2021年春人教版八年级下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came(A 1a-2d)课件.zip


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展开 2021年春人教版八年级下册Unit5WhatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcameA1a-2d课件.zip2021年春人教版八年级下册Unit5WhatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcameA1a-2d课件.zip
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Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? R八年级下册八年级下册 Section A 1a-2d Words review 暴风雨暴风雨 (n.) 闹钟闹钟 (n.) 开始开始 (v.) 在很大程度上;大量地在很大程度上;大量地 (adv.) 突然;忽然突然;忽然 (adv.) 奇特的;奇怪的奇特的;奇怪的 (adj.) rainstorm alarm begin (began) heavily suddenly strange Read quickly rainstorm alarm begin heavilysuddenly strange 短语互译。 1. (闹钟)发出声响 _________ off 2. 在的时候 ____________ 3. 醒来 ______ up 4. waiting for _____________ 5. pick up _____________ 6. be busy doing sth. _____________ go at the time of wake 等待 接电话 忙于做某事 Lead-in Listen and feel What is the weather like? There are many black clouds in the sky. It rains heavily. rainstorm 1a Where were the people at the time of the rainstorm? Match the statements with the people in the picture. 在在的时候的时候= heavy rain 暴风雨暴风雨 What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? 1. ____ I was in the library. 2. ____ I was in my house. 3. ____ I was on the street. 4. ____ I was at the bus stop. b a d c Listen to the TV report and circle the correct responses. 1b a. doing my homework / studying b. playing basketball / reading c. going to work / waiting for the bus d. walking home / shopping Tapescripts in the studio Reporter: The weather is __________ today! But yesterdays rainstorm was the heaviest one so far this year. So, what were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm? beautiful Girl: Boy: outside the studio, on the street I was at home ___________________. But I could hear the heavy rain against my bedroom window. I was _______ at the library after school. Im so glad I didnt decide to play basketball! doing my homework reading Woman: Man: I was ________________ after work. Then the rain suddenly started and I got all wet. I was ____________ from the supermarket. Luckily, I had an umbrella, but I still got wet! waiting for the bus walking home back in the studio Reporter: Looks like many people were caught in the rain yesterday. Many took hours to get home Talk about what the people in 1a were doing at the time of the rainstorm. 1c A: What was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm? B: She was. 过去进行时 What was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm? She was at home doing her homework. Role-play He was reading at the library after school. ____________ ? What was the boy doing at the time of the rainstorm? What was the woman doing at the time of the rainstorm? ___________. She was waiting for the bus after work. He ____ ____ home from the supermarket. What was the man doing at the time of the rainstorm?He was walking home from the supermarket. Guess : What happened to the boy? 2aListen and number the pictures 1-5. 4 4 15 32 2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the sentences in 2a. My alarm didnt go off so I ______ up late.wok e I _____ to the bus stop but I still missed the bus. ran (闹钟)发出响声 醒来 I ___________ for the bus when it began to rain heavily. was waiting I ____ so busy _______ for the umbrella that I didnt see a car coming. was lookin g be busy doing sth. 忙于做 某事 等待 I took a hot shower and ____ some warm food. at e 洗热水澡 Tapescripts Yesterday was a terrible day. My alarm didnt go off so I ________ late. It was seven thirty when I woke up, and I needed to be at school by eight! I ____to the bus stop but, I still missed the bus. It was eight thirty when I got to school. My teacher was ______ and I felt ____ all day. At four thirty, it was time to go home. Boy: woke up ran angry bad I ___________ for the bus whenall of a sudden it began to rain heavily. It was like a really crazy rainstorm! I thought I had an umbrella in my schoolbag, so I kept trying to look for it. I _____ so busy _______ for the umbrella that I didnt see a car coming. And it got water all over me! was waiting was looking 过去进行时 I was waiting like that completely wet for maybe almost an hour. Finally, the bus came and brought me home. I took a hot shower and _____ some warm food. It felt so good to be home! ate Listen and fill in the blanks. It was ______, my alarm didnt go off so I woke up late. Then I ran to the bus stop but I still missed the bus. It was _____ when I got to school. A terrible day 7:30 8:30 It was _____, it was time to go home. I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily. After that, I was so busy looking for the umbrella that I didnt see a car coming. And it got water all over me. ________, the bus came and brought me home. I took a hot shower and ate some warm food. Finally 4:30 2c Use the information in 2a to retell the story in a conversation between the boy and a TV reporter. Tell us what happened yesterday morning. So, when the rainstorm suddenly came, what were you doing? 突然;忽然 =all of a sudden Tell us what happened yesterday morning. I got up late and missed the bus. So I was late for school. Role-play So, when the rainstorm suddenly came, what were you doing? I was waiting for the bus. 2dRole-play the conversation. What were you doing last night, Linda? I called at seven and you didnt pick up. Oh, I was in the kitchen helping my mom. I see. I called again at eight and you didnt answer then either. What was I doing at eight? Oh, I know. When you called, I was taking a shower. 接电话 “也”,只用于否定句 Mary Linda But then I called again at nine. Oh, I was sleeping at that time. So early? Thats strange. Yeah, I was tired. Why did you call so many times? I needed help with my homework. So while you were sleeping, I called Jenny and she helped me. 奇特的,奇怪的 那么多 Listen and answer the following questions. 1. What was Linda doing at 7 last night? 2. What was she doing at 8 last night? 3. What was she doing at 9 last night? She was in the kitchen helping her mom. She was taking a shower. She was sleeping. 4. How many times did Mary call Linda? 5. Why did Mary call so many times? 6. Who helped Mary at last? Jenny did. She needed help with her homework. Three times. Read the conversation and fill in the blanks. when what was Linda doing where 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. helping her mom taking a shower sleeping in the kitchen in the bathroom in the bedroom Read again and fill in the blanks. Mary: What were you doing last night, Linda? I called _________ and you didnt _________. Linda: Oh, I was in the kitchen __________________. Mary: I see. I called again ________ and you didnt _________ then either. Linda: What was I doing at eight? Oh, I know. When you called, I was _______________. pick upat seven helping my mom at eight answer taking a shower Mary: But then I called again _______. Linda: Oh, I ____________ at that time. Mary: So early? Thats _________. Linda: Yeah, I was ______. Why did you call so many times? Mary: I needed _________ my homework. So while you were sleeping, I ______ Jenny and she ____________. at nine was sleeping strange tired help with called helped me Fill in the blanks according to the conversation. Mary called Linda many times last night because she ________________________________, but Linda didnt _________. At seven, Linda was in the kitchen _______________. At eight, she was ______________. At nine, she ____________ at that time for she was ______. Finally, Mary called Jenny and she ______ her. needed help with her homework pick up helping her momtaking a shower was sleeping tiredhelped Language points 1. My alarm didnt go off so I woke up late. go off (闹钟)发出声响 我的闹钟不能发出响声,它坏了。我的闹钟不能发出响声,它坏了。 My alarm cant go off and it doesnt work. go off 的其他用法的其他用法 : (1 1)意为)意为“离开离开”。 He went off in a great hurry. (2 2)意为)意为“(食物、饮料)变质;变坏(食物、饮料)变质;变坏”。 这杯牛奶这杯牛奶变质变质了。了。 他非常匆忙地离开了。他非常匆忙地离开了。 This cup of milk goes off. (3 3)意为)意为“爆炸;开火爆炸;开火”。 炸弹爆炸了,炸死了三个人。炸弹爆炸了,炸死了三个人。 (4 4)意为)意为“( (灯灯) )熄灭;停熄灭;停( (电电) )”。 如果房间里没人,灯会熄灭。如果房间里没人,灯会熄灭。 The bomb went off, killing three people. Lights will go off if no one is in the room. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (湖南株洲中考)(湖南株洲中考) The boss was late for the meeting because his alarm clock didnt ______ . A. go off B. go out C. go on 2. I ran to the bus stop but I still missed the bus. miss在此句中作及物动词,意为在此句中作及物动词,意为“错过错过”。 例:例:Be quick, or you will miss the early bus. 快点儿,否则你会错过早班车的。快点儿,否则你会错过早班车的。 miss作及物动词时,还可意为作及物动词时,还可意为“怀念;思念怀念;思念”。 例:例:She will miss him when he leaves. 他走了以后,她会想念他的。他走了以后,她会想念他的。 串记串记: Mrs. White missed her sons birthday party. She misses him very much. 怀特夫人怀特夫人错过错过了儿子的生日派对。她很了儿子的生日派对。她很想念想念他。他。 3. I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily. (1) begin意为意为“开始开始”,后接,后接to do/ doing, 可与可与start互换。互换。 其过去式、过去分词和现在分词分别其过去式、过去分词和现在分词分别 为为began,begun, beginning。 begin begin to do sth. 开始做某事 to begin with 首先;起初 begin的常见用法有的常见用法有 : begin with 以开始 At the age of 12, he began to write his own book. 聚会聚会以以一个游戏一个游戏开始开始。 他十二岁时,开始编写自己的书。他十二岁时,开始编写自己的书。 The party began with a game. 首先,你应该种下一颗种子。首先,你应该种下一颗种子。 To begin with, you should plant a small seed. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (2) rain 作动词时,意为作动词时,意为“下雨下雨”; 作名词时,意为作名词时,意为“雨雨”。 相似词语:相似词语:heavy rain 大雨大雨 light rain小雨小雨 注意:不能用注意:不能用large/small rain来表达大来表达大/小雨。小雨。 (3) heavily是形容词是形容词heavy的副词形式,意为的副词形式,意为“在在 很大程度上;大量地很大程度上;大量地”,相当于,相当于hard。 雨下得很大。雨下得很大。 It was raining heavily. (贵州铜仁中考)(贵州铜仁中考) Look! Its raining ______. Thats right. The rain is too ______ to go shopping. A. heavily; heavy B. heavily; heavily C. heavy; heavy D. heavy; heavily 4. I called at seven and you didnt pick up. pick up 此处意为此处意为“接电话接电话”,相当于,相当于 pick up the phone。 你能帮我接下电话吗?你能帮我接下电话吗? Could you please pick up the phone for me? pick up 还有以下含义:还有以下含义: 捡起;拾起捡起;拾起 请把钢笔捡起来。请把钢笔捡起来。 Pick the pen up, please. 采;摘采;摘 上周末我们帮助农民摘苹果上周末我们帮助农民摘苹果。 Last weekend we helped farmers pick up apples. 开车接开车接 Will you pick me up at my house? 你可以到我家来接我吗?你可以到我家来接我吗? 学会;获得学会;获得 They were picking up the skills quickly. 他们正很快地掌握技术。他们正很快地掌握技术。 (河北中考)(河北中考) Can you help me _________ the pen? Its under your chair. A. ask for B. look for C. pick up D. put up 5. I called again at eight and you didnt answer then either. either在此作副词,在此作副词,“也也”,位于,位于否定句句末否定句句末。 昨天我没有看电视,也没有看电影。昨天我没有看电视,也没有看电影。 Yesterday I didnt watch TV. I didnt see a film, either. 辨析:辨析:either, too与与also either too also 通常用于 否定句 通常用于 肯定句 一般位于句末,其前可加逗号。 不如also正式,常用于口语中, 一般位于句末,其前可加逗号。 正式用语,常位于be动词、情态 动词和助动词之后,实义动词之前 。 either还可作限定词,意为还可作限定词,意为“(两者中的)任一(两者中的)任一 的的”,修饰,修饰可数名词单数可数名词单数。 街道两旁有许多商店。街道两旁有许多商店。 There are many shops on either side of the street. (安顺中考)(安顺中考) Where would you like to go tomorrow, Huangguoshu Waterfall or Dragon Palace? _________ is OK for me. Its up to you. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All 6. Thats strange. strange形容词,奇特的;奇怪的;陌生的形容词,奇特的;奇怪的;陌生的 strangely副词,奇怪地副词,奇怪地 stranger名词,陌生人名词,陌生人 be strange to 对对感到陌生感到陌生 (福建中考)(福建中考) How _________! There are no workers in the bank. Its the first self-service bank in China. A. strange B. scary C. boring Summar y 1. beginbegan/begun/beginning begin to do sth. begin with to begin with 2. strangestrangelystranger be strange to 3. go off(闹钟)发出声响(闹钟)发出声响 离开离开(食物、饮料)变质;变坏(食物、饮料)变质;变坏 爆炸;开火(灯)熄灭;停(电) 4. I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain heavily. 5. What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm? She was doing her homework. Exercise 1. It was raining ______ when my sister and I got to the museum. A. badly B. softly C. hardly D. heavily 2. Thats _______. I am sure Judy was right here one minute ago and yet she said she was in Shanghai. A. useful B. fair C. simple D. strange 一、单项选择 3. What did you learn in geography class yesterday? I learned that the sun _______ in the east. A. was rising B. rises C. rose 4. My alarm didnt _______ this morning, so I was late for school. A. go off B. get off C. get on D. run off 1. 格林先生七年前开始学中文。格林先生七年前开始学中文。 Mr. Green _______ _______ _______ Chinese seven years ago. 2. 昨天午饭期间,你在做什么?昨天午饭期间,你在做什么? What were you doing _______ _______ _______ _______ lunch yesterday? began to study 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 at the time of 3. 我给你打了那么多次电话,但是没有人接。我给你打了那么多次电话,但是没有人接。 I _____ you so _____ times, but nobody _________. 4. 我的闹钟也没有响。我的闹钟也没有响。 My alarm didnt ____________. 5. 我跑向公共汽车站但还是错过了公共汽车。我跑向公共汽车站但还是错过了公共汽车。 I ______ the bus stop but I still ______ the bus. go off either ran tomissed called manypicked up
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