2021年春八年级下册人教版英语Unit 4 单元测试卷(有答案 及 听力MP3).zip


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Unit 4单元测试卷单元测试卷 得分________卷后分________评价________ 听力部分(20 分) 一、听句子,选择相符的图片。(51 分5 分) (C)1.A.B.C. (B)2.A.B.C. (A)3.A.B.C. (B)4.A.B.C. (C)5.A.B.C. 二、听短对话,选择正确的答案。(51 分5 分) (A)6.Why does Jack feel sad? AHe didnt pass the English test. BHe got a bad cold. CHe had a fight with his brother. (C)7.What is John going to do this weekend? AGo camping. BWatch a movie. CStudy for a test. (B)8.Why cant the boy play football this afternoon? AThe weather is bad. BHis friends are not free. CHe hurt his legs. (A)9.Where was Mary last week? AIn hospital. BAt home. CAt school. (C)10.What is Jack going to do? AWatch a movie. BTake a trip. CHave a party. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(51 分5 分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 11、12 小题。 (B)11.Who got the worst grade in English test? AJane. BJim. CFrank. (B)12.What does Jane advise Jim to do? AJim shouldnt call up his best friend. BJim should study harder. CJim should write to his best friend. 听下面一段对话,回答第 1315 小题。 (C)13.What is the girl worried about? AHer homework. BHer father. CHer exams. (B)14.Can the girl eat well? AYes, she can. BNo, she cant. CWe dont know. (B)15.Why shouldnt Mary drink coffee or tea? ABecause its unhealthy. BBecause she wont be able to sleep. CBecause she cant relax. 四、听短文,完成下列表格,每空一词。 (51 分5 分) Jerrys 16problem He thought there was somebody under his bed. Treatment (治疗) Come to the doctors office 17.three times a week for a year. 18.One hundred dollar(s) each time. Six 19.months later, Jerry met the doctor and told him a worker (工人) helped him for only $10. The way is to cut off the 20.legs of the bed. 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项选择。(101 分10 分) (D)21.Sally pushed ______ so hard, and as a result, she got ill. Amyself Byourself Chimself Dherself (A)22.Its raining outside, so we cant go out. Lets play computer games ______. Ainstead Banymore Canyway Dperhaps (B)23.I cant get on with my parents. It makes me sad. Maybe you need more ______ with them. Ajoy Bcommunication Cpressure Ddeals (C)24.Rick is ______ about football. He always plays it in his free time. Awrong Bquick Ccrazy Dproper (B)25.Yesterday I argued ______ Li Lei ______ where to go next Sunday. Ato;about Bwith;about Cwith;at Dto;with (B)26.You should tell your parents your ideas ______ they can understand you better. Awhile Bso that Cas soon as Dalthough (B)27.What a sunny day! Why dont we ______ for a trip? Thats a great idea. Agoing Bgo Cto go Dto going (C)28.If we dont ______ the first problem, its hard to move on to the next step. Agive out Bcut out Cwork out Drun out (B)29.Does your mother allow you ______ out with us? No. She asks me to study at home. Ahang Bto hang Changing Dto hanging (C)30.I made a mistake in the math exam. ______. Dont think about it all the time. AWell done BSorry to hear that CIts not a big deal DOf course 六、完形填空。(101 分10 分) I ran into a stranger (撞上一个陌生人) as he passed by this morning. I said sorry __31__ him, and he replied, “Excuse me too, I wasnt watching out for you.” We were very polite (有礼 貌的), and then we went on our way __32__ saying goodbye. Later that day, when I was cooking, my daughter Betty__33__ too close to me. When I turned around, I almost knocked her down (撞倒). “Move out of the way, ” I shouted in a(n) __34__ way. She ran away, crying. While I was in bed that evening, my husband (丈夫) said to me, “You were so rude (粗鲁的) to Betty. It was __35__. Go and look around on the kitchen floor. Youll find some __36__ there. Betty picked them __37__ this afternoon.” I went to Bettys bed quickly, hugged (拥抱) her and said, “My dear, I am so sorry for what I did today. Are these the flowers you __38__ for me?” She smiled and said, “Yes, I picked them because they were pretty like you. I guess __39__ you would like them.” That day Betty gave me a lesson on how to __40__ with each other in the family. If we can be polite to strangers, why cant we do the same to the ones we love? (B)31.A.for Bto Cat Dwith (C)32.A.if Bunless Cafter Dbefore (D)33.A.guessed Binvited Coffered Dstood (D)34.A.shy Bexciting Cproper Dcrazy (A)35.A.wrong Bright Cusual Dclear (B)36.A.photos Bflowers Cclouds Dsnacks (C)37.A.himself Bthemselves Cherself Dourselves (D)38.A.explained Bpushed Ccompeted Dpicked (C)39.A.already Balmost Cperhaps Dsecondly (A)40.A.communicate Bcause Ccompare Dreturn 七、阅读理解。(152 分30 分) A Dear Bob, My roommate (室友) Jerry tries to talk to me too much. I dont really like him, so I dont like to talk to him. But whenever (无论何时) he notices that Im free, he will come over to bother (打 扰) me. I want him to leave me alone, but I dont want to hurt him. What should I do? Peter Dear Peter, Im a pretty quiet person like you. I dont really like to talk too much eithereven with people I like. I can understand how you feel. And I might be able to give you some advice. Do you have other friends at school? Maybe you can just try to leave your dormitory (宿舍) and spend more time with your friends. You could also find a new hobby that takes up more of your time. If Jerry sees that youre busy working on something, he might not bother you. However, youd better just tell Jerry that you would like to stay alone. You dont have to tell him that you dont like himjust tell him that youre a little shy. He will probably understand. Bob (D)41.What is Peters problem? AHe has too many roommates. BHis roommate doesnt like him. CHis roommate is too quiet. DHe doesnt like to talk to his roommate. (A)42.According to the material, Bob is ______. Aquiet Boutgoing Cfunny Dtalented (B)43.Why does Bob ask Peter to find a new hobby? ATo learn new things. BTo take up his time. CTo make new friends. DTo share it with his roommate. (B)44.Bob gives ______ pieces of advice to Peter. Atwo Bthree Cfive Dsix (C)45.Which of the following is TRUE? APeters roommate will bother him when he is busy. BBob only likes to talk to the people he likes. CBob is kind and understanding. DPeter can tell his roommate that he doesnt like him according to Bob. B Ethan is 21 years old now. His classmates often laughed at his build before. “People always laughed at my build when I was really young. It started in primary school, went all the way through middle school, high school and into college, ” Ethan said. He reached his top weight (体 重) of 378 pounds (磅) when he was 19. Ethan knew he had to make a change, so he started eating less and exercising more. He was able to lose 30 pounds by himself before joining Anytime Fitness, a 24hour gym (健身房). He exercised hard there every day. Just 18 months later, Ethan lost about half of his body weight. Ethan is now telling others to live in more active (积极的) and healthier ways. He goes to a local walking group twice a week to help others get out of heavy weight. “I want people to know that they have to keep doing it, ” he said. “You cant make it in one night. Its going to take time.” He ran in the Chicago Marathon on October 13.He also raised money for a group called Action for Healthy Kids. It helps to make schools healthier places for kids to grow up. (B)46.What can we learn from Paragraph 1? AEthan is 378 pounds now. BPeople laughed at Ethan because he was too fat. CPeople started laughing at Ethan when he was in middle school. DEthan reached his top weight three years ago. (D)47.What was Ethans weight 18 months after he joined the gym? AAbout 378 pounds. BAbout 348 pounds. CAbout 189 pounds. DAbout 174 pounds. (C)48.The underlined word “it” in the third paragraph refers to “______” Athe gym Bthe walking group Closing weight Deating less (A)49.What did Ethan do to help others live a more active and healthier life? He called for more people to join Anytime Fitness. He told others losing weight is going to take time. He ran in the Chicago Marathon. He raised money for Action for Healthy Kids. A B C D (D)50.Whats the passage mainly about? AWhat Ethan did to help children lose weight. BWhen Ethan decided to make a change. CHow the group Action for Healthy Kids helped people. DWhat Ethan did to lose weight and help people live a healthier life. C 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 When you dont feel good,you may want to share your feelings with others.In fact,that is a good way to make yourself feel better. 51.__C__ Focusing on Your True Feelings. You cant tell your friends how you feel if you dont know your real feelings. 52.__D__ Why Talk About Your Feelings? The way a person feels inside is important. 53.__A__ But if you talk with someone who cares about you,you will always start to feel better.It doesnt mean your problems and worries go away at once,but at least someone else knows whats bothering (困扰) you and can help you find solutions. How to Talk About Your Feelings? When you know who you can talk with,youll need to find a time and a place to talk.What can you do if you have trouble saying whats in your mind?54.__E__ If the person doesnt understand what you mean right away,try explaining it in a different way or give an example of your worries. You dont have to solve every problem on your own. 55.__B__ If you do,talking about your feelings can be the first step. AIf you keep your feelings inside,they can even make you feel sick! BSometimes you need help. CIt also helps you get closer to others. DBefore you can share them with anyone,you have to find out what feelings you have. EWrite it down on a piece of paper instead. 八、词汇运用。(共 15 分) A)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(51 分5 分) developnervousouthimcopy 56Theres no need to be nervous in front of strangers. 57The development of science has changed our world a lot. 58You should tell him that copying others homework is wrong. 59Clark asked if he could move to the bed and look out of the window himself 60Mom, can you cut out a few afterschool activities for me? B)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(52 分10 分) 61保持一个好习惯对孩子们有好处。 Its good for children to keep a good habit 62在我看来,你晚上应该早点上床睡觉。 In my opinion, you should go to bed early in the evening. 63不要把我和其他人比较,我已经尽力了。 Dont compare me with others,_and I have tried my best. 64彼得开始快速查看电子邮件。 Peter began looking through the emails. 65安娜在新学校里和她的同学相处得很好。 Anna gets on well with her classmates in her new school. 九、补全对话。(52 分10 分) 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,有两项多余。 A:Lily, whats wrong with you? B:66.C And Im so angry with her. A:Oh, thats terrible. Why are you angry with her? B:67.G And I even found some things broken after she returned them to me. A:Hmm.Did she say sorry to you later? B:No, she didnt. 68.D A:Oh, maybe you can tell her your feelings. B:OK, I will try it. 69.A A:Youd better talk with her in a mild (温和的) way. 70.B B:Thank you. AWhat else should I do? BYoud better not argue with her. CI have a bad relation with my sister. DShe even didnt say any words to me. EWhy dont you argue with her about it? FI had a fight with my brother yesterday. GWell, she often uses my things without telling me. 十、任务型阅读。(52 分10 分) 根据短文内容,完成文后的表格,每空一词。 Communication between teachers and parents is important for helping students learn. Thanks to the developing technology, communication becomes much easier and faster now. Here are some useful tools (工具) for better communication. Remind With Remind, you can send the latest information to anyone with a mobile phone. Teachers can send messages to all the parents, and the app (应用程序) provides more ways for parents and teachers to communicate, whether (不管) in groups or person to person. Seesaw Simple messages are not enough for some parents. They want to know more about their childrens school life. Seesaw is an app that shows all the students activities in school. With it, parents can know all the things their children are doing. Thinkwave Now more parents are busy with their work. An online gradebook (成绩册) can let parents know if their children get good grades. Thinkwave is just one of these apps. Weebly Its fast for most parents to get messages through apps, but dont forget how useful a class website (网站) can be. Weebly provides free websites for parents. Parents can know everything about the class on Weebly. Some Useful Tools for Communication Remind The app is used between teachers and 71.parents. They can communicate in 72.groups or person to person. Seesaw Parents can know all their childrens 73.activities in school through the app. Thinkwave Parents can know their childrens 74.grades in class. Weebly The Weebly is very 75.useful, because it can make parents know everything about the class. 十一、书面表达。(15 分) 假设你是温暖杂志社的一名编辑 Paul,你收到来自转校生 Amy 的来信,在信中她陈述 了转学初期在生活和学习中的各种不适应。请你给她写一封回信,帮助她走出困境。 提示:1.What should Amy do to solve the problem? 2Who can Amy ask for help? 要求:1.语句通顺,条理清晰; 2包含以上所有信息,可适当发挥; 3不少于 70 词。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Amy, Im sorry to hear that you have trouble getting used to the new school. Its normal for you to meet problems in a new environment. I have some advice for you. Firstly, you should learn to get on with your classmates. Dont be shy. When you try to get close to them, you will find it not so difficult. Secondly, you can ask your teachers or parents for help. Talk about your trouble in learning with them. They have rich experience in solving such problems and can help you a lot. Dont worry. Hope things work out. Yours, Paul
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