2021新版北师大版必修第一册英语Unit 2Workshop &Reading Club 同步讲义(教师版+学生版).zip


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展开 2019版北师大版必修一英语Unit2WorkshopReadingClub同步讲义教师版学生版.zip2019版北师大版必修一英语Unit2WorkshopReadingClub同步讲义教师版学生版.zip
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1 学案学案 学员姓名:学员姓名: 年年 级:级: 辅导科目:英语辅导科目:英语 学科教师:学科教师: 授课日期授课日期2020 年 x 月 x 日授课时段授课时段 授课主题授课主题新北师大版必修一 Unit2 Writing/Viewing Workshop 2.扎实掌握常见短语的拓展用法并训练综合做题的能力 教学内容教学内容 上班族久坐是个大问题,我们都知道久坐对腰椎颈椎伤 害很大,那要怎么应对呢?今天这位美国人也有腰间盘突出 的问题,我们一起来听她聊聊她是怎么做的吧! Unit2Unit2 WorkshopWorkshop & & ReadingReading ClubClub 2 I actually have damage in my spine. We call it a slipped disc (椎间盘突出) or a bulging (鼓起的) disc. So I have to be very careful or else I will be in excruciating pain. And I can only lay down. The number one thing for me is not sitting for extended periods of time. So I totally get the airplane thing. If Im on a longer flight, I have to get up and I have to walk around. And sometimes when I felt too embarrassed, Ill just go to the bathroom and stretch in the bathroom rather than in the middle of the plane. 一、一、 重点单词与短语重点单词与短语 sight n视野;视力;景象;名胜视野;视力;景象;名胜(复数复数) (教材 P40)Esteban had been cycling as hard as he could for hours and with the finishing line in sight. 埃斯特班骑自行车的时间已经很长了,而且终点线就在眼前。 ________________看得见 ________________ 看不见 ________________ 一看见 知识点精析知识点精析 3 at first sight ________________ lose ones sight ________________ ________________ 看不见;忽略 ________________ 看见 ________________ 看见 It was very quiet all around with nobody ________________. 周遭静悄悄的,不见一个人。 He turned to look back,but by then ________________. 他转头看去,但那时她已经不见了。 In the street I ________________an old friend whom I had not seen for years. 在大街上无意中瞥见了一位多年不见的老友。 catch up with 追上;赶上追上;赶上 (教材 P40)Just a few seconds later,fourth-placed Navarro caught up with him. 几秒后第 4 位的纳瓦罗赶上了他。 ________________学会;流行;开始明白 ________________ 理解 catch hold of ________________ catch sight of ________________ ________________ 引起某人注意 After a few days on the job,________________________________. 工作几天后,你就会对你的工作内容有所了解了。 ________________ every opportunity and you will succeed in getting what you want. 4 抓住每次机会,那么你就有可能成功地获得你想要的东西。 There is one particular blue flower that has always ____________(catch) my eyes. 有一种独特的蓝色小花总能吸引我的目光。 response n回答;反应回答;反应 (教材 P40)However,Navarro refused,and his response was: “Offering me the prize was worth more than what I did for him.” 然而,纳瓦罗拒绝了,他的回答是:“给我奖品比我为他做的值钱。” (1)________________ 作为对的回应/回答 ________________ 对不予回答/回应 (2)________________ 对做出回答;做出反应;响应 respond that. 回答 The iPhone X was developed________________ customers demands. 为了满足顾客的需要,开发了苹果 X 手机。 ________________________________________________. 她收到我的信,给我回了一个电话。 take advantage of 利用利用 (教材 P40)The two cyclists made amazing sporting gesturesNavarro for refusing to take advantage of Estebans troubles,and Esteban for offering Navarro his medal. 两位自行车手表现出了高度的体育精神纳瓦罗拒绝利用埃 斯特班碰到的麻烦,埃斯特班主动给纳瓦罗奖牌。 ________________ (充分)利用 ________________________________. 对某人有利 ________________ 对有利 ________________________________ 胜过,优于 5 ________________ 有利的,占优势 He always________________ the mistakes made by his rivals. 他总是充分利用对手的失误。 It would be________________ to prepare questions in advance. 事先把问题准备好肯定会对你有利。 They had a major advantage ________________ their better-known rivalsthey were cheaper. 他们和对手相比有个明显的优势产品更便宜。 on the other hand 另一方面另一方面 (教材 P43)On the other hand,hard styles of kung fu teach you to defend yourself by hitting or kicking your attacker. 另一方面,硬派风格的功夫教你通过打击或踢你的攻击者来保卫自己。 ________________________________ 一方面另一方面 ________________________________ 一则再则 one.the other. 一个另一个 some.others. 一些另一些 On (the)one hand I want to sell the house,but on the other hand I cant bear the thought of moving. 一方面我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不愿搬家。 I didnt buy that car.________________,I didnt like its colour,________________,I didnt have enough money. 我没有买那辆车。一方面,我不喜欢它的颜色,另一方面,我没有那么多钱。 6 used to 过去常常过去常常 (教材 P43)The Chinese migrants used to gather in a park to enjoy cultural activitiesone of which was kung fu.中国 移民过去常常聚集在公园里享受文化活动,其中之一就是功夫。 ________________. 习惯于(做)某事 ________________________________. 被用来做某事 ________________ 作为来使用 ________________ 过去常常做某事 I found the job tiring at first but _______________________. 起初我觉得这份工作很累人,但很快就习惯了 I wasnt used to city life,but now I have got used to ________________(live)in this city. 我以前不习惯都市生活,但现在我已习惯于住在这座城市了。 Single scratch experiment model was used ________________(give)a good explanation. 利用单划痕模型对其做了较好的解释。 语境助记语境助记 When he was young,he used to go there on foot.Now he has got used to going there by bike,though his bike is used to pick up his grandson sometimes. 当他年轻的时候,他常步行去那儿。现在他的自行车虽然有时用来接他孙 子,但他已习惯了骑自行车去那儿。 adopt vt.采用;收养,领养;正式批准,接受采用;收养,领养;正式批准,接受 (教材 P43)They adopted a training methodology from a Chinese military manual called Ji Xiao Xin Shu,written by the famed Chinese general,Qi Jiguang,who had himself defeated Japanese pirates. 他们采用了中国著名军事将领戚 继光写的训练方法,称为纪效新书,他自己打败了日本海盗。 adopted adj.被收养的;被采用的 adoptable adj. 可收养的,可采用的 7 adoption n. 采用,采纳;收养 Before I was two,I ________________ by an Anglo couple. 两岁之前,我被一对盎格鲁夫妇收养。 The new policy is expected________________ at the next meeting. 这项新政策有望在下一次会议上被正式采纳。 Danny ________________________________. 丹尼是他们的养子。 work out 锻炼身体,做运动;计算出;制定出;被证明有效锻炼身体,做运动;计算出;制定出;被证明有效/切实可行;进展切实可行;进展 (教材 P45)Spin classes are a safe and effective way to work out. 动感单车是一种安全有效的锻炼方式 写出下列句中 work out 的含义 He works out with weights twice a week. ________________ The situation worked out quite well. ________________ I cant work out this problem. ________________ We have to work out how much food well need for the party. ________________ ________________从事;致力于,钻研 ________________ 为工作,为做事 ________________ 除去;解除 ________________ 继续工作;影响;从事 ________________ 检查;研究 work with 与共事,与合作 I have had to work ___________ every single penny I earned. 我挣的每一便士都是辛苦工作得来的。 I spent some time (in)working_____________ these books. 我花了一些时间去好好研究这些书籍。 8 (教材 P40)Navarro had let Esteban finish in third place,while he came fourth. 纳瓦罗让埃斯特班名列第三,而他却名列第四。 【要点提炼】句中的 while 是转折连词,表示“然而”。 (1)while 引导时间状语从句,意为“当时候”。后跟延续性动词。 (2)while 引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然,但却”。 ________________________________________________. 我准备晚餐的时候,他在洗澡。 ________________________________,I dont agree with you. 虽然我了解你的见解,我还是不能同意(你)。 (教材 P43)Or if he tries to kick you,you can move away so that he loses his balance. 或者如果他想踢你,你可以离开,这样他就失去平衡了。 【要点提炼】so that 意为“目的是,为了”,相当于 in order that。so that 既可以引导目的状语从句,又可以 引导结果状语从句,意为“结果是,以至于”。 so/such.that.“如此以致”引导的结果状语从句: George ________________________________________________. 乔治几乎没有钱,所以他不得不找工作。 It was __________ a bad accident that several people got injured. 事故很严重,好几个人受了伤。 9 They are ____________ interesting books that we all want to read them. 这些书很有趣,我们都想读一读。 .单句语法填空单句语法填空 1________________ he failed,he has done his best. 2He has ________________ much money that he can buy what he wanted. 3While the lads are golfing,I work ________________ in the gym. 4Do you think the film ________________(adapt)was faithful to the book? 5This piece of cloth can be used________________(make)a pair of pillow cases. 6On the ________________ hand I admire his gifts,but on the other hand I distrust his judgment. 7I have that thing within me that I can use __________ my advantage. 8A call for volunteers was sent out,but very few people ________________(response) 9With the help of my classmates and teachers,I have caught up ________________ the others. 10_____________ first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp. .完成句子完成句子 1请打开窗户以便我们能呼吸新鲜空气。 Please open the window ________________________________. 2有些人浪费粮食,然而有些人却吃不饱。 基础强化基础强化 10 Some people waste food ________________________________. 3他利用会议机会表达了他对当前形势的看法。 ________________________________ to express his opinion about current situations. 4随着时间的流逝,他已经渐渐习惯了我们的生活方式。 As the time went on,he ________________________________. 5利用这些资料他们制订了发展规划。 From this data they ________________________________. .阅读理解阅读理解 A There have certainly been records that have been hugely popular and some of those have had a message.Can there be many songs that really did change the world? Did they really change the hearts and minds of ordinary people? There is one,Goettingen,which did,but its hardly known now. Even though France and Germany are neighbors,there was bad feeling between them 50 years ago as a result of World War .Into this area of hatred and anger stepped a singer with a gentle voice. Barbara was her stage name.She took it from her Russian grandmother.She was born in Paris in 1930.She was Jewish and so a target (目标)for the Nazis.But,twenty years after the end of the Second World War,she travelled to the German city Goettingen.She fell in love with the city and its people and recorded the song Goettingen,first in French and then in German. It moved her German audience at the theatre.The song became a hit.A street was named after her.The city gave its Medal of Honor to her.The songs popularity made an important contribution to repairing France-Germany relations. One of the people in the audience was a student by the name of Gerhard Schroeder.He later became Chancellor of 综合强化综合强化 11 Germany.He said: “I was a college student when she came to sing.It went to our hearts,the start of a wonderful friendship between our countries.” Listening to the song today,its easy to understand its attraction then.It is still a beautiful song of love,although it is a bit sad in parts.Barbara had much to be sad about.She was extremely frightened by the war. In Germany,she was loved for the love she had given to the people.In France,she was a star.Streets were named after her there,too.A stamp had her face on it.When she died in 1997,250 thousand people went to the funeral (葬礼) Lionel Jospin,who served as Prime Minister of France from 1997 to 2002,once said: “Barbara was a woman who knew suffering and understood the suffering of others.” 1The author raises questions in the first paragraph to . Aintroduce the topic Bexpect an answer Ccriticize some songs Dsupport his argument 2What do we know about Barbara? AShe was born in Russia. BShe was a popular German singer. CShe had suffered a lot during WW . DShe came to Germany soon after WW . 3According to the text,Barbaras Goettingen . Ais a very cheerful song Bwas first recorded in German Chelped bring France and Germany closer Dwas more popular in Germany than in France 4It can be learned from the text that . 12 ABarbara died in her eighties Ba French city was named after Barbara CBarbara once appeared on Germany stamps DLionel Jospin believed Barbara was a caring lady B People all need friends because nobody wants to be lonely and a friend can help you in good and bad times.You have made friends since childhood,but you still dont know who your true friends are.Here are some signs to tell you if your friend is a true friend: Always honest Honesty is important to keep a relationship alive.A true friend always tells you the truth.It may be hard sometimes but lying can destroy a friendship.It is important that your friend speaks honestly and never makes up stories. There are always periods in your life when you have problems or difficulties.A true friend will always have time to listen to your problems and give advice.It may not be able to offer a solution to your problems but the fact that your friend made time to listen is a sign he/she cares for you.Your friend is not a true friend if he/she can never make time for you when you are in trouble.You also need to be reasonable and accept that your friend also has other things to do so he/she cant always listen immediately to your problems. Always respectful (尊敬的) A true friend will always respect your opinion no matter whether he/she agrees or not.Your true friend may disagree but never insists that he/she is correct. Always understanding It is possible that some problems will arise between you and your friend.A true friend will always be forgiving (体谅 的)and understanding even if it isnt his/her fault.We are all different people and we all make mistakes.A true friend is always forgiving and understanding because he/she doesnt want to take the risk of losing his/her best friend. 5Whats the best title for the third paragraph? AAlways there for you 13 BKeep your secrets CAlways happy for you DRemember your important days 6According to the passage,a true friend will always . Afollow your advice Boffer a solution for your problems Clisten immediately to your problems Drespect your opinion even if he/she disagrees with it 7Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? ANever tell lies to friends. BMaking time for friends. CSharing fun with friends. DPaying attention to a friends opinions. 8Whats the authors purpose in writing this passage? ATo teach us how to make true friends. BTo find out how long a friendship can last. CTo introduce his experience in making friends. DTo tell us how to find out if a friend is a true friend. .单词拼写单词拼写 14 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词 1She won the individual gold __________(奖牌)at the Winter Olympics. 2I was riding my bicycle along the road when a car ________________(超过)me. 3We met a group of ________________(骑自行车的人)on a tour in the Lake District. 4He got round the corner out of ________________. 5We have not as yet received a ________________. 6You would be ________________ how difficult it was. .拓展词汇拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1cycle vi.骑自行车________________ n骑自行车者,自行车运动员 2amaze vt.使吃惊,使惊异________________ adj.大为惊奇的,惊讶的amazing adj.令人吃惊的,令人惊 异的________________ adv.惊人地,了不起地________________n惊异;惊讶 3respond vi.回答,回应________________ n回答;答复 .补全短语补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1________________在之前 2________________. 利用某物 3________________ 在视野中 4________________ 加速 5________________ 追上,赶上 6________________ 多于 15 7________________ 另一方面 8________________ 过去常常 9________________ 以为基础 10________________ 锻炼 .选词填空选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1I ________________ take work home,but I dont do it any more. 2Ill ________________ fine weather to go swimming. 3On one hand I have to work;________________I have many visitors to see. 4He ________________ the parade and walked behind. 5The election was held six months ________________ schedule. t e a c h a m a n t o f i s h 授 人 以 渔 授人以鱼不如授人以渔 -语出 淮南子 说林训 ,原文说: “临河而羡鱼,不如归家织网。 ”汉书 董仲舒传 ,书中说: “故汉得天下以来,常欲治而至今不可善治者,失之于当更化而不 更化也。古人有言 曰: 临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。”中国有句古话叫“授人以鱼不如授人以渔” WritingWriting记叙文记叙文 16 ,说的是传授给人既有知识,不如传授给人学习知识的方法。道理其实很简单,鱼是目的,捕鱼是手 段,一条鱼能解一时之饥,却不能解长久之饥,如果想永远有鱼吃,那就要学会捕鱼的方法。 文体指导文体指导 本单元的写作重点是记叙文,描述所发生的事情和经历。常见的形式有:故事、传记、游记、日记、新闻报 道等。 一、记叙文的写作要素一、记叙文的写作要素 1要交代清楚五要素的内容,即: ___________,___________,___________,___________,___________。 2事件可按时间或空间顺序叙述。 3时态通常是与__________有关的时态;如果是当前的经常性事件、自然或社会现象,通常用与现在有关 的时态。 二、记叙文的篇章结构二、记叙文的篇章结构 不要着急,想知道怎 么写好记叙文,掌握 方法很重要哦,往下 看吧! 英语记叙文作文怎 么写啊?一点头绪 都没有,抄一篇得 了 17 开头(the beginning)交代必要的背景,如:时间、地点、人物等。 中间(the middle)交代故事情节(事情的主体)。如:事件的发生、发展和前因后果。 结尾(the ending)事情的结果、感想、愿望等(the result or feeling)。 三、在记叙文中常用到的连接词三、在记叙文中常用到的连接词 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 四、时间顺序四、时间顺序 early in the morning/in the early morning;in the middle of the day/at noon;late in the afternoon/in the late afternoon;far/deep into the night;in the past/at present/in the future;first,second,next,then,finally;at first,in the beginning;at last,in the end;shortly afterwar
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