粤教版(三起)五下-Review 1-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:100a0).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Review 1_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:100a0)
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Review 1 Lets go to travel! Summer holiday is coming! What are you going to do? Guess, where is Lizzie going? 1. Its a beautiful and famous country. 著名的 2. 3. Its a western country. 西方的 Clues: Talk about plan Hello! Im Lizzie. I am going to the UK by plane during the summer holiday. Im going to stay in a hotel. Im going to take photos, go sightseeing and eat great food! Its going to be rainy in the UK. Im going to bring an umbrella. Its going to be lots of fun! What about you? ead “br” own ing other eakfast br Chant What to bring? The weather in London Its going to rain. Im going to bring an umbrella. What to bring? The weather in London Its going to snow. Im going to bring some warm clothes. Its going to be sunny. Im going to bring sunglasses. Play cards Read about plan Where are they going? Theyre going to Beijing. 2 1 How are they going there? Theyre going by plane. 3 Where are they going to stay? Theyre going to stay with relatives. Listen and answer Read about plan Listen and judge ( )1. Gogo is going to take photos. ( )2. Gogo is not going to visit Tiananmen Square. ( )3. Gogo is going to eat some fruits. ( )4.Gogo and his parents like travelling. F F noodles T F Hello! I am Gogo! During the summer holiday, I am going to Beijing by plane with my parents. We re going to stay with relatives. First, were going to go sightseeing. Were going to visit the Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. And we are going to see the Great Wall of China. Then we are going to eat great food, we like eating noodles! Its going to rain, so we are going to bring umbrellas. I like reading, I am going to bring some books. We like travelling! Read about plan Tiananmen Square 天安门广场 Hello! I am Gogo! During the summer holiday, I am going to Beijing by plane with my parents. We re going to stay with relatives. First, were going to go sightseeing. Were going to visit the Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. And we are going to see the Great Wall of China. Then we are going to eat great food, we like eating noodles! Its going to rain, so we are going to bring umbrellas. I like reading, I am going to bring some books. We like travelling! Read about plan Forbidden City 故宫 Hello! I am Gogo! During the summer holiday, I am going to Beijing by plane with my parents. We re going to stay with relatives. First, were going to go sightseeing. Were going to visit the Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. And we are going to see the Great Wall of China. Then we are going to eat great food, we like eating noodles! Its going to rain, so we are going to bring umbrellas. I like reading, I am going to bring some books. We like travelling! Read about plan The Great Wall of China 中国长城 Hello! I am Gogo! During the summer holiday, I am going to Beijing by plane with my parents. We re going to stay with relatives. First, were going to go sightseeing. Were going to visit the Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. And we are going to see the Great Wall of China. Then we are going to eat great food, we like Zhajiang noodles! Its going to rain, so we are going to bring umbrellas. I like reading, I am going to bring some books. We like travelling! Read about plan Where to go? How to go? Where to stay? What to do? What to bring? Gogos vacation plan Beijing Plane Stay with relatives Go sightseeing Eat great food Umbrellas Books Make a Plan Hello! I am __________. I am going to _________by ______during the vacation. I am going to stay ____________. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Its going to be lots of fun! Make a Plan Share your plan with your friend. Ask about your friends plan. 向朋友分享你的计划并 采访朋友的计划 Do a report Hello! I am I am going to by. I am going to stay My friend is going toby He / She is going to British museum 大英博物馆 Big Ben 大本钟 London Eye 伦敦眼 London National Gallery 伦敦国家美术馆 Sunflowers 向日葵 Van Gogh 梵高 Travelling outside is amazing! But what should we remember most? 旅行真棒!但旅行中我们最应该注意什么? Be safe! 注意安全! 2019 Sri Lanka explosion 斯里兰卡遭袭击 How to be safe: Make a plan 出发前做好目的地调查和计划 Stay with your families 与家人待在一起 Stay alert 对陌生人保持警惕 Know the emergency number 记住紧急联系电话 Homework Share your plan with your friends and parents. 完善你的计划,并向家人与朋友分享。 Enrich your plan, add more details. Be safe and enjoy your travel during the summer holiday!Lets go to travel! 1.Listen and Answer Where are they going? _____________________________________________ How are they going there? _____________________________________________ Where are they going to stay? _____________________________________________ 2.Listen and judge. ( )1. Gogo is going to take photos. ( )2. Gogo is not going to visit Tiananmen Square. ( )3. Gogo is going to eat some fruits. ( )4. Gogo and his parents like travelling. 3.My Vacation Plan Hello! I am __________. I am going to _________by ______during the vacation. I am going to stay ____________. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Its going to be lots of fun! Word bank: sunglasses 太阳镜 umbrella 雨伞 warm clothes 暖和的衣服 books money phone 4.Do a survey Where to go? How to go?Where to stay? What to do? What to bring教学内容教学内容 Review 1 Lets go to travel!课时课时 1 1 课型课型复习课复习课 教材教材 分析分析本课时选自粤人民 2011 新课标版三年级起点 英语 五年级下册 Review 1。本课旨在复习前三个单元重点词汇及句型,主要练习 be going to 结构的特殊疑问句以及陈述句。引导学生熟练表达自己与他 人的假期计划,并能够正确询问他人的假期计划,增强综合语用能力。 学清学清 分析分析小学五年级学生以形象思维为主,具有一定的抽象思维。有强烈的好 奇心与求知欲强。经过将近三年的英语学习,有一定英语知识基础, 能听懂及看懂熟悉的语料,能用英语与他人进行基础交流。 本节复习课以闯关跟老师游英国为主线,结合游戏、歌曲、采访等形 式的活动,激发学生的英语学习兴趣,鼓励学生使用英语进行交流和 完成任务。本课时旨在能让大多数学生复习、巩固所学知识,拓宽学 生视野,了解用英语做计划的常用词与句型,培养用英语做计划的能 力。 教学教学 目标目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1. To understand and use the language pattern: Im going to; He/ She is going to 2. Know different transportation: plane, train, bus, bike, car 3. Use phrases to describe activities: shop for clothes, play games, visit relatives, take photos, go sightseeing 4. Know the meaning of “bring” and its relationship with weather. Try to express what to bring during the travel. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: 1. Correctly use words and phrases learnt in Unit1-Unit3 to talk about vacation plan. 2. Listen to and understand others vacation plan. 3. To read and retell others vacation plan. 4. To write about their own plan by using target language knowledge. 情感态度目标:情感态度目标: 1. Encourage students to communicate with others in English. 2. Promote students self-confidence and interests in using English. 3. Encourage students to cooperate with others in a group. 4. Show some pictures of UK to let students know that the world is big and waiting for us to discover. 学习策略目标:学习策略目标: 1. Encourage students using English to finish tasks. 2. Encourage students to understand new words and sentences by watching body languages. 文化意识目标:文化意识目标: 1. Introduce London to students. Encourage students to work hard and go around the world to feel different cultures. 2. Warn students to be safe during the travel. 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点教学重点: 1. The words of Unit 1-Unit 3 2. Patterns: Where are you going (to stay)? How are you going there? What are you going to do/ bring? Im going to He/She is going to. 3. Sounds: br /br/ 教学难点:教学难点: The relationship between weather and “what to bring”. 教教 学学 过过 程程 (一)(一)Warming-up 1. Free talk Whats the date today? Whats the weather like? Whats your favorite activities? Do you like swimming? Do you like travelling? 设计意图:通过 free talk 与学生拉近距离,引导学生开始讲英语,做 好上课准备,在复习旧知识的同时引入 travel 主题。 2. Sing a song about travel. 设计意图:学生喜欢唱歌,以唱歌的形式激发学生学习兴趣,激发对 旅游话题的好奇心和注意力。同时在唱歌时复习交通方式的词语,并 通过模仿不同交通方式的声音增强课堂趣味性。 (二)(二)Presentation 1. Summer holiday is coming, what are you going to do? Guess what is Miss Ou going to do? Lets students guess the place with 3 clues. 2. Introduce the topic: finish 3 tasks to travel with teacher. 设计意图:呈现本课情境,鼓励学生完成任务,与老师一起游英国。 Task 1: Talk about plan. 3. Students read about teachers vacation plan and try to conclude the 5 parts of a vacation plan: Where to go? How to go? Where to stay? What to do? What to bring. 设计意图:通过阅读老师的假期计划,学生尝试总结出做计划的 5 个 部分,引导学生思考与总结如何写一份计划,而不是只等待老师给出 答案。 4. Get to know more about the word: bring. Phonics: br /br/ sing and chant along the video 设计意图:What to bring 作为书本没有的拓展的部分,学生不太熟悉。 因此用肢体语言表现,使学生明白单词 bring 的含义。并从语音知识 br /br 开始引导学生学习 What to bring. 5. What to bring? Show the weather in London, and explain the relationship between weather and what to bring. Such as: rainy- umbrella, sunny- sunglasses, snowy- warm clothes. 设计意图:引导学生理解根据天气选择自己需要携带的物品之间的关 系,贴近现实生活,引导学生思考。 6. Play cards to review target words and pattern. 设计意图:前三单元涉及的词组较多,通过游戏串联起来,使学生在 玩游戏中复习词组与句型,享受说英语的快乐。 (三)(三)Practice Task 2 Read about plan. 1. Gogo is going to travel during the summer holiday, too. Listen to Gogos plan and answer the questions. 2. Listen again and judge. 3. Read and retell Gogos plan. 设计意图:将听力与阅读训练结合,使学生在进行充分的口语练习后 训练听力与阅读能力。最后阅读和总结复述 Gogo 的计划,与前面学 习的“计划五要素”向对应,加深学生理解。文章讲述了 Gogo 去北 京的计划,教师展示北京的一些标志旅游景点,使学生在完成练习之 余得到心灵的放松。 (四)(四)Consolidation and extension Task 3 Make a plan 1. Students make their own plan. 2. Students share their plan with classmates and do a survey about others plans. 3. Do a report about you and your friends vacation plan. 设计意图:学生经过听、说、读的练习后,将尝试根据前面提供的框 架“计划五要素”写出自己的假期计划。学生可以自由发挥,发挥想 象力,描述自己理想的旅游。完成后与同学分享,并采访同学的假期 计划。在真实的交际中体会英语,培养综合语用能力。 4. Students finish their tasks and go to travel the UK with teacher. 设计意图:学生完成任务,跟随教师一起了解英国风景,主要是介绍 英国的首府伦敦。从实际情况出发,本区的学生家庭条件一般,很少 有学生有机会出国游玩。教师希望利用自己曾经旅游的经历为主线, 给学生开一扇窗,看看外面的世界,给学生心里埋下好好努力,向外 探索的种子。 5. Emotional education: how to be safe during the travel: make a plan; stay with families; stay alert; know the emergency number. 设计意图:利用近期发生的斯里兰卡爆炸事件提醒学生关注旅行安全, 安全第一。 (五)(五)Summary and homework 1. Students summarize todays learning with teachers help. 2. Enrich the plan, add more details. Share your vacation plan with your friends and parents. 板书板书 设计设计 教学教学 反思反思 本节课内容选自粤人 2011 课标版三年级起点英语五年级下 Review 1,旨在复习前三单元所学,学会制定英语计划。本课教学目标明确,层层递 进,从易到难,思路清晰。 本课采用任务型教学以及情境教学法,使学生在闯关过程中得以巩固所学 知识,掌握设计和介绍假期计划的基本方法。同时课堂中设置了玩卡片、分享 采访计划等交流活动,培养学生用英语做事情的能力,促进综合素养的提升。 同时鼓励学生总结特点、复述计划,重视思维能力的锻炼。最后回归主线,带 领学生了解国外风情,激励学生探索不同文化。同时结合时事,提醒学生外出 游玩注意安全。 今后我将在英语教育路上继续探索,争取不断进步。
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