(广东)粤人版三下-Unit 8 Counting-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:1068a).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 8 Counting_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:1068a)
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Our Farm This is our farm. There are . There are . There are . I like our farm.Unit 8 Counting Welcome to my farm.How many animals are there? Lets count. There are nine.How many carrots are there?Can you count? There are . Step 1 Leading in Step 2 Self-learning 1. Listen 听录音。 2. Follow 跟读。 3. Read 自由读。 Listen 听录音 Follow 跟 读。 Listen 听录音 Follow 跟 读。 Step 2 Self-learning 3. Read 自由读。 Eg: -How many . are there ? -There are . -Look! There are . 1. Read together and help each other. (齐读,互帮互助。) 2. Make a new dialogue and act it out. (编一个新的对话,并表演) Any way is welcome. Step 3 Cooperating Stand up and act! 站立表演! Sit down and listen! 静坐聆听! Step Four: Presenting and upgrating 展示提升 声音大 loud 流利 fluent 创新 creative 合作 cooperative 准确 correct Presenting I think they are 声音大 loud 流利 fluent 创新 creative 合作 cooperative 准确 correct Presenting I think they are three four five six seven eight nine ten thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty + 10 How to memorize their form? 如何巧妙地记住它们的书写呢 ? Presenting teen teen teen teen teen teen teen thir fif eigh twenty How many carrots are there? There are seventeen. There are seventeen carrots. Activity 1Activity 1 The flying frogs 会飞的青蛙 Can you catch them? 你能抓到它们吗? Please read the numbers loudly. 请大声读出你看到的数字。 Step 5 Practicing eleveneleveneighteen eighteen twelvetwelve thirteenthirteen nineteennineteenfifteen fifteen fourteenfourteen twentytwentyseventeenseventeen eighteeneighteen thirteenthirteen sixteensixteen Activity 2Activity 2 Practicing Calculation game 速算 Try to calculate the quantity of each kind of things as quickly as possible. 用最快的速度计算出每一种物品的数量。 Fill in the blank and read the sentence. 填空并读出句子。 8+8=? There are jackets. There are pears. sixteen 20-7=? thirteen There are clocks. 7+11=? eighteen 3x5=? There are skirts. There are windows. fifteen 3x5+4=? nineteen There are oranges. 3x2+4x3=? eighteen Activity 3Activity 3 Practicing Fill in the blanks 填空 Look at the pictures and finish the dialogue. 看图完成对话。 1. -How many cherries are there? -There are . twenty 2. -How many peaches ? - fourteen. are there are There 2x10=? 3. - ? -There are twenty. How many grapes are there fifteen twenty sixteen My Farm This is my farm. There are . There are . There are . I like my farm. fifteen strawberries twenty bananas sixteen pears Team workTeam work Practicing Design your farm 设计农场 Chooes which kinds of fruit to plant and decide the quantity of the fruit. 选择想要种植的水果并且填入收获数量。 Then finish the essay and show your farm. 介绍你们的农场。 Our Farm This is our farm. There are . There are . There are . I like our farm. Show me your farm! 展示你的农场! Sit down and listen! 静坐聆听! Number is very important. 数字是非常重要的。 Our life is surrounded by numbers. 我们的生活被数字包围着。 Step 6 Concluding 今天学到了什么? 1. Words (单词) 2. Sentence stucture (句型结构) Homework Listen and read the eight words. Preview the new lesson of unit 8.Friends with English Book two Grade three Unit 8 Countinglearning guide 【Learning Objectives of the Unit 单元目标】: 1.To master the sounds, forms and meanings of the new words 2.To master the usage of sentence patterns. 3.To read the dialogue with emotions and understand the dialogue. 4.To pronounce the sounds /f/v/e/ correctly and learn eight new words with the sound /s/x/z/. 5.To learn by self-exploring ,pair work, group work and immitation. 6.To know different times in different countries and cherish ones time. 【Importance of the Unit 单元学习重点】: Vocabulary:Vocabulary: thirteen/ fourteen/ fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty / sentencesentence patterns:patterns: How manyare there? There are SoundsSounds andand words:words: / s / seventeen/sing / x / sixteen/box / z / zero/zoo 【Difficulties of the Unit 单元学习难点】: 1.To know number words and the sounds of the eight new words. 2.To master the sounds, forms and meanings of new words. 3. To master the usage of“ How manyare there? There are ” 4. To put the feeling in to the dialogue. 5. To be sensitive of the sound /s/x/z/ and pronounce words with this sound correctly. 【Arrangement of Lessons 课时安排】: Three periods Period one: vocabulary and target Period two: conversation(conversation) Period three: sounds and words (sounds and words) 【Analysis of the students 学情分析】: Students in grade three are lively and active. They are more inclined to the intuitive thinking. They have learnt English for two years. They are equipped with the knowledge of daily topics such as numbers, adjective, colors,clothes and simple grammar like pronounce, preposition. It is with moderate difficulty for them to master the knowledge of this unit. 【Roles and logical relation of period one 第一课时作用及逻辑联系】: Period one deals with the vocabulary and target sentence patterns of unit eight. It mainly talks about the integral points of a clock. And it requires students to ask and answer about time with sentence patterns “how many cherries are there? There are” “are there? Yes, there are./No, there arent.”.While students in grade three have learnt the numbers in unit5(Happy Birthday),so it is natural for them to master the similar expressions in specific contexts. This period deals with the words and sentences by interesting activities and various forms. It also emphasizes and penetrates discourse teaching. This period lays a solid foundation for the other periods. 【Teaching Aids 教具准备】: ppt , cards, stickers,hand-out exercises, a clock Period one (vocabulary&target) 【 AimsAims ofof thethe periodperiod 课时学习目标课时学习目标】: 1. To master the sounds, forms and meanings of the new words 2. To master the usage of sentence patterns. 3. To develop students ability of cooperation and self-learning. 4. To know different times in different countries. 【 ImportanceImportance ofof thethe periodperiod 课时重点课时重点】: Vocabulary:Vocabulary: thirteen/ fourteen/ fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty / sentencesentence patterns:patterns: How manyare there? There are 【 DifficultiesDifficulties ofof thethe periodperiod 课时难点课时难点】: To know sounds of thirteen , fifteen and twenty. To master the usage of “How manyare there? There are” 【 MethodMethod & & EvaluationEvaluation 教学方法与策略教学方法与策略】: 1. six-step teaching methods 2. To learn by self-exploring ,pair work, group work. 【 Procedures】Procedures】: Step One: Creating Problems. (创设问题创设问题)(1-2分钟)分钟) 1. Sing a song.(Ten little Indians) 2. Creation a situation: Lets count together. What is this? It is a clock. It can tell us the time. 【Purpose【Purpose设计意图设计意图】:To warm up the class review the numbers by singing songs. By counting numbers in a clock , it is easy and natural for the teachers to introduce the new topic. Step Two: Self-exploring. (自主探究自主探究) (7分钟分钟) 1、 Listen and know the time. (仔细听,了解时间。) 2、 Listen and read after the recorder in a low voice. (听录音,轻声跟读。) 3、 Listen and read aloud after the recorder. (听录音,大声跟读。) 4、 Read freely and and mark where you dont know. (自由读,在不懂的地方做记号。) 【Purpose【Purpose设计意图设计意图】:For the first time, to lead out the words and sentence patterns by passage offers students enough input. For the second and third time, it is good for students to consolidate the sounds ,forms and meanings of the target language. The last time, students can have a self-check and get ready for their tasks of next step. Step Three: Discussing & Solving Problems. (讨论解疑讨论解疑) (6分钟)分钟) 1、Read the words and dialogues in groups. 小组朗读单词和对话。 2、Make dialogues and act out . 编对话并表演。 Eg: A: How manyare there? B: There are A: Are there.? B: Yes, they are/No, they arent. 【Purpose【Purpose设计意图设计意图】:To learn through group work and be clear about where they cant understand just now. Step Four: Presenting & Upgrading. (展示提升展示提升) (12分钟)分钟) 1. Act out the words and dialogues.(three or four groups) 2. Make comment.(self/classmates/teacher) 3. Present the new words and sentence patterns . (correct the wrong pronunciation and present the key points). 【Purpose【Purpose设计意图设计意图】:By encouraging students to be confident and show themselves, teacher can focus on where they can understand and present the key points . Step Five: Practice. (当堂检测当堂检测) (12分钟) 3. Game one: I can count the numbers (sounds, forms, meanings of new words) 4. Game two: How manyare there? (ask and answer of sentence patterns ” How manyare there?”) 5. Game three: Listen look and say. (ask and answer with the sentence patterns ”Is it.? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.”) 6. Song activity: Listen to the song and write down the time then answer the questions . (the key points of new words and sentence patterns in discourse) 【Purpose【Purpose设计意图设计意图】:To design the exercises in diverse forms in order to make students more initiative in study. By doing different activities and playing games, students can learnt the target language step by step with fun. The forth activity watch and write, emphasizes on discourse teaching and comprehensive output of this lesson. Step Six: Concluding & Comprehending. (总结感悟总结感悟) (2分钟) 1. Summarize what have been learnt. 2. Morality teaching: Numbers are so important in our lives. 【Purpose【Purpose 设计意图设计意图】:To sum up what have been learnt immediately and try to make everyone knows about the time difference in different countries. Homework: 1. Draw a lovely clock and ask about the time with your friends. 【Blackboard【Blackboard designdesign 板书设计板书设计】: 【教学反思】: 在教这节课时,我创造多种情景,让学生能听、能看、能触摸, 完全置身于外语的环境中。这样把学习的乐趣放在第一位,寓教于乐,才能充 分调动和保持学生的学习兴趣,让学生在自觉或不自觉的状态下多开口练。例 如:导入部分通过“十个印第安小男孩”的热身曲让学生在歌舞中复习数字, 再通过看图导入钟表能告诉我们时间这个意图直击主题“Time” ,接下来只要 引入 oclock 和 eleven、twelve 这两个单词便完成这节课的单词教学部分。 Unit 8 CountingLearning sheet the first period Class_________ Name__________ 家长签名家长签名__________ 1、我会读我会读:边观看电子书,边模仿跟读:边观看电子书,边模仿跟读 P55 三遍,并勾出三遍,并勾出“”“”你你 会读的单词和句子。会读的单词和句子。 thirteen( ) fourteen( ) fifteen( ) sixteen( ) seventeen( ) eighteen( ) nineteen( ) twenty( ) How many cherries are there?( ) There are twenty.( ) Look! There are thirteen strawberries.( ) 2、我会认我会认:根据中文,将正确的单词写在四线三格中,两遍。:根据中文,将正确的单词写在四线三格中,两遍。 十三十三 十四十四 十五十五 十六十六 十七十七 十八十八 十九十九 二十二十 3、我会说我会说:根据中文提示,用英文说下列短语。:根据中文提示,用英文说下列短语。 1)有多少个樱桃?)有多少个樱桃? ___________________________________________ 2)有)有 20 个。个。 ________________________________________________ 3)看!有)看!有 13 个草莓。个草莓。 _________________________________________ 5、我会问我会问:通过预习,我的问题是:通过预习,我的问题是: 例如:我不会写例如:我不会写 thirteen。 ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
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