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英语(六年级下册)英语(六年级下册) Project 1 Being a good student 第第 1 课时课时 Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容 Project 1 Part A. Revise Units 1-4. Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标 1. Students can tell which habits are good and which are bad. 2. Students can use “a few”, “a little”, “some”, “a lot of”, “many” and “much” very well. 3. Students can talk about “My habits” or “My friends habits” and give suggestions. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 教学重点:Students can tell which habits are good and which are bad. 教学难点:Students can talk about “My habits” or “My friends habits” and give suggestions. Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Revision T: Good morning, children. Do you remember what we learnt in the last four units. S1: In Unit 1, we learned a story “A lion and the mouse”. In Unit 2, we learnt about “Good habits”. Unit 3, A healthy diet. And Unit 4 Road safety. T: What did you learn from Unit 1? S1: We should never laugh at others. Sometimes the weak can help the strong. T: Great. And I think the story also told us we should help each other. T: What good habits do you have? S2: I get up early, S3: I S4: I S5: I have some good habits, but I have some bad habits too. I T: Im glad you have many good habits. You know what bad habits you have, and you can try your best to change them. T: What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? S6: I have for T: Do you think its good for your health? S6: T: Do you know how we can cross the road safely? S7: T: Do you have any questions to ask me? S8: 【设计意图:让学生自主回顾 1 至 4 单元所学主题,选取要点进行问答,重点 关注与习惯相关的问题,为下面的交流做好预热。除了教师问学生,也鼓励学 生向老师提问,营造和谐融洽的氛围。】 Step 2 Sing a song This is the way. T: You sing well, you can get a heart. (Try to make a new song.) T: Can you make a new song like this? This is the way I brush my teeth. This is the way I go to school. T: Wonderful! T: Do you wash your face every day? Lets talk about our habits. (教师在黑板上画一个气泡,中间写 our habits) S9: At school, I .(把学生说到有关学习上的好习惯总结为 do well at school 并 板书) S10: At home, (把学生说到有关生活上的好习惯总结为 do well at home 并板书) S11: Good students have a healthy diet. (板书 have a healthy diet) S12: Good students always follow rules, traffic rules, library rules, (板书 follow rules) S13: Good students help their parents do housework, help classmates with their homework, help the elder (总结为 helpful 并板书 be helpful) S14: Good students say “good morning”, “goodbye” to teachers, parents and friends. (总结为 polite 并板书 be polite) S15: Good students never tell lies. (总结为 honest 并板书 be honest) (学生可能还会用中文说一些好学生的品质,如勇于尝试,关注环保等,教师 可以用英语说一下,简单的可以让学生重复一下) T: Good job. You can tell a lot. 【设计意图:change the song 有利于激发学生思维。学生想说但不会用英语表 达的内容允许他们适当使用中文,教师再呈现英文,持之以恒能有效扩大学生 的词汇量。】 Step 3 Lets make a survey form. T: 在表格里填入单词让这个句子变成一个好习惯!(提示:阐述理由时请注意 主语与动词的一致性) Eg: go to bedat night S16: I go to school early in the morning. S17: I do well at home. . T:Do a survey. 小组合作,完成调查问卷。 (提醒学生:如果是第三人称,不要忘记动词的变化.) (提示学生把 always, often 等频率副词用到句中) T:Many students do not have breakfast. It is not healthy. Look at the Healthy Food Pyramid, what is a healthy diet? S18: We should eat a lot of vegetables. S19: We should eat some meat. We should eat a little rice. (以上环节中的发言可以 由不同的学生互相补充完成,同样的意思也鼓励学生运用多种不同的表达,由 于篇幅原因不一一列举) T:Great! Lets pay attention to a few and a little, and then play a game. 【设计意图:此环节运用游戏、图片显示、出示关键词等多种方法呈现 a few 和 a little 的区别,旨在培养学生的区辨能力、观察能力以及运用语言大胆表达 的能力。】 Step 4 Read and write T: They are our new freinds John and Amy. They have many good habits and some bad habits. Please read and find what habits they have. Are they good habits or bad habits? S: Read the short passages and write in their book. (Check the answer.) T: What are Amys good habits? S21: T: Whats her bad habit? S22: T: What do you want to say to Amy? S23: Youre great! You have many good habits. But do not eat too many sweets because they are bad for you teeth. T: Good! What about Jack? S24: T: Do you want to say something to Jack? S25: Jack, you are a polite boy. You follow traffic rules. But you have some bad habits. We should do homework first after school. We mustnt run on the road because its too dangerous. We shouldnt watch too much TV. We should go to bed early, so that we will not be late for school. Eating too much meat is not good for us. We should eat more vegetables. T: Wonderful. I think Jack will listen to your suggestions and change a lot. Thank you. 【设计意图:在前面环节中口头表达之后再做教材的阅读书写已是水到渠成, 本环节的亮点在于分清好习惯、坏习惯之后你想对 Amy 和 John 说什么。这里 可以鼓励学生答案多样化。】 Step 5 Work in groups T: What habits do you have? Are they good habits or bad habits? Please tell your group members first. S: . (提示学生小组交流时善于发现组员的优点,组员没有谈到的好习惯可以 相互补充) Step 6 Show time T: Its time to show your good habits now. Listen carefully to hear who has more good habits. You can take notes if necessary. If your classmates have some bad habits, would you please give some suggestions? S: (学生聆听、记录、提建议) (板书建议时运用的主要句型:You should You shouldnt You must You mustnt ) 【设计意图:由教材中的人物到谈论自己的习惯,学生能说的已经很多,此环 节关注学生细心聆听、记录的习惯培养。】 Step 7 Exercixes T: Just now, when you reported or gave suggestions, some of you made a few mistakes. But dont worry. Here are some exercises for you. Ex. 1 Tick the right answer My diet I have a healthy diet. I usually have (some, a few) bread for breakfast. I have (a little, a few) eggs every week. For lunch, I often have (a lot of, a little) vegetables, (some, a few) meat and (many, much) rice. For dinner, I usually eat (some, a few) fish and vegetables. My brother often eats (a lot of, a few) meat. But I think its bad for our health. I often drink (some, a few) juice, too. I think fruit is good for us. We should eat (a little, some) every day. Healthy diet, healthy life. Check the answer and Ss tell why they choose the words. Show “a few, a little, some” etc. Can you tell the meanings? How to use them? S: (总结这些单词或短语的用法) Ex.2 Fill in the blanks (根据上下文或首字母提示填空) S: (学生做练习) (Check the answer.) 【设计意图:适当的练习能有效巩固学生所学语言知识,提升概括、归纳的能 力,最终提高对所学语言的运用能力。】 Step 8 Ticking time T: Franks friends have many good habits. I think you also have. You did a great job today. Its ticking time now. Can you tell which habits are good and which are bad? If you do, you can get 3 stars. T: My children, its very important to form good habits. Because good habit makes a big future! (显示中文:好习惯成就大未来!) 【设计意图:每节课让学生知道自己的学习成果能激励他们不断努力!】 Homework 家庭作业家庭作业 1. Write a short passage “My freinds habits” with some pictures. 仿照补充习题练习 C 写短文,配上生动的图片。 2. Think about “What makes a good student? ” Prepare 6-10 swntences. 思考一个好学生应该具有的品质,准备 6-10 句话。 【设计意图:鼓励学生课后做图片配短文这类个性化的作业并适时展示,能增 强学生的学习热情。】 Teaching aids 教学准备教学准备 教学 PPT 板书设计:板书设计: Project 1 Being a good student You should You shouldnt You must You mustntBeing a good student Project 1 Part A LetsLets singsing. . Lets talk about our habits. ! Do you wash your face every day? schoolhome at school: a. listen carefully b. write beautifully c. help teachers and classmates good habits at school: a. talking b. playing c.eating d. throwing bad habits good habits at home: a. get up and go to bed early b. finish homework before dinner c. help parents do housework d. read every day bad habits at home: John and Amy What habits do they have? Amys/Johns good habitsAmys/Johns bad habits Listen and judge Amys habits 听的时候在书上划出关键词或句子听的时候在书上划出关键词或句子。 Amy gets up early every day. ( ) She goes to school late. ( ) She only eats a few sweets. ( ) True or False T F F 自读自读John的生活习惯的生活习惯,划一划。划一划。 Johns habits Read and underline. 划出划出John的好习惯(标星)和坏习惯(标三角)的好习惯(标星)和坏习惯(标三角) What habits do they have? Amys/Johns good habitsAmys/Johns bad habits Lets finish it. John and Amy Are they good students? Who is better? 谁更好?谁更好? NameActivitiesHow When/ Where go to bedat nightearly 请在表格里填入单请在表格里填入单 词让这个句子变成词让这个句子变成 一个一个好习惯好习惯! Lets make a survey form. Do a survey Work in groups. NameActivitiesHowWhen/Where go to schoolearlyin the morning dowellat home go to bedearlyat night Tip:Tip: 如果是第三人称,不要忘记动词的变化哦如果是第三人称,不要忘记动词的变化哦! ! What good habits do your group members and you have? Many students do not have breakfast. We should have a healthy diet. Healthy Food Pyramid a little a few a lot of some somea lot of some In a healthy diet ,we can have a lot of rice, we can have a lot of fruit and vegetables, too. In a healthy diet ,we can have a lot of rice, we can have a lot of fruit and vegetables, too. Homework 1. 写写一一段段描描述述你你的的好好朋朋友友生生活活 习惯的短文。习惯的短文。 2. How to be a good student? 准备准备6-10句话。句话。 Goodbye!英语(六年级下册)英语(六年级下册) Project 1 Being a good student 第第 2 课时课时 Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容 Project 1 Part B Revise Units 1-4. Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标 1. Students know what makes a good student. 2. Students know how they can be good students. 3. Students can make a poster about being a good student and tell about it. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 教学重点:Students know what makes a good student and how they can be. 教学难点:Students can make poster about being a good student and tell about it. Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up (1)Greetings. (2)Daily report.(讲故事) (3)Revision. Lets think. T: Last class, we have learned : To be a good student, we should do well at school and do well at home. Now lets have a talk show.(30 秒脱口秀) Step 2 Enjoy a story Today, let me show you a story. Is he a good student? Think and choose Enjoy a story(欣赏绘本,思考问题) Q:Will he be a good student at last? T: The world without rules is so___. interesting B. terrible So the rules are very important. So we need the rules in public places. We should follow the rules.(引导学生思考不仅在学校和家里要遵守规则,而且在公共场所 也要遵守规则) 【设计意图:培养学生阅读、观察的细致程度。从图文中提取重要信息,有利 于中小衔接;图片中的句子会误导一些思维不缜密的学生,让学生自己意识到 一定要有细致、专注的好习惯。】 Step 3 Lets brainstorm (1)Public places: classroom; streets; cinema; zoo What other public places do you know?(引导学生讨论哪些公共场所需要规则) Different places have different rules. (2)Watch a video: T: Today, the animal friends will go on an outing. They are on the bus now. What must they do? What must they not do? 【设计意图:对学生的回答及时反馈,尽管有些单词学生不认识,但持之以恒 地在语境中渗透使用相信学生能理解,语言水平也会有较大提升。】 (3)Look and judge: buckle up; stand in a line; keep our hands and head inside; give the seat to the other people in need; push others; eat or drink; litter out of the bus; rush into the metro when it is leaving.(让学生用 must;mustnt 和 can/could 去判断) T: We should follow the rules on the bus/metro. (4)Match and say: T: Where does the bus arrive? It arrives at a park. Look, a beautiful park!But our friends are not so happy. What happened? Look!Someone is picking flowers/spitting/litter here and there/walk on the grass/swim in the river.(让学生用 We mustnt 去讨论) There are so many rules in the park. How can we remind them?We can put some public signs in the park. (5)Look and think T: Now our animals friends are coming. Where are they going? In the library. Who are they going to meet? Does LiuTao do well in the library? How does YangLing give advice?(run; shout; eat; sleep) (6)Think and talk (让学生思考在图书馆 should 和 cant/shouldnt 的行为) Lets think: How to be a good student? 【设计意图:在接下来的单元学生将要学习一般将来时,此环节谈论自己打算 如何做个好学生很适合做句型铺垫。】 T: To be a good student, we should do well at school, do well at home and do well in public places. No any orders without rules. Step 4 Homework: 1.写一篇短文:How to be a good student. 2. collect the materials about doing well in public.(收集素材:一位好学生在公共场 所的行为。) 【设计意图:作业 1“写如何成为一名好学生”可以让学生发现优点,进而向 学习好的习惯;作业 2 持之以恒能让学生养成预习的好习惯。】 Teaching aids 教学准备教学准备 教学 PPT 板书设计:板书设计: Project 1 Being a good student A good student should A good student shouldnt A good student must A good student mustntBeing a good student Project 1 Part B To be a good student, we should Lets think 自学反馈 计时 开始 30秒倒计时 3030秒脱口秀秒脱口秀 at school at home early late quickly slowly well fast quietly high happily loudly Describe yourself with these adverbs. 用苹果上的词语描述你自己。 计时 开始 30秒倒计时 Henry is an eleven-year-old boy. He doesnt like any rules. Henry, time for bed! You must get up at 6:30. Is he a good student?Enjoy a story Its ten oclock at night. Henry is sleeping and dreaming. Hes in another world without any rules. Enjoy a story Henry goes to the classroom. The students are talking, playing, eating and throwing books in the class. Oh, no. Thats too noisy(吵闹的)! Enjoy a story Henry goes to the streets. There are no lights now. The cars are hitting each other. How terrible ( 糟糕的)! Enjoy a story Henry hurries to the cinema. But the people are eating, talking and walking in the cinema. Oh! I cant hear a word! Enjoy a story Henry goes to the zoo. The animals are not in the cages. Theyre running about(到处跑)! Help! Help! Enjoy a story Think and choose Will he be a good student at last? The world without rules is so . interestingterrible important 重要的重要的 To be a good student, we should Lets think Do well at school Do well at home Do well in public an open place shared by all the people 公共场所公共场所 Lets brainstorm publicpublic placesplaces library museum park bus/metro/plane Watch a video public transport rules What must you do? What must you not do? Look and judge We must We mustnt must mustnt buckle uppush others stand in a linekeep our hands and head insideeat or drink litter out of the busrush into the metro when it is leaving give the seat to the people in need can/should 委婉的建议 the rules on the bus/metro Match and say pick flowers spit litter here and there walk on the grass swim in the lake We mustnt Match and sayIt means we mustnt We mustnt pick flowers in the park. We mustnt spit anywhere. We mustnt litter here and there. We mustnt walk on the grass. We mustnt swim in the lake. the rules in the park Listen and think Do they do well in the library? Think and say Does Liu Tao do well in the library? shout run eat sleep How does Yang Ling give advice? Dont run. Dont shout. Dont eat. Dont sleep. Dont can 可以 cant 不可以 should 应该 shouldnt 不应该 建议/许可 语气柔和 must 必须 mustnt 不可以 强制命令 语气强烈 Think and talk What should we do? What should we not do? library rules shouldcant / shouldnt keep quiet cherish(爱惜) the books return (归还) the book in time (及时) keep the library clean run shout / talk loudly eat food write or draw on the desks the rules in the library To be a good student, we should Lets think Do well at school Do well at home Do well in publicNo any orders without rules! 没有规矩,不成方圆。没有规矩,不成方圆。 Homework 1.写一篇短文:写一篇短文:How to be a good student. 2. collect the materials about doing well in public. 收收集集素素材材:一一位位好好学学生生在在公公共共 场所的行为。场所的行为。 Goodbye!英语(六年级下册)英语(六年级下册) Project 1 Being a good student 第第 3 课时课时 Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容 Project 1 Part C Revise Units 1-4. Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标 1. Students know what makes a good student. 2. Students know how they can be good students. 3. Students can make a poster about being a good student and tell about it. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 教学重点:Students know what makes a good student and how they can be. 教学难点:Students can make poster about being a good student and tell about it. Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Revision. T:Have you ever made a poster? Lets think, what should we do?
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