2021版外研版选择性必修第三册英语Unit 1 单元测评试卷(含听力音频+答案).zip


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UNIT 1 单元测评单元测评 (时间:120 分钟满分:150 分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 M:Im ready for breakfast.Wheres the coffee,mum? W:Its in that pan there.Jean broke the pot last week,so Im still boiling it. 1.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.In a bar. B.At home. C.In a restaurant. 答案 B W:So,Simon,you live in Japan and you were just in Germany.How is the service in restaurants different? M:In Japan the emphasis would be on politeness.In Germany the emphasis would be on efficiency. 2.What are the speakers talking about? A.Politeness to strangers. B.Friendliness to foreigners. C.Service in restaurants. 答案 C W:Good morning,Tom.Id like you to meet Alice,our new software engineer.Alice,Tom is our department manager. M:Hello.Its a pleasure to meet you,Alice.Welcome aboard. 3.What is the woman doing? A.Making a speech. B.Introducing a new employee. C.Asking for advice. 答案 B W:The bridegroom seems worried about something. M:On this occasion,most people do. W:Oh,they are playing The Wedding March.Here they come. 4.How does the bridegroom feel at the wedding? A.Nervous.B.Happy.C.Excited. 答案 A M:What did you do on Fathers Day,Joan? W:I took my dad to a really fancy restaurant for supper and we came back very late. M:I bet he liked that,Joan.You are very thoughtful. W:Well,my dad really helped me when I was growing up. 5.When did the woman take her father out on Fathers Day? A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.In the evening. 答案 C 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 W:Hey,how are you doing? M:Good.How about you?Whatre you doing today? W:Im good.Ill probably go to the park and play some soccer in the afternoon. M:Oh,thats cool.Do you like playing football? W:Yeah.I like tennis,too. M:Tennis is fun.My favorite sport is baseball. W:Oh,really?Ive never played baseball. M:Its tons of fun!Maybe I should show you how. 6.Where is the woman likely to go in the afternoon? A.To the sports centre. B.To the sports ground. C.To the park. 答案 C 7.What is the mans favorite sport? A.Baseball. B.Basketball. C.Table tennis. 答案 A 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 M:Hi!Im Robert.Whats your name? W:Hello,Robert.My names Betty. M:Hi,Betty.Are you a new student here? W:Yes,I had my first lesson this morning.Are you a new student,too? M:No,Ive been here for two months. W:Two months.Thats a long time. M:Its not so long really.What class are you in? W:I am in Art Class Three.Its for beginners,and what about you? M:I am in Art Class One.How long have you been here? W:Only a week. M:Wow,not long.Where do you live?With a family? W:Well,Im staying in a hotel at the moment,but its a bit far from here,so Im looking for somewhere nearer.Do you know any good places? M:Yes.Actually my friend has a spare room in her apartment and shes looking for some company.Would you like her phone number? W:That would be great!Thanks for your help. 8.What are the speakers have in common? A.They are art students. B.They live far from the school. C.They are in the same class. 答案 A 9.Where is the woman living at the moment? A.At the hosts house. B.At a friends. C.At a hotel. 答案 C 10.What does the mans friend want to do? A.Look for an apartment. B.Share her apartment with someone. C.Live with a family. 答案 B 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 M:Whats your favorite kind of movie? W:I like drama. M:Do you?I like science fiction! W:I like science fiction too! M:Whats your favorite kind of story? W:I love alien stories. M:I agree.Those are scary! W:Have you ever seen that movie about a girl who gets lost in a storm and wakes up in a strange new land. M:No,never heard of it. W:Its really good.She has to walk on a yellow brick road to find her way home. M:Does she ever do it? W:Yeah.But it turns out it was all a dream! 11.What do both of the speakers like? A.Drama. B.Science fiction. C.Stories. 答案 B 12.What does the man think of alien stories? A.Terrifying. B.Exciting. C.Interesting. 答案 A 13.How did the girl find her way home in the dream? A.By asking others the way. B.With the help of a wizard. C.By following a yellow brick road. 答案 C 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。 M:Did you go to the History Museum last Thursday? W:Yes.But we didnt see any ancient Chinese paintings there. M:You didnt?Why not?These precious paintings are rarely displayed. W:I see.But we took the wrong bus that day.When we got there,the museum was closed. M:Thats terrible.How did you get there? W:We waited for the bus No. 15,but the No. 13 came first,and the driver said we could take this bus to Middle Street. M:Yes.But Middle Street is a long way from the museum. W:Thats what we found out later.We had to change No. 23 bus there.We waited for a long time,at last we got on. M:So you finally got to the museum,however,it was closed. W:Yes,but thats not the whole story.That bus didnt take us to the museum.It was going in the opposite direction. M:What an experience!I should have told you how to go there. 14.When did the woman go to the History Museum? A.Last Tuesday. B.Last Thursday. C.Last Saturday. 答案 B 15.Which bus did the woman take first? A.Bus No.15. B.Bus No.13. C.Bus No.23. 答案 B 16.Why did the woman fail to see the exhibition? A.The museum was not open. B.They had taken the wrong bus. C.They had forgotten the correct time. 答案 B 17.What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A.The History Museum. B.Ancient Chinese paintings. C.An experience of the woman. 答案 C 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 Today I am going to talk about what going to school was like in the late 1800s.In the 19th and early 20th centuries,most American students went to a one-room schoolhouse.A single teacher would typically have students in the first through eighth grades,and she taught them all.The number of students varied from 6 to 40 or more.The youngest children sat in the front,while the oldest students sat in the back.The teacher usually taught reading,writing,arithmetic,history and geography.Students memorized and retold their lessons. The classroom of a one-room schoolhouse probably looked much like your own.The teachers desk stood on a raised platform at the front of the room,however,and there was a wood-burning stove since there was no other way of heating.The bathroom was outside in an outhouse. In Honeoye Falls,New York,there is a one-room schoolhouse where kids today can experience what it was like to the students in the late 19th century.For a week during the summer,they wear 19th century clothes and learn the way children learned more than a hundred years ago. What else has changed about school since the 19th century?For more information,please listen to my talk next time. 18.How many teachers taught from the first to eighth grades at that time? A.One.B.Four.C.Eight. 答案 A 19.Where is the teachers desk? A.In the front of the room. B.In the middle of the room. C.At the back of the room. 答案 A 20.What will you do if you want to know more information? A.Experience the school yourself. B.Read related books. C.Go to the lecture next time. 答案 C 第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Here are some of the strangest aviation(航空) ideas in recent history. Double-Decker Seating In 2015,Airbus filed a patent for a design for a double-decker cabin seating arrangement.Passengers would sit one on top of the other,with upper-tier passengers climbing steps or a small ladder to reach their seats.While the design does have some advantages,the idea of climbing a ladder during flight seems unreliable. Separated Cabins This patent was awarded to Airbus.Rather than waiting for a flight to arrive and be cleaned,passengers could simply board a ready cabin,which would be moved into the planes body as soon as it was ready.When the plane reached its destination,the cabin would be separated again.Different cabins with different kinds of seating or levels of comfort could be used for flights of different lengths or destinations. Windowless Cockpits(驾驶舱) For ideal design,airplane noses should be long and pointy.But theres the whole “pilots have to fit in the cockpit” problem.Well,what if the cockpit didnt have to go in the nose of the plane?Thats part of the thinking behind this Airbus patent application,which suggests replacing the planes window with a digital viewing surface.Without a window,theres no reason the cockpit needs to go in the front of the planeit could go in the middle of the plane,or even in the tail. Nap Straps(睡眠吊带) Airbus is not the only company in the strange patents contest.Boeings got its own patent,Nap Straps.With this invention,passengers looking for a nap can find an “upright sleep system” beneath their seat.In action,the whole thing is somewhat like a traction device for someone whos been in a terrible accident. 【语篇解读】本文是应用文。近几年各种奇特的飞机设计层出不穷,本文就介绍了其中几个最 为奇特的飞机上的设计。 21.Which shows the disadvantage of double-decker seating? A.Crowded.B.Expensive. C.Small.D.Unsafe. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the idea of climbing a ladder during flight seems unreliable”可知,在 飞行中爬梯子这种设计想法不可靠,可能出现安全问题。故选 D 项。 22.Why are separated cabins designed? A.To improve flight speed. B.To save passengers time. C.To increase comfort level. D.To ensure passengers safety. 答案 B 解析推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知,机舱分离设计的目的是让乘客可以提前登机,这样可以节省 很多时间。故选 B 项。 23.Which design is intended for pilots? A.Double-decker seating. B.Separated cabins. C.Windowless cockpits. D.Nap straps. 答案 C 解析细节理解题。根据第四段中的“But theres the whole pilots have to fit in the cockpit problem.” 可知,这一设计的目标群体是飞行员。 B A painting stamped with more than 4.8 million fingerprints and cost over 80,000 yuan in paper has set the Guinness World Record for the largest fingerprint painting. The fingerprint painting,named Descendants of the Dragon,was created by Kuang Xianpeng,a 35- year-old painter from Zhuzhou,Hunan Province.It describes a mix of nine Chinese dragons and six arts in ancient Chinese culture. With a surface area of 1195.14 square meters,51.526 meters long and 23.195 meters wide,the whole painting used 685 pieces of xuan paper and took Kuang over two years to complete.It also took 40 volunteers two whole days to lay out the painting for Guinness certification officer to measure. Kuang said it was a very arduous journey,and he had used up all his spare time to finish the work.“It was very hard to master the amount of strength you put in your fingers,” he said.“You cant press too hard or too light.Otherwise,your prints will blur.I have wasted over 300 pieces of paper due to blurred fingerprints.” The Guinness certification officer Luo Qiong said this world record wasnt easy to earn.She said each fingerprint must be clear,the painting must have more than four different colors,and the distance between each fingerprint mustnt be more than 1 centimeter. The world record for this category had been broken 15 times since 2014,with the previous one set by an Indian with a work measuring 1,188 square meters. Before this painting,Kuang had spent 14 years in drawing a pen-and-ink painting of 247 meters long and 1.6 meters wide,telling stories of historical myths.He also said he would never stop exploring more creative works. 【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了株洲小伙匡仙鹏创作的指印画龙的传人,经 吉尼斯世界纪录现场认证,成为世界上最大的指印画。 24.What can we know about the painting created by Kuang Xianpeng? A.Its worth at least 80,000 yuan. B.It measures 1,188 square meters. C.It took him 14 years to complete it. D.It consists of over 4.8 million fingerprints. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据第一段“A painting stamped with more than 4.8 million fingerprints and cost over 80,000 yuan in paper has set the Guinness World Record for the largest fingerprint painting.”可知,指印画 上印有超过 480 万个指印。 25.Which of the following best explains “arduous” underlined in Paragraph 4? A.Difficult.B.Satisfying. C.Thrilling.D.Frightening. 答案 A 解析词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“With a surface area of 1195.14 square meters,51.526 meters long and 23.195 meters wide,the whole painting used 685 pieces of xuan paper and took Kuang over two years to complete.”可知,完成这幅指印画绝非易事,所以 arduous 的意思是“困难的”。 26.Whats probably the key factor in creating the work? A.The colors of paints. B.The amount of strength. C.The quality of xuan paper. D.The distance of fingerprints. 答案 B 解析细节理解题。根据第四段匡仙鹏所述“You cant press too hard or too light.Otherwise,your prints will blur.”可知,指印画关键在于把控手指按压力度,不能太重也不能太轻。 27.What is Kuang Xianpeng like according to the text? A.He is full of creativity. B.He is full of imagination. C.He is very courageous. D.He is rich in experience. 答案 A 解析推理判断题。通读全文及文章最后一句“He also said he would never stop exploring more creative works.”可知,匡仙鹏乐于探索,富有创造力。 C Mention sand art and the image that comes to mind is that of an intricately(杂乱的) carved sculpture or design sketched on a beach surface.Though impressive,they are transient(短暂的) masterpieces that disappear with the first large wave or splash of rain.However,24-year-old Tim Bengels sand art is permanent.Thats because the German artist uses the grit(粗砂) to “paint” his masterpieces on canvas.While the final product is certainly beautiful,what is even more so is the way it is created. Bengel begins by covering a blank canvas with a special adhesive(黏合剂) that dries extremely slowly,giving the artist enough time to draw the desired image.He then begins “painting” with grains of black sand and in some cases,gold foil.It takes the young man anywhere from 200 to 300 hours to complete each work of art. What is most intriguing about Bengels process is that only the artist knows what the final image will be.To the rest of the world,the canvas appears to be a mess of black sand.It is only when Bengel sprinkles white sand over the canvas and then dramatically sweeps off all the excess grit that the masterpiece is revealed! The talented artist,who is currently studying art at the University of Tubingen,says his interest in the subject began after he visited the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart Art Museum as a child.Bengel was so inspired that he came home and began trying to reproduce the paintings he had seen at the museum.After winning an art competition at this school at the age of 18,Bengel knew that it was the career he wanted to pursue.But the young man also realized that to be successful,he would have to develop his own unique style. 【语篇解读】提到沙画艺术,人们会想到杂乱无章的沙雕。尽管很吸引人,但是这些杰作很短暂。 Tim Bengel 的沙画作品是在帆布上作画,可以永久保存。 28.From the first paragraph we can see that . A.sand art only last for a short time B.Bengels works are intricately carved sculptures C.Bengels works stretch on the beach D.the creation of sand art is more beautiful 答案 A 解析细节理解题。根据“Though impressive,they are transient masterpieces that disappear with the first large wave or splash of rain.However,24-year-old Tim Bengels sand art is permanent.”可知,沙画艺术 持续的时间很短。 29.What can we infer from the second paragraph? A.The artist creates his work on the beach. B.It takes the artist a long time to finish each work of art. C.This kind of ar
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