2021新版人教版选修一英语Unit 4 Body Language 全单元ppt课件.zip


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Unit Unit 4 Body Language4 Body Language Reading and Thinking 01 Teaching objectives:Teaching objectives: n Bytheendofthisperiod,youwillbeableto 1. get a better understanding of body language. 2. identify the feature of body language-cultural-specific. 3. develop the sense of cross-cultural communication. Lead in Appreciate a part of silent performance and think about a question: How does the performer convey his meaning? Body Language is a set of __________, _______________ and ____________ . People use to make themselves understood. What is body language ? gestures body movementsfacial expressions Reading for main idea Activity 1 Read the text and summarize the main idea. The passage tells us that body language plays an important part in our communication and while body language is cultural-specific, some gestures seem to have the same meaning everywhere. Scanning for the structure of the text. Activity 2 Draw a mind map to show the structure of the text. Scanning for specific information Activity 1 Scan the text and find out the following information. Bodylanguage/GestureMeaningCountry/Region EyecontactbetweenmenandwomenNotpoliteMiddleEast Lookingdownwhentalkingtosomeone OKsign Kissingonthecheek Placingyourhandstogetherandrestingthem onthesideofyourheadwhileclosingyour eyes Movingyourhandincirclesoveryour stomachafterameal Bodylanguage/GestureMeaningCountry/Region EyecontactbetweenmenandwomenNotpoliteMiddleEast LookingdownwhentalkingtosomeoneRespectJapan OKsignMoney Zero Notpolite Japan France BrazilandGermany KissingonthecheekGreetingFranceandRussia Placingyourhandstogetherandrestingthemontheside ofyourheadwhileclosingyoureyes Sleepeverywhere Movingyourhandincirclesoveryourstomachaftera meal Fulleverywhere Activity 2 Answer the following two questions based on the text. 1. Can you think of an example of body language that is appropriate in China but might be misunderstood in another culture? _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What advice on body language can you give a foreign friend on his/her first trip to China? _________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Avoiding eye contact and lowering ones head may mean respect and being shy in China, whereas in some other countries this body language may be interpreted as being rude. 2. Please pay attention to the social distance, which is different in China and in the West. Video-watching and discussion Activity 1 Watch the video Smile Trial. Activity 2 Discuss the following questions. 1. Smiles can be used to hide feelings like anger, fear, or worry. Can you describe a situation where you might smile when you dont mean it? ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Apart from fake smiles, is there any other kind of body language that can sometimes be fake? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which is a more reliable guide for understanding someones feelings, their body language or the words they speak? _______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Sometimes I smile when I am impatient, but I know I shouldnt be. For example, if I am riding a train and a baby starts crying, I may try to smile, because even though the babys crying is annoying, I know that it is not the babys fault and there is probably nothing that can be done. 2. There are “crocodile tears”. This is when a person fakes feeling sad or sympathetic for another person. 3. Their body language is much more reliable than the words they say, because most people have trouble hiding their anger or disappointment. Practice Activity 1 Complete the sentences with the words from the text. 1.varies 2. approved 3. talking 4. witnesses 5. as 6. making 7. for 8. shaking 9. comparison 10. bowing 核心素养提升 I.Match the two parts of these sentences about body language in Europe or America. II Complete the following passage with the proper forms of the given phrases. Thank you ! Have a nice day!Unit 4Unit 4 Body Language Body Language Discovering Useful Structures Teaching objectives:Teaching objectives: n By the end of this period, you will be able to 1. master the usages of v-ing form serving as object and predicative; 2. identify the functions of v-ing form serving as object and predicative; 3.use v-ing form freely in communication and writing. Lead in Look at the following pictures and complete the sentences using v-ing form. Mary enjoys_______ Jane practises ______ Mikes job is _______ 1. listening to music 2. playing the piano 3. teaching maths Look and observe Activity1. Look at the examples below, paying attention to the italicized parts. What is the function of the v-ing form? Find other examples from the reading text. 1.She enjoys learning about body language in different cultures. 2.The crucial thing is using body language in a way 在第一个例句中v-ing形式作宾语,说明动作的承受对象。 在第二个例句中v-ing形式作表语,说明主语的内容。 课文中的其它例句: 1.However, you should avoid making this gesture in Brazil and Germany, as it is not considered polite. 2. Elsewhere, people favour shaking hands, bowing from the waist, or nodding the head when they meet someone else. 3. A good way of saying “ I am full” is moving your hand in circles over your stomach after a meal. 4. Perhaps the best example is smiling. Activity 2. Fill in the blank with proper words and state their functions. 1.He was in low spirits and even consider _________ (go) away. 2. You should practise ________ (play) the piano every day. 3. You certainly mustnt miss __________ (see) the wonderful film. 4. The doctor advised _________ (stay) longer in hospital. 5. Michael has delayed __________(write)to her until today. 6.Can you imagine____________ (leave) standing outside for a whole night. 7. Her job is __________(keep) the lecture hall as clean as possible. 8. One of his had habits is __________(bite) nails. 9. The maths problem is quite ___________ (puzzle). 10. They built the banks to prevent the area from ___________ (flood). 1.going 2. playing 3. seeing 4. staying 5. writing 6. being left 7. keeping 8. biting 9. puzzling 10. being flooded 动词-ing形式作宾语,跟在动词后面,表示动作的承受者 ;动词-ing形式作表语常表示主语的内容或者主语具有的特 征。 常见的只跟v-ing form作宾语的动词有哪些? 只跟v-ing 形式作宾语的动词有: admit 承认 appreciate 感激 avoid 避免 consider 考虑 delay 耽搁 resist 抵制 mention 提及 escape 避免 practice 练习 mind 介意 fancy 想不到 finish 完成 risk 冒险 suggest 建议 miss 错过 imagine 设想 Practice Activity 1 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box. Reading body language is not an easy task. It can be_______1______ because interpreting the signs that another person shows requires_______2_____. In this sense, it can be compared to a doctor__________3__________. __________4__________ is also key to reading peoples body language accurately. For example, when ______5_____, some people avoid eye contact. By contrast, others may_____6_____ eye contact even longer than usual. 1.challenging 2. considering the whole picture 3. Evaluating a patients condition 4. Considering individual differences 5. lying 6. maintain Activity 2. Talk about the body language you can read from the following pictures. Use at least one ing form for each picture. 1. The man enjoys looking at himself in the mirror. 2. The woman shows her impatience by looking at her watch. 3. The boy is fearful, trying to run away from an angry dog. 核心素养专练 I 单句语法填空 1. People want to listen to someone who is ____________(interest), relaxed and comfortable. (2020年新高考全国I) 1. Puzzle play was found to be a significant predictor of cognition after __________(control)for differences in parents income, education and the amount of parent talk.(2020年全国II) 2. Poems which had seemed dull and ___________(bore) suddenly came to life. 3. Do you feel like___________ (have) a talk with me after supper? 4. My father suggested ____________ (read) more books in my spare time. 5. To avoid __________ (see) by the teacher, Tom stole into the classroom by the back door. 6. Have you considered ____________ (build) a house in the countryside? 7. Some of the children are shy and they have some difficulty in _________ (make) friends. II 翻译句子 1. 目前形势令人担忧。 ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 李明一直梦想着将来可以自己创业。 _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.虽然他是一个残疾人,但在生活中总是喜欢帮助别人。 __________________________________________________________________________________ III Fill in the blank with proper words. Thank you ! Have a nice day!Unit Unit 4 Body Language4 Body Language Using LanguageUsing Language Listening and Speaking Teaching objectives:Teaching objectives: n By the end of this period, you will be able to 1. learn about body language and know the situations where body language is used; 2. use body language to express themselves; 3. identify the inferred meaning of the speaker in conversations. Lead-in Look at these pictures and tell what they are communicating. 1. The man frowns and have tightly-shut eyes, which shows that he may be in great pain. 2. The boy crossed his fingers. Maybe he is hoping for good luck. 3. The woman in the photo is either deaf or communicating with her husband who is deaf. Her sign means “I love you.” 4. The two children seem quite happy. Perhaps they have just won a table tennis match. First listening Listen to the conversation and find out the main idea. The two people have a pleasant conversation. They talk about their experiences of learning body language. Second Listening Activity1 Listening for details Listen to the conversation about body language. Then answer the following questions. 1. How did the man get the idea of using gestures to communicate? __________________________________________________________________________ 1. What did the police leader tell his team by using gestures? __________________________________________________________________________ 1. What did the woman say about the acting classes that she has been taking? __________________________________________________________________________ 1. From an action movie. 2. He used gestures to tell them how many bad guys were in the house. Then he gave instructions on who should go where, and what they should do. 3. She said that right now they are learning how to use language to express themselves. Activity 2: Listening for language Listen again and fill in the blank with what you hear. Woman: What were you doing just now? _______1_______ Man: Oh, I was just telling my friend over there to meet me for lunch down the street in twenty minutes. Woman: Oh, I get it, so _______2_______ Man: Yeah, we got the idea from an action movie last night and decided to try it out for fun. In the movie, the police were trying to enter a house, but they had to be really quiet so they could take the criminals by surprise. So________3_________. For example, he used his gesture to tell them how many bad guys were in the house. Then he gave instructions on who should go there and what they should do. I thought it was pretty cool how they used hand gestures to communicate. Woman: Well, you know, ________4__________I have been taking acting classes, and right now we are learning how to use body language to express ourselves. Man: Wow, thats cool. So_______5________, right? Woman: Yes, and its really difficult if they want you to express something complicated without saying a word. But I am slowly getting better at it, I guess. 1. What did those gestures mean? 2. you were sending him secret hand signals. 3. the police leader used hand gestures to tell his team what to do 4. you can say a lot without speaking. 5. you mean you are not allowed to talk Activity 3 Listening for inferred meaning Listen to the conversation again. Are the following statements correct inferences from the conversation? 1. The two speakers are married. 2. Making too many gestures in communication is not polite. 3. The police team were probably successful in catching the criminals. 4. Both speakers think body language is useful. 5. The woman is not very confident about her silent acting ability. 1. No 2. No 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. Yes Practice Act out a scene using only body language to communicate. You may follow these steps to complete your performance. 1. Form into groups of four. One of you is the performer and the others are observers. 2. The performer writes down a situation and some messages to convey through body language. 3. The performer acts out the scene and the observers individually write down their thoughts without talking to anyone else. 4. The actor reveals the situation and messages and the group compares notes. Use the table below to clarify any misunderstandings or different answers. Write a short summary to show your understanding of body language. Thank you ! Have a nice day!Unit Unit 4 Body Language4 Body Language Reading for Writing Teaching objectives:Teaching objectives: n By the end of this period, you will be able to 1. have a good understanding of the body language in classroom. 2. figure out the basic structure of the text. 3. write a passage to describe the body language of the person in your drawing. Leading in Howdoyoufeeltoday? Reading for main idea. Read the passage quickly and summarize the main idea. The passage mainly tells us that teachers can observe students body language to adjust their teaching activities. Reading for structure Activity 1 Read the text quickly and fill out the following chart. ParagraphMainidea Paragraph1and2 Paragraph3 Paragraph4 Paragraph5 Paragraph6 ParagraphMainidea Paragraph1and2Introductionofthetopic Paragraph3Recognize when students are interested orbored Paragraph4Recognizewhenstudentsaredistracted Paragraph5Distinguishwhenstudentsaretroubled Paragraph6Conclusion Activity 2 Draw the mind map to show its structure. Reading for detailed information Activity 1 Match the body language with the meanings. __________ 1 Looking up and making eye contact A very interested __________ 2 Leaning over to look at ones watch B bored __________ 3 Two friends leaning heads together C interested __________ 4 Leaning forward and looking at the teacher D sad or worried __________ 5 Looking up but no eye contact, no expression E distracted __________ 6 Looking away F writing notes __________ 7 Chin on hand, looking out the window G serious problems __________ 8 Looking down, arms or legs crossed H like they are asleep __________ 9 Frowning I daydreaming __________ 10 Hair not brushed, red eyes J angry, afraid, or experiencing anxiety 1. C 2. B 3. F 4. A 5. H 6. E 7. I 8.D 9. J 10.G Activity 2 Read the text once again and answer the questions. 1. How does the teacher know what students are thinking? ______________________________________________________________________ 2.According to the teacher, what is some students favorite activity? ________________________________________________________________________ 3.What do
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