2021版外研版必修三英语Unit 3 The world of scienceppt课件(含练习+答案).zip


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展开 2019版外研版必修三英语Unit3Theworldofscienceppt课件含练习答案.zip2019版外研版必修三英语Unit3Theworldofscienceppt课件含练习答案.zip
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1 Science moves,but slowly,slowly,creeping on from point to point. Tennyson 科学在发展,不过是慢慢地、慢慢地,一点一点向前爬行。 丁尼生 Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination. Emerson 科学上的每一重大进步都来自一种新的大胆的设想。 爱默生 Men love to wonder,and that is the seed of our science. Emerson 人总是爱异想天开,这就是我们科学的种子。 爱默生 Equipped with his five senses,man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science. Edwin Powell 人生来具有五种感官,他们探索周围的世界并将这种冒险称为科学。 埃德温鲍威尔 Science,Good or Evil?Science has brought many changes to the whole of society.It is hardly too much to say science is the most important factor in the progression of human beings.The great developments in medicine,computer,transportation etc.have lengthened our life expectancy.However,science also gives us lots of problems:pollution,energy 2 crises,the nuclear bomb and more serious computer crimes.Despite all these,we still spare no efforts in the development of science and technology.It is really true that everything has two sides. Huawei 5G technology means more than quicker communication Supported by the Huawei technology,Vodafone Espana commercialized the first 5G mobile services in Spain on Saturday.The 5G network can make a huge difference.About half of the population in 15 major Spanish cities including Madrid and Barcelona are involved,which makes the country among the first that used 5G services in Europe. Vodafone Espanas using the Huawei 5G technology means not only communication 10 times faster in Spain,but also a step closer to the excitements like autonomous driving,telemedicine and virtual reality in everyday life.Another thing that is certain is that the United States effort to block the global 5G technology leader Huawei from the 5G network market at their expense will not work. It is a fact worth mentioning that Huawei has been in cooperation with most of the major mobile operators across Europe.Spain is not the first in Europe to use Huawei technology,and is surely not the last one. 探索发现 1What do you know about Huawei and its products? 2How do you like the scientific inventions around you? 3What do you want to invent most?And why? 答案1.Its a Chinas big company and the products are very good. 2They let us enjoy all the comfort and convenience. 3略 3 Section Preparation for the unit .匹配词义 a给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。 ( )1.virtual An.电池 ( )2.battery Badj.精确的 ( )3.passive Cadj.虚拟的,模拟的 ( )4.significant Dn.物种 ( )5.injure En.东西,物品 ( )6.stuff Fv.使受伤,弄伤 ( )7.accurate Gn.起源,起因 ( )8.minor Hadj.聪颖的,才华横溢的 ( )9.origin Iadj.重要的,影响深远的 ( )10.species Jn.学说,理论 ( )11.brilliant Kn.声明,宣告 ( )12.theory Ladj.小的 ( )13.declaration Mn.证据,证明 ( )14.proof Nadj.被动的 答案15CANIF610EBLGD 1114HJKM b给下列短语选择正确的汉语意思。 ( )1.instead of A被系到上;附属于 ( )2.in addition B依据;按照;在方面 ( )3.thanks to C另外,而且 ( )4.in terms of D通向;导致 ( )5.be capable of E而且,更重要的是 ( )6.whats more F集中于 ( )7.lead to G有能力做某事 4 ( )8.apart from H连同一起;与一道 ( )9.focus on I除之外 ( )10.be attached to J由于;多亏了 ( )11.more than one K代替;而不是 ( )12.along with L不止一个 答案15KCJBG610EDIFA 1112LH .默写单词 1press v 按 2shoot v. 射出(光、亮等),放射 3flexible adj. 易弯曲的,柔韧的 4capable adj. 有能力的 5desire n. 渴望,欲望 6beyond prep. 无法 7significant adj. 重要的,影响深远的 8mental adj. 精神的;精神健康的 9experiment n. (科学)实验 10attach v. 系,绑;贴 11conduct v. 传导(热、电) 12entirely adv. 完全地,彻底地 13account n. 记述,描述 14procedure n. 程序,步骤,手续 .语境填空 conducted;declaration;batteries;shot;experiments; desire;injured;attached;flexible;beyond 1The strong light shot out by the flashlight hurt the eyes of the policeman. 2Find a thin and flexible tube,put into the hole and maybe it will work. 3Charge the batteries in time in case you need them anytime while travelling. 4This is really beyond my ability but I can recommend an expert for you. 5Sometimes we must hold back our really desire and learn to pretend. 5 6Take the injured old man to the nearest hospital first and then come back. 7The declaration is timely and is just like an alarm to the people making trouble. 8The light attached to the head of the farmer helps him to work more conveniently. 9Heat can be conducted quickly by metals so you feel cool when you touch an iron stick. 10Inventions often arise from many times of experiments and failures and sometimes great loss. .语法填空之派生词 1We were entirely(entire) confused by what he said in the meeting. 2The new drug has great significance (significant)for the treatment of the disease. 3Two players are out of the team because of injury (injure) and we need subs. 4Only a small minority (minor)of students are interested in politics these days. 5They will sign the declaration (declare) as soon as they arrive. 6You can find the pictures of details in the attachment (attach) of the email. 7The room still has many of its original(origin) features and the items used by the couple. 8He took a very scientific(science) way to deal with the trouble in his work. 9Temperature becomes uniform by heat conduction (conduct) 10Scientists know that all experimental (experiment) results are variable and not fixed. 1Good evening,and welcome to Between the Pages. 晚上好,欢迎来到字里行间 。 2For example,advances in virtual reality and wearable tech,as well as the flexible battery,mean we should soon be seeing further developments. 例如,虚拟现实以及可穿戴技术方面的进步,以及可折叠电池,意味着我 们应该很快就会看到进一步的发展。 6 3In terms of the environment,it is now possible to create an intelligent walking house. 在环境方面,现在有可能创造一个智能步行屋。 4Franklin then touched the key with his finger and got an electric shock. 然后富兰克林用手指触摸了一下钥匙,感到了电击。 5In fact,more than one account suggests that while Newton was certainly inspired by a falling apple, there is no proof that it hit him on the head. 事实上,不止一种说法表明,虽然牛顿的灵感来自一个下落的苹果,但没 有证据表明它击中了他的头部。 课文助读 welcome to 欢迎来到 Ill be talking to.,will be doing 将来进行时;talk to 对某人讲话,和某人 聊天 whose 引导定语从句,在从句中作 new book 的定语 Its a pleasure to do 很高兴做某事 have been asked 现在完成时的被动语态 It suggests that“表明” ,suggest 此处意思是“表明” ,另外还可以表示 “建议” 。that 引导宾语从句 present adj.当前的;在场的 point n观点;point of view 观点 there have been,there be 句型的现在完成时形式 think of 想到,想起 gunpowder n火药 compass n指南针,罗盘 find oneself in 发现自己处于状态,find宾语补语的结构 for example 例如,举例说明 virtual reality 虚拟现实;virtual adj.虚拟的,模拟的 wearable tech 可穿戴技术;wearable wearable 7 as well as 既又;除之外(也);此外 flexible adj.易弯曲的,柔韧的 battery n电池;复数为 batteries further developments 进一步的发展。further 是 far 的比较级,表示“更远 的;更进一步的,深一层的” 。 in addition 除之外 21 have been made 现在完成时的被动语态 22 thanks to 多亏了,幸亏,由于 23 increasing adj.不断增长的 24 power n能力;功率;力量;权力;大国 25 give sb.some examples 给某人举例说明 26 have been used 现在完成时的被动语态 27 replacement n代替;归还;replace v代替;放回原处 28 in terms of 就而言;根据 29 it is.possible to do 做某事是可能的 30 intelligent adj.聪明的;理解力强的 31 be capable of 有能力做某事 32 with computing technology controlling its“legs”,with 的复合结构 33 computing technology 是宾语,controlling its“legs”是宾语补足语 whats more 而且 34 ecofriendly adj.对生态环境友好的,不妨害生态环境的 35 stuff n东西,物品 36 have been told 现在完成时的被动语态 37 inventor n发明家;invent v发明 38 work as 作为 39 I see 我明白了 40 what is it that.强调句型的特殊疑问句形式,正常语序是:it is what that. 41 inspire sb.to 激励某人做某事 42 8 start with 开始 43 that 引导定语从句,修饰前面的 problem,that 在从句中作主语,不可以 44 省略 no doubt 无疑地;固然 45 which 引导非限制性定语从句,which 在从句中作主语 46 develop into 发展成,演化为 47 reduced adj.被减少的 48 environmental adj.环境的,与环境有关的 49 lead to 通向,导致 50 what remains important is that,what remains important 是主语从句,what 51 在从句中作主语,that 引导的是表语从句,解释说明主语 desire to do 做某事的欲望 desire n欲望,渴望 52 the one 代指前面的 question 53 youve been watching,have been doing sth.是现在完成进行时,表示过去 54 某一动作持续到现在 has been invented 现在完成时的被动语态 55 Never say never!永不言弃! 56 课文呈现 The New Age of Invention Interviewer:Good evening,and welcome to Between the Pages.This evening,Ill be talking to Dr Richard Fairhurst,whose new book The New Age of Invention has just been published.Welcome,Richard! Richard:Thank you.Its a pleasure to be here. Interviewer:I guess you have been asked about the title of your book before.It suggests that the present day is a new age for inventions,but many people might think that the great age of invention is over. Richard:Well,thats an interesting point.There have been golden ages of invention throughout history.Think of the four great inventions in Ancient China: gunpowder,papermaking,printing and the compass.These things 9 changed the world forever.Then there were the great Western inventions:the steam engine,the telephone and the radio.And now,we find ourselves in the great new age of technology. Interviewer:So are most of the new great inventions techbased? Richard:A lot,yes. For example,advances in virtual reality and wearable tech,as well as the flexiblebattery,mean we should soon be seeingfurther developments.In addition,important advanceshave been 21 22 made in medicine and environmental sciencethanks toincreasing 23 24 computerpower. 25 Interviewer:Can yougive us some examples? 26 Richard:Sure.New inventions like 3D printershave been used to 27 makereplacement hearts and bone parts.In terms of the environment,it is 28 29 30 now possible to create anintelligent walking house.Itis capable of using GPS 31 32 technology to travel to different places,with computing technology controlling 33 its“legs”.Whats more,huge advances in solar technology mean it can 34 beecofriendly,too. 35 Interviewer:Impressivestuff!Ihave also been told that youre 36 37 aninventor yourself.Is that correct? 38 Richard:Yes,I am,but Im only one member of a big team most inventors nowwork as part of big international teams. 39 Interviewer:I see.Sowhat is it thatinspires us to invent things? 40 41 42 Richard:Most inventionsstart with recognising a problemthat needs a 43 44 solution.This wasno doubt the reason behind the invention of the wheel in ancient 45 times,which much laterdeveloped into the car.Now,reduced energy 46 47 48 supplies andenvironmental pollution haveled to more advances in the 49 50 technology of new energy vehicles.Butwhat remains important is that we have 51 an incredibledesire to think and create,and thats the real spirit of invention. 52 Interviewer:One last question.This isthe one everyone really wants to 53 know:will anybody ever invent a time machine? 10 Richard:I thinkyouve been watching too many movies!Nothing like this 54 has been invented yet and Id say were a long way from an invention like that at 55 the moment!But,as they say, “Never say never!” 56 译文参考 发明的新时代 记者:晚上好,欢迎来到字里行间。今晚,我将和理查德费尔赫斯特博士 交流,他的新书发明的新时代刚刚出版。欢迎,理查德! 理查德:谢谢你。很高兴来到这里。 记者:我想以前有人问过你这本书的书名。这表明当今是一个发明的新时代, 但许多人可能认为发明的伟大时代已经结束了。 理查德:嗯,这是个有趣的观点。历史上有过发明创造的黄金时代。想想中 国古代的四大发明:火药、造纸术、印刷术和指南针。这些东西永远地改变了世界。 然后是西方的伟大发明:蒸汽机、电话和无线电。现在,我们发现自己正处在一 个伟大的新技术时代。 记者:那么,大多数新的伟大发明都是以技术为特征的吗? 理查德:很多,是的。例如,虚拟现实以及可穿戴技术方面的进步,以及可 折叠电池,意味着我们应该很快就会看到进一步的发展。此外,由于计算机能 力的提高,医学和环境科学也取得了重大进展。 记者:你能给我们举几个例子吗? 理查德:当然。像 3D 打印机这样的新发明已经被用来制造替代心脏和骨骼 部分。在环境方面,现在有可能创造一个智能步行屋,它可以使用 GPS 技术各 处旅行,用计算技术控制它的“腿” 。而且,太阳能技术的巨大进步意味着它也 可以是环保的。 记者:令人印象深刻的东西!我还听说你自己就是个发明家。对吧? 理查德:是的。但我只是一个大团队中的一员现在大多数发明家 都在大型国际团队中工作。 记者:我明白了。那么,是什么激励我们去发明东西呢? 理查德:大多数发明都是从认识到需要解决的问题开始的。毫无疑问,这就 是古代发明轮子的原因,很久以后轮子就发展成了汽车。现在,能源供应的减 11 少和环境污染导致了新能源汽车技术的进步。但仍然重要的是,我们有难以置 信的渴望去思考和创造,这才是真正的发明精神。 记者:最后一个问题。这是一个每个人都想知道的问题:会有人发明时间机 器吗? 理查德:我觉得你看的电影太多了!目前还没有这样的发明,我想说,现在 我们离这样的发明还有很长的路要走!但是,正如他们所说, “永不言弃!” 速读 P2627教材课文,完成下列任务: .阅读判断 判断以下句子提供的信息是正确的,还是错误的,还是没有提及。 1It is the first time that Richard has been asked about the title of his book?( ) ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 2The four great inventions in Ancient China changed the world forever.( ) ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 3Flexible batteries are used in many fields besides solar energy.( ) ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 4Computer power is increasing with many advances in different areas.( ) ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 5We can get all our body parts with 3D printers.( ) ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 答案15BACAC .补全信息 选择正确选项填入空白处,补全所给句子提供的信息。 Ausing GPS technology Bmaking replacement body parts Cbasing themselves on technology Dreferring to the new age of invention 12 Ewatching too many movies Fchanging the world forever 1The interviewer is talking with Richard about the book 2Ancient China has the four great inventions 3Many advances are made in different fields 43D printing technology has used in many ways,such as 5The intelligent walking house can travel to different places 6The interviewer asks about a time machine because of 答案16DFCBAE .表格填空 根据课文内容,在空白处填入合适的单词或短语。 TopicInterviewerRichard Greetings Tonight I 1.will be talking to Dr Richard Fairhurst.Welcome! It is a 2.pleasure to be here. The age of inventions Is it over or just new and great? There 3.have been golden ages in Ancient China and West. Are most of them 4.based on technology? A lot.Many 5.advances in different fields have been made 6.thanks to technology and computer power. The new great inventions Ask for some examples? Body parts made by 3D printers and an intelligent 7.walking house using GPS technology to travel.Whats more,advances in solar energy are 8.ecofriendly. The inspiration for the invent What is it? Most inventions 9.start with recognising a problem that needs a solution. For the future Will anybody invent a time machine? Not 10.at the moment,but never say never! 13 细读 P2627教材课文,完成下列任务: .主旨匹配 细读课文,匹配段落大意。 1Paragraphs 12 AThe advances in different areas thanks to technology. 2Paragraphs 34 BThe inspiration for more inventions. 3Paragraphs 58 CGreeting between the interviewer and Richard. 4Paragraphs 912 DThe possibility of making time machine. 5Paragraphs 1314 EThe ongoing great age of invention. 答案15CEABD .单项选择 细读课文,选择最佳答案 1Whats the passage mainly about? AThe publishing of a new book. BFour great inventions in Ancient China. CThe new changes in the invention today. DWhat inspires a man to invent something. 2Why does Richard mention the four great inventions in Ancient China? ATo prove the golden ages of invention in history. BTo tell us the importance of the four inventions. CTo share his knowledge about the four inventions. DTo compare them with the great Western inventions. 3What new inventions are NOT mentioned in the text? AVirtual reality and wearable tech. BThe flexible battery and the 3D printers. 14 CThe inventions made by Richard. DThe replacement of human organs. 4What is Richards attitude to inventing a time machine? ANegative. BOptimistic. CCritical. DSupportive. 5What do we know about the new great inventions today? AAll of them are techbased. BComputer technology helps a lot. CThe solar technology is always ecofriendly. DA solution to a problem is an invention. 答案15CACBB .概要写作微技能 概要写作微技能支撑信息 A文中表示支撑信息的句子。 1For example,advances in virtual reality and wearable tech,as well as the flexible battery,mean we should soon be seeing further developments. 2New inventions like 3D printers have been used to make replacement hearts and bone parts. 3In terms of the environment,it is now possible to create an intelligent walking house. B判断下列哪个不是表示支撑信息的句子。 1Think of the four great inventions in Ancient China:gunpowder,papermaking,printing and the compass. 2Most inventions start with recognising a problem that needs a solution. 3Now,reduced energy supplies and environmental pollution have led to more advances in the technology
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