2021新版北师大版必修第一册英语新素养突破:单元整合训练 (含答案).zip


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展开 2019版北师大版必修一英语新素养突破单元整合训练含答案.zip2019版北师大版必修一英语新素养突破单元整合训练含答案.zip
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1 单元整合训练单元整合训练(一一) 语言知识再落实语言知识再落实 .单句语法填空 1He watched the train away until it was only a dot in the distance(distant) 2Against all expectations(expect),she was enjoying herself. 3It should not take him long to recover from his illness. 4After all,you could hardly ask for a more challenging(challenge)job. 5The charge varies from 5 yuan to 10 yuan. 6I asked him to reach back and try to recall his sufferings(suffer)in the old society. 7We still remember the inspiring(inspire)talk he gave us last time. 8Your application(apply)for job has been heard. 9Thanks to your contribution(contribute),we have enough money. 10We look forward to having(have)you with us tonight,Mr Davis. .完成句子 1他让我们足足等了一整天,太过分了。 He made us wait for a whole day.It was too much. 2靠近你的工作单位住也方便。 It is also convenient to live close to your work. 3她所告诉我的与你无关。 What she told me is none of your business. 4如果我在学校学了英语的话,我现在就能读英语小说了。 If I had studied English at school,I could read the English novel now. 5大家都相信适当的晨练对我们的健康有利。 It is believed that proper morning exercises are good for our health. .微写作 用本单元词汇或句式完成写作任务 1当我到达新的学校,各种问题出现了。 2 2我乘公共汽车去学校不方便,因为离学校比我预料的远。 3不幸的是,一些学科有挑战性。我必须亲自处理这些问题。 4我不轻易放弃,尽力适应新生活。 5由于我的努力,我最终取得进步。 【参考范文】 When I arrived at the new school,various problems arose.It was not convenient for me to go to school by bus,because it was farther away from school than I expected.Unfortunately,some subjects were challenging.I must deal with the problems in person.I didnt give up easily and try to adapt to the new life.Due to my effort,I finally got ahead. 高考语篇再强化高考语篇再强化 .阅读理解 People living in the country enjoy several advantages that people living in the city cannot enjoy. They are in close contact (接触)with nature.They make friends with trees and stones.They breathe fresh air.They fight with strong winds.They listen to the song of birds.This contact with nature is good for health.There are many diseases that are common in the city,but are not to be found in the country.For example,nearsightedness is almost unknown to country people.Because of the absence of cars,one can walk more freely in the country than in the city.There are no rules of the road nor traffic signs to obey.People living in the country can easily get fresh vegetables,fresh fruit and fresh milk,and they get them at lower prices than in the city.Country life is economical (节俭的)in other ways,too.There are practically no temptations to waste money. Country people are mostly honest.They say what they mean,and make and keep promises with sincerity (诚意)They do not put on air (摆架子)They do not pretend to have those ridiculous (荒谬的)manners which are necessary in what we 3 call polite society. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了在乡村居住的好处,和城市 相比,乡村车辆少,污染少,空气清新,蔬菜水果等又新鲜又便宜,此外,农村人 淳朴善良,不装模做样。 1What is probably more expensive in the country than in the city? AVegetables.BBeer. CMilk.DFruit. B细节理解题。根据文章第二段“People living in the country can easily get fresh vegetables,fresh fruit and fresh milk,and they get them at lower prices than in the city.”可知住在乡下的人很容易得到新鲜蔬菜、新鲜水果和新鲜牛奶,而且他 们的价格比城里便宜。但没有提到啤酒,故选 B。 2What is NOT true of country life? AThe traffic accident rate is very high in the country. BLiving in the country saves one a lot of money. CCountry people enjoy better health than the city people. DCountry people are honest. A推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Because of the absence of cars,one can walk more freely in the country than in the city.”由于没有汽车,在乡间步行比在 城里更自由。可知乡村地区车辆较少。故选 A。 3Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? AThe Disadvantages of Living in the Country. BThe Expenses of Living in the Country. CCountry Life. DHealthy Country People. C主旨大意题。主要讲述了在乡村居住的好处,如环境优美,空气清新, 蔬菜水果等便宜,车辆较少等。由此判断 C 项内容可以概括本文中心,故选 C。 .完形填空 One Saturday morning I decided to walk into Liverpool city center and buy myself something.I didnt 1 anything,and I was just going to spend some 2 ! I stopped into a general 3 to buy myself some sweets.While I was making up 4 my mind,the door 4 and in walked a girl,four years old at the most.She was wearing a summer dress and sandals(凉鞋) 5 it was a bitterly cold day.She was not too 6 ,obviously from a poor family.She walked up to the counter(柜台), 7 up and placed a fifty pence coin on the glass.Then,she proudly announced she had 8 this up for her little 9 a teddy bear as a birthday gift and she 10 that one there.The woman behind the 11 told the little girl the teddy bear cost 12 50 pence.The little girl tried another one,and another one,and another one. I knew that 13 of the bears on display could be bought for 50 pence.I also knew that I could 14 buy the best bear there 15 the money I was going to waste that day 16 did I want to encourage a little girl to take money from 17 ? The little girl changed her mind when I 18 to buy a teddy bear for her.“Oh,well, ” she 19 to the world.“Ill just give him mine then.” “Ill just give him mine.” Didnt sound like she was going to give him ONE of her teddies.She was going to give her little brother HER teddy,probably the 20 teddy she had! 【语篇解读】本文讲述了作者在购物的时候遇到一个贫穷的小女孩想要 给自己的小弟弟买只泰迪熊作为生日礼物,可是女孩拿的钱根本不够买泰迪熊, 这时作者在犹豫要不要帮助女孩时,女孩决定把自己唯一的泰迪熊给弟弟。 1A.buy Btake Cneed Dcarry C由前文的“buy myself something”可知,作者想给自己买点东西,但是 实际上作者并不缺任何东西,故选 C。 2A.time Bmoney Cstrength Denergy B由前文的“buy myself something”可知,作者想买东西,所以买东西要 花费一定的钱,故选 B。 3A.hospital Bschool Cstore Drestaurant C由后文的“buy myself some sweets”可知,作者是想给自己买些糖果, 5 所以作者停在了一家商店的门口,故选 C。 4A.opened Bclosed Cshook Dbroke A由前文的“While I was making up my mind”可知,作者下定决心要买 糖果,所以此时是商店的门被打开了,故选 A。 5A.as if Bunless Ceven though Duntil C由后文的“it was a bitterly cold day” ,这是寒冷的一天和前文的“She was wearing a summer dress and sandals”她还是穿着一件夏天的连衣裙和凉鞋可 知,这两者之间是相反的,故选 C。 6A.clean Bwarm Cshy Dnervous A由此处的词可以得到后文的结论“obviously from a poor family”可知, 这个女孩来自于一个贫穷的家庭,所以此处的词应该是描写她的穿着,故选 A。 7A.stood Breached Cgot Dgave B由后文的“placed a fifty pence coin on the glass”可知这个小女孩走到 柜台,向上伸手把五十便士硬币放在玻璃上。故选 B。 8A.saved Bbrought Cpicked Dput A由后文的“for her little a teddy bear as a birthday gift”买一个 泰迪熊作为生日礼物,及前文的“from a poor family”这个女孩来自于一个贫穷 的家庭,可知这些钱是她攒起来的,故选 A。 9A.cousin Bsister Cbrother Dstudent C由后文的“She was going to give her little brother HER teddy” ,她要给她 的弟弟一个 HER 泰迪熊,所以此处是她要给她的弟弟买泰迪熊,故选 C。 10A.hated Bcreated Cdecorated Dwanted 6 D由前文的“she had saved this up for her little brother a teddy bear as a birthday gift”可知她想用攒的这些钱为她的弟弟买一个泰迪熊,并且作者看见 小女孩在柜台前,所以她是想买这里的一个泰迪熊,故选 D。 11A.door Bcounter Cwindow Ddesk B由前文的“She walked up to the counter”可知这个小女孩是跟柜台后 面的女人说话,也就是商店里的售货员,故选 B。 12A.more than Bother than Crather than Dless than A由后文的“The little girl tried another one,and another one,and another one.”可知小女孩尝试着挑选了一个又一个,说明那些泰迪熊的价格都超过五十 便士,在这种情况下,小女孩才会尝试挑选其他的。more than 超过; other than 不同于; rather than 而不是;less than 少于。 故选 A。 13A.any Bnone Call Dneither B由前文的“the teddy bear cost more than 50 pence”可知这些泰迪熊的 售价都超过了五十便士,所以此处“I knew that of the bears on display could be bought for 50 pence.”我知道陈列的泰迪熊没有一个可以用五十便士买 到。故选 B。 14A.easily Bespecially Cdifficulty Dhardly A由前文的“I didnt need anything,and I was just going to spend some money!”我不需要任何东西,只是想要花费一些钱,所以作者是比较富有的, 买最好的泰迪熊完全不是问题。故选 A。 15A.by Bfor Cwith Dof C由后文的“the money I was going to waste that day”可知作者用给自己 买东西的钱给小女孩买最好的泰迪熊是很容易的,故选 C。 16A.so Bas 7 Cbut Dbecause C由后文的“encourage a little girl to take money from.”意为鼓励一个小 女孩从接受钱财,此意与前文的想要帮助小女孩买泰迪熊的意愿相反,所以 是转折关系。故选 C。 17A.parents Bstrangers Cdoctors Drelatives B由前文“I also knew that I could easily buy the best bear there with the money I was going to waste that day.”我也知道我可以轻易地用那些打算浪费的 钱买最好的泰迪熊可知作者想帮助女孩,此处女孩与作者是陌生人,故选 B。 18A.hesitated Bcovered Ccalmed Dinterviewed A由前文“I also knew that I could easily buy the best bear there with the money I was going to waste that daybut did I want to encourage a little girl to take money from strangers?”可知作者想要帮助女孩买泰迪熊但是又觉得不应该让 女孩觉得应该向陌生人接受财物,所以此处作者非常犹豫与矛盾,故选 A。 19A.announced Bpointed Capologized Dadvised A此处与前文的“she proudly announced”相对应,同样是小女孩宣 布故选 A。 20A.last Bbest Ccheapest Donly D由前文的“obviously from a poor family”可知女孩的家庭并不是富有 的,所以她的泰迪熊也可能是唯一的,故选 D。1 单元整合训练单元整合训练(二二) 语言知识再落实语言知识再落实 .单句语法填空 1Many people prefer living in the city to living in the country. 2The interview and conversation between us in Beijing are quite useful and inspiring(inspire) 3The office was crowded(crowded)with people complaining about the washing machines. 4There has been no formal announcement(announce)by either government. 5Unfortunately,my application(apply)for the position was rejected. 6To his great relief(relieve)the engine came to life. 7The equipment(equip)was made on highly automated production lines. 8It is hard to see how the issue can be resolved to everyones satisfaction(satisfy) 9Once again my laziness prevented me from writing(write)my diaries. 10I believe I am capable of calculating the political consequences accurately. .完成句子 1真希望这所房子在下个月前就能竣工。 It is desired that the building of the house be completed next month. 2我看见一个男人正朝一个司机叫嚷,他的车把街道堵塞了。 I saw a man shouting at a driver whose car was blocking the street. 3戒烟对你来说永远都为时不晚。 Its never too late for you to give up smoking. 4我宁愿留下来不愿和你们去。 I preferred to stay behind rather than go with you. 5我努力工作终于得到回报了,我得到了这个职位。 My hard work paid off and I got the position. .微写作 2 用本单元词汇或句式完成写作任务 1我的朋友李华参加我们学校足球队的选拔。 2他向教练保证不会让教练失望。 3为了赶上我们,他额外训练好几个小时。 4让教练满意的是,李华的艰苦训练得到回报。 5我们队从他的加入中获益。 6作为一名防守队员,他赢得了观众的尊重。 【参考答案】 My friend,Li Hua tried out for the member of the football team of our school.He promised to the coach that he would not let him down.He trained for extra hours than us to catch up with us.To the satisfaction of the coach,Li Huas hard work paid off.Our team benefit from his participation.As a defence,he earned the respect of the audience. 高考语篇再强化高考语篇再强化 .阅读理解 It has taken an extremely long time161 yearsbut the National Portrait Gallery finally has the Duke(公爵)of Wellington in its collection after a fundraising campaign reached its 1.3m target. The gallery announced on Thursday that it had acquired Sir Thomas Lawrences unfinished final painting of a man regarded as Britains greatest soldier after a successful appeal. Nicholas Cullinan,the gallerys director,said the NPG had been looking for a suitable painting of the Duke of Wellington since the gallery was founded in 1856. He called it “a remarkable painting” ,while Lucy Peltz,the gallerys senior manager of 18thcentury paintings,said the work was “an inspiring and powerful 3 image of one of the most influential men of the 18th and 19th centuries” The NPG announced last November that it needed to raise 300,000,the final piece of a funding jigsaw(拼图)The Art Fund had already contributed 350,000 and the appeal reached its target thanks to 200,000 from the G&K Boyes charitable trust and 180,000 from the National Heritage Memorial Fund.A further 570,000 came from a public appeal and the gallerys own funds. It was painted in 1829 when Wellington was prime minister,however,Lawrence died in 1830 leaving the portrait unfinished.The gallery believes it is a more attractive work because of that,with the viewer focusing more on the man himself rather than any clothes of power. Dan Snow,the historian and broadcaster,said Wellington was a “Titanic figure” in British history.the only field greatest prime minister,a man of genius on and off the battlefield.He added:“This arresting portrait must sit in the national collection and now,following an outpouring of donation,it will do.The artist has caught the Dukes legendary features.Among his many contributions to British life he formed the culture of unbending spirit in the face of difficulty.” The painting was lent to the NPG in 2015 for an exhibition marking the Battle of Waterloo. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要向我们讲述了一间画廊筹措资金 收藏惠灵顿公爵肖像的故事。惠灵顿被认为是英国最伟大的战士,他同时也是一 位成功的政治家和军人。 1Who was regarded as Britains greatest soldier in the article? ALucy Peltz. BDan Snow. CSir Thomas Lawrence. DThe Duke of Wellington. D细节理解题。根据文中倒数第二段“Dan Snow,the historian and broadcaster,said Wellington was a Titanic figure in British history.the only field greatest prime minister,a man of genius on and off the battlefield.”历史学家 兼播音员 Dan Snow 说,惠灵顿是英国历史上的“泰坦尼克号”战场上唯一 4 最伟大的首相,一个有才华的人。可知惠灵顿被认为是英国最伟大的战士。故选 D。 2Why did the NPG need to raise 300,000 last November? ABecause it is aimed at 1.3m to draw a painting of Wellington. BBecause it is short of fund to include the painting to its collection. CBecause different organizations donated much money to the NPG. DBecause Lucy Peltz took charge of the gallerys 18th century paintings. B细节理解题。根据文中第五段“The NPG announced last November that it needed to raise 300,000,the final piece of a funding jigsaw.”NPG 去年十一月 宣布,它需要筹集300 000,一个资金的最后一块拼图。可知需要筹措300 000 是因为这幅画的收藏资金不足。故选 B。 3What makes the NPG believe the portrait more attractive? AThe powerful spirit. BThe unfinished work. CThe clothes of Wellington. DThe Battle of Waterloo. B细节理解题。根据文中倒数第三段“however,Lawrence died in 1830 leaving the portrait unfinished.The gallery believes it is a more attractive work because of that”然而,劳伦斯在 1830 年去世,留下的肖像尚未完成。画廊认为这 是一个更有吸引力的工作。可知使得 NPG 相信肖像更具吸引力是因为这幅肖像 是未完成的。故选 B。 4What do you know from Dan Snows words? AWellington was a successful politician and soldier. BThe owner must donate the painting to the NPG. CThe NPG will display the painting for celebration. DThe artist removed a unique British culture of bravery. A细节理解题。根据文中倒数第二段他的评价“Dan Snow,the historian and broadcaster,said Wellington was a Titanic figure in British history.”可以 看出他认为惠灵顿是一位成功的政治家和军人。故选 A。 5 .完形填空 When I was a boy we had several gardens around our old house.The largest one of all was used just for 1 potatoes.I can still remember those potato 2 days.The whole 3 helped. 4 my Dad had tilled(耕地)the soil,my Mom,brothers,and I went to work.It was my job to 5 the little seed potatoes in the rows while my Mom dropped 6 of fertilizer (肥料)beside them.My brothers then covered them all 7 the freshly turned earth. For months afterward I would 8 over at the garden while I played outside and wonder what was going on underneath the ground.When the harvest time came I was 9 at the huge size of the potatoes my Dad pulled out of the soil. Those little seedlings had grown into sweet food.They would be 10 meal after meal of baked potatoes,mashed potatoes,fried potatoes,and my 11 favorite: potatoes cooked in spaghetti sauce. They would 12 the entire family well fed throughout the whole year.It 13 was a miracle to be held. Thinking back to those special times makes me wonder how many other 14 I have planted in tills life that have grown 15 in the hearts and minds of others. How many times has God used some little thing that I said 16 did to grow something beautiful? How many 17 has Heaven used these little seedlings to 18 anothers soul with sweet food? I hope then you always 19 the garden around you with care.I hope that you plant only goodness,peace,and 20 in the lives of everyone you help.I hope that everyday you help miracles to grow. 【语篇解读】本文讲述了作者及家人在花园里种土豆,后来获得由土豆 做出的各种美食,作者由此想到我们也应该在别人心中种下美好的种子,带给别 人爱和美好,并且由此呼吁人们种下美好的种子。 1A.sellingBgrowing Ccooking Dcutting B由前文的“we had several gardens”可知是在花园里种土豆,所以此句 意为最大的一个是只用于种土豆。故
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