2021新版北师大版必修第三册英语 Unit 7 Art(lesson10) ppt课件(含教案).zip


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教教 案案 教学基本信息 课题Unit 7 Art (10) - Writing Workshop 学科英语学段: 高中年级高一 教材书名:普通高中教科书英语必修 第三册 出版社: 北京师范大学出版社 出版日期:2019 年 8 月 教学目标及教学重点、难点 教学目标:教学目标: 本节课结束时,学生能够: 1.通过阅读和对比 Email 文本,概括并提炼出正式的询问电子邮件格式,写作结构和询问信息的有用表 达; 2.通过再次读 Email 和参照 Rubric of Peer Editing Sheet (P93),写出一封正式的询问电子邮件。 教学重点教学重点: : 帮助学生从 Email 文本中提取正式的询问电子邮件写作格式和写作结构,梳理出询问信息的礼貌表达。 教学难点教学难点: 1.帮助学生通过 Rubric of Peer Editing Sheet (P93), 弄清楚正式的询问电子邮件的格式; 2.帮助学生总结归纳正式的询问电子邮件的写作格式,写作结构和询问信息的礼貌表达; 3.学生根据本节课所学的知识写出一封正式的询问电子邮件(格式,结构,语言正确,语气得体) 。 教学过程(表格描述) 教学环节主要教学活动设置意图 Step One: get ready for writing Review: Review English expressions of different art forms. Lead in: Read the advertisement on a school website and lead to todays topic. Give it a try: 1. Read the advertisement again. 2. Choose one that students are interested in and write an email draft to ask for more information. 通过回顾本单元所学话 题词汇和短语,阅读学 校网站的活动宣传引入 本节课的话题, 并尝试 起草一封询问电子邮件。 Step Two: read for writing Read and think: 1. Read one student sample and think if it is effectively written. 2. Think and discuss what an effective inquiry email is like. Read and learn: 1.Read the email on P19. Then answer the questions on P18. 2.Read and discuss if this email is effectively written. 3.Compare the draft email and the email on P19, and then decide which one is more effective, referring to the rubric on P 93. Read and identify: Read the email again. Then identify the format, the structure and useful language for an inquiry email. Read and summarize: Go through the email and summarize the format, the structure and useful language for an inquiry email. 引导学生思考什么样的 Email 是一篇正式的询问 电子邮件。 引导学生阅读和对比 Email 文本,概括出正式 的询问电子邮件写作格 式, 结构和询问信息的 表达方式。 归纳如何写正式的询问 电子邮件,帮助学生理 清写作电子邮件相关知 识。 Step Three: complete writing Proofread and polish: 1.Review the writing tips. 2.Polish their first draft Consolidate: Finally, summarize how to write an effective inquiry email. 学生通过实际修改自己 的电子邮件草稿,掌握 写正式询问邮件的方法。 Step Four: homework At the end of the class, the teacher gives the assignment: Polish your draft writing, referring to what you have learnt today. 通过完成作业,帮助学 生运用所学知识学会如 何写一封正式的电子邮 件,有礼貌的询问更多 信息。必修三 Unit 7 Art (10) 高一年级 英语 Writing Workshop A Formal Email Review In this unit, we have learnt different art forms. Can you give some examples? Beijing Opera band performance dance performance 1 2 3 art exhibition 4 5 6 classical music Chinese calligraphy exhibition Lead in 1. If you want to participate in one of these art activities, where can you get the information? Lead in 2. Read the advertisement on a school website. Which activity are you interested in? Lead in 3. If you want to know more information about the activity you are interested in, what can you do? Give it a try Write your first draft: Read the advertisement again. Choose one activity you would like to know more about. Write your email draft to ask for more information. Write your email draft on this sheet of paper. Give it a try The purpose of the first draft is not to get it RIGHT, but to get it WRITTEN. Read and think Read the email draft again and think: How do you like the email writing? Is the inquiry email effectively written? Read and think Simple and clear. Lack of theme. Disrespectful and impolite. Casual and informal. Read and learn 1. Read the email on P19 and answer the questions below: How does Liu Ze address the receiver of the email? Why does Liu Ze write this email? What information does Liu Ze want to get? Is the style of the email formal or informal? Give examples. enter: 报名参赛 documentary: 纪录片 currently: now individual: 个人 appreciate: feel grateful for Read and learn 1. Read the email on P19 and answer the questions below: How does Liu Ze address the receiver of the email? Liu Ze addresses the receiver as Dear Sir / Madam. Why does Liu Ze write this email? Liu Ze writes this email to ask for information about entering the Youth Short Film Festival. 1. Read the email on P19 and answer the questions below: What information does Liu Ze want to get? a. About the films for the festival. b. If sports documentaries are accepted. c. More information about how to apply for the event. Read and learn 1. Read the email on P19 and answer the questions below: What information does Liu Ze want to get? d.If groups and individuals can enter. e.If they can enter their films into another film festival at the same time. f.What the prizes are. Read and learn Read and learn 1. Read the email on P19 and answer the questions below: Is the style of the email formal or informal? Give examples. The style is formal. Here are some examples: a. salutation b. vocabulary used c. formal sign-off / closing Read and learn 2. Read the email again and answer: How do you like the email writing? Is the inquiry email effectively written? Read and learn Clear and organized. Prominent (突出的)theme. Respectful and polite. Well-arranged and formal. Read and identify Read and identify a formal inquiry email: Format (格式) Structure Useful language At the very beginning: Write to whom you are sending the mail. Write in the email address format. For example: Subject line: Your subject line determines whether a receiver will actually read your email. In order to make your email stand out, keep the subject line short, specific, and personalized. Salutation: In a formal email, the choice of the right salutation depends on whether you know the person you are writing to. Salutation: If you know the person you are writing to, Dear Mr for a man Dear Ms for a woman followed by their surname (NOT their name). For Example: Paul Smith Dear Mr Smith, Salutation: If you dont know the person you are writing to, Dear Sir / Madam, Body: Generally, there are three parts in a formal email asking for information. Part 1: _________________________ Part 2: __________________________ Part 3: __________________________ State the reason for writing Express thanks or expectations Inquire about information Body: Part 1: State the reason for writing You need to start the first paragraph by stating the purpose of your email. Body: Part 1: State the reason for writing Here are some examples: I am writing to ask for information about I am writing to inquire about I am writing in reference to I would be grateful if you could give me some information / further details about I would appreciate some information about Body: Part 1: State the reason for writing Here are more examples: Body: Part 2: Inquire about information Useful language: I would like to ask about Could you tell me? I wonder if you could tell me Would it be possible to tell me? Body: Part 2: Inquire about information Useful language: Would you mind telling me? I would be grateful if you could tell me I would appreciate it if you could tell me I was wondering if you could tell me Body: Part 2: Inquire about information After the first paragraph, where you state the reason why you are writing, you can use one paragraph for each point you want to ask about. Body: Part 2: Inquire about information At the beginning of each paragraph, use connectors to order your points. Firstly, / First of all, Secondly, / In addition, / also Finally, Body: Part 3: Express thanks or expectations Before sign-off, write some closing words. I appreciate your help and look forward to hearing from you. I look forward to receiving the requested information. Body: Part 3: Express thanks or expectations Before sign-off, write some closing words. I would appreciate it if you could answer my questions. Thank you for your time and effort. Sign-off / Closing: Finish your email in one of these ways: Yours sincerely, if you have started your email with name of the person you are writing to. Yours faithfully, if you have started your email with Dear Sir / Madam. Read and Summarize Read and summarize a formal inquiry email: Format (格式) Structure Useful language Format of a formal email senders address receivers address subject line salutation body sign-off signature 1. State the reason for writing 2. Inquire about information 3. Express thanks or expectations Structure 1 Structure 2 1. State the reason for writing 2. Inquire about information 3. Express thanks or expectations Useful language Part One: State the reason for writing I am writing to ask for information I am writing to inquire about I am writing in reference to I would be grateful if you could give me some information / further details about I would appreciate some information about Useful language Part Two: Inquire about information I would like to ask about Could you tell me? I wonder if you could tell me Would it be possible to tell me ? Would you mind telling me? Useful language Part Two: Inquire about information I would appreciate it if you could tell me I would be grateful if you could tell me I was wondering if you could tell me Useful language Part Two: Inquire about information (Useful connectors) Firstly, / First of all, Secondly, / In addition, / also, Finally, Part Three: Express thanks or expectations I appreciate your help and look forward to hearing from you. I look forward to receiving the requested information. I would appreciate it if you could reply to me. Thank you for your time and effort. Useful language Review the writing tips: 1.Address the receiver properly. 2.Start with the writing purpose. 3.Use indirect questions to ask for information. 4.Use connectors to order your points. 5.Express thanks or expectations. 6.Sign off your email appropriately. Complete writing Enquiries about the Youth Short Film Festival Enquiries about the Youth Short Film Festival Dear Sir / Madam, Enquiries about the Youth Short Film Festival Dear Sir / Madam, I am a student of the Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University. I am writing to ask for information about the Youth Short Film Festival. Enquiries about the Youth Short Film Festival Firstly, I was wondering if you accept sports videos. I videoed my classmates doing sports after class and my classmates praised me for their dynamic and lively scenes. Could you please tell me if they are acceptable to the contest? Enquiries about the Youth Short Film Festival I would also like to know when the festival begins. I would be grateful if you could tell me the opening and closing time. Finally, would you mind telling me what prize the winners will win in the contest? I am longing to be one of the winners. Enquiries about the Youth Short Film Festival I appreciate your help and look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Yours faithfully, Li Hua How to write a formal inquiry email? Clear Appropriate Well-arranged Polite To sum up, Assignment for today Finish off your email writing, referring to what you have learnt in todays lesson. Thank you for your listening!Unit 7 Art (10) - Writing Workshop学习任务单学习任务单 【学习目标】 1.通过阅读和对比 Email 文本,概括并提炼出正式的询问电子邮件格式,写作结构和询问信息的有用表 达; 2.通过再次读 Email 和参照 Rubric of Peer Editing Sheet (P93),起草正式的询问电子邮件 【课上学习任务】 I. Get ready for writing: Review Review English expressions of different art forms. Ask the question: In this unit, we have learnt different art forms. Can you give some examples? Lead-in Read the advertisement on a school website and lead to todays topic. Ask the questions: If you want to participate in one of these art activities, where can you get the information? Read the advertisement on a school website. Which activity are you interested in? If you want to know more information about the activity you are interest in, what can you do? Give it a try 1. Read the advertisement again. 2. Choose one that students are interested in and write an email draft to ask for more information. II. Read for writing Read and think 1. Read one student sample and think if it is effectively written. 2. Think and discuss what an effective inquiry email is like. Read and learn 1. Read the email on P19 of the textbook. Then answer the questions on P18: How does Liu Ze address the receiver of the email? Why does Liu Ze write this email? What information does Liu Ze want to get? Is the style of the email formal or informal? Give examples. 2. Read the email again and answer: How do you like the email writing? Is the inquiry email effectively written or not? 3.Compare the draft email and the email on P19. Decide which one is more effectively written, using the rubric for peer editing on P93 Read and identify Read the email again. Then identify the format, the structure and useful language for an inquiry email. 1. Format of an inquiry email To whom Subject line Salutation Body Sign off/ Closing Signature 2. Structure of an inquiry email Part 1: state the purpose of writing Part 2: Inquire information (two ways) Part 3: Express thanks and expectations 3. Useful language of an inquiry email How to express the purpose of writing? How to ask for more information politely? How to express thanks or expectations? Read and summarize Go through the email and summarize the format, the structure and useful language for an inquiry email. III. Complete writing Review writing tips Address the receiver properly. Start with the writing purpose. Use indirect questions to ask for information. Use connectors to order your points. Express thanks or expectations. Sign off your email appropriately. Polish students first draft Improve the draft email. Consolidate At the end of the class, summarize how to write an effective inquiry email. Bring out the key words: Clear Appropriate Well-arranged Polite 【课后作业】 Polish students draft email writing, referring to what they have learnt in class. 【课后作业参考答案】 1.Rubric for peer editing: on P93 2.Possible version: Dear Sir/Madam, I am an 11th grade student of the Experimental High school Attached to BNU. I am writing to ask for information about Martial Arts classes posted on your website. I am very interested in Martial arts and I wonder if you could give me more information about the classes. First of all, I would like to inquire about the teacher. I have completed the elementary-level and pre-intermediate level classes that your website advertised. The teachers are strict and responsible, from whom my interest in Martial Arts is greatly sparked. I am very excited to know the intermediate level class is on the way. And I am curious who I may meet in class this time. Could you please give me a brief introduction of the teacher who will give the classes? In addition, I wonder if you could give me some information about the size of the class. On your website, small groups are mentioned, but I would like to know how small it is in one group. And could it be possible to tell me if students can have private or semi-private practice with the teacher in each class? Finally, I would like to ask about the class schedule. I am now in the 11th grade and I have less free time after class. Only Thursday and Friday afternoons are now available for me to take the Martial Arts classes. I would be grateful if you could tell me the schedule, so that I can decide if I will sign up for the classes. I appreciate your help and eagerly look forward to your email, Yours
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