2021新版北师大版必修第一册英语Unit 2 Reading区级公开课ppt课件(含教案+视频).zip


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北师大英语必修一 Unit2 Sports and fitness Lesson 1 The underdog What do you think an underdog is? Watch a Watch a short videoshort video Stephen Curry What do you think an underdog is? What do you think an underdog is? a.A dog that is defeated by other dogs b.An athlete who seems to have little chance to win c.A company that never wins Read Part 1 of the story about an underdog. Underline the answers to the following questions. Read and explore Read Part 1 of the story about an underdog. Underline the answers to the following questions. 1.Who was his favourite player? 2.How tall was he? How tall was his favourite player? 3.What team was he on? 4.How was he treated by the coach? 5.What kind of player was he on the team? Tyrone Bogues. Both of them were 1.6 metres tall. The Lions. He was treated by the coach like a weak player. He was just a replacement. Read Part 1 again and discuss Pauls advantages and disadvantages as a basketball player. Pauls disadvantagesPauls advantages He loved basketball. He had real skills. He worked really hard. He had a strong desire to play for the team. He was the shortest player ever in the NBA. He had to try many times just for making the team. e.g. From Part 1, I can see that Paul had the following disadvantages: Firstly,Then,. But he also had his advantages, that is, Read and discuss According to the last paragraph in Part 1: What event was happening? What was Paul doing? What might “suddenly” happen at a basketball game? Predict and read Read Part 2 and complete the following tasks: Find out if your predictions are correct; Put the events in Exe. 5 in order; Note down the coachs attitude with evidence in the right column. Tip: What a person says or reacts can show his/her attitude to an event. Read and discover “Give him a shot, coach!” Paul jumped and rushed onto the court. “Let me try, coach! I wont let you down!” The team had won by 2 points. Negative (“He cannot play”) Hesitant (“The coach finally agreed”) Hopeful (“Its your time to shine”) Excited, proud, surprised (“as he hit Paul on the shoulderbig guy”) Read and discuss Group discussion The changes of the coachs attitude: Negative(“He cannot play”) Hesitant(“The coach finally agreed”) Hopeful(“Its your time to shine”) Excited, proud(“as he hit Paul on the shoulderbig guy”) Why did the coach call Paul “a big guy” in the end? Why did the coach change his attitude toward Paul? What might the coach have learnt from his experience with Paul? What do you think made the coach change his attitude toward Paul? The coach learnt to be supportive of Paul as he was the one who saved their team and helped them win the game. He might learnt that he should never judge a person by his appearance but by his ability. Discuss and share Deeper thinking The underdogA big guy Why? Watch a video clip What are the similarities between Stephen Curry and Paul? What can you learn from them? Be dedicatedBe dedicatedBe dedicatedBe dedicated Be passionateBe passionateBe passionateBe passionate Be gratefulBe gratefulBe gratefulBe grateful Be successfulBe successfulBe successfulBe successful Work in pairs. One student acts as a journalist and the other acts as a spectator in the game, ask and answer questions about the game; Talk about what you can learn from Paul. Act and share HomeworkHomework课时教案 授课授课 类型类型 ReadingReading 上课上课 时间时间 20192019年年9 9月月 2222 日日 上课上课 班级班级 九年级九年级第第_ _二二______章章/ /单元单元第第 2 2 课时课时 课题课题 UnitUnit 2 2 SportsSports andand fitnessfitness Reading:Reading: TheThe underdogunderdog 教学内教学内 容分析容分析 本节课是本节课是 2019 年年 8 月北师大出版社出版的高一英语必修一教材中的一节阅读课。月北师大出版社出版的高一英语必修一教材中的一节阅读课。 (1)What 主题主题意义和主要内容意义和主要内容 主题语境:人与社会主题语境:人与社会文学、艺术与体育文学、艺术与体育体育活动、大型体育赛事、体育与健体育活动、大型体育赛事、体育与健 康、体育精神;康、体育精神; “The underdog”是由两部分组成的一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位因身材瘦弱而一直在篮 球对中担任替补的队员Paul 的故事。文中第一部分介绍了小男孩 Paul 虽然身高只有 1.6 米,在篮球队中完全不具备优势,教练也一直不看好他,因此一直让他当替补队员。但 Paul 非常喜欢篮球,以 Tyron Bogues 为偶像,不断坚持训练,因此练就了很好的篮球技能。 第二部分中,故事中的“我”因为在一次非常艰难的比赛中受伤,不能坚持完整场比赛, 在“我”和队员们的恳求以及 Paul 的主动争取下,教练终于同意让 Paul 上场,在那场比 赛中,Paul 往日所有的努力训练得到了回报,他竭尽全力,帮助他们的球队转败为胜,赢 得了观众的欢呼和掌声,同时也改变了教练对他的看法。文章以 Paul 这样一个小男孩为例, 告诉我们看似没有优势的人,也可以通过努力,取得成功。同时也告诉我们不能以一个人 的身高和外表来判断他的能力。 (2)Why 写作意图写作意图 作者通过以第一人称的口吻,讲述了他的队友 Paul 虽然在身高和体形方面不占优势, 但一样可以通过自己的艰苦训练,在篮球比赛中取得成功,体现了顽强拼搏的体育精神。 (3)How 文体结构和语言修文体结构和语言修辞辞 语篇类型为记叙文,其明线是讲述了因身材矮小而只能充当替补队员的 Paul,通过不 断努力,在关键时刻,帮助自己的球队转败为胜的经过;暗线则是通过 Paul 的经历,告诉 人们看似没有优势的人,也可以通过努力,取得成功,告诉我们并不是 underdog 就一定不 能成功的道理。文章最后一段中,因为 Paul 的努力训练换来了球队比赛的成功,从而也改 变了教练对他的看法,Paul 也终于在球队中赢得了一席之地,告诉我们“努力付出终将得 到回报”的道理,对学生的价值观有非常积极的引导作用。 学生情学生情 况分析况分析 高一年级(1)班是由 24 名学生组成。经过三周的课堂观察,我了解到,本班绝大部分学 生具备良好的英语学习习惯,具备高度的学习英语的热情。大部分学生听说能力较强,但 在阅读方面,对文本的深入理解能力还有待挖掘,在分析人物情感态度方面还需引导。因 此本节课主要通过探究式阅读,引导学生获取细节信息,梳理文章主线,推断人物情感态 度的变化,然后进一步挖掘主人公优秀品质,一步一步由浅入深,提高学生的语言能力, 培养学生批判性思维品质,并通过视频,引导学生发现,只要通过努力,underdog 也一样 可以成为 shining star 的道理,从而对学生进行积极的价值观引导。 教学教学 目标目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够:在本课学习结束时,学生能够: (1)通过阅读,梳理文章主线,提取有关 Paul 主要信息。 (2)捋清事件发生前后顺序,对比教练态度的变化,并分析原因。 (3)通过小组讨论,分析、总结和评价主人公 Paul 所体现的体育精神。 (4)联系个人生活实际进行迁移创新,阐释自己如何在生活中正视自身优、劣势,取得 成功。 教学重教学重 难点难点 教学重点: (1)通过阅读,梳理文章主线,提取有关 Paul 主要信息。 (2)捋清事件发生前后顺序,对比教练态度的变化,并分析原因。 (3)通过小组讨论,分析、总结和评价主人公 Paul 所体现的体育精神。 教学难点: (1)通过小组讨论,分析、总结和评价主人公 Paul 所体现的体育精神。 (2)联系个人生活实际进行迁移创新,阐释自己如何在生活中正视自身优、劣势,取得 成功。 教学教学 方式方式 启发式( ) 探究式()参与式( )合作式( )自主支持式( ) 其他: 板书板书 设计设计 Unit 2 Reading: The underdog The underdog a big guy Why? Disadvantages advantages 1.60 metres tall played very hard too short had a passion to play for the team 作业作业 Write a short summary about Paul. Use the questions as cue. 1. Who was Paul? 2. What was his favourite sport? 3. What did he do for making the team? 4. What happened to him during the match between his team and the Bears? Or you may work in pairs and do an oral presentation: One student acts as a journalist and the other acts as a spectator in the game, ask and answer questions about the game; Talk about what you can learn from Paul. 教学教学 反思反思 本节课围绕主题语境,深入研读了教学内容,基于英语学习活动观以及学生实际认知水平, 制订了层层推进的目标。整节课环节流畅,培养了学生批判性思维和创新性思维,引导学 生通过由浅入深的阅读活动,分析并挖掘出了 Paul 如何从一个 underdog 成为 a big guy,帮助学生体会了 Paul 这样一个瘦弱的男孩身上所体现出的体育精神,从而引导学生 认识到只要有热情,愿意努力付出,同样可以将自己的劣势变成优势,最终取得成功的道 理。 教学过程 教学目 标 教学活动设计意图活动层次学习效果评价时间(分) 设置主 题语境, 进行语 言铺垫 Lead-in 1. T shows the title of the text and then leads in the topic. What do you think the underdog is? 2. Play a short video clip and help students understand what an underdog is. 引入主题,形 成阅读期待, 在语境中激活 学生对主题的 兴趣。 学习理解类活 动:创设主题 语境,进行语 言铺垫。 能够产生对阅 读文章的兴趣。 3 通过初 次阅读, 提取有 关 Paul 1. Ask Ss to scan the first part of the text and get the general idea and detailed 完成对文章事 实信息的提取。 学习理解类活 动:创造读和 说的机会。 能够通过阅读, 完成对文章事 实信息的理解, 并且内化文章 8 的基本 信息,分 析 Paul 的优势 和劣势 information from Part 1. 2. Ask Ss to read Part 1 again and find out Pauls advantages and disadvantages. 信息。 捋清一 场球赛 前后顺 序,对 比教练 态度的 变化, 并分析 原因。 Asks Ss to read Part 2 to and write down the correct order of the events in the game, then identify how the coachs attitude changed during the game. 学生自主阅读 文章,捋清一 场球赛上发生 的事情,分析 对比教练对 Paul 态度的变 化及其原因。 学习理解类活 动:学生通过 深入阅读文章, 分析、总结教 练对 Paul 前 后态度的变化 及其原因。 能够基于对文 章信息的理解, 将文本信息深 入化。 15 通过小 组讨论, 分析、 评价自 己印象 最深刻 的庆祝 春节的 场景, 并阐述 原因 1.Ask Ss to have a discussion about: Why did the coach call Paul “big guy”? What made the coach change his attitude toward Paul? What do you think the coach might have learnt from his experiences with Paul? 2. Ask students to watch another piece of video, then find out the similarities between Paul and Stephen Curry, and talk about what they should learn from them. 学生基于对文 章的理解,分 析、评价、欣 赏教练对 Paul 态度的变化及 原因,侧面衬 托出 Paul 所 体现出的体育 精神,培养学 生高阶思维能 力。 应用实践类活 动:学生基于 文本信息,运 用批判性思维, 分析归纳 Paul 所反映出的体 育精神,并思 考他们应该从 Paul 身上学到 什么,并通过 对比 Stephan Curry 与 Paul 的共同点,引 导学生深刻体 会真正的体育 精神。 能够将文本信 息可视化输出。 13 通过家 庭作业, 再次巩 固课上 所学语 言。 Homework: Write a short summary about Paul. Use the questions as cue. Who was Paul? What was his favourite sport? What did he do for making the team? 落实巩固课上 所学语言,激 发学生创新思 维能力。 迁移创新类活 动:学生运用 课上所学语言, 完成简要写作, 进一步深刻体 会什么是体育 精神。 完成概要写作, 将目标语言可 视化。 1 What happened to him during the match between his team and the Bears
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2021新版北师大版必修第一册英语Unit Reading区级公开课ppt课件(含教案+视频 北师大 必修 英语 unit reading 公开 公然 ppt 课件 教案 视频
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