冀教版一起三下-Unit 2 Animal Friends-Lesson 8 What Can They Do -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:b24f2).zip


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    • 冀教2011课标版一年级起点_三年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Animal Friends_Lesson 8 What Can They Do _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:b24f2)
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冀教版小学英语 三年级下册(一年级起点) Lesson 8 What can they do? 授课人:沧州市新华区北环路小学 闫丽华 dog cat bird fish rabbit Talk,talk,I can talk. Cat,cat, Can you talk? No, I cant. I can sing. Dog, dog, Can you sing? Yes, I can. I can sing and dance. d an c e si n g b i r d 1 2 3 Fish, fish, what can you do? Swim, swim, I can swim. A fish can swim. Bird, bird , What can you do? Fly, fly, I can fly. A bird can fly. Rabbit, rabbit, What can you do? Hop, hop,I can hop. hop A rabbit can hop. sing dance swim hopfly talk A A A A A cat fishcan dog birdcan rabbitcan hop fly swim cantsing cantfly “Thatbirdhassomemeat.Iwant Oh,Ihaveagoodidea.” “Hi,bird,itsagoodday.Canyouplay withme?” “No,Icant.” “Hi,bird.Youaresobeautiful.Canyou dance?” “No,Icant.” “Imsureyouhaveagoodvoice.Canyou sing?” “Waayaa,Icansing.Oh,mymeat!” Letschant! Icanswim.Canyou?Canyou? Icandance.Canyou?Canyou? Icansee.Canyou?Canyou? Icansing.Canyou?Canyou? Icantalk.Canyou?Canyou? Icanhop.Canyou?Canyou? You can try. Is he super? He has no arms or legs. But he can . He cant walk.But he can explore the universe. (探索宇宙) She cant hear. But She can dance. He cant see. But he can sing. She cant run. But she can hop. He cant walk. But he can swim. Where there is a will,there is a way.(有志者事竟成 ) Homework: 1、从cat, dog, fish, bird, rabbit中选择 一种小动物调查有哪些本领。 2、用句型A ___ can ___.和 A ___ cant ___.介绍这种小动物的本领。 sing dance draw talk sing read books write hop play ping-pong swim run play basketball fly cook Lets talk with I can I cantLesson 8 What Can They Do? 学生分析:学生分析: 小学三年级学生年龄较小,有意注意的时间比较短,通过多种 方式激发并保持学生对英语学习的兴趣,创设情境培养他们的交流 合作意识。教学这节课之前,学生学习过词汇 see, talk, sing, dance, fly, dog, cat, bird, fish. 见过 Can you ? Yes, I can. No, I cant. 这些句型,学生们需要进一步巩固运用更多的 询问及介绍自己的能力的英语表达交流方式。Can you ? I can . 教材分析:教材分析: 本课的教学内容来源于冀教版小学英语三年级下册第二单元, 是这一单元的第二课时,学生将学习名词 bird 和 rabbit,学习动 词 sing, dance, fly, talk, swim, hop 和句型 A fish can swim. 巩固运用句型 Can you ? 来询问对方会做什么事,并根据问 题做相应的回答。 本课时教学重难点:本课时教学重难点: 教学重点在于单词的正确发音,并能准确听,说,读,演,唱 sing, dance, fly, talk, swim, hop 会写 bird, sing, dance,掌 握句型 A fish can swim.教学难点在于如何将所学知识运用到实际 生活中去,熟练运用句型 I can ?Can you ? Yes, I can. No, I cant.跟别人交流。 教学目标:教学目标: 1、学生能准确听、说、读、演、唱单词 sing, dance, swim, hop, fly 会写 bird, sing, dance。 2、学生们能在实际生活中运用 A can .来描述动物能做什么 和 I can .描述自己能做什么;并能使用 Can you ? What can you do? 询问对方会做什么事,并能做出相应的回答。 3、通过激励性语言、肢体语言、奖励机制和评价机制,激发学生的 学习热情并持续保持积极性。设计活动让学生自由表达,有利于学 生自信心的培养,小组合作活动增进学生之间的交流、培养合作意 识。 引导学生正确看待每个人的优点和不足,树立不惧困难,勇于突破 自我的人生观。 教学过程:教学过程: Warm up : Greet the students. T: Good morning, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning, Miss Yan! T: How are you today? Ss: I am fine. Thank you. Presentation: T: Tomorrow is Childrens Day. Are you happy? (生答) Youre happy. I am happy. She is happy, too. T: Do you know her? She is ? (Lily) Lily has three animal friends. Do you remember? This is Kate. She likes bones. What is it? She is a (dog). This is Alan. He likes fish, What is it? He is a (cat). This is Joy. She likes worms. What is it? She is a (bird). Teach the word bird. T: B-I-R-D, (强调 ir 的发音) T: Youre the bird team. Today Lily gets two gifts, two animal friends. What are they? Can you guess? This one , It has no legs. But it has a beautiful tail. It is a (fish). It has a short tail. And it has long ears. It is a (rabbit). Teach the word rabbit. T: ra-bbit, (按音节来教) T: Youre the rabbit team. 2、T: On Childrens Day, Lily wants to have a party . What Can They Do? Lets see. Lily says, I can talk. Talk, talk, I can talk. T1T2T3T4 练说。 Good job! Then Lily ask. C a t, c a t, c a n y o u t a l k? C a t: N o, I c a n t.I c a n s i n g. T: Now, Im Lily. Youre the cat. Cat, cat, can you talk? Ss:No, I cant. I can sing. 师问 T1,T1 问 T2,T2 问 T3,T3 问 T4. Teach the word sing(强调 ing 发音) 教师带领学生们一起问 Dog, dog, Can you sing? 图片上的 Danny 边跳舞边说:Yes, I can. I can sing and dance. T: Now, Im Lily. Youre the dog. Dog, dog, can you sing? Ss: Yes, I can. I can sing and dance. T: Now, Im the dog. Youre Lily. You ask me. 生问师:Can you sing? 师:Yes, I can. I can sing and dance. Now lets work in pairs. 同桌互问互答。 展示 2 组。Boys,girls。 Teach the word dance. D-AN-C-E(强调字母 e 不发音) T: Next is fish. Lets ask with Lily together. Fish, fish, what can you do? (图片上的鱼边游边说:)Swim, swim, I can swim. T: Now, I can swim. Can you ? Practice: Swim, swim, I can swim. S1 ,S2, S3,Together。 T: Then Lily says: A fish can swim. Practice the sentence. T: Now comes the bird. Lets ask with Lily together. Bird, bird, what can you do? (图片上的鸟边飞边说:)Fly, fly, I can fly. Practice: I can fly. 板书 fly。Boys say, girls say. T:Fly, fly, A bird can fly. Practice the sentence. T: Then turns the rabbit. Lets ask with Lily together. Rabbit, rabbit, what can you do? (图片上的兔子边跳边说:)hop, hop, I can hop. Practice: Hop, hop, I can hop. S1,S2,S3, together.板书 hop。 A rabbit can hop. Practice the sentence. PRACE 打地鼠游戏,学生看图说词。( swim, hop, fly, talk, sing, dance, ) Open the book, read the text. Task1 青蛙过河,拼词游戏。A: A rabbit can . Task2 Who is super? (小组四人抽取卡片决定每人饰演的小动物。) 1 、 小 组 合 作 完 成 问 答。 I c a n . C a n y o u ? Y e s, I c a n. N o, I c a n t. 2、找出每种小动物能做到的事,用句型 A can .造句。 Animals swimflyrunhopwalk fish bird rabbit dog Who is super? The dog is super. And youre super, too. Chant I can fly. Can you? Can you? I can swim. Can you?Can you? I can dance. Can you?Can you? I can see. Can you?Can you? I can sing. Can you?Can you? I can talk. Can you?Can you? I can hop. Can you?Can you? Task 4 While-reading 1. Watch the story. 2. Fill in the blanks. 3. Dub for the story. 4. Act out the story. T:Something you can do, something you cant do. But, you can try. If you can make impossible possible, youll be super. 出示尼克的演讲视频+图片。霍金、表演千手观音的聋哑人等。 Homework: 1、调查一种你喜爱的小动物的本领,并用 A can .造句。 2、调查你的一个好朋友都能做什么,下节课交流。 (句型 Can you ? What can you do?) CLASS CLOSING Well done, class! Can you share with your parents some of the information we have learned. “That has some meat.” Oh, I have a good idea.” “Hi, , its a good day. Can you play with me?” “ , I cant.” “Hi, bird. You are so beautiful. Can you ?” “ , I cant.” “Im sure you have wonderful voice . Can you ?” “Waayaa, I can . Oh, my meat!”Do you know her?(这时, 只出现lily)其他的三个动物 遮挡住。 Lily有三个好朋友,你们还 都记得吗? This is Kate. She is black.what is it? She is a (dog).这时出现狗。 This is Alan. He is white.what is it? He is a (cat).这时出现猫。 This is Joy. She is not a dog.She is not a cat.what is it? She is a (bird).这时出现鸟 这是Lily 儿童节的礼物。 他们是两个新的动物朋友。 你们猜猜他们是什么? It has no legs. But it has a beautiful tail. What is it? It is a (fish).这时出现鱼。 It has a short tail. It has long ears. What is it? It is a (rabbit).这时出现兔。 明天是六一儿童节,他们都想 跟lily一起去。你们愿意看到他 们来表演吗? 那我们来问问他们都会什么? Rabbit, rabbit, what can you do? Fish,fish,what can you do? 链接鱼的那张幻灯片。 再问, Bird, bird, what can you do? 链接鸟飞的那张幻灯片 rabbit, rabbit, what can you do? I can hop. hop I can hop. I can hop. Hop, hop, I can hop. A rabbit can hop. Fish, fish, what can you do? 这个 背景 我去 不掉 了? I can swim. A fish can swim. Bird, bird , what can you do? I can fly. A bird can fly. Cat,cat,Can you fly? 在lily问的时候, 能让lily的眼睛看 着猫吗? No, I cant. No, I cant. I can sing. sing Sing,sing, I can sing. A cat cant fly. 在lily问的时候, 能让lily的眼睛看 着猫吗? A cat can sing. 在lily问的时候, 能让lily的眼睛看 着猫吗? Dog, dog, can you sing? Yes, I can. I can sing and dance. dance I can talk. I can talk and . I can . I can and . talk I can sing. I can dance. I can swim. I can hop.I can draw. I can write. 第27张作为练习地鼠游戏。出现一张图, 学生说句子。不按顺序出现。 第一组,出现图片,学生反应说单词。 第二组,出现单词,学生认读单词。 Is he super? He has no arms or legs. But he can . He cant walk.But he can explore the universe. (探索宇宙) She cant hear. But She can dance. He cant see. But he can sing. She cant run. But she can hop. He cant walk. But he can swim. She is the champion of womens 400m freestyle S9 final in paralympic games . 中国第八届残奥会400米游泳冠军。 丽水市城北小学rabbit, rabbit, what can you do? I can hop. A rabbit can hop. Hop, hop, I can hop. Fish, fish, what can you do? I can swim. A fish can swim. Bird, bird , what can you do? I can fly. A bird can fly. Can you fly? 在lily问的时候, 能让lily的眼睛 看着猫吗? No, I cant. I can sing. Sing,sing, we can sing. Dog, dog, can you sing? Yes, I can. I can sing and dance. I can talk. I can talk and . I can sing. I can dance. I can swim. I can hop.I can draw. I can write. sing dance swim hopdraw write Is he super? He has no arms or legs. But he can . He cant walk.But he can explore the universe. (探索宇宙) She cant hear. But She can dance. He cant see. But he can sing. She cant run. But she can hop. He cant walk. But he can swim. She is the champion of womens 400m freestyle S9 final in paralympic games . 中国第八届残奥会400米游泳冠军 。 丽水市城北小学A bird was sitting in a tree with a piece of meat in his mouth. A fox saw this and stopped to think. “That bird has some delicious meat.” I wonder if there is a way I get it. Oh, I have a good idea.” ”Hi, bird, its such a nice day. Can you play with me?” “No, I cant.” “Hi, bird, you have such nice black feathers. You are so pretty. Can you dance?” “No, I cant.” “Since you have great feathers, Im sure you have the prettiest voice of all the birds. Can you sing a song?” “Waayaa,I can sing. Oh, my meat!” When the bird opens the mouth to sing, the meat falls to the ground. The fox picks up the meat and run away. A bird was sitting in a tree with some meat in his mouth. A fox saw this and stopped to think. “That bird has some delicious meat.” Oh, I have a good idea.” ”Hi, bird, its a nice day. Can you play with me?” “No, I cant.” “Hi, bird, you have nice black feathers. You are so beautiful. Can you dance?” “No, I cant.” “You have great feathers. Im sure you have the most wonderful voice of all the birds. Can you sing a song?” “Waayaa, I can sing. Oh, my meat!” When the bird opens the mouth to sing, the meat falls to the ground. The fox picks up the meat and run away. “That has some meat. I want Oh, I have a good idea.” “Hi, , its a good day. Can you play with me?” “ , I cant.” “Hi, . You are so beautiful. Can you ?” “ , I cant.” “Im sure you have a good voice . Can you ?” “Waayaa, I can . Oh, my meat!”
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