(广东)粤人版三下-Unit 4 Fruit-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:510a5).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年1月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Fruit_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:510a5)
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Unit 4 Fruit Name out the words of fruit: (观看视频并说出视频中的水果单词。) bananaspearsorangescherries strawberriespeachesgrapeswatermelons Welcome to the Fruit Land! 欢迎来到水果乐园! What are these? They are bananas. Are these bananas? No,they arent. Are these peaches? Yes,they are. What are these? They are _____. Are these_____? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Pairwork: (两人小组对话) Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer. (听对话找出相应的单词和句子。) Listen and tick: (听录音,在所听到的单词或句子旁边打“”) (1)pear ( ) pears ( ) (2)peach ( ) peaches ( ) (3)orange ( ) oranges ( ) (4)grape ( ) grapes ( ) (5)Whats this? ( ) Whats that? ( ) (6)Are they peaches ? ( ) Are these peaches? ( ) Sell the fruit (水果买卖) Lan Yangyang: Hello! Gogo: Hi! Lan Yangyang: Welcome to my fruit store! Here are some red and big fruit. Gogo: What are these? Lan Yangyang: They are apples. Do you like apples? Gogo: Yes, I do. / No, I like pears. Lan Yangyang: Here you are. Gogo: Thank you. Lan Yangyang: Goodbye! Gogo: Bye! Groupwork: 小组对话:扮演懒洋洋和Gogo 买卖水果。 Lan Yangyang: Hello! Gogo: Hi! Lan Yangyang: Welcome to my fruit store! Here are some ____ and _____ fruit. Gogo: What are these? Lan Yangyang: They are _____. Do you like _____? Gogo: Yes, I do. / No, I like _____. Lan Yangyang: Here you are. Gogo: Thank you. Lan Yangyang: Goodbye! Gogo: Bye! Gogo likes . (给你喜欢的水果制作小标签。) I am _________. I like _________. They are ________. They are ________. _______________. What do you like? Draw and write: Gogo grapes purple small They are yummy (给你喜欢的水果制作小标签。) I am _________. I like _________. They are ________. They are ________. _______________. What do you like? Draw and write: 健康生活,多吃水果 。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。 Homework(作业): Make a fruit card and share it with your parents and friends.( 制作水果标签并与你父母和朋友分享你 喜欢的水果。)班级:班级:__________ 姓名:姓名:__________ Unit 4 Fruit 1.Listen and tick: (听录音,在所听到的单词和句子旁边打听录音,在所听到的单词和句子旁边打“”“” 。) (1)pear ( ) pears ( ) (2)peach ( ) peaches ( ) (3)orange ( ) oranges ( ) (4)grape ( ) grapes ( ) (5)Whats this? ( ) Whats that? ( ) (6)Are they peaches ? ( ) Are these peaches? ( ) 2.Draw and write: ( (画出你喜爱的一种水果,并给水果制作小标签。画出你喜爱的一种水果,并给水果制作小标签。) ) I am . I like . They are . They are . . What do you likeUnit 4 Fruit Name out the words of fruit: (观看视频并说出视频中的水果单词。) bananaspearsorangescherries strawberriespeachesgrapeswatermelons Welcome to the Fruit Land! 欢迎来到水果乐园! What are these? They are bananas. Are these bananas? No,they arent. Are these peaches? Yes,they are. What are these? They are _____. Are these_____? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Pairwork: (两人小组对话) Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer. (听对话找出相应的单词和句子。) Listen and tick: (听录音,在所听到的单词或句子旁边打“”) (1)pear ( ) pears ( ) (2)peach ( ) peaches ( ) (3)orange ( ) oranges ( ) (4)grape ( ) grapes ( ) (5)Whats this? ( ) Whats that? ( ) (6)Are they peaches ? ( ) Are these peaches? ( ) Sell the fruit (水果买卖) Lan Yangyang: Hello! Gogo: Hi! Lan Yangyang: Welcome to my fruit store! Here are some red and big fruit. Gogo: What are these? Lan Yangyang: They are apples. Do you like apples? Gogo: Yes, I do. / No, I like pears. Lan Yangyang: Here you are. Gogo: Thank you. Lan Yangyang: Goodbye! Gogo: Bye! Groupwork: 小组对话:扮演懒洋洋和Gogo 买卖水果。 Lan Yangyang: Hello! Gogo: Hi! Lan Yangyang: Welcome to my fruit store! Here are some ____ and _____ fruit. Gogo: What are these? Lan Yangyang: They are _____. Do you like _____? Gogo: Yes, I do. / No, I like _____. Lan Yangyang: Here you are. Gogo: Thank you. Lan Yangyang: Goodbye! Gogo: Bye! Gogo likes . (给你喜欢的水果制作小标签。) I am _________. I like _________. They are ________. They are ________. _______________. What do you like? Draw and write: Gogo grapes purple small They are yummy (给你喜欢的水果制作小标签。) I am _________. I like _________. They are ________. They are ________. _______________. What do you like? Draw and write: 健康生活,多吃水果 。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。 Homework(作业): Make a fruit card and share it with your parents and friends.( 制作水果标签并与你父母和朋友分享你 喜欢的水果。)1 教学设计教学设计 一、学情分析一、学情分析 三年级学生的年龄大概在八九岁左右,这个年龄阶段的孩子性格活泼开朗,善于模仿, 表演欲强,对英语的学习兴趣较浓。然而,他们的自控能力较差,注意力较难长时间的集中, 所以要想方设法通过角色扮演、情景对话等活动来吸引学生的注意力。学生已经有两年的英 语口语学习作为基础,并在三年级第一学期掌握了一些基础的单词,他们能够用英语进行简 单的问候与对话。另外,学生在课堂上也逐渐形成了以小组合作的方式进行分享交流的基本 学习技能。 二、教材分析二、教材分析 课前已经学过了一些水果单词(apple, banana, orange) ,颜色单词(red, yellow, blue, pink, green, orange, purple, brown) ,形容词(big, small, good, happy),也学过相关的句型 “Whats this?/ Whats that?/ Is this ?/ What color is this?/ Do you like ?/ What do you like? ” 等。本单元主要教授八个水果单词的单复数形式,以及“What are these?” “They are .” “Are these?” “Yes, they are.” “No, they arent.”句型。 三、设计整体思路和依据三、设计整体思路和依据 根据新课程标准,强调关注学生学习兴趣,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习 方式,发展学生的综合运用语言的能力。本节课以学生为主体,在教师的引导下,采用分享 式教学法、情景教学法、直观教学法、任务型教学法、游戏教学法、多媒体辅助教学法等多 种教学方法相结合,充分发挥其个体积极性,提高语言的综合运用能力。 四、教学目标:四、教学目标: 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: Vocabulary: banana- bananas pear-pears orange-oranges watermelon-watermelons grape-grapes peach-peaches cherry-cherries strawberry-strawberries 2 Sentence patterns: What are these? They are . Are these ? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: 1. 培养学生英语的听、说、读、写能力。 2. 培养学生语言交际能力。 文化情感目标:文化情感目标: 1激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 2. 培养学生团队合作的精神。 3. 让学生知道多吃水果的益处。 学习策略:学习策略: 采取两人小组和五人小组合作学习的形式。通过师对生,生对师,生生练习,小组展示 的方式学习和巩固新知,引导学生积极参与合作,共同完成学习任务。 五、具体教学设计五、具体教学设计 课型、时间课型、时间 新授课(40 分钟) 教学要求教学要求 1. Able to ask about and identify fruit. 2. Able to use the sentence patterns to sell the fruit. 3. Able to describe ones favorite fruit. 教学重难点教学重难点 Teaching key points: Vocabulary: banana- bananas pear-pears orange-oranges watermelon-watermelons grape-grapes peach-peaches cherry-cherries strawberry-strawberries Sentence patterns: 3 What are these? They are . Are these ? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. Teaching difficult points: The plural forms of the words. 教学过程教学过程 步骤目的教师活动/ 方法 学生活动/ 学法 条件/ 手段 Step 1 Free Talk T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? Are you happy today? I am happy because I have some yummy fruit. Whats this? (Point to an apple) What color is this? Whats that? (Point to an orange) Is the orange big? Is the apple big? Do you like oranges? Do you like apples? 通过师生间 的问答,灵 活运用相关 的旧知识为 新课的学习 做铺垫。 围绕学生学 过的单词和 句型,老师 向全班提问。 学生举手回 答问题。 使用实 物水果 作为教 具。 Step 2 Presentation 1 1.Watch a video about picking fruit. 2.Present the new words (1).Ss name out the words of fruit. Ss: Apple/banana/orange (2). T puts the word cards on the Bb, Ss 利用有趣形 象的摘水果 视频作为新 单词的导入, 激发学生学 习兴趣,营 造轻松愉悦 的学习气氛。 通过视频自 观看视频前 前,老师布 置任务,让 学生看完视 频后说出里 面中提到的 几种水果名 称。同时, 老师在黑板 学生认真观 看完视频后, 以抢答的方 式回答老师 的提问。 播放摘 水果的 视频。 4 learn the new words together. 然地引出本 节课的主题 “水果” 。 上张贴对应 的单词卡片。 Step 3 Presentation 2 1.Role-play: Gogo and Tony T: Tony has a friend. He s Gogo. Hes hungry now. He wants to eat some fruit. But he doesnt know the names of the fruit. If you are his friend Tony, can you help him? Model: Gogo: Whats this? Tony: Its a/an . Gogo:What are these? Tony: Gogo: Are these ? Tony: Yes/No . (Ask and answer: T takes the role of Gogo, S1 takes the role of Tony.) 2. Present the sentence patterns: What are these? They are . Are these ? 模拟故事情 景,通过角 色扮演的形 式,由人物 之间的对话 引出新句型。 学生在具体 的情景中更 容易理解和 掌握新句型。 1.老师扮演 Gogo 的角 色。Gogo 肚子饿了想 吃水果,但 他不知道水 果的名称。 他想寻求好 朋友 Tony 的帮助。2. 老师在黑板 上张贴对应 的句型卡片。 1.邀请学生 扮演 Tony 的角色,帮 助好朋友 Gogo 认识 水果,耐心 回答 Gogo 提出的问题。 2.学生以 Group work 和 Pair work 的形 式操练句型。 3.邀请个别 同学上台进 行对话展示。 戴上需 要扮演 的角色 Gogo 和 Tony 的头饰。 利用真 实水果 作为道 具。 5 Yes, they are./ No, they arent. (T puts the sentence cards on the Bb ) 3.Practice the sentence patterns: (1).Group work:G1 - G2, G2 G1 ,Boys Girls, Girls-Boys (2).Pair work: ask and answer (3). Check several pairs. Step 4 Practice Do listening exercise: T: Now Gogo and Tony are talking about fruit. Listen carefully and find out the words and sentences from the dialogue. 1.Listen to the tape. 2.Check the answer. 3.Show the conversation on PPT. 通过听力练 习,培养学 生在对话中 提取重要信 息的能力。 1.老师播放 听力录音。 播放录音前 提示学生如 何答题。 2.核对答案。 3.在 PPT 上 展示对话原 稿。 学生听录音, 完成习题。 准备电 脑设备 以及听 力练习 纸。 6 Step 5 Creative Activity Task: Sell the fruit 1. T makes a model with a student: T takes the role of Lan Yangyang, S2 takes the role of Gogo. Model: Lan: Hello! Gogo: Hi! Lan : Welcome to my fruit store! Here are some red and big fruit. Gogo: What are these? Lan: They are apples. Do you like apples? Gogo: Yes, I do. / No, I like pears. Lan : Here you are. Gogo: Thank you. Lan: Goodbye! Gogo: Bye! 2. Two students make a model: S3 takes the role of Lan Yangyang, S4 takes the role of Gogo. 3. Ask Ss to make dialogues in groups. 4. Check several pairs. 创设“水果 买卖”的情 景,调动学 生的积极性, 通过小组活 动的形式让 全体学生参 与到对话活 动当中。把 所学的新旧 句型相结合 起来,让学 生把所学的 知识运用到 日常生活当 中,拓展学 生的思维, 学以致用。 设计在懒洋 洋水果店买 卖水果的情 境,老师带 上懒洋洋的 头饰,手挽 着水果篮子, 与学生示范 水果买卖的 过程。 学生用他们 准备好的水 果,以五人 小组的形式 开展水果买 卖的对话。 利用懒 洋洋的 头饰再 加上装 满水果 的篮子 作为水 果买卖 的道具。 7 Step 6 Expansion 1.Show a fruit card of Gogo. Model: I am Gogo. I like grapes. They are purple. They are small. They are yummy. What do you like? 2.Ask Ss to make their fruit cards. 3.Check out: Ask some Ss to show. 设计为喜欢 的水果制作 “水果标签” 的环节,进 一步巩固所 学的知识, 培养学生的 写作能力。 老师先让学 生猜一猜 Gogo 喜欢 什么水果。 再以 Gogo 的身份介绍 他制作的 “水果标签” 。 全班学生画 出自己喜爱 的水果图片 并用简单的 的句子介绍 水果的特征。 写作部 分用到 纸质的 练习。 Step 7 Emotional Education T: To be healthy, eat more fruit. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 课堂的情感 升华。 老师进行情 感教育。 学生领会多 吃水果有益 健康的好处。 图片与 谚语相 结合。 Step 8 Homework Make a fruit card and share it with your parents and friends. 制作水果标 签并与你父 母和朋友分 享你喜欢的 水果,以此 老师布置作 业。 学生倾听作 业的要求。 在 PPT 上出示 作业要 求。 8 作为课堂知 识的延伸。 六、板书设计六、板书设计
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