2021年春八年级下册人教版英语 全册 单元测试卷(有答案 及 听力MP3;10份打包).rar


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Unit 10单元测试卷单元测试卷 得分________卷后分________评价________ 听力部分(20 分) 一、听句子,选择相符的图片。(51 分5 分) A B C D E 1__B__2.__E__3.__D__4.__C__5.__A__ 二、听短对话,选择正确的答案。(51 分5 分) (B)6.When did the boy buy the kite? AIn 2014. BFive years ago. CAt the age of five. (B)7.How often does the boy call his parents? A.Every day. BOnce a week. CThree times a week. (A)8.When did the boys mother begin to work in the factory? AIn 2003. BIn 2004. CIn 2001. (B)9.What will Paul do? ADance to the song. BClear out the old things. CHelp the girl with homework. (C)10.What does the girl think of Shanghai? AOld and noisy. BHot and crowded. CBusy and beautiful. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(51 分5 分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。 (B)11.When will the next bus arrive? AAt 4:03 pm. BAt 4:13 pm. CAt 4:30 pm. (C)12.How long did it take the girls father to get to school in old days? A.20 minutes. B40 minutes. CAn hour. 听下面一段对话,回答第 1315 小题。 (A)13.Who gave the watch to Michael? ADanny. BMandy. CHis parents. (B)14.When will Michaels yard sale start? AAt about 2:40 pm. BAt about 3:00 pm. CAt about 3:40 pm. (B)15.What will Mandy do this afternoon? AJoin in the yard sale. BHave a piano class. CVisit her cousin. 四、听短文,完成下列句子,每空一词。(51 分5 分) 16Different people have different hobbies 17Jenny thinks swimming makes her strong and healthy 18David has been collecting stamps since he was eight years old. 19David has over 500 stamps from different countries 20Rose has watched English movies for four/4 years. 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项选择。(101 分10 分) (D)21.The museum is the oldest ______ the three buildings. Awithin Bbetween Cin Damong (B)22.The cake tastes ______. Yes, I made it with enough sugar. Asoft Bsweet Chard Dhot (D)23.Sam seems to love all sports. Right, ______ swimming. Acertainly Bsuddenly Csecondly Despecially (C)24.Reading is my hobby. What about you, Tina? ______ me, dancing is my favorite. ABecause of BInstead of CAs for DUp to (B)25.They ______ her as a poor woman. Actually, shes very rich. Athink Bregard Ccheck Dsearch (B)26.Will you throw away these old clothes? No, Ive decided ______ a yard sale. Ahave Bto have Chaving Dto having (D)27.How long ______ your brother ______ the train and railway set? Since his sixth birthday. Ahave;owned Bhas;bought Chave;bought Dhas;owned (D)28.Are you going to watch the movie? No, it ______ for an hour. Afinishes Bfinished Chas finished Dhas been over (D)29.I dont want to ______ my old friends. You can still communicate with them after going to a new school. Aclear out Bcheck out Chelp with Dpart with (C)30.Many people buy the coats made of animals fur. ______ We should take action to protect animals. AThats a good idea! BIt doesnt matter. CWhat a shame! DI dont think so. 六、完形填空。(151 分15 分) He Xuebin is a traditional Chinese artist born in Meishan, Sichuan. She told us something about her __31__ recently. A report showed that the number of visitors to Meishan __32__ 43.57 million in 2017. It was of course a huge __33__. People in the city made a lot of money from tourism (旅游业). __34__ the same report, 26,300 farmers turned to work in tourism or other related service sectors. Meishan is the hometown of Su Dongpo, a famous Chinese poet (诗人) and artist in __35__ times. Ever since 2011, the government of Meishan has __36__ hard to make Meishan a cultural (文化的) city. According to He Xuebin, the government has improved the environment and __37__ lots of cultural activities related to Su. As one example, it took the city five years to turn Dongpo Lake __38__ a beautiful place of interest. It was full of waste in the __39__. What was __40__, a national museum opened in Meishan in July 2012.The theme of the museum is paocai. __41__ was that? Because it was a kind of food Su Dongpo loved very much. And making paocai __42__ has become a leading industry (工业) in the city. __43__ not all the cultural activities play a big role in the development of the city, weve already seen __44__ unbelievable changes. He believed that the government should do much more to __45__ tourism. And the city is sure to make some greater progress in the future. (B)31.A.shame Bhometown Cmuseum Dchildhood (A)32.A.reached Bsearched Cconsidered Dregarded (C)33.A.progress Bproblem Csuccess Deffort (C)34.A.As for BClose to CAccording to DNo longer (D)35.A.soft Bmodern Copposite Dancient (C)36.A.played Btried Cworked Dmade (D)37.A.counted Bchecked Cparted Dheld (B)38.A.out Binto Cof Das (D)39.A.nowadays Btime Cfuture Dpast (C)40.A.important Bwrong Cmore Dworst (A)41.A.Why BWhen CWhat DWhere (A)42.A.also Balone Cnever Donly (B)43.A.Until BAlthough CIf DWhen (C)44.A.junior Bwide Ccertain Dfallen (D)45.A.own Bclear Ccollect Ddevelop 七、阅读理解。(152 分30 分) A Sydney Tower is one of the most famous towers all over the world. It is in Australia.It has a long history. Every day, thousands of visitors come to take a trip here. If you want to take a trip here, you should know some information about it. Address:100 Market St,Sydney Phone:02 9333 9222 Fax:02 9333 9206 Open time:9:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. (Saturdays to 11:30 pm.) Ticket:$60(for an adult) $30(for a child) Website: How to get there:train to Town Hall Station and a short walk along Market Street How to book tickets:by phone/fax or through the web Attractions:Sydneys best views (风景) are just the beginning! Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 360 views of our beautiful city. (D)46.Sydney Tower is ______ in Sydney, Australia. Athe busiest street Bthe biggest station Cthe most beautiful Dthe highest point (A)47.If you want to book a ticket to Sydney Tower,you can NOT ______ Aemail Bfax 02 9333 9206 Csearch Dcall 02 9333 9222 (D)48.Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his three children. He will pay ______ A$60 B$90 C$120 D$150 (B)49.Last Saturday,Johnson went to visit Sydney Tower.He had to get down the tower ______ Aafter 11:30 pm. Bbefore 11:30 pm. Cat 10:30 pm. Dby 10:30 pm. (D)50.The passage above is probably ______ Aa piece of news Ba conversation (谈话) Ca science fiction Dan advertisement B In 1955, 22yearold Wang Yanming left his hometown in Hebei Province for Karamay (克 拉玛依) in the Gobi Desert, for a job as an oil worker. In the more than 60 years, he has seen Karamays change from a desert village into a modern city. “There was almost no grass, ” said Wang, who has been planting trees in Karamay for the past 33 years since retiring as an oilfield manager. “Thousands of workers left every year because they couldnt stand the difficult conditions here. I wanted to do something about that, and I started to plant trees. At first, no trees could survive (存活) ” And he had heart disease and could hardly walk a few steps without resting. “I just told myself not to abandon, ” Wang said. “We sacrificed (牺牲) the environment to oil production in the past, and now Im going to try to make up for the losses.” Growing trees in the desert is not easy. Wang had to start by improving the soil (土壤) and experimenting (试验) with different kinds of trees. After he had planted enough trees at the factory, Wang turned his attention to an abandoned garbage dump (垃圾场). He led a greening work team and made the dirty, smelly site into a place of trees and now known as Yanming Parkthe first park named after a real person in Karamay. “The park has become a part of my life, and every tree is my child, ” Wang said.“I will not stop planting trees here until the day I die.” (C)51.Wang Yanming was born in ______ A1930 B1931 C1933 D1942 (D)52.What does the underlined word “abandon” in the third paragraph mean? AGet off. BPick up. CTake off. DGive up. (D)53.At first Wang Yanming had to ______ Aget a free place for planting trees Bask the leader to allow him to plant trees Ctell the other workers not to leave Dimprove the soil and get proper young trees (A)54.Wang Yanming planted trees ______ at the beginning. Aat the factory Bat an old garbage dump Cby a lake Dalong a river (A)55.Whats the main idea of the passage? ARetired manager makes wasteland a park. BRetired manager plants a lot of trees. CAn old man plants trees in the desert every day. DAn old man built his own park. C 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Do you know yard sale? Have you ever bought something interesting in yard sales? I have. 56C We could always find good things among other things there. For example, some new crayons or a great novel with lower price could excite us. 57.E So we regarded it as a good way to buy things with less money. We picked a train and railway set, a football shirt and some interesting books at first. And later I found a beautiful coffee cup with a nice lid (盖子) on one of the tables. 58.B Would it be an expensive one? I was not sure, but it was so nice that I didnt want to part with it. So I carried it with my other things. 59.D So she said, “Fifty cents?” And then I bought it. When I got home and tried to wash it, I found there was coffee inside the cup! 60.A I laughed and showed it to my brother. He noticed that it said CIA (美国情报局) on the bottom (底部). “Well, ” he said, “if the person is really from the CIA, he should be able to find you!” A.I bought someones real coffee cup! BI looked at it for a while, but found it didnt have a price. CTwo years ago, I went to a yard sale with my brother. DBefore paying for them, the house owner also checked it and found no price. ETo be honest, we were just poor students and the things there were usually cheap. 八、词汇运用。(共 15 分) A)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(51 分5 分) truesearchcertainmemoryhonest 61For certain reasons I will be unable to go to the meeting. 62Are you being completely truthful with me? 63You shouldnt tell lies to others and learn to be honest 64We searched around for hours, but couldnt find the key. 65We went to Paris during the summer holiday. We had some sweet memories in our hearts there. B)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(52 分10 分) 66这个面包机是我在一个庭院拍卖会买的。 I bought the bread maker at a yard sale 67我们已经从卧室里清理出了所有的东西。 We have already cleared out all the things from the bedroom. 68据迈克说, 唐人街探案是一部很棒的电影。 According to Mike, Detective Chinatown is a wonderful film. 69王峰在这所初中上了两年学了。 Wang Feng has studied in this junior high school for two years. 70小梅想留下这些布绒玩具,但她最后还是把它们都捐出去了。 Xiaomei wanted to keep the soft toys, but she gave them away at last. 九、补全对话。(51 分5 分) 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,有两项多余。 A:Hi! My name is Bob, and Im your new neighbor. B:Oh, hi! Im Nelly. Nice to meet you. A:Me, too. 71.F B:For five years. This is a nice place. A:I agree. I moved in yesterday. 72.D B:And the neighbors are friendly. 73.G A:Sounds great. How many times have you held it? B:74.A You can join us next time if youre interested. A:Sure, Id like to. When is it? B:Next month. 75.C Its a great way to deal with the things you dont use and find something good at a lower price. A:Thank you! I cant wait to join it. AFour times. BCan I take part in it? CIll let you know before it. DIve found it quiet and clean. EI have been there once so far. FHow long have you been here? GWe often have a yard sale together. 十、短文填词。 (101 分10 分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 changechildhoodnowadaysmountain pickpasswideespeciallyneedvisit Jiang Huabing loves his hometown, Yanan. He is 18 and is a student of a university 76.nowadays. His hometown has a population of about 2.26 million. And it is an old city with a long history. In the past his hometown 77.needed poverty alleviation (扶贫) greatly. But he found there were many 78.changes in his hometown when he came back this time. The road is 79.wider than it was last year. And it is possible for four cars 80.to pass at the same time. In his new house he can see most of the town. Many farmers 81.are picking apples. Apple cultivation (种植) helps his hometown get richer. There are more 82.visitors coming to visit the mountains. Pagoda Hill is one of the 83.mountains. It is famous for its special stone carving (石刻). He remembers during his 84.childhood, he often played there. And now it is a “good catch (抢手货)” for visitors. People, 85.especially those who like the history of Yanan, will visit Pagoda. Jiang Huabing tells us he will work for his hometown one day. 十一、书面表达。(15 分) 假如你是王海,你们家计划在周六下午举行一场庭院拍卖会。请你根据表格内容和具 体要求,用英文写一张拍卖会的告示。 提示: Time2:00 pm.5:00 pm. PlaceNo. 55, Xinhua Road Things to sellA railway set, some toys, a coffee maker 要求:1.包含上表中的所有信息,语句通顺、语意连贯、语法正确; 270 词左右,可适当发挥,注意告示的格式。 NOTICE There will be a yard sale at my house on Saturday afternoon. It will last three hours, from 2:00 pm. to 5:00 pm. Well sell many things at that time, such as a railway set, a coffee maker, some toys and so on. The railway set is mine. Ive had it for almost seven years. Its a birthday gift from my mother. I no longer use it, but it is still good and may be useful to you. All the things will be very cheap but they are quite good. First come, First served. My house is at No. 55 on Xinhua Road. Come and visit us then!Unit 1单元测试卷单元测试卷 得分________卷后分________评价________ 听力部分(20 分) 一、听句子,选择恰当的答语。(51 分5 分) (C)1.A.No, I cant. BYes, I will. CYes, you should. (A)2.A.No, I dont. BIm sorry. CThank you. (B)3.A.To the park. BI have a fever. CYou should see a doctor. (C)4.A.For a week. BIts a beautiful dress. CBecause I stayed up last night. (C)5.A.On Friday. BI dont like cats. CYes, Id like to. 二、听短对话,选择相符的图片。 (51 分5 分) (B)6.What hit Tom this afternoon? A B C (A)7.What does the man advise the girl to do? A B C (A)8.Whats the matter with the boy? A B C (A)9.Where is the boys grandmother? A B C (C)10.How did the woman feel about the story? A B C 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。 (51 分5 分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。 (C)11.How did Kevin feel? AUpset. BBored. CTired. (A)12.What did Jane advise Kevin to do? AGo to bed early. BTake some medicine. CStop playing video games. 听下面一段对话,回答第 1315 小题。 (B)13.When did the car accident happen? AThis morning. BYesterday evening. CYesterday afternoon. (C)14.Where was Jenny before the accident happened? AIn a park. BIn the hospital. CIn the library. (B)15.How many people were hurt? AFour. BThree. CTwo. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(51 分5 分) (B)16.Where does Mr. Brown work? AIn a school. BIn a hospital. CIn a restaurant. (B)17.Whats the matter with Alice? AShe has a sore back. BShe has a cold. CShe has a headache. (C)18.How often should Tom take medicine? AThree times a day. BTwice a day. COnce a day. (C)19.Who has a sore throat? ATom. BBob. CMary. (A)20.What else should Mary do? ADrink hot tea with honey. BHave a good rest. CDrink more water. 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项选择。(101 分10 分) (B)21.The woman took ______ Xray and she showed ______ Xray to the doctor. Aa;the Ban;the Ca;a Dan;an (D)22.It was cold outside so we sat round the fire to keep ______ warm. Aour Bwe Cours Dourselves (B)23.Oh,I feel terrible.I have a bad ______. You should see a dentist. Athroat Btoothache Ccold Dcough (A)24.My mother talks with me about the ______ of health over and over again. So does my mother. Mothers always care much about health. Aimportance Bdecision Cspirit Dsituation (B)25.Did you see Jane? I cant find her in the classroom. Oh, she is ______ and having a rest at home. Acomfortable Bsick Cangry Davailable (D)26.Timmy, you ______ drink c
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