(广东)粤人版三下-Unit 5 Clothes-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:000bc).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 5 Clothes_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:000bc)
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Unit 5 Clothes (Students worksheet) 一、Read the story. 读故事。 二、 Look and circle the right answers. 看图,圈出正确的答案。 This is Anns room. The ___(pants/socks) are on the bed, between the pillow and the box. A toy car is ____(on/ in) the box. The ____(jacket/ books) is on the table. The books are ___(on/in) the desk. An orange is____(under/between) the lamp and the books. Oh, look, the ____(pants/skirt) is on the chair and the socks are _____(under/on) the chair. 3、Homework. 作业 1. Read the story. 读今天的故事。 2. Draw some pictures of your clothes and write where they are. 画一些你的衣物的图画,并写出他们在哪。 例如: My socks are under the table.Know more about Lily.Know more about Lily. 判断判断LilyLily的个人信息是否正确的个人信息是否正确Yes / No Yes / No I come from (来自) the UK. I like black. a joke( 玩笑) I am 16 years old. a joke( 玩笑) black dress black sweater ( 毛衣) black shoes What are we going to What are we going to talk about today?talk about today? Vocabulary & Target Watch a video and find out whats the date? 2017 四月 Whats the date? Its April 1st, April Fools Day. (愚人节) People play nice jokes on April Fools Day. 人们在愚人节会开一些善 意的玩笑。 Aha! April Fools Day! I like playing jokes! (开玩笑) 2017 四月 Look! Its April Fools Day. What happens to Tony and Jenny? What cant Jenny and Tony find?( Jenny和Tony找不到什么东西了?) 1. What cant Jenny find(找不到)? her socksher skirt his jacket 2. What cant Tony find(找不到)? his pants skirt socks jacket pants 1. Wheres the skirt?2. Where are the socks? 4. Where are the pants?3. Wheres the jacket? Its on the bed.They are under the pillow. Its in the drawer. They are between the bed and the sofa. gamestory Look,Tony and Jenny are sleeping. Ssh Hahaha Tony, Jenny , wake up, wake up! (起床) Wheres my skirt? Sorry, I dont know. Aha, I know. Its on the bed. Oh, no! Where are my socks? Sorry, I dont know. Aha, I know. Theyre under the pillow. Aha, I know. Theyre under the pillow. Oh, no! Where are my socks? Sorry, I dont know. Wheres my jacket? Sorry, I dont know. Aha, I know. Its in the drawer. Oh, no! Where are my pants? Sorry, I dont know. Aha, I know. Theyre between the bed and the sofa. Oh, Gogo. You know everything(一切)! Of course! I hid(藏) them. Its April Fools Day! (愚人节 )Happy April Fools Day! LetsLets play games!play games! Word game:Bomb game. 单词游戏:炸弹游戏 skirtjacket betweensocks pantsin socks underon underskirt between On, on, on the hand Under, under, under the hand In, in, in the hands Between, between, between the hands Lets chant and act!Lets chant and act! in Skirt, skirt, wheres my skirt? Socks, socks, where are my socks? Jacket, jacket, wheres my jacket? Pants, pants where are my pants? On, on, on the box. In, in, in the box. Under, under, under the box. Between, between, between the boxes. Wheres the ? Its ____ the . under betweenand on in Wherere the s? Theyre ____ the . Where is the cat? Its on the chair. Where is the pen? Its in the box. Where are the socks? Theyre under the table. Where is the mouse? Its between the cats. Tony, lets hide Gogos things! (藏起果果的东西!) 2017 四月 Guessing game (帮Gogo猜猜东西在哪里) Where is / are the ? Wheres my .? Where are my .? Group game : 小组里1个同学把自己的东西藏起来,问Where is/are my .? 其他3个同学猜Its/They are . A: Where is my ? B: Its in/on/under. A: Where are my s ? B: They are in/on/under. This is Anns room. The ___(pants/socks) are on the bed, between the pillow and the box. A toy car is __(on/ in) the box. The ___(jacket/ books) is on the table. The books are __(on/in) the desk. An orange is___(under/between) the lamp and the books. Oh, look, the ___(pants/skirt) is on the chair and the socks are ___(under/on) the chair. Lets look and circle the right answer.Lets look and circle the right answer. 看图并圈出正确答案。看图并圈出正确答案。 We should put our clothes in the We should put our clothes in the right place and keep the room tidy.right place and keep the room tidy. 我们应该把衣服放好,保持房间整洁。我们应该把衣服放好,保持房间整洁。 socksskirtjacketpants in on under between 1. The words of clothing.(表示衣服的单词) 2. The words of location .(表示位置的单词) A: Where is ? B: Its in/on/under. A: Where are s ? B: They are in/on/under. 3. How to talk about the location of the things. (如何去谈论物品的位置) 1. Read the story. 2. Draw some pictures of your clothes and write where they are. My socks are uner the table.1 - Teaching Plan for Vocabulary and Target in Unit 5 Clothes 【Analysis of the teaching material】 本课教学模块选自广东人民出版社出版的广东版小学 英语(三年级起点) ,三年级下册,第五单元 Clothes 的 词汇和句型教学版块,是本单元的第二课时教学。词汇部 分主要为表示衣物的名词 socks,pants, skirt, jacket 等和表示方位的介词 in, on, under,between 等词;而语 用功能部分,主要是谈论物品在哪里,句型为 Where is .? Its . Where are .? They are .对这两 个句型,学生容易搞错单复数形式,是本课的教学内容的难 点所在。 本课的教学内容与学生的生活实际联系紧密,教师将围绕教学的重难点进行教学内容的 整合和拓展,充分利用多媒体,通过课前、课中微课等调动学生的学习兴趣,通过文本再构, 创编故事、歌谣、游戏等,把词汇和句型融入故事、歌谣、游戏中,增加学生的语言输入量, 培养学生在语篇中感知、学习和运用新词汇和句型的能力,提高其英语综合能力。 【Analysis of the learning situation】 1 1学生年龄特点和认知特点分析:学生年龄特点和认知特点分析: 本课教学对象是小学三年级学生,年龄在 8 到 9 岁左右,他们具有强烈的求知欲,对事 物充满好奇,喜欢游戏,模仿能力强,可塑性强。他们的学习动机主要取决于对学习内容感 兴趣的程度。他们的认知发展具有明显的符号性和逻辑特点,以形象思维为主,思维活动依 赖具体的事物和经验的支持,缺乏抽象性思维。本课教学中,将针对学生的年龄特点和认知 特点,通过课中微课、创编的故事、歌谣来引导其感知、归纳,通过游戏活动来进行操练、 运用,让学生能在快乐中学习。 2 2语言知识和技能分析:语言知识和技能分析: 学生们在一、二年级时已学过北师大版教材,英语有一定的基础,知道一些衣物的单词, 如 hats 等,同时,由于本课是第二课时教学,在第一课时中,学生已学习了 socks,pants,in, on,等词,对句型 Where is.Where are.有一定的接触,但还不能 - 2 - 熟练掌握并运用此句型。 3 3学习能力分析:学习能力分析: 三年级的孩子的学习能力由被动学习向主动学习转变,其注意力、记忆力、理解能力、 思维能力、表达能力等学习能力在不断增强。注意力保持的时间能更持久了,由 15-20 分钟 提高到 20-30 分钟,内在动机开始成为其学习动力,但是外在激励和调动仍是孩子学习的重 要动力。在本课时教学中,老师将采用各种教学手段,调动和激励孩子们,同时注意培养他 们的观察、归纳、探索、表达等学习能力。 【Teaching Objectives】 1. Knowledge objectives: (1)Students can perceive and understand the meanings of the following words in the story situation: in, on, under, between, socks, pants, skirt and jacket. (2)Students can perceive and understand the meanings of the following sentences in the story situation: Where is .? Its in/on/under/between. Where are .? They are in/on/under/between. 2. Ability objectives: (1)Students can read the following words correctly: in, on, under, between, socks, pants, skirt and jacket. (2)Students can use the following sentence patterns to express the positions of things rightly: The socks are on the bed. The jacket is in the drawer. (3)Students can talk about where things are fluently. Where is .? Its in/on/under/between. Where are .? They are in/on/under/between. (4)Students can develop their discourse ability. 3. Learning strategies: (1) Students can learn to perceive new words in the discourses. (2) Students can learn to make conclusions by perception. (3)Students can learn to cooperate with others in groups. 4. Emotion objectives: (1)Students can know that they should keep their room clean and tidy. - 3 - (2)Students can take part in the activities actively and happily in class. (3)Students can develop their interest in learning English. 【Teaching Key Points】 (1)Students can perceive and read the following words correctly: in, on, under, between, socks, pants, skirt and jacket. (2)Students can use the following sentence patterns to express the positions of things rightly: The socks are on the bed. The jacket is in the drawer. (3)Students can talk about where things are fluently in proper situations. Where is .? Its in/on/under/between. Where are .? They are in/on/under/between. 【Teaching Difficult Points】 Students can talk about where things are fluently in proper situations. Where is .? Its in/on/under/between. Where are .? They are in/on/under/between. 【Teaching Aids】 Computer, PPT, cards, and students worksheets. 【Teaching Approaches】 Situational teaching method, task-based activities, collaborative learning approach, cooperation study methods. 【Teaching period】 the 2nd period of Unit 5 【Teaching Procedure】 Step. Warming up (3 minutes) 1. Ice-breaking. (Judge Yes or No) T: Do you want to know more about Lily. Lets - 4 - judge “Yes” or “No”. Then, students judge where what the teacher said is “Yes” or “No.” The information about the teacher is as follows: I come from the UK. Im 16 years old. I like black. 设计意图:设计意图:由于是借班上课,课前通过判断“有关老师的信息是否正确” 的小游戏热身, 一方面起到和孩子们之间的破冰效果,一方面引出 a joke,为 微课的故事铺垫。 2. Lead-in the topic of the lesson. T: I like black. Look, black dress, black sweater and black shoes. Guess: What are we going to talk about today? Students look at the teachers photos, and try to guess the topic of todays lesson. 设计意图:设计意图: 从第一步的破冰活动里引入的 I like black.引导学生聚集到 clothes 上,从而引出本课的课题:Clothes。 Step . Lead-in and presentation (4 minutes) 1. Lead in the theme of todays story. T: Today is June 16th. Now, lets watch a video and find out what the date is in the video. Students watch the video and try to find out the date: April Fools Day. 设计意图:设计意图:通过观看短小的视频,激发学生兴趣,同时,引入今天故事 的主线:April Fools Day。 - 5 - 2. Presentation of the new words and sentences in the story. T: Its April Fools Day. What does Gogo do? What happens to Tony and Jenny? What cant they find? Now, lets watch a video. Students watch the video and try to find out the answer. - 6 - 设计意图:设计意图:从 April Fools Day 的情境引入到创编的故事,播放课中微 课,让学生在微课的故事情境中感知新词汇和句型,同时,带着老师提出的问 题去故事中寻找答案。 创编的故事情境简单有趣,利用书本人物 Gogo 调皮可爱的特点,创编了 他愚人节捉弄 Tony 和 Jenny 的故事, (Its April Fools Day. Gogo plays jokes.He hides Tonys and Jennys clothes.) ,故事中,巧妙地 融入了本课的新词汇和句型:in, on, under, between, socks, pants, skirt , jacket. Wheres my .? Where are my .?等,使学生能在语篇中初步感知词汇和句型, 避免了孤立地、缺乏语境地教学词汇和句型。 Step . Learn and drill (17 minutes) 1. Learn and drill the new words of clothing. After watching the video, T asks: What cant Jenny find? What cant Tony find? Then, write down the new words and help students read them. Students answer the questions and find the picture cards of “skirt, socks, pants, and jacket” , stick them on Bb and read after the teacher. 设计意图:设计意图:观看微课后,通过让孩子们回答老师提出的问题,找出相应 的图片卡,从而使孩子们聚焦新词汇(skirt, socks, pants, jacket) ,教师 通过小组读、男女生读、开火车读等形式,帮助学生熟练掌握新词汇的音、形 与义。 - 7 - 2. Learn and drill the new words of locations and sentence patterns. T: Wheres the skirt? Where are the socks? Wheres the jacket? And where are the pants? Lets watch the story again and find out the answers. The teacher plays the video again, helps students find the answers, reads the new words of locations and writes them on Bb. Help students learn the sentence patterns. Students watch the video again, try to find out the answers to the questions, and stick the picture cards to the right places on Bb. Read and learn the words and sentence patterns with the teachers help. 设计意图:设计意图:通过 问题的设置,让学生带着问题再看一次微课里的故事,去寻找答案。教师所提 出的问题,正是本课的教学重点所在,Where is./ Where are .,而在学 生回答的过程中,让学生上来黑板处,把图片贴在正确的位置,帮助学生更好 地形象地理解新词汇 in, on, under, between 等词的意义,同时,在故事的 情境中 ,帮助学生学习和机械性操练新句型 Where is./Where are .。板 书重难点,帮助学生区分其单复数的不同。 3. Read the story. T: Lets read the story together. Students read the whole story together. 设计意图:设计意图:通过全班大声朗读故事,让学生在故事的语篇中再次感知和 - 8 - 巩固新词汇和句型。 Step . Consolidation (15 minutes) 1. Word game: bomb game. T: Do you like games? Lets play a bomb game. Students read the new words loudly, but say “bomb” when they see bombs on PPT. 设计意图:通过玩设计意图:通过玩“炸弹游戏炸弹游戏” ,巩固新词汇的音形义,巩固新词汇的音形义。 2. Chant and act. T: Lets chant and do the actions together. Students chant and do the actions with the teacher. 设计意图:设计意图:利用三年级学生活泼好动的特点, 结合 TPR 的理念,让学生边唱歌谣,边做相应动 作,进一步巩固方位介词的音形义。 3. Lets chant. T: Lets listen and chant with music. Students listen first, and then chant with music. 设计意图:设计意图:把歌谣从上一步中简单的方位 词的哼唱,提升到这一环节里的句型、语篇的哼 唱,让学生跟着音乐有节奏地唱,进一步巩固了本课所有的重点词汇和句型。 4. Pair-work: Read more words. T: Look at the pictures. Please work in pairs and talk about where things are. - 9 - Students ask and answer in pairs. 设计意图:设计意图:此环节将学生的操练从之前的机械性操练上升到了意义性操 练,让学生看着 PPT 上的图片,进行真实的、有意义性的两两对话操练,进一 步巩固句型和词汇。 5. Play games. T: Lets play more games. Game 1: Magic eyes. Students answer where things are after the teacher flashes the pictures on PPT. Game 2: Guessing game. T: Its April Fools Day. Tony and Jenny hide Gogos things. Please help Gogo guess where the things are. Students guess: Where is the apple/ jacket/ pants/ socks? Game 3: Play the guessing game in groups. T: Now, lets play the guessing game in our groups. One of you hide the things, then, other group members guess where things are. Students play the guessing game in groups. 设计意图:设计意图:利用三 年级孩子喜欢游戏的特点和考虑到他们注意力不能长期集中的特点,设计了这 一系列的游戏活动,一方面调动孩子们的兴趣,一方面,把本课的重难点融入 - 10 - 其中,再进行了一轮的巩固和运用。3 个小游戏的难度逐步递进,从游戏 1 简 单的要求说句子 Its./Theyre .到游戏 3,必须要说出对话:Where is. / Where are .,把语言训练的层次逐步提升,而且,游戏 3,让学生 充分利用身边的事物来玩“猜东西在哪” ,此游戏在真实的情境中开展,是一 种真实的交际性的操练,进一步培养学生的真实语言运用能力。 Step . Extension (4 minutes) 1. Look at the picture, read and circle the right answers. T: Look! This is Anns room. Please read and circle the right answers according to the picture. Students read and circle the right answers according to the picture. 设计意图:设计意图:让学生结合图片,读语篇,并圈出正确的选项,把语言训练 从词、句提高到语篇层次,不但能检测学生本节课的知识掌握情况,而且拓展 提升了学生的语篇能力。 2. Emotional education. T: Look at Anns room. Do you like it? I dont like it. Its messy. But look at this room. I like it. Remember we should put our clothes in the right place and keep our room tidy. 设计意图:设计意图:渗透情感教育,引导学生要把衣物放好,保持房间的整洁。 - 11 - Step . Sum-up and Homework. (2 minute) 1. Focus on the PPT, sum-up and read what weve learned today. 2. Assign homework for students. (Draw pictures and write where they are.) 设计意图:设计意图:对本课所学的词汇和句型进行总结,并布置作业。作业的布置 结合了学生的年龄特点,让他们画出衣物的方位,并写出相关句子,不但能复 习巩固所学内容,而且能更好地调动学生的学习兴趣。 【Blackboard-writing】
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