2021版外研版必修三英语Unit 4 Amazing artppt课件(含练习+答案).zip


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展开 2019版外研版必修三英语Unit4Amazingartppt课件含练习答案.zip2019版外研版必修三英语Unit4Amazingartppt课件含练习答案.zip
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1 Behind a remarkable scholar one finds,not infrequently,a mediocre man,and behind a mediocre artist quite often a very remarkable man. Nietzsche 在一个卓越的学者身上我们常常看到平庸人的形象,一个平庸的艺术家常 常是一个卓越的人物。 尼采 Art is a higher type of knowledge than experience. Aristotle 艺术是比经验更高形态的知识。 亚里士多德 Art may be called complete and perfect when it seems to be nature. Longinus 艺术接近自然时,就称得上是圆满完美的艺术了。 龙基纳 Art is the right hand of nature.The latter has only given us being;the former has made us men. Schiller 艺术是自然的好助手。后者仅给我们生存,前者使我们做人。 席勒 A poor artist wanted to enter an important painting competition.One day he 2 took his paints and brushes to a local caf to drink his coffee and get inspiration.The district where he lived was full of trees which formed a leafy avenue.As he looked around him,he noticed how the shadows of the trees were growing longer as time passed.He decided to paint them in the style of the Impressionists.Taking the brushes from his bag,he chose one suitable for painting and began.The painting was completed soon.It looked so real that one could almost smell the flowers that hung from the branches of the trees.Happily he wrote his name at the bottom of the painting and sent it to the competition committee.His painting was given high marks by the judges and he won the admiration of many people as a famous Impressionist painter. Some people like modern art,while others say that is rubbish.But a cleaner who works in the Tate Gallery in London isnt able to tell the difference.The woman,whose name isnt known,mistook a work of art by the German painter Gustav Metzger as a bag of rubbish,and threw it out with other bags.Embarrassed officials at the museum had to call a meeting with cleaners to explain which things should not be touched.However,to make sure of not happening again,they covered Mr.Metzgers work with a coloured cloth every evening.In this way the cleaners would realize they should not touch it. This is not the first time that museum cleaners have had trouble distinguishing exhibits from rubbish.In 2001,in another London gallery,a cleaner threw away a work by the wellknown British artist Damien Hirst.It was an arrangement of empty beer bottles,coffee cups,and overflowing ashtrays,which was meant to indicate the chaos in the life of an artist.However,cleaners dont always throw things awaysometimes they clean them!This was the case with a dirty bathtub which was on show in a gallery in Germany.Without asking what the bathtub was doing in the gallery,the cleaners simply washed it clean. 探索发现 1What kind of modern art do you like best?Give an example. 2How do you find art attracts you?List out your reasons. 3 3What do you know about Chinese Art and what do you want to learn more? 答案1.略 2略 3As far as I know,Chinese Art includes paper cutting,embroidery,seal cutting,calligraphy,Chinese painting,porcelain and so on.Id like to learn calligraphy. Section Preparation for the unit .匹配词义 a给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。 ()1.loadAn.雕刻家,雕塑家 ()2.sculptor Bv.资助 ()3.calligraphy Cn.香烟 ()4.demonstrate Dadj.当代的 ()5.needle En.某物的量 ()6.carve Fn.书法 ()7.contemporary Gn.(色彩的)浓淡,深浅,色度 ()8.cigarette Hn.缝衣针 ()9.stimulate Iv.示范,演示 ()10.sponsor Jn.皇帝 ()11.emperor Kn.花瓶 ()12.vase Lv.刺激,促使,促进 ()13.shade Mv.刻(图形或字母) 答案15EAFIH610MDCLB 1113JKG b给下列短语选择正确的汉语意思。 4 ()1.get a load of A意外地 ()2.have a mind of ones own B在行进;在迁移 ()3.but the again C高度赞扬 ()4.reach out to D一天又一天 ()5.by the way E注意,仔细看 ()6.by accident F爱好 ()7.be fond of G顺便地 ()8.on the move H不过,然而 ()9.day after day I接触;联系 ()10.sing high praises ofJ有自己的主见 答案15EJHIG610AFBDC .默写单词 1greet v问候,迎接,招呼 2broadcast n. 广播节目,电视节目 3stair n. 楼梯 4battle n. 战斗,战役 5fold v. 折起 6exhibition n. 展出,展览 7neighbourhood n. 社区,街坊 8vividly adv. 生动地 9elegant adj. 高雅的,优美的 10lack v. 没有,缺乏 11wine n. 葡萄酒 12fond adj. 喜爱的 13frequent adj. 经常发生的,频繁的 14mostly adv. 大部分;主要地 .语境填空 stimulate;carved;demonstrated;vividly;needle;calligraphy;elegant;ne ighbourhood;lack;cigarette 5 1Many students in our neighbourhood volunteered to help cleaning the nursing home. 2Calligraphy should be taught from the elementary school. 3The math teacher demonstrated the solid geometry with what he got anywhere. 4The witness vividly described what he saw to the policeman. 5Searching for one man in this city is like looking for a needle in a haystack. 6We all admired Audrey Hepburn for her elegant appearance. 7The beautiful art work was carving by the craftsman for half a year. 8He gave up the game for lack of confidence. 9In order to stimulate the workers to work hard the manager decided to give them a rise. 10The cigarette butts left in the grass are difficult for the cleaners to pick up. .语法填空之派生词 1The young man knows everyone in our neighbourhood (neighbour) and every one of us also knows him. 2The teachers demonstration (demonstrate) on the experiment had little effect. 3The young woman was vividly(vivid) describing what she saw on the spot. 4The little girl was dancing elegantly(elegant) in front of the audience. 5I admired the old man for carving (carve) and painting on the eggshells. 6The stimulation (stimulate) does not last long so we should change our way as soon as possible. 7Barely(bare) did they know each other at the beginning but they became close friends now. 8I really dont want to see the dirty (dirt)boy again in my shop. 9We need to find sponsorship (sponsor) for the forest expedition. 10They went to concerts frequently(frequent) to enjoy the classical music. 1Now,at the top of these stone stairs.get a load of that! 现在,在这些石阶的顶端仔细看看那个东西吧! 6 2Its the one and only Mona Lisa! 这是唯一的蒙娜丽莎! 3And now,its time to get up close and personal with one of historys greatest artistsRembrandt! 现在,是时候亲密接触历史上最伟大的艺术家之一伦勃朗了! 4Even after more than a thousand years have passed,we can still feel the power within its burning eyes,bared teeth and kicking hooves. 即使一千多年过去了,我们依然能感受到有力量源自于它炯炯有神的眼睛, 裸露的牙齿以及奋起的马蹄。 5Those who saw Han Gans horse paintings all sang high praises for his unique skill,saying that his horses“could gallop off the paper” 那些看过韩干画作的人都高度赞扬他精湛的技巧,说他的马“能跃然纸上” 。 课文助读 greet v问候,迎接,招呼 greetings n招呼,问候 broadcast n广播节目,电视节目 v.广播,播放 过去式 broadcast 过去分 词 broadcast is being brought 是现在进行时的被动语态 on Earth 世界上;究竟,到底;世上;天底下 find out 查明,弄清(情况) at the top of 在的顶端;在的顶部 stair n楼梯 load n某物的量; get a load of.注意,仔细看(常用于表示惊讶或羡慕) you can see 是定语从句修饰前面的 that huge sculpture,省略掉了引导词 that 或 which cant even begin to do 甚至不知道怎么做 how amazing this is 是宾语从句,用在 tell you 的后面 it looks like 看上去像是.;it 是形式主语;like 是介词,后面是宾语从句 fly down out of the sky 从天空中飞下来 7 missing adj.找不到,不在的;缺失的 imagine sb.doing sth.想象某人做某事;hold sth.up 举起某物 celebrating the result of an ancient battle ving 形式作伴随状语。battle n战斗,战役 is being folded 正在被折叠,是现在进行式的被动形式。fold v折起 be made of 由制成;be made from 也表示“由制成” ,通常看不 出原材料 sculptor n雕刻家,雕塑家 incredible adj.不可思议的 move on 往前走,前进;出发,离开 21 be being pushed around 正在被推着转 现在进行时的被动语态。push 22 sb.around 把某人推来推去;摆布某人,欺负某人 in fact 事实上 23 whats coming up next 是宾语从句,what 在从句中作主语。come up 发生; 24 走近;发芽;被提出 the one and only 唯一的 25 a lot 许多,大量 修饰比较级 26 get a good view 看得清楚,视野不错 27 look into 往里看,调查;观察;窥视;浏览 28 of her own 她自己的 of ones own 某人自己的 29 one moment 一瞬间,某一时刻 30 seem to be laughing at me 好像在嘲笑我 seem to be doing 好像正在做某事; 31 laugh at sb.嘲笑某人 a sense of sadness 一丝伤感 32 thats why.这正是的原因 why 引导表语从句,解释主语的原因 33 its time to do sth.到做某事的时间了 34 get up close and personal with 和亲密接触;近距离观看 35 selfportrait 自画像 portrait n人物照片;肖像 36 8 throughout ones life 在他一生中 37 take a 17thcentury selfie 十七世纪的自拍 take a selfie 自拍 38 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 to paint himself than to pay for a 39 model。pay for sb.为某人支付钱 are currently being displayed 目前正在被陈列,现在进行时的被动语态; 40 currently adv.目前,当下 it would take a lifetime to see everything,it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后 41 面的动词不定式 to see everything,其结构是 it takes sometime to do sth.做某事花 费多少时间 for now 目前;暂时 42 fantastic adj.极好的,极出色的;不可思议的 43 one day(将来)有一天;总有一天;(过去)某一天 44 to feel the power of.动词不定式作目的状语 45 for oneself 亲自,独自地,靠自己的力量 46 do 用在动词原形的前面,表示加强语气 “的确” 47 reach out to sb.接触某人;把手伸向某人;联系某人 48 across the centuries 几个世纪以来 49 as if “好像” ,连接方式状语从句 50 by the way 顺便说说,顺便问一下 51 live adj.现场直播的 52 subscribe v订阅 53 where Im visiting next 此处的 where 引导的是宾语从句 54 课文呈现 Live from the Louvre 1Hi,its Zack!Greetings from Paris,everyone!This broadcast is being brought to you from the largest museum on Earththe Louvre!Today were going to find out about some of the Louvres most amazing treasures.Here we go! 2Now,at the top of these stone stairs.get a load of 9 that!That huge sculpture you can see is the Winged Victory of Samothrace,or Nike of Samothrace!I cant even begin to tell you how amazing this is! It looks like she has just flown down out of the sky and is standing on a ship.Her head and arms are missing,but you can imagine her holding her arms up high,celebrating the result of an ancient battle.And just look at how her dress is being folded by the wind!I really cant believe she is made of stone.The skill of the sculptor is just incredible. 3Okay,Id better move on.You can see there are so many people 21 here.I am being pushed around quite a bit, in fact.And youre really going to 22 23 love whats coming up next.Its the one and only Mona Lisa!The painting is 24 25 a lot smaller than you would expect,and is protected by glass.But from here I can 26 get a good view to show you.When I look into her eyes it seems she has a mind 27 28 of her own!One moment she seems to be laughing at me,but then 29 30 31 again I catch a sense of sadness in her smile.I guess thats why she attracts 32 33 so many visitors every day. 4And now, its time to get up close and personal with one of 34 35 historys greatest artistsRembrandt!He painted this selfportrait about 400 36 years ago. Throughout his life,he made over 90 selfportraits!No one really 37 knows why.Perhaps it was his way of taking a 17thcentury selfie?Or was it 38 39 simply cheaper to paint himself than to pay for a model? 5About 35,000 works are currently being displayed in over 300 40 rooms in the Louvre,and it would take a lifetime to see everything!Ill say 41 bye for now,and hope you can all visit this fantastic place one day to 42 43 44 45 feel the power of these great works of art for yourselves.They really do 46 47 reach out to us across the centuries as if time itself were nothing. By 48 49 50 51 the way,if you have enjoyed this live broadcast, subscribe to find out 52 53 54 where Im visiting next! 译文参考 从卢浮宫现场直播 10 1嗨,我是扎克!在巴黎向您问候!现在正在为您播送的是世界上 最大的博物馆卢浮宫!今天,我们将为您介绍一些卢浮宫最令人惊叹的珍 宝。我们开始吧! 2现在,在这些石阶的顶端仔细看看那个东西吧!你能看到的那个巨 大的雕塑是长着翅膀的胜利女神萨莫色雷斯,或者是胜利女神之翼!我真不知 道怎么告诉你这有多神奇!看起来她好像刚从天上飞下来,站在一艘船上。她 缺头少胳膊,但你可以想象得出她高举着双臂,在庆祝一场古代战争的胜利。 就看看她的衣服是怎么被风折起来的!我真不敢相信她是石头做的。这位雕刻 家的技艺简直令人难以置信。 3好吧,我该走了。你可以看到这里有很多人。事实上,我正在被人推来 推去。你肯定会喜欢接下来要讲的。这是唯一的蒙娜丽莎!这幅画比你想象的要 小得多,而且有玻璃保护。但是从这里我可以看得很清楚,可以展现给你。当我 看着她的眼睛,她似乎有自己的想法!一会儿她似乎在嘲笑我,但一会儿我又 从她的微笑中感到一丝悲伤。我想这就是她每天吸引那么多游客的原因吧。 4现在,是时候亲密接触历史上最伟大的艺术家之一伦勃朗了! 他在大约 400 年前画了这幅自画像。在他的一生中,他画了 90 多幅自画像!没 有人真正知道原因。也许这就是他 17 世纪自拍的方式吧?还是说仅仅就是画自 己比花钱请模特要便宜? 5目前大约有 3 万 5 千件作品陈列在卢浮宫的 300 多个展室里,要看完所 有的展品恐怕要花一辈子的时间!我要告辞了,希望你们有一天都能参观这个 神奇的地方,亲自感受这些伟大的艺术作品的力量。虽然好几个世纪过去了, 但是它们确实使我们感兴趣并有所触动,仿佛时间本身无关紧要。顺便说一下, 如果你喜欢这次直播,请付费收看,看看我下次去哪儿吧! 速读 P3839教材课文,完成下列任务: .阅读判断 判断以下句子提供的信息是正确的,还是错误的,还是没有提及。 11 1The Louvre is larger than any other museums in the world.() ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 2Someone robbed the head and arms of Nike of Samothrace. ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 3Mona Lisas smile attracts many people to come to Paris.() ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 4Rembrandt hadnt got enough money to pay for a model so he painted himself.() ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 5It would take you less than a day to make a tour in Louvre.() ARight. BWrong. CNot mentioned. 答案15ACACB .补全信息 选择正确选项填入空白处,补全所给句子提供的信息。 Abecause there are many amazing treasures there Bbecause she was celebrating the success of a battle Cbecause the portrait is smaller than expected Dbecause the portrait gives people a special feeling Ebecause they needed to pay for a model to paint Fbecause you can get something different on the spot 1Many people go to visit Louvre 2Nike of Samothrace was holding her arms up high 3People try to find a good view to see Mona Lisa 4Mona Lisa attracts so many visitors every day 5In the 17thcentury,some painters painted themselves possibly 6It is necessary for you to go to Louvre in person 答案16ABCDEF .表格填空 根据课文内容,在空白处填入合适的单词或短语。 12 Introduction 1.Greetings from Paris! Zack is visiting the 2.largest museum on earth. The Winged Victory of Samothrace She has just flown down out of the sky. Her head and arms are 3.missing. Her dress 4.is being folded by the wind. She 5.is made of stone. Mona Lisa The painting is smaller than 6.expected/you would expect. She seems to have a mind 7.of her own. What Zack is seeing and its features Selfportraits of Rembrandt Nobody knows the exact reason why Rembrandt painted so many selfportraits. Maybe he liked to 8.take a selfie. The invitation to Louvre You need to come here one day. It will take you 9.a very long time / a life time to see everything in Louvre. You are invited to feel the works 10.for yourself. 细读 P3839教材课文,完成下列任务: .主旨匹配 细读课文,匹配段落大意。 1Paragraph 1AThe invitation to the Louvre. 2Paragraphs 24 BThe introduction of the trip. 3Paragraph 5 CThree famous art collections. 答案13BCA .单项选择 细读课文,选择最佳答案。 1Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text? ALiberty Leading the People. BNike of Samothrace. CMona Lisa. 13 DThe selfportrait of Rembrandt. 2What does the text come from? AThe live TV show. BThe live radio program. CThe webpage. DThe newspaper. 3How does the host find the Nike of Samothrace? AImaginative. BIncredible. CAmazing. DMissing. 4Why is the host being pushed around in Louvre? ABecause he is lost in directions. BBecause it is crowded in Louvre. CBecause the portraits are on a moving vehicle. DBecause Mona Lisa is so small to see. 5What can exactly explain why Rembrandt painted so many selfportraits? AHe loved his appearance so much. BHe wanted to take a selfie of himself. CHe found it cheaper to draw himself. DHe made the reason unknown to us. 答案15AACBD .读后续写微技能 读后续写微技能动作描写 A阅读课文中含有动作描写的句子。 1It looks like she has just flown down out of the sky and is standing on a ship. 2Her head and arms are missing,but you can imagine her holding her arms up high,celebrating the result of an ancient battle. 3.we can still feel the power within its burning eyes,bared teeth and kicking hooves. B判断下列句子是否表示动作描写的。 14 1The horses,whether resting or on the move,offered him plenty of inspiration.() 2When I look into her eyes it seems she has a mind of her own.() 3Those who saw Han Gans horse paintings all sang high praises for his unique skill,saying that his horses“could gallop off the paper” () 答案13Unit 4Amazing art 栏目导航 栏目导航 预习新知早知道 理解课文精研读 2 栏目导航 栏目导航 预习新知早知道 理解课文精研读 3 栏目导航 栏目导航 预习新知早知道 理解课文精研读 4 栏目导航 栏目导航 预习新知早知道 理解课文精研读 5 栏目导航 栏目导航 预习新知早知道 理解课文精研读 6 栏目导航 栏目导航 预习新知早知道 理解课文精研读 7 栏目导航 栏目导航 预习新知早知道 理解课文精研读 8 栏目导航 栏目导航 预习新知早知道 理解课文精研读 9 栏目导航 栏目导航 预习新知早知道 理解课文精研读 10 栏目导航 栏目导航 预习新知早知道 理解课文精研读 11 栏目导航 栏目导航 预习新知早知道 理解课文精研读 Section Preparation for the unit 12 栏目导航 栏目导航 预习新知早知道 理解课文精
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