2021新版人教版选修二英语Unit 5单元测评 课后练习(含答案+听力音频).zip


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UNIT 5 单元测评单元测评 (时间:120 分钟满分:150 分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 M:Lets go to the movies at the Student Club at the weekend. W:Id like to,but Im going to a lecture by Dr.Smith.Thanks anyway. 1.What is the woman going to do at the weekend? A.Go to a lecture. B.Go to the cinema. C.Go to the Student Club. 答案 A M:I cant understand why my friend hasnt turned up yet.Do you think we should try to call her or go to look for her? W:She is probably held up in the traffic.Lets give her a few more minutes. 2.Whatre the speakers going to do? A.Call her at once. B.Wait a little longer. C.Go to look for her at once. 答案 B W:Hurry up,Tom!Its already 6 oclock. M:Dont worry,Mary.We still have half an hour to go before the party starts. 3.When will the party begin? A.At 6.B.At 6:30.C.At 7. 答案 B W:Wow,it certainly is a bad day. M:Yeah,Im really fed up with this kind of weather. W:Well,there was only a little rain when I got up at 7,but this is too much! 4.How is the weather today? A.Its sunny.B.Its windy.C.Its rainy. 答案 C M:Which bed would you like?They both seem very comfortable. W:If you dont mind,Id like the bed with the bedside light so that I can read.Ive almost finished that detective story I started yesterday. 5.Which bed does the woman like? A.The bed with the bedside light. B.The bed with the bedside table. C.The bed with the headboard. 答案 A 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给 出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 W:Excuse me.I wonder if you could tell me how to find a place to have my shoes mended.Im new in the town. M:Ah,there is a good shop not far from here.Go straight ahead and walk about three blocks.I cant remember the name of the shop,but youll find it.Its near the police station.By the way,do you know about the town guide?Its a thin book and has all kinds of useful information.Youll find one in any bookstore. W:Thanks a lot!Youve been so helpful.Let me see.Did you say the repair shop was three blocks away from here? M:Exactly. W:Thanks again. 6.What is the woman looking for? A.An information office. B.A police station. C.A shoe repair shop. 答案 C 7.What is the town guide according to the man? A.A brochure. B.A newspaper. C.A map. 答案 A 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 W:Weve been on the computer all the time lately.Why dont we do something different on Sunday afternoon? M:Well,we could go to a concert. W:But I dont think we can get the tickets this late. M:Then what about playing a computer game?Theres a really cool new one we could download. W:Hmm,I dont know.I feel like I need to do some exercise.We could probably just walk by the lake,and Ill ask Mike to join us. M:That sounds like fun.Lets do it! 8.What have the speakers been doing lately? A.Doing exercise. B.Surfing the Internet. C.Watching concerts. 答案 B 9.What does the man suggest doing at first? A.Going to a concert. B.Watching a movie. C.Playing a computer game. 答案 A 10.What do the speakers decide to do? A.Visit Mike.B.Go boating.C.Take a walk. 答案 C 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 W:Hello.This is the emergency 911 operator. M:Help!Help! W:Please calm down and explain exactly what is happening. M:My car has broken down on the freeway.I have a lady passenger,and shes going to have a baby. W:Explain exactly where you are. M:Im.Im on the southward road of the Lincoln Expressway,about 15 miles from the Washington Tunnel,and this lady isnt going to wait. W:OK.Whats your name sir,and your passengers? M:Its.Its Bob,and I have no idea about the woman.She is in no condition to tell me. W:Ive just sent an ambulance to your position.The doctors should be there any second. M:Hey,is there anything I can do while we wait? W:Uh,yes,keep her calm and warm. 11.Why is the man calling 911? A.His car has broken down. B.He doesnt know where he is. C.A lady is going to have a baby. 答案 C 12.Whats the probable relationship between the driver and the passenger? A.Husband and wife. B.Neighbours. C.Strangers. 答案 C 13.What does the woman ask the man to do? A.To calm down and wait. B.To keep the passenger warm. C.To drive the woman to hospital. 答案 B 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。 W:Excuse me.I think my friend and I are lost.Im wondering if you can help us. M:Ill try.What are you looking for? W:Were trying to find the park that has the free concert today. M:Which park? W:We thought it was the park downtown,but we just came from there.No concert. M:Do you know the name of the park that has the free concert? W:No,but we have a leaflet with the concert details. M:Well,it says,“Concert by the Lake”,so its probably at the lake shore park. W:Im not sure if we want to risk getting lost again. M:I understand but Im pretty sure the concert is there.Its the only park in the lake area. W:Is it easy to find? M:Very easy.You just hop on the bus across the street and it takes you right to the park. Even if the concert isnt there,they have a wonderful boardwalk.Im sure youll enjoy. W:Well,that doesnt sound too bad.I think its worth the risk.Thank you! M:Youre welcome and good luck! 14.What is the woman trying to find? A.The theatre. B.The park. C.The lake. 答案 B 15.What does the woman show the man? A.A leaflet.B.A book.C.A map. 答案 A 16.What does the woman want to do? A.Have a wonderful boardwalk. B.Listen to a concert. C.Enjoy the scenery of the lake. 答案 B 17.How ill the woman go there? A.By car.B.On foot.C.By bus. 答案 C 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 W:Good evening,folks.Its Mary here with the 7: 00 News Report.In sports news today the New Hampshire State womens basketball team won their sixth straight game on Saturday over the University of Ohio.This gives New Hampshire State a chance of attending the championships later this year.There was a big lightning storm in Hampton earlier this week.Many residents have been without power since Monday.A small earthquake hit the New York area this morning,but luckily,there have been no reports of any injuries.This afternoon,a three-car accident was reported on Highway 10.Two people were rushed to the hospital in an emergency.According to a source at the scene,only one person was able to walk away from the crash.The Concord School District is raising money to start their art and music classes again.If you would like to donate,we will get the information to you shortly.Now over to a commercial break,we will return soon with the weather forecast.Keep it tuned right here,everyone! 18.How many games has the New Hampshire State womens basketball team won continuously? A.Six games.B.Seven games.C.Ten games. 答案 A 19.What happened in New York? A.A heavy flood. B.A small earthquake. C.A powerful hurricane. 答案 B 20.Why is the Concord School District raising money? A.For art and music lessons. B.For their sports teams. C.For poor local people. 答案 A 第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Dear daughters, Most parents tell their children,“You can be anything you want when you grow up.” I feel the same and I say this often.But I also want you to understand that realizing your dreams comes from hard work,some good luck and good timing. Here are some words of wisdom for you as you make your way in the world,from an entrepreneur (企 业家)and from your mama. 1.Be open-minded to changing your path along the way In high school,I wanted to be a politician.I left my hometown and went off to college in Washington,DC.There,I discovered that I loved to support women.It taught me that Im a creative,strong leader and great at marketing.As a result,I moved on to be the head of a national healthcare nonprofit.Becoming a mother while in that job opened my mind to launching a breast pump bag (储奶袋) business.Now I run a highly successful company that I started up on my own.Im not a politician! 2.Failure is critical to your success Failure can be heartbreaking.But I will tell you that every failure Ive had along the way has absolutely made me better. Failing the big math exam in high school and going to summer school was embarrassing.I eventually passed,and Ive never failed an exam again.I learned from that experience to ask for help.Now,I ask for help in business all the time. Im proud to be a role model to you as a mom and an entrepreneur.I hope I inspire you to believe that you can be anything you want.It will be my pleasure to watch your lives unfold before my eyes. Love, Your mom 【语篇解读】一位妈妈通过写给女儿们的一封信,告诉女儿们实现自己的梦想来自努力工作、 一些好的运气和良好的时机。 21.In the writers opinion,what does it take to realize ones dream? A.Failure,hard work and good timing. B.An open mind,failure and hard work. C.Hard work,good luck and good timing. D.A good dream,an open mind and hard work. 答案 C 解析细节理解题。由文章第一段最后一句“But I also want you to understand that realizing your dreams comes from hard work,some good luck and good timing.(但我也想让你们明白,实现你们的梦想来自努 力工作、一些好运和良好的时机)”可知,在作者看来,实现一个人的梦想需要努力工作、好运气以及 好的时机。 22.What did the writer learn from her failure? A.Failure can make us embarrassed. B.We shouldnt get angry when we fail. C.Dont care too much about your failure. D.Its important to turn to others for help. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“I learned from that experience to ask for help.”可知,作者从她的 失败中学到了向别人求助是很重要的。 23.Which of the following words best describe the writer? A.Political and proud. B.Caring and cautious. C.Modest and unlucky. D.Flexible and successful. 答案 D 解析推理判断题。根据作者给出的第一条建议可知,作者思维灵活,而且现在是一位成功的企业家。 B Imagine this: Youre bleeding.Nothing seems to make it stop.Then you apply a gel to your wound,and the blood stops coming out within seconds.Youre healed in minutes.This is the VetiGel,created by Joe Landolinaa 22-year-old who invented the product many years ago. Landolina is now the founder and CEO of Suneris,a company that produces the gel.Suneris announced last week that it would begin to ship VetiGel to vets later this summer.Humans wont be far behind. When injected into a wound site,the gel can form a clot (凝块) within 12 seconds and heal the wound within minutes.Once it hits the damaged tissue,whether its open skin or a soft organ livers,kidneys the gel instantly forms a structure.“What that means is that the gel will make a structure that holds the wound together,”Landolina says. As fast-acting as VetiGel is,its inventor may be faster.Landolina invented an early version of the gel out of his grandfathers lab.He was still in high school.Over the next four and a half years,Landolina turned the prototype into a business.The first product costs $150.Landolina says Suneris has its sights set on US first,followed by a release in Europe and Asia sometime early next year. A few years down the line,Landolina says,the goal will be to expand out of vet offices to help treat members of our own species.He forecasts receiving FDA approval within the year for testing on human wounds.If all goes according to plan,VetiGel will first help military personnel and EMTs treat injuries.Then it will enter operating rooms and,finally,individual homes. Landolina says Suneris has yet to observe any negative side effects of VetiGel.The company holds weekly meetings with vets to ensure the product meets their needs. 【语篇解读】文章介绍了一个年轻人发明了一种止血的好药品。 24.The writer uses the underlined sentences to . A.tell the readers how to stop the bleeding B.arouse the readers interest in the topic C.show what is the best way to heal wound D.tell the readers how to avoid injuries 答案 B 解析推理判断题。根据第一段可知,作者用画线句子让读者假设自己身处流血的情况,目的是引起读 者对这个话题的兴趣。 25.The VetiGel will be first used to treat . A.vetsB.human C.animalsD.students 答案 C 解析推理判断题。从文章第二段第二句“Suneris announced last week that it would begin to ship VetiGel to vets later this summer.”可知,该药品让兽医先试用,据此可以推知该药会先用在动物身上。 26.What made the VetiGel stop bleeding? A.The soft organ.B.The damaged tissue. C.The wound.D.The clot. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“When injected into a wound site,the gel can form a clot within 12 seconds and heal the wound within minutes.”可知,VetiGel 在伤口上形成一个凝块帮助止血。 27.If the medicine enters individual homes,it must . A.get the permission from FDA B.have some negative side effects C.meet needs of some company D.expand out of the hospitals 答案 A 解析推理判断题。根据第五段第二句“He forecasts receiving FDA approval within the year for testing on human wounds.”可知,得到 FDA(食品药品监督管理局)的认证才能在人类身上使用。 C Public libraries are an excellent resource for research,literacy(读写能力)education,and reading- centered events.Most towns have one or share library services with other towns through a mobile library,and the use of a public library is free to people who are willing to apply for a library card. There are several primary sources of library funding(资金),starting with national funds which are distributed to states or provinces.These regions send the funds on to public libraries.Local governments also play an important role in providing funding for libraries,and most librarians apply for grants(拨款). Finally,private donations help to maintain librariesmost libraries have an association of Friends of the Library which organizes fund-raising sales and pays annual dues to help maintain the library. Grants and private donations can also be used to provide a large amount of funding for public libraries,and some large libraries maintain a separate staff to increase the amount of funding that they can obtain through these sources.Grants include technology grants which allow libraries to install and upgrade computer systems,grants which focus on a particular topic such as science,fiction,childrens books,or local history,and education grants which support locally-based community efforts such as after-school reading programs.Many private donors are pleased to support their local public libraries by donating funds or including some library in their wills,and libraries reward their donors with treats like after-hours visits or privileged access to special collections. By combining multiple resources,creative librarians can keep their libraries useful,informative,and fun for browsers.When it comes to supporting public libraries,every little bit counts: if you cannot afford to donate to a local library,think about volunteering time to help shelve,lead after-school programs,or organize fund raisers.Being active with your public library is a very important way to contribute to your local community. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了图书馆资金的几个主要来源。 28.How many main sources of library funding are mentioned? A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five. 答案 B 解析细节理解题。根据第二段可知,图书馆资金来源主要有三个:国家资金、当地政府的拨款及私人 捐款。 29.How is the funding made use of according to the text? A.By exploring more about history. B.By developing a scientific computer system. C.By holding after-school activities for students. D.By enriching special collections for the donors. 答案 C 解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“education grants which support locally-based community efforts such as after-school reading programs”可知,有些资金用于为学生举办一些课外阅读活动。 30.What does the underlined word “browsers” refer to in the last paragraph? A.Viewers in the library. B.Programs used
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2021新版人教版选修二英语Unit 5单元测评 课后练习(含答案+听力音频 版人教版 选修 英语 unit 单元 测评 课后 练习 答案 谜底 听力 音频
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