粤教版(三起)五下-Culture 1:Study Tour-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:91a1b).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Culture 1:Study Tour_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:91a1b)
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2. Is he rich(有钱的)? 1. Where is he from? How do you think about this boy? I am from Cambodia(柬埔寨). Its a small country in Southeast of Asia(东南亚). Its only little bigger than Henan Province(河南省) in China. People in Cambodia usually speak Khmer(高棉语). My country is poor. Most of the land are forests( 森林). A lot of people have a hard life(生活艰苦). Many Children sell things(卖东西) to make money, like me. About 85% of the people are busy in agriculture(农业). They plant rice, corns, beans, potatoes and so on. 2. Where is he from? 1. Is he a Chinese boy? Read and answer. Is he rich(有钱的) ? I am from Cambodia(柬埔寨). Its a small country in Southeast of Asia. Its only little bigger than Henan Province in China. People in Cambodia usually speak Khmer(高棉语). My country is poor. Most of the land are forests. A lot of people have a hard life. Many Children sell things to make money, like me. About 85% of the people are busy in agriculture(农业). They plant rice, corns, beans, potatoes and so on. CAMBODIACAMBODIA 2. Where is he from? 1. Is he a Chinese boy? No, he isnt. He is from Cambodia. Read and answer. Is he rich(有钱的) ?No, he isnt. Read the passage 1 ( )1. People in Cambodia usually speak . A. Chinese B. Khmer C. English ( )2. Cambodia is a country. A. small B. big C. very big B A Hello my friends, let me tell you about the customs( 风俗) in our country. Now, more and more people come to our country to have a trip(旅游). Different places(地方) have different cultures. You need to know about Cambodian customs. In Cambodia, people dont like white. When we see white, we think of death(死亡). People dont bring shoes to the temples(庙庙,寺). We never(从不) use left hands (左手) to give something to other people because we think left hands are not clean. You mustnt(不能) touch Cambodians heads, especially childrens heads. We dont like peacocks because we think peacocks are unlucky (不吉祥的) animals. Now, more and more people come to our country to have a trip. Different places have different cultures. You need to know about Cambodian customs(风俗). In Cambodia, people dont like white. When we see white, we think of death. People dont bring shoes to the temples. We never(从不) use left hands to give something to other people because we think left hands are not clean. You mustnt(不能) touch Cambodians heads, especially(特别) childrens heads. We dont like peacocks because we think peacocks are unlucky(不吉祥的) animals. CUSTOMS IN CAMBODIACUSTOMS IN CAMBODIA 1)People in Cambodia dont like white. 2)People cant bring shoes to the temples. 3)You cant use left hand to give things. 4)You cant touch peoples heads. 5)People in Cambodia dont like peacocks. Customs in CambodiaCustoms in Cambodia ( ) 1. People dont like white in Cambodia. ( ) 2. People can bring shoes to the temples. ( )3. People in Cambodia use left hand to give things. ( )4. We mustnt touch childrens heads in Cambodia. ( )5. Cambodians think peacocks are lucky animals. T F F T F Read and judge. Groupwork(小组合作) Show the customs in Cambodia. 小组长用英语介绍柬埔寨的习俗;组员:每人举一张卡片。 Next, I want to tell you about our Water Festival in our country. There are many festivals in Cambodia. Such as New Years Day, Water Festival, Kite Festival, SanZang Festival and so on(等等 ). Water Festival Water Festival is one of the most important festivals in Cambodia. We celebrate(庆祝) for three days in November. On 1st day, there is the opening ceremony (开幕 式)and Dragon Boat Race(龙舟赛). On 2nd day, people go on Dragon Boat Race in the daytime and worship the moon(拜月) at night. On 3rd day, people go on Dragon Boat Race in the daytime, too. And people will put the lights on the water at night. 放 水 灯 Cambodian girls will dance in Water Festival, too. We love this festival very much and have a good time. There are many festivals in Cambodia. Such as New Years Day, Water Festival, Kite Festival, SanZang Festival and so on. Water Festival is one of the most important festivals(重要节日) in Cambodia. We celebrate(庆祝) for three days in November. On 1st day, there is the opening ceremony and Dragon Boat Race. On 2nd day, people go on Dragon Boat Race in the daytime and worship the moon at night. On 3rd day, people go on Dragon Boat Race in the daytime(白天), too. And people will put the lights on the water(放水灯) at night. Cambodian girls will dance in this festival, too. We love this festival very much and have a good time . WATER FESTIVAL IN CAMBODIAWATER FESTIVAL IN CAMBODIA Choose the best answer. ( )1. is one of the most important festivals in Cambodia. A. Spring Festival B. Childrens Day C. Water Festival ( )2. People in Cambodia celebrate(庆祝) Water Festival in . A. November B. May C. October ( )3. People celebrate(庆祝) Water Festival for days. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 ( )4. Cambodians have in Water Festival. A. Dragon Boat Race B. basketball game C. swimming race C A B A Finally, if you want to come to our country. You should know about the weather and food. Our country is very beautiful . The air is clean. The sky is blue. It is often hot and rainy. It is good for planting. It is not too cold or too hot in December and January. Its about 20 . So its good for visiting Cambodia at this time of the year. Cambodians like all kinds of(各种各样的) food. People like eating rice, vegetables, fish and so on. Some food in Cambodia is like Chinese food. People also like western food, such as hamburgers and chips. Our country is very beautiful . The air is clean. The sky is blue. It is often hot and rainy. It is good for planting(种植). It is not too cold or too hot in December and January. Its about 20 . So its good for visiting Cambodia at this time of the year. Cambodians like all kinds of(各种各样) food. People like eating rice, vegetables, fish and so on. Some food in Cambodia is like Chinese food. People also like western food, such as(例如) hamburgers and chips. WEATHER AND FOOD IN CAMBODIAWEATHER AND FOOD IN CAMBODIA Read and fill in the table. To visit Cambodia To visit Cambodia thebest(最好的)time Weather Food December and January oftenhotandrainy allkindsoffood Summary Helloeveryone,Cambodiaisasmalland _______country._______isanimportant festival.PeoplecelebrateWaterFestivalfor _______days.ThebesttimetovisitCambodiaisin _______and_______.TheweatherinCambodia isoften_______and_______. poor Water Festival thre e DecemberJanuary hotrainy Because the family is poor(穷的). The boy must sell things to make money. The boy is reading around the rubbish. They dont have nice clothes to wear. They have no food. Wehavebeautifulschools,niceclothes andtasty(美味的)food.Wearesolucky. Cherishthelifeatpresent andstudyhard 珍惜当下,好好学习 1.Telltheboysstorytoyourparents; 2.TointroducetheCambodiancustomstoyour friends. HomeworkHomeworkHomeworkHomework1 Read the passage 1 Cambodia I am from Cambodia(柬埔寨). Its a small country in Southeast of Asia. Its only little bigger than Henan Province in China. People in Cambodia usually speak Khmer(高棉语). My country is poor. Most of the land(陆地) are forests. A lot of people have a hard life. Many Children sell things to make money, like me. About 85% of the people are busy in agriculture. They plant rice, corns, beans, potatoes and so on. New words: in Southeast Asia 东南亚 little bigger 大一点点 Henan Province 河南省 forests 森林 more than 超过 poor 穷的 sell 卖 make money 赚钱 agriculture 农业 hard life 艰苦生活 ( )1. People in Cambodia usually speak . A. Chinese B. Khmer C. English ( )2. Cambodia is a country. A. small B. big C. very big Read the passage 2 Cambodian customs Now, more and more people come to our country to have a trip. Different places have different cultures. You need to know about Cambodian customs(风俗). In Cambodia, people dont like white. When we see white, we think of death. People dont bring shoes to the temples. We never use left hands to give something to other people because we think left hands are not clean. You mustnt touch Cambodians heads, especially childrens heads. We do not like peacocks because we think peacocks are unlucky animals. New words: death 死亡 temples 寺,庙 left hand 左 手 peacocks 孔雀 Read the passage and choose True or False. ( ) 1. People dont like white in Cambodia. ( ) 2. People can bring shoes to the temples. ( ) 3. People in Cambodia use left hand to give things. ( ) 4. We cant touch childrens heads in Cambodia. ( ) 5. Cambodians think peacocks are lucky animals. Read the passage 3 Water Festival There are many festivals in Cambodia. Such as New Years Day, Water Festival, Kite Festival, SanZang Festival and so on. Water Festival is one of the most 2 important festivals in Cambodia. We celebrate(庆祝) for three days in November. On 1st day, there is the opening ceremony and Dragon Boat Race. On 2nd day, people go on Dragon Boat Race in the daytime and worship the moon at night. On 3rd day, people go on Dragon Boat Race in the daytime, too. And people will put the lights on the water at night. Cambodian girls will dance in this festival, too. We love this festival very much and have a good time. New words: Dragon Boat Race 龙舟赛 opening ceremony 开幕式 daytime 白天 worship the moon 拜月 celebrated 庆祝 ( )1. is one of the most important festivals in Cambodia. A. Spring Festival B. Childrens Day C. Water Festival ( )2. People in Cambodia celebrate(庆祝) Water Festival in . A. November B. May C. October ( )3. People celebrate(庆祝) Water Festival for days. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 ( )4. Cambodians have for 3 days in Water Festival. A. Dragon Boat Race B. basketball game C. swimming race Read the passage 4 Weather and Food in Cambodia Our country is very beautiful . The air is clean. The sky is blue. It is often hot and rainy. It is good for planting. It is not too cold or too hot in December and January. Its about 20 . So its good for visiting Cambodia at this time of the year. Cambodians like all kinds of food. People like eating rice, vegetables, fish and so on. Some food in Cambodia is like Chinese food. People also like western food, such as hamburgers and chips. New words: Cambodians 柬埔寨人 all kinds of 各种各样 of the year一年之中的 such as 例如 To visit Cambodia The best(最好的)time and Weather Often and Food all of1 Cambodia教学设计教学设计 1. 知识目标 (1) 学生能读懂文章的大意; (2)掌握词汇和词组:Cambodia, poor, agriculture, place, temples, peacocks, Dragon Boat Race, celebrate, opening ceremony, daytime, plant, worship the moon, chips. 2. 能力目标 (1) 帮助学生掌握阅读技巧; (2) 提高学生的阅读能力; (3) 让学生在文化对比中提升文化交际能力。 3. 情感目标 (1) 让学生理解柬埔寨的风俗习惯和节日文化中的精髓和传统; (2) 鼓动学生主动了解一带一路国家节日文化融合点,尊重国家的节日文化差异。 二、教学重点二、教学重点 1. 使学生掌握柬埔寨的风俗习惯并能用英语口头表达出来; 2. 了解柬埔寨的重大节日以及天气和食物等。 三、教学难点三、教学难点 1. 柬埔寨重要节日中部分习俗活动的短语和句型。 2. 学生能读懂文章大意,并且能够回答相关问题。 四、教学准备四、教学准备 学生准备:学生准备:全班分八个大组,有些活动是个人完成,有些活动是小组内完成。 教师准备:教师准备:多媒体课件,教具和奖品等。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step1.Step1. Pre-reading:Pre-reading: 1. Greetings and free talk. 2. Watch a video about a boy and guess : Where is he from ? 【设计意图设计意图】 1)通过 free talk 并让学生看视频,这位九岁的小男孩会九种语言,上学生猜这个聪明 的小男孩到底是来自哪个国家? 2)吸引全体学生关注这位小男孩子,激发学生能更深入地学习了解一些有柬埔寨的文化。 Step2Step2 .While-reading:.While-reading: TaskTask 1.1. FastFast readingreading PassagePassage 1 1 BriefBrief IntroductionIntroduction ofof Cambodia.Cambodia. 2 【设计意图设计意图】 学生通过看地图和阅读第一篇文章,运用 skimming 的阅读技巧找到问题的答案。同时了 解柬埔寨的基本信息,为下文其他风俗和节日文化的学习做铺垫。 Step3Step3 DetailDetail readingreading: Passage 2Cambodian customs Task2. Watch and listen, then choose the answer. TaskTask 3.3. GroupGroup work.work. 【设计意图设计意图】 3 通过小男孩的介绍,学生能直观了解柬埔寨的习俗,并能很好地完成判断题。接着通过小 组合作,学生在小组长的带领下能流利地介绍柬埔寨的风俗,同时也调动了学生的视觉、听觉 以及思维,培养了观察和听的习惯,提高了观察能力和听力能力。 TaskTask 4.4. ListenListen andand readread PassagePassage 3,3, thenthen finishfinish thethe answersanswers. . 【设计意图设计意图】 作为精读材料,也是本节课的主体部分之一,通过听读文本让学生整体地了柬埔寨人过 Water Festival 的风俗习惯。让学生带着任务自主阅读完后,通过做选择题,更好地了解和 掌握柬埔寨的 Water Festival 的节日文化细节信息。 TaskTask 5:5: Listen, read passage 4 and finish the information in the table. . 【设计意图设计意图】 通过小男孩的介绍,让读者了解到柬埔寨的天气和当地人的饮食习惯,从而让想去柬埔 寨的人能更好地适应那里的气候和饮食习惯。 Step4Step4 Summary:Summary: 【设计意图设计意图】 4 用简单的几句英语句子将四篇短文的主要内容复述出来,用填空题的形式,让学生把四 篇短文连贯在一起,对整节课学习到的内容的“柬埔寨的认识”来一次归纳,帮助学生把学习 的知识,让英语小作文的形式呈现出来。 Step5Step5 AffectiveAffective educationeducation : : CherishCherish thethe lifelife atat presentpresent andand studystudy hard.hard. 【设计意图设计意图】本环节是情感教育环节,用图片对比,让学生知道自己的生活是很幸福的!让学 生感恩父母,感恩老师,感恩祖国,立志要好好学习,更有效地回报父母、老师和祖国。 Step6Step6 HomeworkHomework 1.Tell the boys story to your parents 2.To introduce the customs in Cambodia to your friends.
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