Yeah! Many people can hardly avoid products made in China. A.to buy B.buyingC.boughtD.buy 答案B句意:现在许多来自中国的产品在全世界都非常受欢迎。是的!许多人几乎不能避 开买中国制造的产品。本题考查非谓语动词的用法。avoid 意为“避开,避免”,其后应跟动名词作宾语, 故本题选择 B。 6.(2019 山西省实验中学期中)Xiongan New Area being built as a green and smart city, and it plays an important role in Chinas development. A.is known forB.is worried about C.is born with 答案Abe known for 因而出名;be worried about 为而担忧;be born with 天生具有。句 意:雄安新区因正被建造成为一个环保而智能的城市而闻名,它在中国的发展中发挥着重要作用。根据 本题语境可知答案为 A。 7.(2017 甘肃兰州中考)Do you think acceptable for a group of women to dance to loud music on the square near your house? A.itB.thatC.thisD.its 答案A句意:你认为一群女人在你家附近的广场上伴随着高声音乐跳舞可以接受吗?本题考查 think it+adj.+for sb. to do sth.结构,it 在句中作形式宾语,故选 A 项。 8.These old newspapers can be some beautiful and creative clothes.That sounds really interesting. A.turned on B.turned off C.turned in D.turned into 答案Dturn on 打开;turn off 关闭;turn in 上交;turn into 变成。结合本题语境可知,这些旧报纸可以 变成一些漂亮、有创意的衣服。故答案为 D。 9.(2018 河北石家庄二十三中第一次月考)No matter I say, he doesnt care. A.how B.what C.whereD.that 答案B句意:无论我说什么,他都不在意。根据 no matter what 的含义和用法可知答案为 B。 10.(2017 江西中考)A babys first month birthday is a special event in China and with a special party. A.is celebratedB.is celebrating C.was celebratedD.celebrates 答案A句意:在中国,一个新生儿满月是一件特别的事情,人们会举行一个特别的聚会来庆祝它。本 题考查动词的时态和语态。“满月被人们庆祝”,所以使用被动语态,又根据语境可知,此处应用一般现在 时,所以应该选择一般现在时的被动语态。故选 A 项。 11.The computer is one of the most helpful inventions and it is used in different fields. A.widelyB.hardlyC.quietlyD.carefully 答案A结合本题语境可知,电脑是最有用的发明之一,它在不同的领域被广泛使用,故所缺的词是 widely。 12.(独家原创试题)Those people in earthquake areas are . Lets do something to help them. Maybe we can hold a charity show to raise money for them. A.in troubleB.in person C.in factD.in public 答案A四个选项的含义分别是:in trouble 处于困境中;in person 亲自;in fact 事实上;in public 当众。 根据本题语境可知,地震灾区的那些人处于困境中,让我们做一些事情来帮助他们吧,故 in trouble 的搭 配符合题意。 13. The light went out suddenly.It was very dark and could be seen clearly. A.anythingB.somethingC.nothingD.everything 答案C本题考查 something、anything、nothing、everything 的区别。根据题干中的“灯突然灭了” 以及“非常黑”可推断,此处表示“什么也看不清楚”,故所缺的词是 nothing。 14.(2017 广西桂林一中期中)He looks very young he is seventy years old. A.ifB.becauseC.althoughD.unless 答案C结合本题语境可知,尽管他 70 岁了,但他看起来很年轻,故所缺的词是 although。 15.(2019 吉林长春五校期中联考)Are Jiangsu and Zhejiang famous for silk? I think so. I know, more than half of the silk in China is produced in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. A.As long asB.As far as C.As many asD.As little as 答案B根据本题语境可推断,答语中提到了“据我所知,中国一半以上的丝绸是江苏和浙江生产的”, as far as I know 意为“据我所知”,故答案为 B。 .完形填空(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) (2018 山东潍坊中考) Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. Turning to the right, you see a Sichuan-style restaurant. After walking into a store, you see that Huawei smartphones are 16. But youre not in Chinayoure in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see17things in many other cities. Chinese products have been18worldwide. Chinese food has been enjoyed in western countries for a long time. To19local peoples tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the20. Unlike Chinese, Australian people dont like to eat meat with the bone21, so Chinese restaurants there provide big pieces of meat without bones,22 for fish. Some Chinese brands(品牌)are also becoming more23. In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers. And more than half of US-owned drones(无人机)are Chinese models. Theyre not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the24. In the past, most western people thought Chinese products were cheap and not dependable. But now, things have changed greatly.“Made in China” becomes cool. More and more people25Chinese brands. 16.A.for funB.at workC.on saleD.in use 17.A.similarB.differentC.commonD.unusual 18.A.storedB.collectedC.receivedD.accepted 19.A.meetB.copyC.spreadD.answer 20.A.kitchens B.drinksC.dishesD.services 21.A.upB.outC.onD.in 22.A.justB.evenC.yetD.still 23.A.traditionalB.expensiveC.practicalD.popular 24.A.country B.circleC.fieldD.town 25.A.sellB.trustC.improveD.question 答案 语篇解读本文是关于中国制造的产品的介绍文章。现在,中国制造的产品在世界各地都很受欢迎, 越来越多中国制造的产品走向了国际舞台。 16.C根据设空前的“store”和“Huawei smartphones”可推断,所缺的短语是 on sale“出售”,故答案是 C。 17.A四个选项的含义分别是:similar 相似的;different 不同的;common 普通的;unusual 不寻常的。根 据下文的描述可知,中国的产品遍布世界各地,故在其他城市也能看到“相似的”东西,故所缺的词是 similar。 18.D根据上下文的描述可知,中国制造的产品在世界上很多地方都有,由此可推断,它们已经被世界 各地的人所“接受”,故所缺的词是 accepted。 19.A由下文可知,中国餐馆已经做了一些改变,目的是迎合当地人的口味,故所缺的词是 meet。 20.C根据前面提到的 food(食物)可推断,餐馆想改变的是“饭菜”,故所缺的词是 dishes。 21.D根据下文中的“so Chinese restaurants there provide big pieces of meat without bones”可推断,那里 的人不喜欢吃带着骨头的肉。骨头在肉里面,所以用 in。 22.B根据上下文的描述可推断,“甚至”鱼也没有骨头,故所缺的词是 even。 23.D根据下文中的“在欧洲的许多城市,商店出售 TCL 电视机、海尔冰箱和联想电脑”可推断,中国 品牌非常“受欢迎”,故所缺的词是 popular。 24.A根据上文中的“Theyre not simply made in China”可知,它们不仅仅是中国制造的,中国也是设计 和开发它们的“国家”,故所缺的词是 country。 25.B根据上文的描述可推断,越来越多的人“信任”中国品牌了,故所缺的词是 trust。 .阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A (2018 云南中考) Every school day, we use schoolbags to carry all of our things to school. They are a big part of our lives. But have you ever thought about the history of the schoolbag? In the Han Dynasty (汉朝), students in old-style private schools used bamboo boxes to carry books to school. People consider the bamboo boxes to be the earliest schoolbags. They were usually two or three layers (层) in the box. Kids put different things like books, brushes, ink stones (砚) and paper in the boxes. Hundreds of years later, people developed a new kind of schoolbag called the budai, or the “hip-pocket”. The budai was lighter than the bamboo box. With the founding (成立) of the Peoples Republic of China, military rucksacks (军用帆布包) became popular. Many people carried them when they were in school. Ask your grandparents or parents about these bags. Maybe they can tell you about their experiences of carrying them when they were in school. A new style of schoolbags has appeared in recent years. Many of them have colorful and fashionable designs (时尚的设计) on them, such as pictures of cartoons or pop stars. And they are more comfortable to use. Some students pull wheeled bags filled with heavy textbooks and others carry backpacks. Schoolbags are still changing. Can you imagine what future schoolbags will be like? 26.Schoolbags in the Han Dynasty were made of . A.clothB.paperC.plasticD.bamboo 27.Which is NOT true according to the passage? A.Military rucksacks were popular in the 1950s. B.The budai was heavier than the bamboo box. C.There are some pictures on the new style of schoolbags. D.Schoolbags have changed a lot. 28.To carry heavy textbooks, students would like to use . A.wheeled bagsB.military rucksacks C.bamboo boxesD.the budai 29.We can usually read the article in . A.a letter B a guidebook C.a newspaperD.a notice 30.The purpose of the article is . A.to tell us how to use schoolbags B.to explain why we use schoolbags C.to introduce the importance of schoolbags D.to introduce the development of schoolbags 答案 语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,是关于书包发展历史的介绍文章。 26.D细节理解题。根据第二段中的“In the Han Dynasty, students in old-style private schools used bamboo boxes to carry books to school.”可知,汉朝的书包是用“竹子”制成的,故答案为 D。 27.B推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The budai was lighter than the bamboo box.”可知,布袋比竹子做成 的箱子轻,由此可知选项 B 是错误的描述。 28.A细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Some students pull wheeled bags filled with heavy textbooks and others carry backpacks.”可知,一些学生拉着装满重重课本的带轮子的书包,还有一些学生背双肩背包,故 答案为 A。 29.C推理判断题。四个选项涉及的名词分别是:letter 信;guidebook 旅行指南;newspaper 报纸;notice 通知。本文讲的是书包的发展历史,由此可推断,合适的出处是“报纸”,故答案为 C。 30.D推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文的写作目的是“介绍书包的发展”,故答案为 D。 B (2017 河北中考) You Can Make a Windsock(风筒)! Have you ever seen a windsock blowing in the wind?Well, you can make one of your own!This is a fun project that you can do with things you may have. You just need to follow a few easy steps. You will need: one piece of heavy colored paper five ribbons strong tape a string a pencil What to do: Step 1:Draw pictures on the paper. You can write your name on it. Do anything that will make it special to you. Step 2:Make the paper into the shape of a tube. Hold one of the shorter edges(边缘) over the other. Then make them together with the tape at each end and in the middle. Step 3:Use a pencil to make a hole into both sides of the tube. The holes should be only on one end of the tube. Pull the string through both holes. Then tie the ends of the string together. Step 4:Now make five holes around the top of the other end of the tube. Put a ribbon through each of the holes. Tie a knot in the ends. Make sure the knots are bigger than the holes. Now your windsock is ready to use, but how does it work?The shape of the tube plays an important part. Wind blows through the tube and makes it fly and dance around. Hold the windsock up in the air by its string and run around. It will fly behind you. You can also hang it outside and watch it dance around on its own! 31.You draw pictures on the paper to make the windsock . A.funB.heavyC.strongD.special 32.Which of these things do you need for Step 2? A.Tape. B.Ribbons.C.A pencil.D.A string. 33.What do you do after you put ribbons through the holes in the tube? A.Make holes in the tube. B.Tape the tube together. C.Tie knots in the ribbons. D.Put a string through the hole. 34.What is probably the most important to make a windsock work? A.Its shape.B.Its size. C.The color of the paper.D.The number of the holes. 35.What is the main purpose of this article? A.To tell an interesting story. B.To explain how to do something. C.To teach an important lesson. D.To show what a windsock is like. 答案 篇章图解本文为说明文。你见过风筒吗?本文主要向我们介绍了制作风筒的方法和步骤。 31.D细节理解题。由 Step 1 的最后一句话“Do anything that will make it special to you.”可知在纸上画 画的目的是使风筒对你来说很特别,故本题选择 D。 32.A细节理解题。由 Step 2 的最后一句话“Then make them together with the tape.”可知完成第二步 需要用到 tape,故本题选择 A。 33.C细节理解题。由 Step 4 中的“Put a ribbon through each of the holes. Tie a knot in the ends.”可知本 题选择 C。 34.A细节理解题。由最后一段中的“The shape of the tube plays an important part.”可知本题选择 A。play an important part 意为“起着重要的作用”。 35.B推理判断题。本文主要向我们介绍了制作风筒的方法和步骤。故本题选择 B。 C (2019 山西省实验中学期中) Kites have a long history. They may date back (追溯到) long time ago. They were made of bamboo and silk in China. Nobody knows exactly how or when a kite was first flown, but it is said that when a Chinese farmer tied a string (细绳) to his hat to keep it from blowing away in a strong wind, the first kite was born. Children like flying kites. Kites are made of wood, bamboo, paper, or silk. In 478 B.C., a Chinese philosopher (思想家), Mozi, spent three years making a kite out of light wood and bamboo. The earliest record (记录) of kite flying was in about 200 B.C.when the Chinese General Han Xin of the Han Dynasty flew a kite over the walls of a city. He wanted to know how far his army would have to travel. In the 13th century, Marco Polo wrote about how the shipping businessmen flew the huge kite in the wind before the ship set sail (起航). They predicted the voyage (航海) in this way. If the kite went high and straight, it meant a quick and successful voyage, but if it did not fly well, it was a bad omen(预兆). In the late 1500s, the kite was introduced to Europe by Italians. Kite flying was first mentioned in England in a popular book in 1589. 36.How was the first kite born? A.It was first used for sailing. B.A Chinese general called Han Xin flew a kite to train his army. C.A Chinese farmer tied a string to his hat to keep it from blowing away. 37.According to the article, kites are made of the following materials EXCEPT . A.silk B.paper C.steel 38.Which of the following is TRUE? A.We know exactly how and when a kite was first flown. B.Kite flying was first written in England in a popular book in 1589. C.In 478 B.C., Mozi spent three years making a kite out of light wood and paper. 39.When was the kite introduced to Europe? A.In the 13th century. B.In the late 1500s. C.In 1589. 40.Which is the best title of the passage? A.The history of kites. B.Materials of kites. C.When to make the first kite. 答案 语篇解读本文介绍了风筝的历史。 36.C细节理解题。根据第一段中的“it is said that when a Chinese farmer tied a string to his hat to keep it from blowing away in a strong wind, the first kite was born”可知,据说,一个中国的农民把绳子拴在帽子 上,为的是帽子不被强风吹走,第一个风筝就这样出现了,故答案为 C。 37.C推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Kites are made of wood, bamboo, paper, or silk.”可知,丝绸和纸都 是制作风筝的材料,没有提到的材料是 steel,故答案为 C。 38.B推理判断题。根据第三段结尾处的“Kite flying was first mentioned in England in a popular book in 1589.”可知,选项 B 是正确的描述。 39.B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“In the late 1500s, the kite was introduced to Europe by Italians.”可 知答案为 B。 40.A主旨大意题。本文介绍的是风筝的历史,故答案为 A。 .阅读表达(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) (2019 湖南长沙三校联考) 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。 China has a rich and colorful cultural history, and masks(面具)have played a major role in Chinese tradition for thousands of years. Why do people wear masks?The reasons are to protect their bodies, to hide themselves, or to do some amusement. In fact, masks are used all over the world. African masks are usually made in a traditional style. There are many different kinds of African masks, but many of them represent animals. African masks are a part of full-body costumes(服装)and they are made for dancers. The dancers usually wear the masks in religious(宗教的)events. Japanese masks have been used in many different performances such as dance, theatre, festivals or religious events. They represent heroes, devils(恶魔), ghosts, or some animals in the performances. Most of them are made with clay(黏土), cloth, wood, or some paper. Greek masks are symbols of the spirits of nature during religious events. Also, theatre actors use masks to show different characters. In Rome, devil and other masks are used in carnivals(狂欢节). Today, masks continue to be of great artistic and entertainment value. 41.Why do Chinese people wear masks? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 42.African masks are made for actors, arent they? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 43.What materials are used to make Japanese masks? ___________________________________________________________________________
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