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1 Project 1 Being a good student (Period 1) Teaching contents:A (p46) Teaching aims and learning objectives: 1.能够综合运用前面单元所学的词汇、句型等语言知识展开活动。 。 2.通过交流与合作,能够运用 1 到 4 单元所学的语言知识和语言技 能进行交流,小组复习并总结学习和生活各方面的好习惯和坏习惯。 3. 指导学生运用学习策略,自主归纳复习。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty: 引导学生复习归纳学习和生活各方面的好习惯和坏习惯。 Teaching procedures 教学过程:教学过程: Step1.Warming-up Sing a song “This is the way”. T: Lets change the song. (让学生自己随意替换歌词)T:Do you know seven steps hands washing? (播放七步洗手法视频,和孩子们一起学习七步洗手法。提高学生 2 们疫情期间的防护意识,保护自己也保护他人。 ) T:Wash hands before dinner is a good habit. Do you remember any other habits? Lets play a game: Read and judge.(复习 前面单元出现的一些单词和短语。 ) Step2. Revision 在这一环节中通过各种游戏和活动让学生复习前面单元的词汇, 体现分层教学意识;各个环节紧密相连,由易到难、有浅入深,层 层递进;重难点搭配着让学生做游戏。 1.Try to describe 让学生边看图片边描述图片上的各种行为习惯,并所说 Thats a good habit or a bad habit.(在黑板上写出学生说出的一些副词: fast/slowly/badly/well/early/late.) 2.Lets think 让学生总结黑板上单词的相同点,以及这些词在句子中的位 置及其用法。 3. Describe yourself with these words 让学生任选副词造句,练习巩固副词的用法。 Step3. Presentation and practice T:You have so many good habits, let s read about John and Amys habits.Are they good habits or bad habits? 1.Read and judge 2.Read and circle 3 3.(1)Amys good habits: get up early have breakfast every day go to school early help her classmates finish her homework before dinner wait for the green man before she crosses the road (2)Amys bad habits: eat too many sweets 4.Work in groups(share the answer) (1)Johns good habits: say “good morning” to his teachers wait for the green man before he crosses the road (2)Johns bad habits: be late for school watch TV after school and do his homework in the evening run quickly on the road eat a lot of meat for lunch and dinner 5.Answer the questions Step3. Summary 1.总结 Amy 和 John 的习惯。 4 2.在小组内交流一下自己在日常中的好习惯与坏习惯。 Step4 .Homework Write a composition about my diet.Project 1 Being a good student Period1 This is the way we ___ ___ ___, This is the way we ____ ____ ___ at ____ o -clock in the mor- ning. Make a new song (编唱歌曲)编唱歌曲) ____ ____ ____, ____ ___ ____, Lets sing This is the way we wash our hands, This is the way we wash our hands Before the meals. Wash our hands, wash our hands. Sing and do Wash hands before meals is a good habit. 看到好习惯就大声的读出来,不好的习看到好习惯就大声的读出来,不好的习 惯就大声的说惯就大声的说No、no、no! Read and judge Read and judge look left and right before cross the road usually do homework late eat a lot of vegetables sometimes run fast on the road never go to school late always put things in order eat a lot of sweet food usually get up early drink a lot of cola Try to describe For example: 举个例子 They help their parents. Thats a good habit. Try to describe Do well in class. Keep room clean and tidy. He does homework late. He finishes his homework early. He brushes his teeth every morning. He goes to bed early. He puts his things in order. fast slowly badly well early late adverbs(副词):一般副 词的位置放在动词后或 句末,修饰动词。 Lets talk Can you find the same point among these words?(你能发现这些单词的相同点吗?) early late quickly slowly well fast quietly high happily loudly 。 Describe yourself with these words. (用苹果上的词语描述你自己用苹果上的词语描述你自己 ) Are they good habits or bad habits? John and Amy Read and judge Amy has breakfast every day. ( )Amy has breakfast every day. ( ) She always follow the rules before she She always follow the rules before she crosses the roads. ( )crosses the roads. ( ) She likes eating sweets. ( )She likes eating sweets. ( ) 看的时候在书上看的时候在书上划出关键词和句子划出关键词和句子。 True or False Amy gets up early every day. ( )Amy gets up early every day. ( ) She goes to school late. ( )She goes to school late. ( ) She only eats a few sweets. ( )She only eats a few sweets. ( ) T F F True or False Read and circle then write down them 圈出圈出Amy的好习惯和坏习惯并写下来的好习惯和坏习惯并写下来 Johns habits 参照刚才的学习方法,组参照刚才的学习方法,组 内自学内自学JohnJohn的生活习惯。的生活习惯。 Work in groups Share your answers. 小组内交流答案 Do they have the same habits? What other good habits does John have? Does he have any bad habits? Yes.They always wait for the green man. He says “good morning”to his teachers. Yes.He. Lets answer Good habits makes good future! 好习惯成就美好的未来!好习惯成就美好的未来! HomeworkHomework Write a composition about your habits. 写一篇关于你的习惯的小短文。写一篇关于你的习惯的小短文。Project 1 Being a good student (Period 3) Teaching contents:C Teaching aims and learning objectives: 1.能够综合运用前面单元所学的词汇、句型等语言知识展开活动。 2.通过交流与合作,能够运用 1 到 4 单元所学的语言知识和语言技 能进行交流,小组复习并总结学习和生活各方面的好习惯和坏习惯。 3. 指导学生运用学习策略,自主归纳复习。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty: 引导学生复习归纳前四单元学过的重点知识内容。 Teaching procedures 教学过程: Step1. Warming-up 1.Say a rhyme(我把二、三两个单元的语音版块拆分再合并为一个 新的 rhyme;重点训练区分字母组合“ou”与“or”的发音) 2.Put the eggs in order 3.True or false(用里面的两个单词 before and should 造一个句子, 导入下面的练习环节。T:What should we do before meals?) Step2. Presentation and practice 1.Fill in the blanks 2.Look and choose 3.Lets think T:A good have a healthy diet too. To be a good student ,What else should we do? 4.Lets talk 5.Show time (选一种你喜欢的方式展示你的海报) Step3. Summary T:What have we learned in this class? 1. 熟练运用 Unit1-4 的四会词语:loudly, habit, bad, early, late, healthy, diet, road, follow, safe等等 。 2. 运用 Unit1-4 的语法知识: 副词、不规则动词、量词和情态动词的用法。 3. 在语境中运用交际用语:“How can you be a good student? I must/ mustnt/ can/ cant . Im going to .” Step4.Homework 1. Write a passage about “ How can you be a good student?”. 写一篇关于“你如何成为一名好学生” 的文章。 2. Make a proposal about “School rules”. 做一个关于“学校规则” 的倡议书。Project 1 Being a good student Period 3 Say a rhyme Four short horses, Running though the grass. One little mouse, Running though the house. /au/ /:/ Tips:Tips:仔细察下列金蛋上的单词,读一读,判仔细察下列金蛋上的单词,读一读,判 断这些单词中的字母组合发什么音呢?将它断这些单词中的字母组合发什么音呢?将它 们归纳到对应的鸟窝中!们归纳到对应的鸟窝中! four house mouse horse order shout Put the eggs in order 1.doctor world ( ) 2.moring work ( ) 3.out cousin ( ) 4.house horse ( ) 5. sport ( ) 6.would shout ( ) 7. loudly ( ) 8.mouse cloud ( ) F T F F F F T F before should True or false 1. We should w____ our hands before meals. 2.Look! Heres the green man. You can c____ the road now. 3.Nancys bedroom is clean and t___. 4. Keep q____. My father is sleeping. 5. Sam b_____some water quickly and pours it into the hole. 6. You m_____ run or play on the road because there are many cars and buses. 7. Playing football on the road is not s___. idy ross ash uiet rings ustnt afe Fill in the blanks C B D E A Look and choose C A D B E Look and choose Lets think We should have a healthy diet too. To be a good student, what else should we do? have a healthy diet do well at home have many good habits listen to the teachers follow the rules polite(有礼貌有礼貌) . . good students Lets talk 介绍你的海报介绍你的海报 Show time Hi, Im Xin Ziyi. I want to be a good student. I must follow the rules. I must listen to teachers. I should read a lot of books. I have some bad habits and I m going to change them. I should eat some vegetables and drink a lot of water every day. 介绍你的海报介绍你的海报 Show time Hi, Im . I want to be a good student. I mustnt. I must . I have some bad habits and I m going to make changes(改改 变变). Im going to . I should . . 四人小组选择一种喜欢的方式展示一下。四人小组选择一种喜欢的方式展示一下。 Read in parts. (分段读分段读) Read together. ( (齐读齐读) ) Choose one to read. ( (选一人读选一人读) ) Show your poster 展示你们的海报展示你们的海报 1. Write a passage about “ How can you be a good student?”. 写一篇关于“你如何成为一名好学生” 的文章。 2. Make a proposal about “School rules”. 做一个关于“学校规则” 的倡议书。 Homework1 Project 1 Being a good student (Period 2) Teaching contents:B Teaching aims and learning objectives: 1.能够综合运用前面单元所学的词汇、句型等语言知识展开活动。 。 2.通过交流与合作,能够运用 1 到 4 单元所学的语言知识和语言技 能进行交流,小组复习并总结学习和生活各方面的好习惯和坏习惯。 3.重点复习关于 must 的问题及回答。 4. 指导学生运用学习策略,自主归纳复习。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty: 复习三、四单元的重点知识。 Teaching procedures 教学过程:教学过程: Step1. Revision 1.Show time Read the composition(其他同学对不好的行为提出的建议。) 2 1.T:We should have a healthy diet. Lets play a game and think about the food is healthy or unhealthy. 2.Fill the blanks. T:In a healthy diet ,What should we have? Step2.Presentation and practice T:A good student should have a healthy diet. To make a good student ,what else should we do? 1.Lets talk in groups. What makes a good student? 2.Read and judge (1)A good student can eat in the classroom. (2)A good student must follow the rules on the road. (3) A good student shouldnt finish homework after school. (4)A good student must listen to the teachers. (5) A good student must keep the classroom clean. 3.Think and write How to be a good student (1)We must not_______ and________ in the classroom. We must _______ the teachers. (2) We must_________school early. We must not _______ late (3) We must keep __________.clean We must not keep ________ messy and dirty. (4) We must ________ homework early at home Fill in the blanks and show the answers. 4.Show the rules Step3. Summary Fill in the blanks 3 Step4. Homework Make a poster.小组成员商量好,每人一个主题制作海报。Project 1 Being a good studentProject 1 Being a good student Period 2Period 2 Read your composition (拿出昨天布置的作业,朗读自己的作文) My habits Show timeShow time My habits I usually get up early in the morning, but I go to bed late . I brush my teeth two times a day. I have breakfast every day. I always go to work on time. Miss Miss HuasHuas habits habits To keep healthy, I eat eggs, vegetables and fruit every day. But I like eating sweet food. It is not good for my teeth. I will change(改变) this habit. 对于我不好的行为习惯,你有哪些好的建议? (should/shouldnt) 1.You should go to bed early. 2.You shouldt eat too much sweet food. 3.You should have a healthy diet. Lets talkLets talk a littlea few milkeggshamburgersbreadsweets rice coffee hot dogs Lets think and eat Lets think and eat a lot of some some a few some a little Fill in Fill in the blanksthe blanks A good student should have a healthy diet. What makes a good student? A good student should. A good student must. A good student mustnt. Lets talk 1.A good student can eat in the classroom. 2. A good student must follow the rules on the road. 3. A good student shouldnt finish homework after school. 4. A good student must listen to the teachers in class. 5. A good student must keep the classroom clean. Read and judge 1. We must not_____ in the classroom. We must _______ the teachers. 2. We must_______ school early. We must not _______ late. 3. We must keep ____________clean. We must not make __________ messy and dirty. 4. We must ______ homework early at home. listen to go to get up our classroom our bedroom finish run Think and writeThink and write(答案不限(答案不限 ) 人称代词 情态动词 动词原形 You must follow the rules . You must get up early. RulesRules A good student should ___________. (早起)A good studnt should keep room___________ .(干净整洁) A good student should_______________.(把东西整理的井井有条)A good student should have ___________.(一个健康的饮食) At school, A good student must ______________.(听老师的话) To keep safe, A good student must _____________(遵守规则)on the road,and must ___________(当心)the cars and bikes. clean and tidy put things in order a healthy diet listen to teachers follow the ruleslook out for get up early What makes a good student?What makes a good student? Fill in the blanksFill in the blanks on page 99 同学们可以任选一个专题做海报,例如 good habits,follow the rules, a healthy diet, road safety HomeworkHomework Lets make a posterLets make a poster
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