(广东)粤人版六下-Unit 4 Feeling Excited-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:f143e).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Feeling Excited_Lesson 5_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:f143e)
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一、一、read the story , then circle the sound/au/. 1.There is a house, a round, round house. 4.Look out! The ball rolls! 2.In the round round house, there is a round,round mouse. 3.In his round,round mouth, There is a round,round ball. 5.The ball rolls around the house. The mouse runs after the ball.6.Where is the round ball? A.走走了了 B.滚滚动动 二、判断画线部分发音是(判断画线部分发音是()否()否()相同。)相同。 ( )1. mouse about ( )2. cousin house ( )3. mountain country ( )4. how playground ( )5. window mouseUnit4 Feeling Excited (Sound and words) Brown,brown,brown, The mouse is brown. Wow,wow,wow, The mouse is down. Down,down,down, Down to the town. owowow ow owowow ow owowow owow down town Wow Brown Tips:你听到最多的发音是什么呢 ?你发现了最多的相同字母是什么呢? ow au Q:你听到最多的发音是什么呢?你又发现了最多的相同字母是什么呢? Hello ou au mouse Town House 1 House 2 Shoo! Shoo! Whats that ? A little is on the , A little is in my . Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Tips:你听到了哪些单词呢? mouse mousehouse sound ground Town House 1 House 2 4.mountain 7.playround 8.around6.round5.cloud 3.mouth1.out Tips: 1. Read by yourself.自己先拼读。 2. Try in four.四人小组读一读。 If you cant, please ask your friends or the teacher. 不会的可以问同学或老师。 2.stout outside ouch now count shout around south loud sound brown cow flower round how down Tips: Use the words as more as you can to make a sentences. Then speak it out. Practice: Listen and and try to write the words.(听音写单词 ) o u ts t o u t c l o u d a b o u t a r o u n d o u c h Town House 1 House 2 There is a house,a round round house. In the round round house, there is a round round mouse. In his round round mouth, there is a round round ball. Look out! The ball rolls. The ball rolls around the house, the mouse runs after the ball. Where is the round ball? 1.There is a house, a round, round house. 4.Look out! The ball rolls! 2.In the round round house, there is a round,round mouse. 3.In his round,round mouth, There is a round,round ball. 5.The ball rolls around the house. The mouse runs after the ball.6.Where is the round ball? A.走了 B.滚动 Where is the round ball now? House 1 House 2 Town cloud Look,there is a round ball on the cloud. flowers ground (地面) crowd (人群) Look,there is a round ball in/on/near the . Look,there is a round ball in/on/near the . 判断画线部分发音是()否()相同。 ( )1. mouse about ( )2. cousin house ( )3. mountain country ( )4. how playground ( )5. window mouse /au/au/ /au/ /au/ / /au/ /au/ /u/ au / 1.Write the words in P53,then use each word to make a sentence. (抄写第53页单词,并用每个单词造一个句子) 2.Read the words for five times. (和你的小伙伴们一起读读这个故事吧。) 3.Try to find out more words with”ou”. (尝试找出更多带有“ou”字母的单词。)Unit4 Feeling Excited (Sound and words) Brown,brown,brown, The mouse is brown. Wow,wow,wow, The mouse is down. Down,down,down, Down to the town. owowow ow owowow ow owowow owow down town Wow Brown Tips:你听到最多的发音是什么呢 ?你发现了最多的相同字母是什么呢? ow au Q:你听到最多的发音是什么呢?你又发现了最多的相同字母是什么呢? Hello ou au mouse Town House 1 House 2 Shoo! Shoo! Whats that ? A little is on the , A little is in my . Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Tips:你听到了哪些单词呢? mouse mousehouse sound ground Town House 1 House 2 4.mountain 7.playround 8.around6.round5.cloud 3.mouth1.out Tips: 1. Read by yourself.自己先拼读。 2. Try in four.四人小组读一读。 If you cant, please ask your friends or the teacher. 不会的可以问同学或老师。 2.stout outside ouch now count shout around south loud sound brown cow flower round how down Tips: Use the words as more as you can to make a sentences. Then speak it out. Practice: Listen and and try to write the words.(听音写单词 ) o u ts t o u t c l o u d a b o u t a r o u n d o u c h Town House 1 House 2 There is a house,a round round house. In the round round house, there is a round round mouse. In his round round mouth, there is a round round ball. Look out! The ball rolls. The ball rolls around the house, the mouse runs after the ball. Where is the round ball? 1.There is a house, a round, round house. 4.Look out! The ball rolls! 2.In the round round house, there is a round,round mouse. 3.In his round,round mouth, There is a round,round ball. 5.The ball rolls around the house. The mouse runs after the ball.6.Where is the round ball? A.走了 B.滚动 Where is the round ball now? House 1 House 2 Town cloud Look,there is a round ball on the cloud. flowers ground (地面) crowd (人群) Look,there is a round ball in/on/near the . Look,there is a round ball in/on/near the . 判断画线部分发音是()否()相同。 ( )1. mouse about ( )2. cousin house ( )3. mountain country ( )4. how playground ( )5. window mouse /au/au/ /au/ /au/ / /au/ /au/ /u/ au / 1.Write the words in P53,then use each word to make a sentence. (抄写第53页单词,并用每个单词造一个句子) 2.Read the words for five times. (和你的小伙伴们一起读读这个故事吧。) 3.Try to find out more words with”ou”. (尝试找出更多带有“ou”字母的单词。)一、一、read the story , then circle the sound/au/. 1.There is a house, a round, round house. 4.Look out! The ball rolls! 2.In the round round house, there is a round,round mouse. 3.In his round,round mouth, There is a round,round ball. 5.The ball rolls around the house. The mouse runs after the ball.6.Where is the round ball? A.走走了了 B.滚滚动动 二、判断画线部分发音是(判断画线部分发音是()否()否()相同。)相同。 ( )1. mouse about ( )2. cousin house ( )3. mountain country ( )4. how playground ( )5. window mouseUnit4Unit4 FeelingFeeling ExcitedExcited (sounds(sounds andand words)words)教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课时教学内容是粤人民版英语六年级下册 Unit 4 Feeling Excited 的 sounds and words 部分,要求学生能够正确说出 ou 在单词中发/a/,并能拼读符 合 ou 发音规则的单词(1. listen and say.)。并于熟练掌握 ou 的发音后进行说 唱(2.Listen and chant.) 。 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: (一)语言能力(一)语言能力 1 1、知识目标、知识目标 1)学生能够正确说出字母组合 ou 在单词中发/a/,并能拼读符合 ou 发音 规则的单词。 2)学生能够通过完成听录音选出所听到的单词、看图听音写出单词等活动, 强化 ou 的音形对应关系。 3)学生能够理解绘本“A round house”的内容和会读其中含 ou 的单词。 2.2.语言技能目标语言技能目标 (1)听:能听/a/音的相关单词,然后对单词进行拆音、拼音和分类等活动, 进行发现式的学习、观察、感知、体验并归纳 ou 的发音规则。 (2)说:能运用课本带有 ou 发音的单词编句子并说出来。 (3)读:能够读出 ou 发音, 并能朗读课本带有 ou/a/发音的单词。 (4)写:能听音写单词。 (二)思维品质(二)思维品质 引导学生在阅读和朗读了绘本后,对绘本最后的问题 Where is the round ball?,进行思考、分析、推断,发展其逻辑思维。 (三)学习能力(三)学习能力 教学过程中,引导学生通过 Phonics、知识迁移等方法培养“见词能读” 的语音、词汇学习能力,扩大词汇量,积累丰富的语言知识;通过小组合作培 养学生自主学习的能力。 三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点 教学重点:学生能够掌握字母组合 ou 在单词中的发音规律。 教学难点:学生能够运用字母组合 ou 在单词中的发音规律,做到正确听音 拼写单词。 四、教具准备:四、教具准备:pptppt 课件、学生练习书 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1 :Warming up 1.Phonics chant(greets to the Ss and listen to Phonics song.) T: From this song, we can hear some sounds, like Aa Aa Aa,/ / /,how about others?(教师以 此类推,多报几个字母让学生复习发音。) 2. chant ow /a/ 1) Listen to a chant T: what is the most sound? Ss:/a/ Chant together,then find what are the same letters? (Show the words: brown ,wow, down, town) T: So, the letters ow sounds /a/ Step2 : Presentation 1. Lean in ou /a/ T: Now you know “ow” read /a/, how about “ou”? Lets watch a video. And then please tell me whats the ou sound?(chant:o-u /au/au/au/au/au/ ) (通过视频让学生初步感知 ou 的发音) T: Yes, ou sounds /a/. Today well learn the sound /a/. Lets chant. chant:o-u /au/au/au/au/au/ ) 2. Learn the words with the sound /a/ T: Today we have a new friend. Its a . Its a brown mouse. (show the picture ) (phonics 教授单词 mouse) 板书: m o u s e 老师读发音,学生说字母,如:/m/ /au/ /s/ 3. learn the words “house, playground” and the chant 老师哼着歌:There is a brown mouse, down, down, down, down to the town. T: In the town, there are two magical houses. There are many sounds in house 1. The mouse goes into it. 1) Learn “house” and “playground” T:In House 1, there is a nice sound. Listen! T: What can you hear? A little mouse is in the . Ss: House. T: Where is the little mouse? (CAI:出现另一只老鼠图片) Ss: Its in the house. T: Lets spell the word “house”. ( 板书:如同以上 mouse 的做法,边拼读边写,教师可提醒学生 mouse 与 house 仅一字母 不同,做到知识的迁移。) (再次听 chant,听出 ground,教师同样让学生拼读自己在黑板上写下单词。CAI:在地面上 出现箭头,直观地让学生明白 ground 的意义。再以同样的方式教授 sound,以此记住 playground,并要求学生根据读音,spell the word :playground) 2)chant together. 4. Learn other new words: mouth, mountain, cloudy T: Mouse goes into house 2,there are some new words with “ou /a/”,the mouse can read it,can you? (Tips:1. Read by yourself. 2. Try in four. If you cant, please ask your friends or the teacher.) 5. Read more words (Ss try more words in their groups, then check.) T: You can read the sound /a/ very well. Here are more words for you. Lets try together. 6. Listen and say. (听读课本内容)(听读课本内容) Step3: Practice 1. Make sentence:让学生用课本的单词造句,进一下发展了学生的能力 2. Listen and and try to write the words.(听音写单词)听音写单词) 3. Chant Activity 1) Listen and circle T: After visited two houses, the mouse was tired. He wants to chant. Listen to his chant and circle the words with the sound /a/,通过练习巩固了 ou /a/的发音 2) Listen and chant together Step4: More reading 1)T: The mouse finds another nice house. Look, the mouse is round. (教师运用肢体动作让学生体会 round 的意思) T: It is a round house .Lets enjoy the story. (After reading) T: Where is the round ball now? Is it in the round house? Ss: No. T: Oh, the round ball is in the town. Look, it is on the cloud. 2)Read , then circle the words with the sound /a/ 3) Excercise:判断画线部分发音是()否()相同。 Step5 Summary T: In this lesson, we know “ou” sounds /a/. Sometimes “ou” also can sound /u/ , / /, /u:/ Step6 Homework. 1.Write the words in P53,then use each word to make a sentence. (抄写第 53 页单词,并用每个 单词造一个句子) 2. Read the words for five times.(和你的小伙伴们一起读读这个故事吧。) 3. Try to find out more words with”ou”. (尝试找出更多带有“ou”字母的单词。) 板书设计: A brown mouse mountain mouse out shout stout house ou /a/. playground round around sound mouth cloudy cloud
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